It's Mueller Time!

Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.

The FBI investigation started in July of 2016, dope.

The Mueller witch hunt didn't start until after Sessions recused himself, dope.

The FBI investigation was ongoing at that time, dope.
You can't obstruct an intelligence operation, you fucking moron. Furthermore, spying on the opposition candidate is illegal.
Well, tomorrow is the day we've been waiting for... so get your beer and let's party!

What do you expect from the questioning and his answers? Anything new?

I watched part of Hannity tonight and he went over questions that would be very hard for him to answer.

Is he going to stick only to the parameters of the report?

He came off as a doddering old man losing his wits.
Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.

The FBI investigation started in July of 2016, dope.

The Mueller witch hunt didn't start until after Sessions recused himself, dope.

The FBI investigation was ongoing at that time, dope.
You can't obstruct an intelligence operation, you fucking moron. Furthermore, spying on the opposition candidate is illegal.

Certainly an abuse of Power.
Trump is an incompetent gasbag but unfortunately that is not an impeachable offense. people really show your immaturity, not to mention your hate of democracy, by STILL crying over who won the election

Crying over the election? Hillary was an incompetent gasbag also. We all should be crying over the last election.
Also the report said that although they couldn’t prove that Trump obstructed, they couldn’t exonerate him.

Any 1st year law school student knows that NOT GUILTY IS NOT THE SAME AS INNOCENT.

The DOJ does not prove people innocent, only guilty or not guilty based on the evidence at hand.

What a crock of shit to say they couldn’t EXONERATE TRUMP.


Better than that-

Turner then asked if the special counsel could have powers greater than the Attorney General, which Mueller said they could not.

"Mr. Mueller, does the Attorney General have the power or authority to exonerate?" he said as he grabbed various books. "And what I'm putting up here is the United States code. This is where the Attorney General gets his power. And the constitution, and the annotated cases of these, which we've searched.

"We even went to your law school, because I went to Case Western but I thought maybe your law school teaches it differently, and we got the criminal law textbook from your law school."

Mueller, who graduated from University of Virginia School of Law, sat silently as Turner continued....

Turner asked if Mueller thought Barr thought there was an "office of exoneration" in the Department of Justice, to which Mueller said, "that's not what I said."

Turner later pointed to a large, print out of a shot from CNN earlier Wednesday with a chyron that read, "MUELLER: TRUMP WAS NOT EXONERATED."

"What you know is that this can't say, 'Mueller exonerated Trump,' because you don't have the power or authority to exonerate Trump," Turner said. "You have no more power to declare him exonerated (or not, me) than you have the power to declare him Anderson Cooper."
GOP lawmaker takes out textbook, tells Mueller he doesn't have 'power to exonerate'

Exoneration is Trump's line.
Page 273:
The evidence shows that the President was focused on the Russia investigation's
implications for his presidency and, specifically, on dispelling any suggestion that he was under
investigation or had links to Russia. in early March, the President attempted to prevent Sessions's
recusal, even after being told that Sessions was following DOJ conflict-of-interest rules.
So he obstructed the investigation before it had even started?

You're an idiot.

The FBI investigation started in July of 2016, dope.

The Mueller witch hunt didn't start until after Sessions recused himself, dope.

The FBI investigation was ongoing at that time, dope.
You can't obstruct an intelligence operation, you fucking moron. Furthermore, spying on the opposition candidate is illegal.

You are such a retard.
10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller
So the dog and pony show is officially underway?
Yes ....Some Milk Bones have been tossed and the oats are being delivered as we speak.

I saw few oats, but a whole lot of horseshit from Republicans today.
I suspect there was an equal amount of horse shit from Democrats today as well but you probably didn’t see that.

Democrats were't demogoguing, or making speeches. They were reviewing specific aspects of the case, nor were they treating Mr. Mueller with hostility and aggression. Representative Collins was practically frothing at the mouth. Words poured out of his mouth at such a pace, he was stumbling over them. He didn't even pause for Mueller to answer to question, if there was one, before launching into his next angry diatribe. Republicans outdid themselves in their anger, their outrage.

The Republicans brought up Strzok and Page, time and time again as evidence that Mueller hired highly biased partisans out to get Trump. Both were dismissed from the investigation less than three months after it started, but Republicans tried to portray them as having been involved throughout, and central to the conclusions in the Report.
What are they saying on CNN and MSLSD?

How are they spinning this disaster? No way are they being honest about how bad it was for the Dimms!

I refuse to tune in. I’ll watch YouTube clips but at don’t tune in to CNN and PMSNBC
Good for you. You don't want to get mind-poisoned. It can happen in an instant.

