It's Mueller Time!

What I'm hearing is that the two sides are coming in with their pre-packaged questions, but nobody is reacting to the distortions of the preceding questioner(s). Very disappointing.

I realize that they have a very limited amount of time, but in interview parlance, they are all being presented with huge softballs, but are ignoring them.

Big Point being IGNORED by the R's: There is NOTHING WRONG and NOTHING ILLEGAL and NOTHING UNETHICAL about receiving, accepting and using TRUTHFUL, VERIFIED, NON-PUBLISHED but NON-CLASSIFIED information from a foreigner about a political opponent, even if that information could be valuable in the political campaign.

Specifically, they are talking about the Russians providing "dirt" to Donald Jr. on HRC. Truthful information? Call it "dirt" or call it whatever you want. If it is actual, truthful, documented information, there is nothing wrong with it.
Candidates are not allowed to accept anything of value from a foreign government. That is being extended to include not just money but information that would enhance the campaign. (Candidates DO pay for oppo research, don't they?) The emails prior to the meeting made it clear where the information was coming from--from Putin with love.
Even the Republicans admitted they would have run from that one as fast as they could go.

Do you know anything about campaign finance reports?

If a candidate receives dirt on their opponent from a non-foreign source what dollar amount do you put on the report?

Why hasn't the FEC charged the Trump campaign with any campaign finance charges?
So, in summary:

Yes, Trump committed the crime of obstruction.
Yeah, that’s why Mueller stated he did not recommend any actions for a later date.
Maybe you should actually listen to the questions and and answers more carefully.
So is it over now? Can we close the book on the Mueller investigation finally?

There is some clown questioning Mueller right now who is so ignorant that he says "Democrat National Committee." He can't even speak English! It's "Democratic National Committee." Everybody knows this.
There is some clown questioning Mueller right now who is so ignorant that he says "Democrat National Committee." He can't even speak English! It's "Democratic National Committee." Everybody knows this.

Oh the horrors the demoquack dream of impeachment goes down the toilet
So have we heard any new amazing revelations or earth shattering bombshells or has this just been a rehash of everything we have already heard with everyone responding with their standard talking points?
What if it was Chelsea Clinton that had a secret meeting with the Russians at Clinton Tower? The nuts would have wanted Hillary locked up again.
The Russian that was giving an exception to return to the US and met with Dems before that meeting? You mean that Russian?
Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.
What? You think he should wait until the investigation is well under way and THEN start wondering how to stop it? Oh my, Trump is way stupider than I thought.
how does one obstruct something that doesn't exist?
Okay. Here's a hypothetical -

Say for example Bill Clinton knew the Monica/cigar/blue dress business was gaining traction and he was nervous. Not only did he have to face the country, he had to face lamp throwing Hillary and she's got a good arm. Perhaps he got together with Monica to coordinate their denial lies IF an investigation started.

Would that be obstruction since it happened BEFORE an investigation was started? Or does everything reset to zero once we have an official investigation starting date? No prior actions or conversations count at that point?

Can you provide a link to anything in the law that says anything like that?
So have we heard any new amazing revelations or earth shattering bombshells or has this just been a rehash of everything we have already heard with everyone responding with their standard talking points?
According to all.....what you said.

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