It's Mueller Time!

I was bothered by the number of times he couldn't recall what was in the report and his stammering when speaking. I never felt that was listening to him before.

One did get the impression he was not familiar with the entire much did he write and other investigators write for him?

What if it was Chelsea Clinton that had a secret meeting with the Russians at Clinton Tower? The nuts would have wanted Hillary locked up again.
The Russian that was giving an exception to return to the US and met with Dems before that meeting? You mean that Russian?
You don't want to go there with me, depotoo, because that case--US v. Prevezon Holdings, stinks of corruption, and I am pretty damned sure Trump was involved in getting that case "settled" instead of taken to court.

It was a juicy Manhattan money laundering case involving a huge tax fraud scam by the Russian government. Yes, Attorney V was the lawyer for Prevezon which is why she was allowed back into the country. The whistle blower on the Russian tax fraud scheme had been thrown in prison by the Russians and beaten to death, which is why the US put sanctions on Russia called the Magnitsky Act (that was the whistle blower's name). Veselya-whatever-her- name-is was spending most of her time here lobbying to have that Magnitsky Act removed, although she was approaching it as an "adoption" issue because the sanctions somehow impacted adoptions. For some reason, those sanctions really bothered someone in Moscow and they sent Attorney V to do their dirty work for them.

Whatever happened in that meeting in June 2016 between that Russian tool and the Trump campaign led to the case being settled as soon as Trump had been put in the catbird seat and could get his puppets in place. It was only one week before the case was set to go to trial, and the US Attorney's office was loaded for bear. The US Attorney, Preet Bahara, had spent years collecting the ammunition against Prevezon and when Trump was inaugurated, he personally called Bahara, told him he was doing a great job and asked him to stay on. Two months later he fired him and a month after that, the Prevezon case was settled. The Russians were shocked that they were offered to settle at all, and not for such a low amount. They snapped it up.

I got a lot more where that came from if you want it. That case stinks to the high heavens. You want to let that sleeping dog lie if you have any regard for the Republicans or Trump.

Veselnitskaya is nothing but Putin's spy and she was indicted in January for obstruction of justice in the Prevezon case, as well. She was up to her neck in dirty dealings, and no doubt so was Trump.
Bull. Only in your wildest dreams. You pick and choose as you please.
Were you aware she also met with Fusion GPS before and after that Trump meeting? So, she is allowed back in the US by the then Dem DOJ, just in time for this meeting, and just happened to be seen with Dems before the meeting, as well as met with Fusion GPS before and after that meeting. All coincidental in your mind, right?
And yet, no charges were brought against the Trump team regarding that meeting, even though they had surveillance within that meeting. Funny that.

It was a setup from the get-go that failed. Period. Sadly for the Dems, trying to set him up.

By the way, you really need to get your temper under control when things don’t go your way. Your words reveal your tone every time.
I'll speak as I want, thanks. My words are meant to reveal my tone, and it is not because I think I'm "losing." It is because I'm right.
I had not heard about her meeting with Fusion GPS. You want to share a link with me on that? I'd appreciate it. As for meeting with Democrats, yeah, she was actively lobbying Congress to get rid of those sanctions. So that doesn't surprise me.

this Mueller hearing imploded on the Dems in absolutely glorious fashion!

i think Mueller for his service...but my gosh has there been anyone more less prepared than him today

Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.

The FBI investigation started in July of 2016, dope.

The Mueller witch hunt didn't start until after Sessions recused himself, dope.
Have you ever had a favorite TV show? And you watched every episode? For years? And then it ended? But you didn't like how the story ended? At all? And you wished you could talk to the star of the show and ask why it didn't end the way you wanted?

That's how many members of Congress were feeling, today.

On both sides, actually, but I think it was a positively terrible day for the Democrats. Not only did Mueller not provide them with an impeachable offense (or any certain offense actually), he made it perfectly clear he wanted them to believe that President Trump is a terrible person.

But . . .he blew his credibility when he made it clear that the 'best' most capable17 people he could find for his team just happened to all be staunch, Trump hating Democrats, half of which had personal relatonships/friendships with Hillary Clinton. And he says he didn't know that? And he didn't know the political leanings of the guys he had worked with for years? Give me a break.

And the other most revealing thing is how little he knew of what was in his own report. Again and again and again he asked if something read to him was in his report. When advised that it was, then it was oh yes, that is correct. Again give me a break.

I had questions before about who actually compiled that report and would have placed a modest wager that it was Weissman. After today, I don't know whether it was Weissman, but I am pretty darn sure that Mueller wrote very little of it himself if any of it.
Cannot obstruct if there is not a crime.

Mueller is crooked as hell....he is lying...

You think so, because you would never comprehend truth and honesty if it kicked you in your ass.

You are the CNN zombie not me.....

I never watch CNN.

You watch or read fake news someplace because you sound just like them....

The truth is consistent.

My sources are primary, such as watching the Congress Committees today, and framing the questioners and the respondent as if I'm a juror; in this case*** to use common sense to judge their honesty and integrity.