Do you have your computer lined with foil so they can't accidentally mind poison you when you go to youtube? Use the heavy duty kind. It's safer.

Derp. I don’t want to give them ratings. I said I watch the clips on YouTube. Is you memory that bad?

I said: “I’ll watch YouTube clips but at don’t tune in to CNN and PMSNBC”

Nice try smartass.
Still, they might be able to know you are watching on youtube and secretly add that to the ratings. Heavy duty foil will stop that.

So you don’t know how the corporate media is spinning this utter disaster for Dimms.

Mueller confirmed there was no obstruction, and the report says there was no conspiracy to rig the election.

This pipe dream for Dimms is over.

I'm watching CNN. I'm not afraid of the ratings. Mueller did not confirm there was no obstruction. You kidder.

Collins: “at any time during the investigation was your investigation curtailed, stopped or hindered?”

Mueller: “No”

Sounds like his investigation was not obstructed. That was his testimony.
Mueller is a lying piece of shit.

No wonder Mueller didn’t want to have to answer questions on this report and it took months to get him to testify.

Guarantee the guy has a glass of prune juice every morning.
So the dog and pony show is officially underway?
Yes ....Some Milk Bones have been tossed and the oats are being delivered as we speak.

I saw few oats, but a whole lot of horseshit from Republicans today.
I suspect there was an equal amount of horse shit from Democrats today as well but you probably didn’t see that.

Democrats were't demogoguing, or making speeches. They were reviewing specific aspects of the case, nor were they treating Mr. Mueller with hostility and aggression. Representative Collins was practically frothing at the mouth. Words poured out of his mouth at such a pace, he was stumbling over them. He didn't even pause for Mueller to answer to question, if there was one, before launching into his next angry diatribe. Republicans outdid themselves in their anger, their outrage.

The Republicans brought up Strzok and Page, time and time again as evidence that Mueller hired highly biased partisans out to get Trump. Both were dismissed from the investigation less than three months after it started, but Republicans tried to portray them as having been involved throughout, and central to the conclusions in the Report.

Today was bad for Dems, Bob looked foolish and lost. Of course you believed him when he said he wasn't "familiar" with Fusion GPS?
Exactly. Mueller had to break the rules to produce the report the way he did.

This quote from post one:

Ratcliffe continued: “You didn’t follow the special counsel regulations. It clearly says write a confidential report about decisions reached. Nowhere in here does it say write a report about decisions that weren’t reached.”
bolding mine


I have pointed this out about 25 times in the forum, that Mueller didn't follow the Special Counsel LAW on the obstruction charges, his idiotic statement about something he didn't even make an actual charge of.

Here is the LAW once again, lets see how many stoooopid democrats here will bring up a department policy (NOT A LAW) as their rationalization that Mueller didn't have to make a charge.

28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

"(c)Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel."

bolding mine

The LAW Trumps any department policy, he was REQUIRED BY LAW to chose either a PROSECUTION decision or a DECLINATION decision, nothing more, nothing less.

Lets see if any of the raging leftist morons continue to ignore the FACT that Mueller never posted any Prosecution charges anywhere in the report. Without any legal charges, there is NOTHING to pursue, case is CLOSED!!!
If Democrats don't try to impeach trump after all they been saying about him, they will lose 2020

If Democrats do try to impeach trump, they will lose 2020.
Mueller testified today that "there was no witch hunt", and that was probably the most controversial and perjurious statement he made today. IMHO, for this lie, he should really be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Huge lie. Scores of witnesses could be brought in to show that it was indeed, a witch hunt.

This kind of perjury ought not be tolerated for a sec.
Why are you a sore loser allowing the party of sore losers to tell you what to think and feel?

It was an illegal witch hunt.

That was proven.

Yep, period!!! Dumbass libs.

What was the crime that precipitated years of Benghazi investigations, dope?
missing emails, server off government land.
Then by your was an illegal investigation as none of that was proven and there were no charges.

Not by anyone who matters outside of the fever swamps.
Yawn, been hearing this for two years, tomorrow is just another day of the democrats doing nothing.

Anyone who votes for a democrat who failed to impeach Trump before 2020 is a fool

Doing nothing?

Not even campaigning in Mexico? Sad day...
Only in your underwear is the Obstruction DUPE.

Now go lick your wounds and come back in 2024 and try again.

Collins: “at any time during the investigation was your investigation curtailed, stopped or hindered?”

Mueller: “No”

So........Mueller admits there was no obstruction!!!!!!!!!!

What the fuck, lefties? You people are fucking insane.

Trump's obstruction didn't have the desired effect but was obstruction nonetheless.

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