It's Mueller Time!

Yet it was never followed through, and Mueller never posted a Prosecution charge about it over 2 years later.

It's not even the job of the Special Counsel to "prosecute". He is not a Prosecutor to begin with. :)

Seems to me after watching the man's behavior at length, he thinks himself beyond reproach, even the law. I wonder if Mueller was the man the architects of the putsch against Donald Trump had in mind to be "King"?
Well, tomorrow is the day we've been waiting for... so get your beer and let's party!

What do you expect from the questioning and his answers? Anything new?

I watched part of Hannity tonight and he went over questions that would be very hard for him to answer.

Is he going to stick only to the parameters of the report?

Obviously coming to the thread a day late, I'm not going to read all 500+ posts.

I just want to say that any credibility Mueller had, he blew it today. Fully willing to add to any innuendo the Democrats gave him opportunity and refusal to comment on anything that didn't fit that narrative when he had the opportunity to do so strongly revealed his own bias and contempt for President Trump.

His most damning statement re his own objectivity and honesty I think was this morning when he was questioned about the clearly biased makeup of his team. He said he chose people with ability to do the job and it would have been inappropriate to inquire about their political leanings. But then he chose 17 staunch Democrats more than half who had personal and positive connections to Hillary Clinton. And apparently there was not a single independent or Republican who had the ability to do the job.

If anybody actually believes that I still have a lovely assortment of bridge to sell.
Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.
What? You think he should wait until the investigation is well under way and THEN start wondering how to stop it? Oh my, Trump is way stupider than I thought.
how does one obstruct something that doesn't exist?
Okay. Here's a hypothetical -

Say for example Bill Clinton knew the Monica/cigar/blue dress business was gaining traction and he was nervous. Not only did he have to face the country, he had to face lamp throwing Hillary and she's got a good arm. Perhaps he got together with Monica to coordinate their denial lies IF an investigation started.

Would that be obstruction since it happened BEFORE an investigation was started? Or does everything reset to zero once we have an official investigation starting date? No actions or conversations count at that point?

Can you provide a link to anything in the law that says anything like that?
I don't do hypothetical sorry.

If you think that is acting Nazi you're more lost than I originally thought

This is what happens when you get caught up in left loonism
Weatherman seems to think that anyone who voted for or supported Hillary Clinton should be FIRED from the investigation. Does anyone else see the fascism in that? Because I sure do.
Then you’ll have no issue with a team of far right lawyers bringing charges against those behind the attempted coup.
Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.
What? You think he should wait until the investigation is well under way and THEN start wondering how to stop it? Oh my, Trump is way stupider than I thought.
how does one obstruct something that doesn't exist?
Okay. Here's a hypothetical -

Say for example Bill Clinton knew the Monica/cigar/blue dress business was gaining traction and he was nervous. Not only did he have to face the country, he had to face lamp throwing Hillary and she's got a good arm. Perhaps he got together with Monica to coordinate their denial lies IF an investigation started.

Would that be obstruction since it happened BEFORE an investigation was started? Or does everything reset to zero once we have an official investigation starting date? No actions or conversations count at that point?

Can you provide a link to anything in the law that says anything like that?
I don't do hypothetical sorry.
Of course you don't. Bless your heart for thinking you aren't completely transparent. Dotard.

You can skip the hypothetical part if it makes you nervous. Just answer this part -

Regarding obstruction - does everything reset to zero once we have an official investigation starting date? No prior actions or conversations count at that point?

Can you provide a link to anything in the law that says anything like that?
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.
What? You think he should wait until the investigation is well under way and THEN start wondering how to stop it? Oh my, Trump is way stupider than I thought.
how does one obstruct something that doesn't exist?
Okay. Here's a hypothetical -

Say for example Bill Clinton knew the Monica/cigar/blue dress business was gaining traction and he was nervous. Not only did he have to face the country, he had to face lamp throwing Hillary and she's got a good arm. Perhaps he got together with Monica to coordinate their denial lies IF an investigation started.

Would that be obstruction since it happened BEFORE an investigation was started? Or does everything reset to zero once we have an official investigation starting date? No actions or conversations count at that point?

Can you provide a link to anything in the law that says anything like that?
I don't do hypothetical sorry.
Of course you don't. Bless your heart for thinking you aren't completely transparent. Dotard.
sorry bubba, I have more important things to do then attack those stupid ideas from your head. now if you wish to discuss what the OP is about let's go, you first.
Nothing ever pans out for the TDS afflicted Democrat Moon Bats, does it?

