It's Mueller Time!

What I'm hearing is that the two sides are coming in with their pre-packaged questions, but nobody is reacting to the distortions of the preceding questioner(s). Very disappointing.

I realize that they have a very limited amount of time, but in interview parlance, they are all being presented with huge softballs, but are ignoring them.

Big Point being IGNORED by the R's: There is NOTHING WRONG and NOTHING ILLEGAL and NOTHING UNETHICAL about receiving, accepting and using TRUTHFUL, VERIFIED, NON-PUBLISHED but NON-CLASSIFIED information from a foreigner about a political opponent, even if that information could be valuable in the political campaign.

Specifically, they are talking about the Russians providing "dirt" to Donald Jr. on HRC. Truthful information? Call it "dirt" or call it whatever you want. If it is actual, truthful, documented information, there is nothing wrong with it.
Chuck Todd is about to blow a gasket...his dream of ramping up an impeachment has blown up in front of him....
You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

Along with perjury charges for Mueller.
Oh? Perjury for what?
The list will be out tonight.

It’s over for you. Curtains.

How can he not be familiar with Fusion GPS? Every USMB member more informed than him?

You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

So Steele committed a crime. Glad you finally admitted that. He was paid by Comey and McCabe and Strozk for his actions, so that makes them accessories to a crime.

Steele is getting sued by Russian Oligarchs.... Sorry you are all pro Russia and want the US undermined...
Second allegation... Again Proof...

Goodness, reaching far beyond the issues at hand to try to implicate it involves Trump. How silly that sounds.
1) Trump commuted an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

With precision, Rep. Jeffries ticks through the three elements proving obstruction of justice

Seems clear to me

The "act" was carried out? When was it that Don McGahn fired Robert Mueller? Mueller testified that nobody interfered in his investigation. That's the end of any "obstruction" claims, Skews! Did people in the Trump White House TALK about firing Mueller? Hell, yeah!!! Trump was pissed off at the farce that was taking place! He knew he never colluded with Russia to win the election. He knew Hillary Clinton DID collude with foreign nationals in an attempt to smear Trump and win the election! How could he NOT talk about firing Mueller?
And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

Along with perjury charges for Mueller.
Oh? Perjury for what?
The list will be out tonight.

It’s over for you. Curtains.

View attachment 270816

Which means you don't actually know and you're hoping someone will tell you.


This is why I love cons, you guys always crack me up.
Amazing. 550 posts on a hearing that isn't even half over yet! And the democrats case so weak that not only did half the Dems just repeat the same crap over and over verbatim ad nauseum wasting everyone's time with nothing new, rant on and on with dramatic and colorful metaphors and baseless conclusions that had no substantiation without even asking Mueller any questions, but now all the leftwits on here apparently realize the Dem's case so weak they are on here lying making shit up not ever said or proven in the actual hearing because they still haven't the hard facts of any real case!
Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.
What? You think he should wait until the investigation is well under way and THEN start wondering how to stop it? Oh my, Trump is way stupider than I thought.
You're also an imbecile. G5000 implies Trump obstructed the investigation before it even existed. That's a logical impossibility, shit for brains. You're so fucking stupid that you don't understand that even after I pointed it out.
...and Trump never said that Russia-interference was a "Hoax; what he said was that the claim that there was a CONSPIRACY between his campaign and the Russian government was a hoax.
On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

Along with perjury charges for Mueller.
Oh? Perjury for what?
The list will be out tonight.

It’s over for you. Curtains.

View attachment 270816

Which means you don't actually know and you're hoping someone will tell you.


This is why I love cons, you guys always crack me up.
Oh, boy. You’re in for some Preparation PH.
"Can you give me an example other than Donald Trump where the Justice Department determined that an investigated person is not exonerated because their innocence was not conclusively determined?" Ratcliffe asked.

Mueller replied that he could not identify another person who was ever held to the same standard as Trump, but added that "this is a unique situation."

Along with perjury charges for Mueller.
Oh? Perjury for what?
The list will be out tonight.

It’s over for you. Curtains.

View attachment 270816

Which means you don't actually know and you're hoping someone will tell you.


This is why I love cons, you guys always crack me up.
Oh, boy. You’re in for some Preparation PH.
I am, huh? Why is that?
Mueller had no idea almost his entire staff hated President Trump!

Good thing he took action when their hatred was made pub-... I mean when he found out!
Mueller is pathetic and the filthy Democrats are coming across as TDS afflicted assholes, once again.

Nothing ever pans out for the TDS afflicted Democrat Moon Bats, does it?

Time again they put their hopes on something just to be disappointed. They ain't gonna get Trump. They should have known that by now after so many failed attempts.

Sounds like the Moon Bats will have to be howling at the sky once again to release their frustrations. Maybe march around again with their pink pussy hats.
1) Trump commuted an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

With precision, Rep. Jeffries ticks through the three elements proving obstruction of justice

Seems clear to me

The most clear and evident Obstruction of Justice was committed by Hussein Obama when he forbid the federal government from interfering with Iran's/Hezbollah's selling cocaine in the United States.

It is the only real obstruction.

"Project Cassandra is an effort led by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to undercut Hezbollah funding from illicit drug sources.[1] Launched in 2008, the project was said to be investigating the terrorist organization's funding.[2] According to the DEA, Hezbollah has become increasingly involved with drug trafficking and organized crime as a method of funding its activities.[3][4] The investigation was tracking how large sums of money were being laundered from the Americas, through Africa, and to Lebanon into Hezbollah's coffers.[5]

An investigative report published by Politico in December 2017, described how, during the Obama administration, concerns regarding the Iran nuclear deal took precedence over the DEA project."
Project Cassandra - Wikipedia

What we have here is an example of rule #2

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.


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