It's Mueller Time!

This has to be second only to President Trump winning the election in a landslide in terms of TDS butthurtness. Rachel "Blinky" Maddow is prolly gonna cry again tonight while Tucker and Hannity laugh and have a great time despite the profound criminal action perpetrated by the Deep State/MSM!
Problem with Liars.............eventually the truth comes out and you are screwed.

Pathetic from what I've seen so far. Is he incompetent or did they decide to make him look incompetent so he wouldn't have to say WHAT WE ALL ALREADY KNOW.

They are guilty as sin, and should be going to jail.
Why are you a sore loser allowing the party of sore losers to tell you what to think and feel?

It was an illegal witch hunt.

That was proven.

What was the crime that precipitated years of Benghazi investigations, dope?
missing emails, server off government land.
Then by your was an illegal investigation as none of that was proven and there were no charges.

Not by anyone who matters outside of the fever swamps.

Says the conspiracy lunatic.

Mueller destroyed your narratives today. You dopes are back to discrediting Mueller and screaming about the deep state.

You lost ground today and you dopes are working ovetime trying to regain some.
Why are you a sore loser allowing the party of sore losers to tell you what to think and feel?

It was an illegal witch hunt.

That was proven.

missing emails, server off government land.
Then by your was an illegal investigation as none of that was proven and there were no charges.

Not by anyone who matters outside of the fever swamps.

Says the conspiracy lunatic.

Mueller destroyed your narratives today. You dopes are back to discrediting Mueller and screaming about the deep state.

You lost ground today and you dopes are working ovetime trying to regain some.
The Great Out of my Perview testimony. LOL

Only in your underwear is the Obstruction DUPE.

Now go lick your wounds and come back in 2024 and try again.

Collins: “at any time during the investigation was your investigation curtailed, stopped or hindered?”

Mueller: “No”

So........Mueller admits there was no obstruction!!!!!!!!!!

What the fuck, lefties? You people are fucking insane.

Trump's obstruction didn't have the desired effect but was obstruction nonetheless.


You're the one on the defensive, dope. Mueller just publicly validated everything I've said from the beginnning.
Good for you. You don't want to get mind-poisoned. It can happen in an instant.

Do you have your computer lined with foil so they can't accidentally mind poison you when you go to youtube? Use the heavy duty kind. It's safer.

Derp. I don’t want to give them ratings. I said I watch the clips on YouTube. Is you memory that bad?

I said: “I’ll watch YouTube clips but at don’t tune in to CNN and PMSNBC”

Nice try smartass.
Still, they might be able to know you are watching on youtube and secretly add that to the ratings. Heavy duty foil will stop that.

So you don’t know how the corporate media is spinning this utter disaster for Dimms.

Mueller confirmed there was no obstruction, and the report says there was no conspiracy to rig the election.

This pipe dream for Dimms is over.

I'm watching CNN. I'm not afraid of the ratings. Mueller did not confirm there was no obstruction. You kidder.

Collins: “at any time during the investigation was your investigation curtailed, stopped or hindered?”

Mueller: “No”

Sounds like his investigation was not obstructed. That was his testimony.
Not to me. It doesn't say anything to the 10 instances of obstruction described in the report. Republicans should have asked more questions about that. Seems like they conceded all that was true.
Wow my liberal buddy from down the street just knocked on my door and he apologized to me...said he was wrong and I've been right all along....he is a retired Marine African American with integrity...
Your Conspiracy was all contained
In The Fake Dirty Dossier you, Obama, Clinton, and The DNC paid for.

They created the conspiracy and today they had to eat it.

Humble Pie.

Suck it up buttercup. The President racked up another win. You dummies should have listened to the one or two moderates in your party.

Now Swallow your bitter pill you mindless drone.

Why are you a sore loser allowing the party of sore losers to tell you what to think and feel?

It was an illegal witch hunt.

That was proven.

missing emails, server off government land.
Then by your was an illegal investigation as none of that was proven and there were no charges.

Not by anyone who matters outside of the fever swamps.

Says the conspiracy lunatic.

Mueller destroyed your narratives today. You dopes are back to discrediting Mueller and screaming about the deep state.

You lost ground today and you dopes are working ovetime trying to regain some.
Mueller is a lying piece of shit.

No wonder Mueller didn’t want to have to answer questions on this report and it took months to get him to testify.

Guarantee the guy has a glass of prune juice every morning.
He would have that in common with Trump. You KNOW all that junk food has got to get him stopped up. No fiber.
There are good Democrats, they just don’t post here and The Democrat Party treats them like they have the plague.

Wow my liberal buddy from down the street just knocked on my door and he apologized to me...said he was wrong and I've been right all along....he is a retired Marine African American with integrity...
Mueller testified today that "there was no witch hunt", and that was probably the most controversial and perjurious statement he made today. IMHO, for this lie, he should really be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Huge lie. Scores of witnesses could be brought in to show that it was indeed, a witch hunt.

This kind of perjury ought not be tolerated for a sec.

Why are you a sore loser allowing the party of sore losers to tell you what to think and feel?

It was an illegal witch hunt.

That was proven.

missing emails, server off government land.
Then by your was an illegal investigation as none of that was proven and there were no charges.

