It's Mueller Time!

Obstruction is an impeachable offense. The only victory you spineless turds have is that the republican senate are too much of pussies to indict Trump. That’s all you have.

You should talk. :)

The Dems had many chances to IMPEACH him. So, what do they have now?

Because I just told you asshat. They won’t impeach him because they know it would be a waste of time because the senate must indict him.
Oh and what would the Congress impeach the president again for? Wasn't the Mueller report about Russian Collusion?

Mueller Report Finds No Evidence Of Russian Collusion

Biden Says Russian Interference Wouldn’t Have Happened On His Watch. It Did

Somebody here is lying....Can you guess which one?
Lol Robert from the beginning found collusion of those in Trump’s orbit but not Trump himself. Of course the real charge is obstruction of justice.
And the best of all: Mr. Mueller, why is it that you vociferously pursued prosecution of anyone even slightly guilty of the smallest crime no matter how long ago if they were in any way connected to Trump yet passed on prosecuting anyone connected to the Democrats no matter how big the crime, relevant or recent to the investigation? NO COMMENT.
THIS is the troubling part of Mueller's testimony.

I would like to have that investigated and pursued.

THE BEAUTY OF IT ALL is that in pursuing their investigation today with the assertion that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW: all the Democrats actually accomplished was not only to lay the insurmountable groundwork for Trump's defense in which he can never be impeached or prosecuted now, but to actually lay the pipeline now which will DEMAND a thorough investigation of and accounting of Hillary Clinton, Obama's involvement, the FBI, Strozk, Page, Mifsud, Fusion GPS, Steele, and the entire DNC!
Or, the entire democrat party can just fuck off and all members leave office immediately.


Take the GOP with you.

Republicans asked better questions and were well spoken. Perhaps they had more former prosecutors? But the Democrats looked weak and bad. Lieu again embarrassed himself like he did before with Candace Owens. I recommend they run persons with more charisma and legal backgrounds.
They didn't sound stupid because they were poor speakers.

They sounded stupid because they were arguing that an innocent person should be assumed guilty just because they were butthurt over losing an election.

They did not sound as prepared and were not as well spoken as the Republicans IMO. As to why IDK.
So, when it is determined that "collusion" was not a crime, and the investigation was a big fat piece of wasteful shit, wouldn't that NEGATE corrupt intent? You know, being as it was the president's job to stop wasteful investigations into NON-CRIMES?

I hear ya. Bit like Ken Starr, right?
No, not a bit like Ken Starr.

EXACTLY like Ken Starr.

I have been on the right side of both of these bullshit investigations.

I am consistent.


At least someone is....
Obstruction is an impeachable offense. The only victory you spineless turds have is that the republican senate are too much of pussies to indict Trump. That’s all you have.

You should talk. :)

The Dems had many chances to IMPEACH him. So, what do they have now?

Because I just told you asshat. They won’t impeach him because they know it would be a waste of time because the senate must indict him.
Oh and what would the Congress impeach the president again for? Wasn't the Mueller report about Russian Collusion?

Mueller Report Finds No Evidence Of Russian Collusion

Biden Says Russian Interference Wouldn’t Have Happened On His Watch. It Did

Somebody here is lying....Can you guess which one?
Lol Robert from the beginning found collusion of those in Trump’s orbit but not Trump himself. Of course the real charge is obstruction of justice.

What world does your biased Leftist brain live in?
He’s guilty of obstruction whether you like it or not. You dismiss any conclusion that doesn’t coddle your pre-conceived notions.

"You believe you could charge the president with obstruction of justice after he leaves office?" one Republican Judiciary Committee member asked.

"Yes," Mueller responded.

No president has ever been criminally charged while in the Oval Office, though two have been impeached by the House for improper conduct: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Neither was removed from office by the Senate. Richard Nixon resigned before he could be impeached, a near certainty by that point. President Gerald Ford, Nixon’s vice president, quickly pardoned him.

