It's Mueller Time!

Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.
How can he not be familiar with Fusion GPS? Every USMB member more informed than him?

You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

Along with perjury charges for Mueller.
Well, tomorrow is the day we've been waiting for... so get your beer and let's party!

What do you expect from the questioning and his answers? Anything new?

I watched part of Hannity tonight and he went over questions that would be very hard for him to answer.

Is he going to stick only to the parameters of the report?

I tried to watch Hannity but the unrestrained tirade went on and on and on and kept going on and on until I finally exercised my right of the remote and shut him to F up myself. Someone needs to put a bozo button control on that clown. Don't get me wrong, I'm a devoted conservative, even far right but sometimes that clown needs to be gagged, muzzled and caged.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime. The evidence of that crime or the suggestion of a High Crime or Misdemeanor being committed, must be cited to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel. That is the sole purpose of a Special Counsel.

Yet no alleged crime was cited. They simply went in search of a crime, which is very Russian Like, and is in conflict with the laws, statutes and policies outlining the creation and appointment of a special counsel.

The Soviet Union called and wants their Cold War back.

Obama answered that call, and it was Putin on the other line, running The Obama DOJ and FBI.


Some call that treason.

The Democrat Party just calls that a day at the office.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime.

but it has to be a valid investigation! it wasn't, the mere fact he didn't find russia interference. He didn't say how they did it, so therefore it didn't happen.

Have you been living under a rock? It's undisputed fact that Russia attempted to sway our election. How can you sit there with a straight face and post otherwise?
Silly Memes do not sway elections.

However Clinton and Obama paying $13 Million for Scandalous and False Russian Propaganda, splashing that on every newspaper, broadcasting it on every TV Channel, and using it to launch an Espionage Operation and Hoax Investigation through a weaponized and proven to be biased Obama FBI & DOJ, could sway an election.

But Mueller never even looked at that.

Don't you find that strange?

Has he been living under a rock?

You that is False Russian Propaganda.... They need useful idiots like you...
So when is Russian Propaganda not False?
And why do you approve of Clinton and Obama Colluding with Russia to attempt to alter the results of the election in their favor?
If POTUS “wanted”to fire Mueller, but DID the mother fuck is that obstruction?

Trump ordered the firing of Mueller and other interference in the investigation.

The only reason it didn't happen was due to INSUBORDINATION. His people straight up REFUSED his corrupt orders.

Obstruction charge requires only the act on corrupt intent (Trump's corrupt orders), not successful thwarting of investigation.
Firing Mueller was well within his constitutional authority. A president can't be convicted of obstruction for exercising what the Constitution gives him the authority to do.

He can't be convicted, while he is President... But he can be impeached because he said he did it in relation to an investigation of Russian illegal influence in the election...
Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.
but he but he but he
There has to be a charge of a criminal act that may have occurred to even have a special counsel appointed.

What Crime was Mueller Appointed to Investigate?

No charge is required in any way to initiate an investigation.

The reasons for appointing a SC were given at the time of his appointment, dope.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime. The evidence of that crime or the suggestion of a High Crime or Misdemeanor being committed, must be cited to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel. That is the sole purpose of a Special Counsel.

Yet no alleged crime was cited. They simply went in search of a crime, which is very Russian Like, and is in conflict with the laws, statutes and policies outlining the creation and appointment of a special counsel.

The Soviet Union called and wants their Cold War back.

Obama answered that call, and it was Putin on the other line, running The Obama DOJ and FBI.


Some call that treason.

The Democrat Party just calls that a day at the office.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime.

but it has to be a valid investigation! it wasn't, the mere fact he didn't find russia interference. He didn't say how they did it, so therefore it didn't happen.

Have you been living under a rock? It's undisputed fact that Russia attempted to sway our election. How can you sit there with a straight face and post otherwise?
Actually, it came out today, Russian trolls, not the Russian govt. Funny how the msm has failed to report on that tidbit. Glad they had the hearing so we could learn that. And it is also known the trolls also held a rally for Clinton. Oh, my,
What the fuck was that asshole trying to prove by talking about Trump asking Sessions to unrecuse himself?
Obstruction, fool. Which he did quite easily.
Trump's ego cannot handle that he would not be president were it not for the leg up he was given by Putin. That is why Trump wanted the investigation stopped. That is why he attempted to obstruct it.

Russia interfered in our election, and by your silent consent to that interference, you tards are setting yet another benchmark which will come back to bitch slap your mouth breathing faces.

That's total bullshit, of course.
How can he not be familiar with Fusion GPS? Every USMB member more informed than him?

