It's Mueller Time!

So the dog and pony show is officially underway?
Yes ....Some Milk Bones have been tossed and the oats are being delivered as we speak.

I saw few oats, but a whole lot of horseshit from Republicans today.
All I saw was the democrats laying in the fetal position beat to a pulp while watching Trump walk away with their girlfriend with his hand on her pussy.

You clowns got owned today.
What are they saying on CNN and MSLSD?

How are they spinning this disaster? No way are they being honest about how bad it was for the Dimms!

I refuse to tune in. I’ll watch YouTube clips but at don’t tune in to CNN and PMSNBC
Good for you. You don't want to get mind-poisoned. It can happen in an instant.

Do you have your computer lined with foil so they can't accidentally mind poison you when you go to youtube? Use the heavy duty kind. It's safer.
If POTUS “wanted”to fire Mueller, but DID the mother fuck is that obstruction?

Trump ordered the firing of Mueller and other interference in the investigation.

The only reason it didn't happen was due to INSUBORDINATION. His people straight up REFUSED his corrupt orders.

Obstruction charge requires only the act on corrupt intent (Trump's corrupt orders), not successful thwarting of investigation.

So since Mule-er wasn't fired, there was NO ACT. By the way, Trump had the power to fire the Mule at ANY TIME for ANY REASON. There is no underlying crime so there's another miss. Another fail.
What I got out of this business today was that Trump was too much of a coward to fire Mueller himself. So he tried to get other men to do it. But they did not follow instructions.

There is no obstruction.

Cory Booker said he wanted to punch Trump in the face. Should be be charged with felony assault? Nope.

I can agree that this isn't a felony on the part of Spartacus. However, he shouldn't whine about it if Trump catches him by surprise and does his patented "Hostile Takeover" on him.
"Meuller: Who wrote your comments at the last DoJ presser? Mueller: I’m not going to comment on that Gohmert: I got it you didn’t write them Muller: smirks unhappily." - Don Jr

Three different spellings in the same tweet is Don Jr's idea of diversity.

Actually Mr Mueller's name is actually "Muller" with an umlaut over the "U".

He dropped the umlaut and added the first "e" to hide his German past, and possibly hide ties he might have to the Kaiser and Hitler. Might be the reason he has such hatred for Trump-whose grandfather was deported from Germany- and why he is hot to trot for socialized medicine.

I have some Austrian and likely German heritage. So even if Mueller was full blood German, I don't really think that is relevant.

However, I am currently looking at the live press conference by Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff et al commenting on today's hearing, and wow are they pouring it on thick. Positively amazing.

But they can try to pour all the honey in the world on that turd, and it is still going to be a turd.
It seems to me that Mueller knows nothing about the investigation.

Firing him would not have obstructed the investigation because he is fucking clueless.

Who is to say that firing Mueller is obstruction worthy of jail and impeachment? The POTUS IS WITHIN HIS POWERS TO FIRE MUELLER!
Mueller agrees with Schiff that it’s “unpatriotic” and “wrong” to take campaign assistance from a foreign power.

Bad news for Hillary, guys.
If POTUS “wanted”to fire Mueller, but DID the mother fuck is that obstruction?

Trump ordered the firing of Mueller and other interference in the investigation.

The only reason it didn't happen was due to INSUBORDINATION. His people straight up REFUSED his corrupt orders.

Obstruction charge requires only the act on corrupt intent (Trump's corrupt orders), not successful thwarting of investigation.

So since Mule-er wasn't fired, there was NO ACT. By the way, Trump had the power to fire the Mule at ANY TIME for ANY REASON. There is no underlying crime so there's another miss. Another fail.
What I got out of this business today was that Trump was too much of a coward to fire Mueller himself. So he tried to get other men to do it. But they did not follow instructions.

So you have nothing. Good to know.
"Meuller: Who wrote your comments at the last DoJ presser? Mueller: I’m not going to comment on that Gohmert: I got it you didn’t write them Muller: smirks unhappily." - Don Jr

Three different spellings in the same tweet is Don Jr's idea of diversity.