While Mueller established that Trump could still be charged by future prosecutors after he leaves office, Chicago Democrat Mike Quigley pointed out the statute of limitations on federal obstruction charges is five years. Were Trump to win reelection in 2020, he would not leave the office until Jan. 20, 2025, long after charges for such a crime are no longer possible.
Mueller assumed Trump committed a crime.
Okay, miss Cleo. Funny it turns out, he did commit a crime.
Obstruction is an impeachable offense. The only victory you spineless turds have is that the republican senate are too much of pussies to indict Trump. That’s all you have.

You should talk. :)

The Dems had many chances to IMPEACH him. So, what do they have now?

Because I just told you asshat. They won’t impeach him because they know it would be a waste of time because the senate must indict him.
Oh and what would the Congress impeach the president again for? Wasn't the Mueller report about Russian Collusion?

Mueller Report Finds No Evidence Of Russian Collusion

Biden Says Russian Interference Wouldn’t Have Happened On His Watch. It Did

Somebody here is lying....Can you guess which one?
Lol Robert from the beginning found collusion of those in Trump’s orbit but not Trump himself. Of course the real charge is obstruction of justice.
Obstruction of justice for what again?

Bobby boy, lied today at least 3 times, shouldn't he go to jail, like Manafort did? Of course he should....
Today was a good day for Trump and a bad day for Mueller and the democrats.
Mueller didn't know who Fusion GPS was!! WTF? Doesn't he watch the news or read the paper?
His testimony proved that his investigation totally ignored Russia's activities regarding the Steele Dossier and the basis for the Trump investigation.
Mueller is 75 and isn't as sharp as he was when he was younger. This could be very bad for Biden and Bernie who are even older than Mueller.
Would you want an 80 year old president? NFW
Obstruction is an impeachable offense. The only victory you spineless turds have is that the republican senate are too much of pussies to indict Trump. That’s all you have.

You should talk. :)

The Dems had many chances to IMPEACH him. So, what do they have now?

Because I just told you asshat. They won’t impeach him because they know it would be a waste of time because the senate must indict him.
Oh and what would the Congress impeach the president again for? Wasn't the Mueller report about Russian Collusion?

Mueller Report Finds No Evidence Of Russian Collusion

Biden Says Russian Interference Wouldn’t Have Happened On His Watch. It Did

Somebody here is lying....Can you guess which one?
Lol Robert from the beginning found collusion of those in Trump’s orbit but not Trump himself. Of course the real charge is obstruction of justice.

All I'm going to say is: be very careful when you choose the form of your destructor.

Tump - I am the storm .jpg
Bob MULEr is no longer in full control of his mental faculties.
If I didn't know any better it would appear to me that he was nothing more than an installed puppet.
The man didn't even know which president appointed him.
Another person in my life looked like MULEr looked today...... my grandfather not long before he had to be put into a home.

I am stunned that the Democrats lust for Trump blood overpowered the small amount of common sense it would have taken to realize this man was not up to the task they were demanding of him.
He was just a figurehead. Bitter Democrats ran the operation.
I almost felt sorry for him....But he allowed himself to be placed at the top of as the face of this pathetic shit show.

Fuck 'im...He deserves to be pointed at and laughed at in public for the rest of what's left of his senile life.

I almost felt sorry for him for 1/1,000,000 of a second. Then I remembered that he is a corrupt, power-abusing Swamp vermin. He acted like someone who was guilty and got caught, and knew there was no way out.
And one more thing for you liberals:

Trump was exonerated.

The Constitution exonerates us at birth. You are born innocent. The law must and can only then find you guilty. No where in Mueller's report does the prosecution find Trump guilty of anything. Mueller violated DOJ and prosecutorial guidelines in even writing 200 pages (Part 2) of a report that found Trump guilty of not one thing. Mueller used the word "exonerate" saying he could not exonerate Trump which is a legally meaningless phrase which does not even exist in the lexicon of legal prosecutorial parlance.

The entire Mueller report was a lay up shot by Trump-hating attorneys who found no basis to prosecute Trump as a preamble to give democrats further basis in order to justify further investigation of Trump on the grounds that a lack of proof must therefore imply guilt.

Democrats are fucked.
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