You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

So Steele committed a crime. Glad you finally admitted that. He was paid by Comey and McCabe and Strozk for his actions, so that makes them accessories to a crime.
but it has to be a valid investigation! it wasn't, the mere fact he didn't find russia interference. He didn't say how they did it, so therefore it didn't happen.

Have you been living under a rock? It's undisputed fact that Russia attempted to sway our election. How can you sit there with a straight face and post otherwise?
Silly Memes do not sway elections.

However Clinton and Obama paying $13 Million for Scandalous and False Russian Propaganda, splashing that on every newspaper, broadcasting it on every TV Channel, and using it to launch an Espionage Operation and Hoax Investigation through a weaponized and proven to be biased Obama FBI & DOJ, could sway an election.

But Mueller never even looked at that.

Don't you find that strange?

Has he been living under a rock?

You that is False Russian Propaganda.... They need useful idiots like you...
So when is Russian Propaganda not False?
And why do you approve of Clinton and Obama Colluding with Russia to attempt to alter the results of the election in their favor?

Russian Propaganda is that Propaganda... The rely on people like you not look at actual evidence..

Show where you got this information... Lets look at the sources...

You sit here everyday spinning one bullshit story after another...
How can he not be familiar with Fusion GPS? Every USMB member more informed than him?

You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

Along with perjury charges for Mueller.

Oh? Perjury for what?
Every time republicans ask a substantive question dems get loud and disruptive....

In my case, they COMPLETELY ignored the comment I posted in another thread, it was about following the LAW, which he didn't do on the obstruction charge. Mueller's bogus argument that he had to follow a department … he he… ha ha.... policy, which means he chose to ignore the Special Counsel law, requiring to provide either a Prosecution or Declination decision and why. It was his way to muck up the report to keep it open ended, when it actually destroyed his credibility.

SIX pages later, no reply to my comment, it is clear democrats (there are many) in the thread can't answer it.

Last edited:
but it has to be a valid investigation! it wasn't, the mere fact he didn't find russia interference. He didn't say how they did it, so therefore it didn't happen.

Have you been living under a rock? It's undisputed fact that Russia attempted to sway our election. How can you sit there with a straight face and post otherwise?
Silly Memes do not sway elections.

However Clinton and Obama paying $13 Million for Scandalous and False Russian Propaganda, splashing that on every newspaper, broadcasting it on every TV Channel, and using it to launch an Espionage Operation and Hoax Investigation through a weaponized and proven to be biased Obama FBI & DOJ, could sway an election.

But Mueller never even looked at that.

Don't you find that strange?

Has he been living under a rock?

You that is False Russian Propaganda.... They need useful idiots like you...
So when is Russian Propaganda not False?
And why do you approve of Clinton and Obama Colluding with Russia to attempt to alter the results of the election in their favor?

Russian Propaganda is that Propaganda... The rely on people like you not look at actual evidence..

Show where you got this information... Lets look at the sources...

You sit here everyday spinning one bullshit story after another...
No offense, but you sound like a Russian Propagandist.
If POTUS “wanted”to fire Mueller, but DID the mother fuck is that obstruction?

Trump ordered the firing of Mueller and other interference in the investigation.

The only reason it didn't happen was due to INSUBORDINATION. His people straight up REFUSED his corrupt orders.

Obstruction charge requires only the act on corrupt intent (Trump's corrupt orders), not successful thwarting of investigation.
Firing Mueller was well within his constitutional authority. A president can't be convicted of obstruction for exercising what the Constitution gives him the authority to do.

He can't be convicted, while he is President... But he can be impeached because he said he did it in relation to an investigation of Russian illegal influence in the election...
A president can be impeached for anything. He can't be convicted while he's president or afterwards. It's not illegal.
How can he not be familiar with Fusion GPS? Every USMB member more informed than him?

You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

So Steele committed a crime. Glad you finally admitted that. He was paid by Comey and McCabe and Strozk for his actions, so that makes them accessories to a crime.

Steele is getting sued by Russian Oligarchs.... Sorry you are all pro Russia and want the US undermined...
Second allegation... Again Proof...
How can he not be familiar with Fusion GPS? Every USMB member more informed than him?

You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

So Steele committed a crime. Glad you finally admitted that. He was paid by Comey and McCabe and Strozk for his actions, so that makes them accessories to a crime.

Steele is getting sued by Russian Oligarchs.... Sorry you are all pro Russia and want the US undermined...
Second allegation... Again Proof...

So was Mueller. That is why the little coward had to have his lawyer present, and begged the Attorney General to protect him.

Mueller tried to bribe a Russian Oligarch in to submitting false testimony against president Trump too.
LOL, Mueller outed as a fucking liar and political hack who didn’t charge many with false statements.


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