Actually Mr Mueller's name is actually "Muller" with an umlaut over the "U".

He dropped the umlaut and added the first "e" to hide his German past, and possibly hide ties he might have to the Kaiser and Hitler. Might be the reason he has such hatred for Trump-whose grandfather was deported from Germany- and why he is hot to trot for socialized medicine.
thanks for that
The Russian that was giving an exception to return to the US and met with Dems before that meeting? You mean that Russian?
You don't want to go there with me, depotoo, because that case--US v. Prevezon Holdings, stinks of corruption, and I am pretty damned sure Trump was involved in getting that case "settled" instead of taken to court.

It was a juicy Manhattan money laundering case involving a huge tax fraud scam by the Russian government. Yes, Attorney V was the lawyer for Prevezon which is why she was allowed back into the country. The whistle blower on the Russian tax fraud scheme had been thrown in prison by the Russians and beaten to death, which is why the US put sanctions on Russia called the Magnitsky Act (that was the whistle blower's name). Veselya-whatever-her- name-is was spending most of her time here lobbying to have that Magnitsky Act removed, although she was approaching it as an "adoption" issue because the sanctions somehow impacted adoptions. For some reason, those sanctions really bothered someone in Moscow and they sent Attorney V to do their dirty work for them.

Whatever happened in that meeting in June 2016 between that Russian tool and the Trump campaign led to the case being settled as soon as Trump had been put in the catbird seat and could get his puppets in place. It was only one week before the case was set to go to trial, and the US Attorney's office was loaded for bear. The US Attorney, Preet Bahara, had spent years collecting the ammunition against Prevezon and when Trump was inaugurated, he personally called Bahara, told him he was doing a great job and asked him to stay on. Two months later he fired him and a month after that, the Prevezon case was settled. The Russians were shocked that they were offered to settle at all, and not for such a low amount. They snapped it up.

I got a lot more where that came from if you want it. That case stinks to the high heavens. You want to let that sleeping dog lie if you have any regard for the Republicans or Trump.

Veselnitskaya is nothing but Putin's spy and she was indicted in January for obstruction of justice in the Prevezon case, as well. She was up to her neck in dirty dealings, and no doubt so was Trump.
Bull. Only in your wildest dreams. You pick and choose as you please.
Were you aware she also met with Fusion GPS before and after that Trump meeting? So, she is allowed back in the US by the then Dem DOJ, just in time for this meeting, and just happened to be seen with Dems before the meeting, as well as met with Fusion GPS before and after that meeting. All coincidental in your mind, right?
And yet, no charges were brought against the Trump team regarding that meeting, even though they had surveillance within that meeting. Funny that.

It was a setup from the get-go that failed. Period. Sadly for the Dems, trying to set him up.

By the way, you really need to get your temper under control when things don’t go your way. Your words reveal your tone every time.
I'll speak as I want, thanks. My words are meant to reveal my tone, and it is not because I think I'm "losing." It is because I'm right.
I had not heard about her meeting with Fusion GPS. You want to share a link with me on that? I'd appreciate it. As for meeting with Democrats, yeah, she was actively lobbying Congress to get rid of those sanctions. So that doesn't surprise me.
Oh, please, OldLady. You and I have been here too long for you to claim that. Obviously you can’t be right if you don’t follow all the evidence. And, if you’d been following the evidence you would know that-
Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson Dined With Russian Lawyer Before & After Her Meeting at Trump Tower

Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down
Thanks, depotoo. I missed this; their contacts are described pretty thoroughly in that first link you gave me, and I don't see how it changes any of the facts of the Prevezon case that I described. You are talking about something entirely different.

I just want to thank you for your entire series of posts about Prevezon case, which Jeff Sessions settled personally, after firing Preet Bahara. Why did Sessions handle this case personally?

Why are Trump, the Republican Party, and the Russian trolls now trying to smear, slander and investigate the US Attorney who has caused the most trouble for corrupt Russian mobsters in the city of New York, putting many Russian criminals in jail, or on planes back to Russia? Ohr has made a lot of enemies in the Russian government and now he's being labelled by Trump, as the most corrupt prosecutor in America. Did Putin make him do it?