***Follow the jury instructions, given by the Judge

Do you know what you got today?.....nothing...even less than nothing because any honest viewer of this hearing today saw a biased prosecutor trying to get another chance to frame an innocent man.....
Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.

The FBI investigation started in July of 2016, dope.
but the obstruction mentions in the Mueller report were for the Mueller investigation.

The firing of Comey was done during the Mueller investigation, dope?
Wrong, you fucking moron. Mueller was appointed after Trump fired Comey.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.

The FBI investigation started in July of 2016, dope.
A innocent man saying he’s innocent isn’t obstruction

You meant an innocent man doesn't commit obstruction.
According to you saying you are innocent is obstruction lol .. volume two is a joke.. bad witness leads to bad hearings this was a joke
According to Mueller, trying to fire him and end the investigation is obstruction.
Mueller is a deep state stooge, and he's dead wrong.
What if it was Chelsea Clinton that had a secret meeting with the Russians at Clinton Tower? The nuts would have wanted Hillary locked up again.
The Russian that was giving an exception to return to the US and met with Dems before that meeting? You mean that Russian?
You don't want to go there with me, depotoo, because that case--US v. Prevezon Holdings, stinks of corruption, and I am pretty damned sure Trump was involved in getting that case "settled" instead of taken to court.

It was a juicy Manhattan money laundering case involving a huge tax fraud scam by the Russian government. Yes, Attorney V was the lawyer for Prevezon which is why she was allowed back into the country. The whistle blower on the Russian tax fraud scheme had been thrown in prison by the Russians and beaten to death, which is why the US put sanctions on Russia called the Magnitsky Act (that was the whistle blower's name). Veselya-whatever-her- name-is was spending most of her time here lobbying to have that Magnitsky Act removed, although she was approaching it as an "adoption" issue because the sanctions somehow impacted adoptions. For some reason, those sanctions really bothered someone in Moscow and they sent Attorney V to do their dirty work for them.

Whatever happened in that meeting in June 2016 between that Russian tool and the Trump campaign led to the case being settled as soon as Trump had been put in the catbird seat and could get his puppets in place. It was only one week before the case was set to go to trial, and the US Attorney's office was loaded for bear. The US Attorney, Preet Bahara, had spent years collecting the ammunition against Prevezon and when Trump was inaugurated, he personally called Bahara, told him he was doing a great job and asked him to stay on. Two months later he fired him and a month after that, the Prevezon case was settled. The Russians were shocked that they were offered to settle at all, and not for such a low amount. They snapped it up.

I got a lot more where that came from if you want it. That case stinks to the high heavens. You want to let that sleeping dog lie if you have any regard for the Republicans or Trump.

Veselnitskaya is nothing but Putin's spy and she was indicted in January for obstruction of justice in the Prevezon case, as well. She was up to her neck in dirty dealings, and no doubt so was Trump.
Bull. Only in your wildest dreams. You pick and choose as you please.
Were you aware she also met with Fusion GPS before and after that Trump meeting? So, she is allowed back in the US by the then Dem DOJ, just in time for this meeting, and just happened to be seen with Dems before the meeting, as well as met with Fusion GPS before and after that meeting. All coincidental in your mind, right?
And yet, no charges were brought against the Trump team regarding that meeting, even though they had surveillance within that meeting. Funny that.

It was a setup from the get-go that failed. Period. Sadly for the Dems, trying to set him up.

By the way, you really need to get your temper under control when things don’t go your way. Your words reveal your tone every time.
I'll speak as I want, thanks. My words are meant to reveal my tone, and it is not because I think I'm "losing." It is because I'm right.
I had not heard about her meeting with Fusion GPS. You want to share a link with me on that? I'd appreciate it. As for meeting with Democrats, yeah, she was actively lobbying Congress to get rid of those sanctions. So that doesn't surprise me.
Oh, please, OldLady. You and I have been here too long for you to claim that. Obviously you can’t be right if you don’t follow all the evidence. And, if you’d been following the evidence you would know that-
Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson Dined With Russian Lawyer Before & After Her Meeting at Trump Tower

Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down
Mueller is the stupid TDS afflicted Democrat's Great White Hope.

Unfortunately for the Democrats but fortunately for America he let them down once again.

If the Democrats weren't such dickheads and so sick in the mind with TDS and such idiots you could almost feel sorry for them.
I don't feel sorry for them.

They were warned not to go down this road after the failed COUP.

They just didn't care.

Mueller admitted that Trump could go to jail after he leaves office. That if not for the OLC Memo, he would have charged Trump, and he defended his team against charges of bias and corruption of bias and corruption.

The Republican Congressional team made speeches about the origins of the investigation, and relationships between Bruce Ohr and Velnetskaya, but failed utterly knowing that Mueller could not answer any questions about either matter because they're currently under investigation.

They deliberately tried to make it appear that Mueller was being evasive, and hiding something, knowing full well that Mueller could not and would not answer their questions because of legal ethics and ongoing investigations, but it would look bad on FOX News tonight anyway.

If Trump is so innocent, if Mueller is so corrupt, why has everyone around the President lied to and about the Investigation, and attempted to discredit the investigation, and to mislead the public about the results of the investigation.