Not by anyone who matters outside of the fever swamps.

Says the conspiracy lunatic.

Mueller destroyed your narratives today. You dopes are back to discrediting Mueller and screaming about the deep state.

You lost ground today and you dopes are working ovetime trying to regain some.

Have you ever had a favorite TV show? And you watched every episode? For years? And then it ended? But you didn't like how the story ended? At all? And you wished you could talk to the star of the show and ask why it didn't end the way you wanted?

That's how many members of Congress were feeling, today.

On both sides, actually, but I think it was a positively terrible day for the Democrats. Not only did Mueller not provide them with an impeachable offense (or any certain offense actually), he made it perfectly clear he wanted them to believe that President Trump is a terrible person.

But . . .he blew his credibility when he made it clear that the 'best' most capable17 people he could find for his team just happened to all be staunch, Trump hating Democrats, half of which had personal relatonships/friendships with Hillary Clinton. And he says he didn't know that? And he didn't know the political leanings of the guys he had worked with for years? Give me a break.

And the other most revealing thing is how little he knew of what was in his own report. Again and again and again he asked if something read to him was in his report. When advised that it was, then it was oh yes, that is correct. Again give me a break.

I had questions before about who actually compiled that report and would have placed a modest wager that it was Weissman. After today, I don't know whether it was Weissman, but I am pretty darn sure that Mueller wrote very little of it himself if any of it.
He doesn't know what's in "his" report because he didn't write it. Weismann did. Mueller was just a figurehead. He was there to give all the criminals credibility.

Until today I was hedging my bets on that. But after Mueller's really sad performance today, I sure can't say with any confidence that you are wrong.
I am a Trump supporter, but Mueller's performance was so sad that it actually made me feel sorry for him.
Your Conspiracy was all contained
In The Fake Dirty Dossier you, Obama, Clinton, and The DNC paid for.

They created the conspiracy and today they had to eat it.

Humble Pie.

Suck it up buttercup. The President racked up another win. You dummies should have listened to the one or two moderates in your party.

Now Swallow your bitter pill you mindless drone.

Why are you a sore loser allowing the party of sore losers to tell you what to think and feel?

It was an illegal witch hunt.

That was proven.

Then by your was an illegal investigation as none of that was proven and there were no charges.

Not by anyone who matters outside of the fever swamps.

Says the conspiracy lunatic.

Mueller destroyed your narratives today. You dopes are back to discrediting Mueller and screaming about the deep state.

You lost ground today and you dopes are working ovetime trying to regain some.

"The dossier" has nothing to do with any of this, dope.

Trump committed obstruction on his own.
Mueller testified today that "there was no witch hunt", and that was probably the most controversial and perjurious statement he made today. IMHO, for this lie, he should really be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Huge lie. Scores of witnesses could be brought in to show that it was indeed, a witch hunt.

This kind of perjury ought not be tolerated for a sec.

Take a look at one of the Dream Team Lib. This thing was the finest in the FBI......OMFG...
They are coming to take me away. LOL

Only in your underwear is the Obstruction DUPE.

Now go lick your wounds and come back in 2024 and try again.

Collins: “at any time during the investigation was your investigation curtailed, stopped or hindered?”

Mueller: “No”

So........Mueller admits there was no obstruction!!!!!!!!!!

What the fuck, lefties? You people are fucking insane.

Trump's obstruction didn't have the desired effect but was obstruction nonetheless.


You're the one on the defensive, dope. Mueller just publicly validated everything I've said from the beginnning.
You're an absolute idiot for trying to keep this train wreck going. Nothing came from this today that was good for you. All it did was enforce how fucking stupid you unhinged idiots really are.

Totally Delusional.

Trumps Poll numbers will climb another 4 points despite the polls being conducted in Libtardia land.

Come back in 2024 where you can accuse Mike Pence of being the reincarnation of Hitler, cuz Putin says.

Why are you a sore loser allowing the party of sore losers to tell you what to think and feel?

It was an illegal witch hunt.

That was proven.

missing emails, server off government land.
Then by your was an illegal investigation as none of that was proven and there were no charges.

Not by anyone who matters outside of the fever swamps.

Says the conspiracy lunatic.

Mueller destroyed your narratives today. You dopes are back to discrediting Mueller and screaming about the deep state.

You lost ground today and you dopes are working ovetime trying to regain some.
Your Conspiracy was all contained
In The Fake Dirty Dossier you, Obama, Clinton, and The DNC paid for.

They created the conspiracy and today they had to eat it.

Humble Pie.

Suck it up buttercup. The President racked up another win. You dummies should have listened to the one or two moderates in your party.

Now Swallow your bitter pill you mindless drone.

Why are you a sore loser allowing the party of sore losers to tell you what to think and feel?

It was an illegal witch hunt.

That was proven.

Not by anyone who matters outside of the fever swamps.

Says the conspiracy lunatic.

Mueller destroyed your narratives today. You dopes are back to discrediting Mueller and screaming about the deep state.

You lost ground today and you dopes are working ovetime trying to regain some.

"The dossier" has nothing to do with any of this, dope.

Trump committed obstruction on his own.
It started this entire thing you fucktard.

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