Posters here continue to say that Democrats are seeing Russians everywhere, but scratch a Trump enemies list, and you find they're also enemies of Russia, and the ones at the top of Trump's enemies list are guys like Mueller, and Ohr who have done the most damage to Russia, and guys like Christopher Steele who have exposed those connections, as well as Fusion GPS.

Anyone in the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA who had any part of the decision making process to pursue these investigations was fired by Trump as soon as he took office. Trump has accused all of these people who have served their country with distinction, valor, and for civil service pay, of lying and plotting against him. This is the same Donald Trump, who has lied in public and in private his entire adult life, who lied about Trump Tower Moscow, who lied about contacts with Russians, who knew that Russian hackers had the DNC emails, who has been charged with crimes of racial discrimination, illegal campaign contributions, fraud, has admitted to bribing publica officials for personal gain, and has gone bankrupt 7 times while bragging about how much money he walked away with, calling all of the heads of the American Security Agencies sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, liars.
BREAKING: Special Counsel Mueller Unable To Completely Exonerate The Easter Bunny Of Assassinating Abraham Lincoln
What are they saying on CNN and MSLSD?

How are they spinning this disaster? No way are they being honest about how bad it was for the Dimms!

I refuse to tune in. I’ll watch YouTube clips but at don’t tune in to CNN and PMSNBC
Good for you. You don't want to get mind-poisoned. It can happen in an instant.

Do you have your computer lined with foil so they can't accidentally mind poison you when you go to youtube? Use the heavy duty kind. It's safer.

Derp. I don’t want to give them ratings. I said I watch the clips on YouTube. Is you memory that bad?

I said: “I’ll watch YouTube clips but at don’t tune in to CNN and PMSNBC”

Nice try smartass.
When does this crap show end....anyone know?
It’s now the age of you losing your job for telling a man to not follow a little girl into the ladies bathroom.
Who is letting little girls go to a public bathroom by themselves?

Only a dumbass idiot dotard would ever do that. People who actually have little girls NEVER let them go alone into a public bathroom. Gawd. Dumb. Ass.

And btw - women, you know the humans who actually USE the ladies room? We have seen cross dressers in women's rooms for years. Decades. If no woman has ever seen that, she just wasn't paying attention.

Hold up, rly? How many decades are you are old?

My guess is sub-3. Or less.
It is very clear that you are at least 70 and likely closer to 80, if you think little girls go to public bathrooms by themselves. Not in my entire lifetime that is more than 30 years. You are just too old to know better. Dotard.

And why are you watching these pretend little girls go into the bathroom anyway? Creepy. You are worrying way too much about little girl bathroom issues. Their parents will look after them in the public bathroom.

What was your point again, leftist n00b shill?

When I was young, there were no pretend little girls. Either you were a girl, or you were a boy. :dunno:

It's not complicated, really. 1 in around 2200 is a hermaphrodite, let's cross that bridge when we come to it. :)
Pages & pages of posts, almost nothing about the reason this all started & the only thing I am interested in, not addressed. RUSSIA.
and MUELLER clearly stated they did INTERFEAR & THAT NONE of our political voices have done much about STOPING it. and that it will get worse & other country's will join in. This is what needs to be addressed. could give a what ever about placing blame. we need other country's OUT of our elections.
Steube: Did you interview Christopher Steele?
Mueller: Not going to answer that. Beyond my purview.
Steube: Your report uses his dossier and says you interviewed him, but you're going to refuse to answer basic questions about who you interviewed?
Mueller: Not going to answer.

He didn't want to incriminate himself further. Maybe, he was in that Steele Dossier.

Wow! That would have been a bombshell. Lol
Yawn, been hearing this for two years, tomorrow is just another day of the democrats doing nothing.

Anyone who votes for a democrat who failed to impeach Trump before 2020 is a fool
Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.

The FBI investigation started in July of 2016, dope.

The Mueller witch hunt didn't start until after Sessions recused himself, dope.

The FBI investigation was ongoing at that time, dope.

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