It's Mueller Time!

When did Trump fire Rosenstein?
Comey, ya dumbass.

Goddamn, this is like talking to children.

Since you're a toddler soiling his diaper because you got your ass handed to you again, just STFU. Damn, slapping you around is REALLY easy. By the way moron, Trump has the power to fire Comey for any reason. Refusal to do his job was a pretty good one. Comey was never in charge of this investigation. It started AFTER Trump removed the piece of garbage (which the idiots like you wanted done anyway).
Republicans asked better questions and were well spoken. Perhaps they had more former prosecutors? But the Democrats looked weak and bad. Lieu again embarrassed himself like he did before with Candace Owens. I recommend they run persons with more charisma and legal backgrounds.
We also learned that not only did D-Sciff leak classified information, we found out he is a big fat f*ing LIAR, too!

Whatever happened to all that 'evidence' he claimed to have that would put the President in prison?!
When did Trump fire Rosenstein?
Comey, ya dumbass.

Goddamn, this is like talking to children.

Since you're a toddler soiling his diaper because you got your ass handed to you again, just STFU. Damn, slapping you around is REALLY easy. By the way moron, Trump has the power to fire Comey for any reason. Refusal to do his job was a pretty good one. Comey was never in charge of this investigation. It started AFTER Trump removed the piece of garbage (which the idiots like you wanted done anyway).
And here comes the crybaby tantrum. Every time.
Mueller looked like a feeble old man who had no idea what was going on. The report states he interviewed Steele,yet he has no idea who Fusion GPS is and wouldn't answer any questions pertaining to Steele? He came off as incompetent and not knowing what was in "his" report. A bad day for Mueller and the Dems.
Where does the report say that he interviewed Steele? Page number please.
Mueller's investigation is a threat to American social cohesion. for that alone, he should be locked up!

Mueller looked like a feeble old man who had no idea what was going on. The report states he interviewed Steele,yet he has no idea who Fusion GPS is and wouldn't answer any questions pertaining to Steele? He came off as incompetent and not knowing what was in "his" report. A bad day for Mueller and the Dems.
Where does the report say that he interviewed Steele? Page number please.
So, Mueller ignored overt Russian influence in favor of what turned out to be a big bag of NOTHING?

Yep. That's what I want the DoJ to explore.

The Steel Dossier was Russian sourced
So? Was mueller supposed to call up the Russians? That was a stupid question designed to pander to a stupid conspiracy. Highlight of the day for the trump cultists, though, haha...
Was he investigating Russian influence or not?

I am not your assistant. Just make your point. think trump hating russians made stuff up. No need to say it.

And answerimg steele's questions is not interference. That would be like the only output of the russian troll farms being the interviews you recorded with them. And then callimg that interference.
When did Trump fire Rosenstein?
Comey, ya dumbass.

Goddamn, this is like talking to children.

Since you're a toddler soiling his diaper because you got your ass handed to you again, just STFU. Damn, slapping you around is REALLY easy. By the way moron, Trump has the power to fire Comey for any reason. Refusal to do his job was a pretty good one. Comey was never in charge of this investigation. It started AFTER Trump removed the piece of garbage (which the idiots like you wanted done anyway).
And here comes the crybaby tantrum. Every time.

Yes you are crying you little jackass. Your surrender is noted. Now run along little boy, adults are speaking.
Bob MULEr is no longer in full control of his mental faculties.
If I didn't know any better it would appear to me that he was nothing more than an installed puppet.
The man didn't even know which president appointed him.
Another person in my life looked like MULEr looked today...... my grandfather not long before he had to be put into a home.

I am stunned that the Democrats lust for Trump blood overpowered the small amount of common sense it would have taken to realize this man was not up to the task they were demanding of him.
No Mr Muller no! :mad-61:

Mueller looked like a feeble old man who had no idea what was going on. The report states he interviewed Steele,yet he has no idea who Fusion GPS is and wouldn't answer any questions pertaining to Steele? He came off as incompetent and not knowing what was in "his" report. A bad day for Mueller and the Dems.
Where does the report say that he interviewed Steele? Page number please.

Did you even listen to anything today? Obviously not. So STFU.
Mueller assumed Trump committed a crime.
Okay, miss Cleo. Funny it turns out, he did commit a crime.

Who Mueller? Probably. But then, after today, he can claim he 'doesn't remember'.....LOL You just can't make this shit up!! Wassamatta? You didn't do so well in American English? Words have meanings. 'whether' is NOT the same as 'whether or not' especially in legal matters but, what the fuck, if it screws Trump the TDSers wet their pants over it.
When did Trump fire Rosenstein?
Comey, ya dumbass.

Goddamn, this is like talking to children.

Since you're a toddler soiling his diaper because you got your ass handed to you again, just STFU. Damn, slapping you around is REALLY easy. By the way moron, Trump has the power to fire Comey for any reason. Refusal to do his job was a pretty good one. Comey was never in charge of this investigation. It started AFTER Trump removed the piece of garbage (which the idiots like you wanted done anyway).
And here comes the crybaby tantrum. Every time.

Yes you are crying you little jackass. Your surrender is noted. Now run along little boy, adults are speaking.
Somebody call the waaaaahmbulance for poor lantern...someone insulted Grampy Cheetoh, and now he has lost it again....

Anyhow, trump is clearly a felon.
The Steel Dossier was Russian sourced
So? Was mueller supposed to call up the Russians? That was a stupid question designed to pander to a stupid conspiracy. Highlight of the day for the trump cultists, though, haha...
Was he investigating Russian influence or not?

I am not your assistant. Just make your point. think trump hating russians made stuff up. No need to say it.

And answerimg steele's questions is not interference.
The question is why Mueller failed to explore an obvious piece of influential information (the Dossier) alleged to have been provided by Russian intelligence.

So, tell me. Do you think that would fall under the charge of investigating Russian influence?

Or do you admit now that the Dossier was complete made-up bullshit used to secure a FISA warrant?

Obstruction is an impeachable offense. The only victory you spineless turds have is that the republican senate are too much of pussies to indict Trump. That’s all you have.
You mean like how democrats refused to impeach Clinton when he was clearly guilty on every charge leveled against him? In this case Trump is NOT guilty of anything and the dems know it that's why they won't impeach him.

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