Time again they put their hopes on something just to be disappointed. They ain't gonna get Trump. They should have known that by now after so many failed attempts.

'They' want his complete removal from the office and no other concessions. Until that happens, what would you have 'them' do?
Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.
What? You think he should wait until the investigation is well under way and THEN start wondering how to stop it? Oh my, Trump is way stupider than I thought.
how does one obstruct something that doesn't exist?
The assertion by some is that he obstructed the investigation -- and the investigation very much did exist.

If you think that is acting Nazi you're more lost than I originally thought

This is what happens when you get caught up in left loonism
Weatherman seems to think that anyone who voted for or supported Hillary Clinton should be FIRED from the investigation. Does anyone else see the fascism in that? Because I sure do.

You went from Nazi to Fascism....Do you not see what I am seeing?

Let me help you out, a Nazi would put a bullet in the back of your head and not blink while doing it

Stop repeating the garbage you've been instructed to repeat and use. You're better than that
How can he not be familiar with Fusion GPS? Every USMB member more informed than him?

You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

Along with perjury charges for Mueller.

Oh? Perjury for what?

For opening his big fuckn mouth and lying that's what.
What? You think he should wait until the investigation is well under way and THEN start wondering how to stop it? Oh my, Trump is way stupider than I thought.
how does one obstruct something that doesn't exist?
Okay. Here's a hypothetical -

Say for example Bill Clinton knew the Monica/cigar/blue dress business was gaining traction and he was nervous. Not only did he have to face the country, he had to face lamp throwing Hillary and she's got a good arm. Perhaps he got together with Monica to coordinate their denial lies IF an investigation started.

Would that be obstruction since it happened BEFORE an investigation was started? Or does everything reset to zero once we have an official investigation starting date? No actions or conversations count at that point?

Can you provide a link to anything in the law that says anything like that?
I don't do hypothetical sorry.
Of course you don't. Bless your heart for thinking you aren't completely transparent. Dotard.
sorry bubba, I have more important things to do then attack those stupid ideas from your head. now if you wish to discuss what the OP is about let's go, you first.
Because you're too stupid to refute it. That's why you run.

You asked me a question dotard. I answered it.

If you think that is acting Nazi you're more lost than I originally thought

This is what happens when you get caught up in left loonism
Weatherman seems to think that anyone who voted for or supported Hillary Clinton should be FIRED from the investigation. Does anyone else see the fascism in that? Because I sure do.

You went from Nazi to Fascism....Do you not see what I am seeing?

Let me help you out, a Nazi would put a bullet in the back of your head and not blink while doing it

Stop repeating the garbage you've been instructed to repeat and use. You're better than that
been watching it on and off all of this time,,,its seems as if Mueller only answers about 10 % of the questions,,,,what the hell?
how does one obstruct something that doesn't exist?
Okay. Here's a hypothetical -

Say for example Bill Clinton knew the Monica/cigar/blue dress business was gaining traction and he was nervous. Not only did he have to face the country, he had to face lamp throwing Hillary and she's got a good arm. Perhaps he got together with Monica to coordinate their denial lies IF an investigation started.

Would that be obstruction since it happened BEFORE an investigation was started? Or does everything reset to zero once we have an official investigation starting date? No actions or conversations count at that point?

Can you provide a link to anything in the law that says anything like that?
I don't do hypothetical sorry.
Of course you don't. Bless your heart for thinking you aren't completely transparent. Dotard.
sorry bubba, I have more important things to do then attack those stupid ideas from your head. now if you wish to discuss what the OP is about let's go, you first.
Because you're too stupid to refute it. That's why you run.
naw, it's because I don't do your stupid nor am I your bitch.
You must have tuned in late. He said in his opening statement that he would not be answering ANY questions about the Steele Dossier. I assume that includes Fusion GPS.

And why pray tell would he not answer those questions?

On going investigation and trial of Steele. To bring it up would likely impact potential juries to the disadvantage of the defendant.

Along with perjury charges for Mueller.
Oh? Perjury for what?

For opening his big fuckn mouth and lying that's what.
So you don't know what he lied about either, huh? Thanks for trying anyway. Be sure to collect your participation trophy on the way out.

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