It's Mueller Time!

It was an illegal witch hunt.

That was proven.

What was the crime that precipitated years of Benghazi investigations, dope?
missing emails, server off government land.
Then by your was an illegal investigation as none of that was proven and there were no charges.

Not by anyone who matters outside of the fever swamps.
If you're referencing mainstream media and the left, they are clueless idiots.
You can add every govt agency as well.

Because if he had said the Potus had committed a crime, then he'd have to indict him and you can't indict a sitting Pres , due to the OLC decision. And also you are not allowed to say he committed a crime without indicting due to the Pres. would have no defense.

The Witchhunt was never about justice. It was always about politics...
Only in your underwear is the Obstruction DUPE.

Now go lick your wounds and come back in 2024 and try again.


You're the one on the defensive, dope. Mueller just publicly validated everything I've said from the beginnning.
You're an absolute idiot for trying to keep this train wreck going. Nothing came from this today that was good for you. All it did was enforce how fucking stupid you unhinged idiots really are.


Mueller discredited your entire narrative established by Barr. You are reduced to attacking his appearance and demeanor rather than the substance of the report. The truth is now out there straight from Mueller.

You took a hit whether you recognize it yet or not.
What did Mueller say that discredited anyone?

I’ll wait for the quotes.
What did Mueller say that discredited anyone?

I’ll wait for the quotes.

Prosecutors never exonerate in America, Dufus.

In America we find people guilty of crimes, not guilty until innocent, Comrade.
“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Representative Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller said. “As we say in the report, and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Robert Mueller 07/24/2019.

Because if he had said the Potus had committed a crime, then he'd have to indict him and you can't indict a sitting Pres , due to the OLC decision. And also you are not allowed to say he committed a crime without indicting due to the Pres. would have no defense.

I guess we now know why Mueller was hiding in the shadows for these last two and half years. If that doesn't stick the fork in the dead pig, nothing will. But again we are dealing with the Left, so who knows?
Hilarious montage of clueless Mueller. Good stuff! :21:

What the fuck man? This dude investigated the POTUS for 2 years and spent $30 million??????
It was an historical day because today is the day we closed the book on this failed witch hunt. It is time that America turns the page.
Only in your underwear is the Obstruction DUPE.

Now go lick your wounds and come back in 2024 and try again.

Trump's obstruction didn't have the desired effect but was obstruction nonetheless.


You're the one on the defensive, dope. Mueller just publicly validated everything I've said from the beginnning.
You're an absolute idiot for trying to keep this train wreck going. Nothing came from this today that was good for you. All it did was enforce how fucking stupid you unhinged idiots really are.


Mueller discredited your entire narrative established by Barr. You are reduced to attacking his appearance and demeanor rather than the substance of the report. The truth is now out there straight from Mueller.

You took a hit whether you recognize it yet or not.
You're a joke. Nothing came from this hearing to support your position. Nothing. You lost at every turn today and you still want to claim a win? Pathetic.
Denial isn't going to get you anywhere.
Your narrative is shot to hell, loser.
t was testimony the whole country waited for — but former special counsel Robert Mueller could barely be heard at times on Wednesday, stammering through certain responses while asking lawmakers to repeat themselves.

The former FBI director, 74, oscillated between steadfastness and mumbling, his microphone at points failing him as he struggled to be heard above the din of spectators and photographers.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Not ready for Prime Time ! Bumbling, stumbling, and mumbling.

The conditions were a bit warm for a 74-year-old man.

Why did the Democrats put him through that? Never mind. They just rub their hands together constantly in hopes of raising “Trumpstink” . . . while life goes on.


Well.....his nurse came in, helped him back to his room, sat him in his easy chair, turned his "stories" on and made him some warm was just too much for him...he needs to rest.
What I find most outrageous about Mueller's testimony is his admission that he went after anyone associated with Trump and threw the book at them for any and all process crimes, but not Steel or anyone surrounding the Fusion GPS bullshit.

Mueller had one stated mission--investigate Russian interference.

But, that was not his real mission, based on his course of action.

I find that VERY troubling. That tends to give credence to the claim that Mueller was a Clinton stooge trying to undo an election and/or cover for her evil, corrupt ass.

I want an investigation!!!

Your Conspiracy was all contained
In The Fake Dirty Dossier you, Obama, Clinton, and The DNC paid for.

They created the conspiracy and today they had to eat it.

Humble Pie.

Suck it up buttercup. The President racked up another win. You dummies should have listened to the one or two moderates in your party.

Now Swallow your bitter pill you mindless drone.

Says the conspiracy lunatic.the dossier

Mueller destroyed your narratives today. You dopes are back to discrediting Mueller and screaming about the deep state.

You lost ground today and you dopes are working ovetime trying to regain some.

"The dossier" has nothing to do with any of this, dope.

Trump committed obstruction on his own.
It started this entire thing you fucktard.

It did?

Says who? You? :laughing0301:
No you moron, not me. It was the basis for the spying the democrats took to the court. The fact your hero prosecutor didn't even know who the hell all out here know about the dossier and the people behind it is criminal. How the hell do you do an investigation without knowing how it started.
There was no court proceeding that precipitated the FBI investigation, dope.
Why would Mueller understand your dopey fairy tale?
Not bad Muller. Mr. Integrity, the super law dog, old warrior, aggressive prosecutor who never lost a case and ALWAYS got his man. In reality, he is nothing but a name on a piece of paper. A hood ornament on the conspiracy theory Volvo. He was over hyped and any hope of a positive legacy was circling the drain went down the toilet today. People that n his office need to account for all the money they spent as well as the time on this investigation. Miller is nothing but another feeble old Washington elite. His legacy is destroyed.
Only in your underwear is the Obstruction DUPE.

Now go lick your wounds and come back in 2024 and try again.

Trump's obstruction didn't have the desired effect but was obstruction nonetheless.


You're the one on the defensive, dope. Mueller just publicly validated everything I've said from the beginnning.
You're an absolute idiot for trying to keep this train wreck going. Nothing came from this today that was good for you. All it did was enforce how fucking stupid you unhinged idiots really are.


Mueller discredited your entire narrative established by Barr. You are reduced to attacking his appearance and demeanor rather than the substance of the report. The truth is now out there straight from Mueller.

You took a hit whether you recognize it yet or not.
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Another one proving my point. Again, no substance.

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