It's Mueller Time!

Mueller's investigation is a threat to American social cohesion. for that alone, he should be locked up!

So many ranting choices for the MAGAts.


You may have trouble getting that last one to stick. One of these things is not like the others....
Obstruction is an impeachable offense. The only victory you spineless turds have is that the republican senate are too much of pussies to indict Trump. That’s all you have.
You mean like how democrats refused to impeach Clinton when he was clearly guilty on every charge leveled against him? In this case Trump is NOT guilty of anything and the dems know it that's why they won't impeach him.
He’s guilty of obstruction whether you like it or not. You dismiss any conclusion that doesn’t coddle your pre-conceived notions.
Then why is Trumpy all up in Putin's ass all the time? Trump hates Hillary. He wants her ass LOCKED UP. NOW!

Trump doesn't forgive and forget. I know that, you know that, we all know that. He would would not be happy to know that Putin was helping HIllary Yet he and Putin are BFF. They even write love letters to each other. You think Trump just doesn't know that Putin sourced the Dossier? You know it came from Putin because nothing happens in Russia without the A-OK from Vlad. He's got that place locked down tight.
Is there a word of that post that is NOT pure conjecture?

That's not the game we are playing? Sure seems like it!
Because I just told you asshat. They won’t impeach him because they know it would be a waste of time because the senate must indict him.

No shit Sherlock! Lol

And the Senate knows the Dems have NOTHING on Trump. And, you are correct on one thing. It would be a waste of time, since there is NOTHING to impeach Trump on. :)
Then why is Trumpy all up in Putin's ass all the time? Trump hates Hillary. He wants her ass LOCKED UP. NOW!

Trump doesn't forgive and forget. I know that, you know that, we all know that. He would would not be happy to know that Putin was helping HIllary Yet he and Putin are BFF. They even write love letters to each other. You think Trump just doesn't know that Putin sourced the Dossier? You know it came from Putin because nothing happens in Russia without the A-OK from Vlad. He's got that place locked down tight.
Is there a word of that post that is NOT pure conjecture?

That's not the game we are playing? Sure seems like it!
For the record, I don't want Hillary locked up.

I didn't want Ken Starr to waste MILLIONS investigating a blow job.

I have been consistent for YEARS.

We have seen Hillary get grilled a few times in her life,,right? And when she's backed into a corner, we all know how she answers her questions.
And on Wednesday, we saw it all over again, only Mueller was acting like Hillary all afternoon.
And the best of all: Mr. Mueller, why is it that you vociferously pursued prosecution of anyone even slightly guilty of the smallest crime no matter how long ago if they were in any way connected to Trump yet passed on prosecuting anyone connected to the Democrats no matter how big the crime, relevant or recent to the investigation? NO COMMENT.
THIS is the troubling part of Mueller's testimony.

I would like to have that investigated and pursued.

THE BEAUTY OF IT ALL is that in pursuing their investigation today with the assertion that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW: all the Democrats actually accomplished was not only to lay the insurmountable groundwork for Trump's defense in which he can never be impeached or prosecuted now, but to actually lay the pipeline now which will DEMAND a thorough investigation of and accounting of Hillary Clinton, Obama's involvement, the FBI, Strozk, Page, Mifsud, Fusion GPS, Steele, and the entire DNC!
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Because I just told you asshat. They won’t impeach him because they know it would be a waste of time because the senate must indict him.

No shit Sherlock! Lol

And the Senate knows the Dems have NOTHING on Trump. And, you are correct on one thing. It would be a waste of time, since there is NOTHING to impeach Trump on. :)
Don’t be stupid. Republicans know he is guilty but they would choose not to indict him. It’s pretty pathetic you actually think the GOP has principles.
...what are the chances they cease their seditious attempts to 'un-do' the 2016 election, stop attempting to undermine the President, and do their jobs?!

Well, if D-Schiff's 'testimony' wrapping up the Mueller hearing was indication, even the disastrous events of today will not stop them from continuing.

Even Liberal media, however, are reporting that Mueller's nightmarish performance drives a stake through the heart of the Trump 'Witch Hunt'.

Perhaps the person who should be worried the most right now after today is WEISMANN...

ABC News correspondent says 'impeachment's over' after Mueller testimony

Obstruction is an impeachable offense. The only victory you spineless turds have is that the republican senate are too much of pussies to indict Trump. That’s all you have.

You should talk. :)

The Dems had many chances to IMPEACH him. So, what do they have now?

Because I just told you asshat. They won’t impeach him because they know it would be a waste of time because the senate must indict him.
Oh and what would the Congress impeach the president again for? Wasn't the Mueller report about Russian Collusion?

Mueller Report Finds No Evidence Of Russian Collusion

Biden Says Russian Interference Wouldn’t Have Happened On His Watch. It Did

Somebody here is lying....Can you guess which one?
A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions...I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today — All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on

I must say.....he is right! he knows what is coming the the Left.

I absolutely do not agree with Michael Moore, on the contrary, I have totally opposed views .... but what he said there is right!

Hatred has not blinded him completely!
The Tards took it up the poop Shute today with mumbling Mueller....

This is like a good ole Hallmark movie........

The man upstairs seems to have President Trumps back....

No matter what the Tards throw at him,

it just comes back at them harder.....

Are we having fun or what?

I suspect there will be a big fire sale on these:

Because I just told you asshat. They won’t impeach him because they know it would be a waste of time because the senate must indict him.

No shit Sherlock! Lol

And the Senate knows the Dems have NOTHING on Trump. And, you are correct on one thing. It would be a waste of time, since there is NOTHING to impeach Trump on. :)
Don’t be stupid. Republicans know he is guilty but they would choose not to indict him. It’s pretty pathetic you actually think the GOP has principles.
Pretty stupid to think that we have any respect for you or your party. Schiff and Nadler has lied all this time to you for almost 3 years now about all that evidence that there was Russian Collusion. Even today, there was no Russian Collusion. Yet you still hang on by a thread, thinking(I know that is an oxymoron for a liberal) that the Dems are going to get President Trump...Yep, we hate you so much, cant wait till you go full retard and start some shit in a state that allows conceal and open carry....
A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions...I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today — All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on

Haha! This is funny and soon to be a classic!

Typical rino Tard
Another snowflake crying because Mueller failed you. You can STFU too jackass. Your lack of anything remotely intelligent or correct to say is noted.

I couldn't give two shits about Mueller. Trump is a shit stain on world of politics. And real estate for that matter. The fact you are supporting him via dissing Mueller speaks volumes about you. None of it good Cletus...

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