It's Mueller Time!

Mueller was exposed as a 'figurehead' with Weissman being the 'Puppet Master' behind the curtain...

Mueller didn't know who Fusion GPS was....

Was Mueller's protege, Comey, in on USING his mentor the way he was?

Does Mueller know now how he was used and left to look like an idiot today?


I don't know how much Mueller knows or doesn't know. But after that really pitiful performance today, I wouldn't bet the farm that he'll remember much about the hearing today.

I bet his wife doesn't let him out of the house by himself from now on. It was a pathetic and humiliating display - but not undeserved considering Mueller's long history of abusing prosecutorial powers.
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“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Representative Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller said. “As we say in the report, and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Robert Mueller 07/24/2019.
It's funny how much the Mueller testimony today resembles the Office Space scene where the Bobs try to figure out what Tom Smykowski actually does at work each day. "What would you say you do here?"

“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Representative Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller said. “As we say in the report, and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Robert Mueller 07/24/2019.

Translated: "the Democratic Party was about to run out of ammunition."
Mueller put an end to the FALSE NARRATIVE that Dems / snowflakes have been clinging to, that were it not for the OLC. After 1st saying it was true, Mueller then added his correction:

"“I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

As has been pointed out accurately over and over again ZERO FINDING OF GUILT = INNOCENT in any court!

Mueller issues clarification, takes back bombshell statement about indicting Trump

Any 1st year law school student knows that NOT GUILTY IS NOT THE SAME AS INNOCENT.

That is very true!
But Mueller didn't have anything to prove that would even make it sound as if Trump was GUILTY. Not even one thing!

When Mueller was brought up about the GPS. Mueller "acted" as if he didn't know anything about it. But ummm...wasn't that the SOLE reason why Robert Mueller started investigating this "Russia Collusion" crap in the first place? (aka GPS Fusion and Steele Dossier.)
Which means, if Mueller wanted to pin any of this on Trump, he would have been "GUILTY". But Mueller couldn't - even from the start.
Steube: Did you interview Christopher Steele?
Mueller: Not going to answer that. Beyond my purview.
Steube: Your report uses his dossier and says you interviewed him, but you're going to refuse to answer basic questions about who you interviewed?
Mueller: Not going to answer.
"Meuller: Who wrote your comments at the last DoJ presser? Mueller: I’m not going to comment on that Gohmert: I got it you didn’t write them Muller: smirks unhappily." - Don Jr

Three different spellings in the same tweet is Don Jr's idea of diversity.
If POTUS “wanted”to fire Mueller, but DID the mother fuck is that obstruction?

Trump ordered the firing of Mueller and other interference in the investigation.

The only reason it didn't happen was due to INSUBORDINATION. His people straight up REFUSED his corrupt orders.

Obstruction charge requires only the act on corrupt intent (Trump's corrupt orders), not successful thwarting of investigation.

So since Mule-er wasn't fired, there was NO ACT. By the way, Trump had the power to fire the Mule at ANY TIME for ANY REASON. There is no underlying crime so there's another miss. Another fail.
When does this crap show end....anyone know?
It’s now the age of you losing your job for telling a man to not follow a little girl into the ladies bathroom.
Who is letting little girls go to a public bathroom by themselves?

Only a dumbass idiot dotard would ever do that. People who actually have little girls NEVER let them go alone into a public bathroom. Gawd. Dumb. Ass.

And btw - women, you know the humans who actually USE the ladies room? We have seen cross dressers in women's rooms for years. Decades. If no woman has ever seen that, she just wasn't paying attention.

Hold up, rly? How many decades are you are old?

My guess is sub-3. Or less.
It is very clear that you are at least 70 and likely closer to 80, if you think little girls go to public bathrooms by themselves. Not in my entire lifetime that is more than 30 years. You are just too old to know better. Dotard.

And why are you watching these pretend little girls go into the bathroom anyway? Creepy. You are worrying way too much about little girl bathroom issues. Their parents will look after them in the public bathroom.
What are they saying on CNN and MSLSD?

How are they spinning this disaster? No way are they being honest about how bad it was for the Dimms!

I refuse to tune in. I’ll watch YouTube clips but at don’t tune in to CNN and PMSNBC
If POTUS “wanted”to fire Mueller, but DID the mother fuck is that obstruction?

Trump ordered the firing of Mueller and other interference in the investigation.

The only reason it didn't happen was due to INSUBORDINATION. His people straight up REFUSED his corrupt orders.

Obstruction charge requires only the act on corrupt intent (Trump's corrupt orders), not successful thwarting of investigation.

So since Mule-er wasn't fired, there was NO ACT. By the way, Trump had the power to fire the Mule at ANY TIME for ANY REASON. There is no underlying crime so there's another miss. Another fail.
What I got out of this business today was that Trump was too much of a coward to fire Mueller himself. So he tried to get other men to do it. But they did not follow instructions.
If POTUS “wanted”to fire Mueller, but DID the mother fuck is that obstruction?

Trump ordered the firing of Mueller and other interference in the investigation.

The only reason it didn't happen was due to INSUBORDINATION. His people straight up REFUSED his corrupt orders.

Obstruction charge requires only the act on corrupt intent (Trump's corrupt orders), not successful thwarting of investigation.

So since Mule-er wasn't fired, there was NO ACT. By the way, Trump had the power to fire the Mule at ANY TIME for ANY REASON. There is no underlying crime so there's another miss. Another fail.
What I got out of this business today was that Trump was too much of a coward to fire Mueller himself. So he tried to get other men to do it. But they did not follow instructions.

There is no obstruction.

Cory Booker said he wanted to punch Trump in the face. Should he be charged with felony assault? Nope.
"Meuller: Who wrote your comments at the last DoJ presser? Mueller: I’m not going to comment on that Gohmert: I got it you didn’t write them Muller: smirks unhappily." - Don Jr

Three different spellings in the same tweet is Don Jr's idea of diversity.

Actually Mr Mueller's name is actually "Muller" with an umlaut over the "U".

He dropped the umlaut and added the first "e" to hide his German past, and possibly hide ties he might have to the Kaiser and Hitler. Might be the reason he has such hatred for Trump-whose grandfather was deported from Germany- and why he is hot to trot for socialized medicine.

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