You're slipping, comrade troll. In theory, Trump could go to jail after he leaves office, but when he testified that nothing ever happened to stop or impede his investigation, he pulled the rug out from under the idea that Trump had committed obstruction.
1) Trump commuted an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

With precision, Rep. Jeffries ticks through the three elements proving obstruction of justice

Seems clear to me

And the American people must respond by voting Trump and Pence out of office next year.
And put one of those retarded clowns in from the left? Bad move.
Your Freak Show was a Failure.

Even Nadler admitted he didn’t care about the truth but was just doing this to try to sway the public opinion towards impeachment.

It’s not going to happen DOTARD.

Nadler and Schiff’s sexual attraction to each other withstanding, there was nothing interesting st all about this charade.

When you call a Pathological Liar, a Liar, it's true, it means nothing to them. They don't even bat an eye. They just keep on with their lies and don't even miss a beat.

There is no reforming a Leftist Pathological Liar.

Starr was operating under a different statute, dope. He was creating a report for public release. Mueller was creating a report for the AG.

And being That Mueller thought his report would never be Public, then he had no Reason at all to NOT list The Crimes he thought Trump should be recommended for Indictment, like Starr listed the 13 crimes he recommended Clinton be indicted for.

But Mueller listed Zero. He recommended ZERO crimes to indict The President with.

Go back to ramming that Putin Bobblehead up your ass.

You may as well accomplish 1 thing today, because you are failing at everything else.

This went so bad for you today, Your Communist Party Leaders are cancelling their meetings today to discuss Mueller's bumbling testimony.

Throw in the towel already.

You'll get further working with the president the next 5 years than fighting him.

Mueller has explained his reasons multiple times, dope.
not once, won't mention that dossier he had put in the report. so you're grossly mistaken. thanks.

I wasn't speaking of any dossier, dope.
Last edited:
You wrote it?

A innocent man saying he’s innocent isn’t obstruction

You meant an innocent man doesn't commit obstruction.
According to you saying you are innocent is obstruction lol .. volume two is a joke.. bad witness leads to bad hearings this was a joke
According to Mueller, trying to fire him and end the investigation is obstruction.
Mueller is a deep state stooge, and he's dead wrong.

The funniest thing about that post is that it comes from the USMB's fucking moron. :lmao:
It was an illegal witch hunt.

That was proven.

Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime. The evidence of that crime or the suggestion of a High Crime or Misdemeanor being committed, must be cited to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel. That is the sole purpose of a Special Counsel.

Yet no alleged crime was cited. They simply went in search of a crime, which is very Russian Like, and is in conflict with the laws, statutes and policies outlining the creation and appointment of a special counsel.

The Soviet Union called and wants their Cold War back.

Obama answered that call, and it was Putin on the other line, running The Obama DOJ and FBI.


Some call that treason.

The Democrat Party just calls that a day at the office.
Not True at all. There has to be Evidence of a Crime.

Yep, period!!! Dumbass libs.

What was the crime that precipitated years of Benghazi investigations, dope?
missing emails, server off government land.
Then by your was an illegal investigation as none of that was proven and there were no charges.
What funny is when Barr is done with the Steele investigation lol WOW.. bye comey

And mumbles mueller can answer some questions
When does this crap show end....anyone know?
It’s now the age of you losing your job for telling a man to not follow a little girl into the ladies bathroom.
Who is letting little girls go to a public bathroom by themselves?

Only a dumbass idiot dotard would ever do that. People who actually have little girls NEVER let them go alone into a public bathroom. Gawd. Dumb. Ass.

And btw - women, you know the humans who actually USE the ladies room? We have seen cross dressers in women's rooms for years. Decades. If no woman has ever seen that, she just wasn't paying attention.

Hold up, rly? How many decades are you are old?

My guess is sub-3. Or less.
Have you ever had a favorite TV show? And you watched every episode? For years? And then it ended? But you didn't like how the story ended? At all? And you wished you could talk to the star of the show and ask why it didn't end the way you wanted?

That's how many members of Congress were feeling, today.

On both sides, actually, but I think it was a positively terrible day for the Democrats. Not only did Mueller not provide them with an impeachable offense (or any certain offense actually), he made it perfectly clear he wanted them to believe that President Trump is a terrible person.

But . . .he blew his credibility when he made it clear that the 'best' most capable17 people he could find for his team just happened to all be staunch, Trump hating Democrats, half of which had personal relatonships/friendships with Hillary Clinton. And he says he didn't know that? And he didn't know the political leanings of the guys he had worked with for years? Give me a break.

And the other most revealing thing is how little he knew of what was in his own report. Again and again and again he asked if something read to him was in his report. When advised that it was, then it was oh yes, that is correct. Again give me a break.

I had questions before about who actually compiled that report and would have placed a modest wager that it was Weissman. After today, I don't know whether it was Weissman, but I am pretty darn sure that Mueller wrote very little of it himself if any of it.
He doesn't know what's in "his" report because he didn't write it. Weismann did. Mueller was just a figurehead. He was there to give all the criminals credibility.

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