It's Mueller Time!

Mueller looked like a feeble old man who had no idea what was going on. The report states he interviewed Steele,yet he has no idea who Fusion GPS is and wouldn't answer any questions pertaining to Steele? He came off as incompetent and not knowing what was in "his" report. A bad day for Mueller and the Dems.
Where does the report say that he interviewed Steele? Page number please.

Did you even listen to anything today? Obviously not. So STFU.
You don't know the page number? Or you made that shit up? I did miss a couple of minutes.
Mueller-I do not find Trump to be a fine fellow but did find he engaged in (typical) political chicanery (they all do) however I can find no crime nor evidence that he sought or used Russian influences to gain a political advantage to defeat Hillary Clinton

Liberals-Emotional outrage, wailing at sky, never giving up fantasy that they can remove this President.
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"Yes. The proof they blew it is that you’re tweeting on Air Force One! You shouldn’t be on that plane, or in the Oval Office—you should be wearing a jumpsuit that matches your face. The DNC & Mueller may not have known how to stop you, but millions of voters—and I—do. Get ready. " - Marvelous Michael Moore to Trump
He doesn't know what's in "his" report because he didn't write it. Weismann did. Mueller was just a figurehead. He was there to give all the criminals credibility.

Until today I was hedging my bets on that. But after Mueller's really sad performance today, I sure can't say with any confidence that you are wrong.
I am a Trump supporter, but Mueller's performance was so sad that it actually made me feel sorry for him.
Nope.............don't throw a pity party for someone in charge that allowed others to be crucified by abusing their positions. Mueller knows dang well what was going on.

He knows he can go down for this............Why he acted like a ........well......Senile old man today. He knows the Truth doesn't back up what they did.
Yes, you're right. He should have selected real investigators rather than biased ant Trump investigators. And he should have written or at least read the report.
Don't let this testimony fool you. He knew the report. This was a staged play.
I don't think so. I was watching CNN and they even question what part of the report he was involved in. CNNacknowledges that Mueller was a grave disappointment.
Today was bad for Mueller ... .for Weismann ... for Rosenstein, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Schiff, and a lot of include Barry.
That's how Karma works.

Mueller has been on the wrong path, well,... since 9/11 really, all this time till today.

Pay time for him.

Nobody gets away from their actions.
Mueller proved he was just a figurehead for Hillary's donor/lawyer "hit squad".
"Not Exonerated"?? Not a thing.
Fusion GPS? Never heard of it.
Judge Star said that the "obstruction" charges in Book-2 of the report should not have been included.
The dems and Mueller have one definition of "obstruction", and Barr, the DOJ, and Professor Dershowitz have another

Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice

The Mueller Report got shredded as a partisan hit job today. Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will issue the real report on the deep state conspiracy to defeat and failing that, to investigate Trump, call it Strzok's "insurance policy".
Mueller assumed Trump committed a crime.
Okay, miss Cleo. Funny it turns out, he did commit a crime.
Yep. Done, Fin. Nothing further can be added to it.
Mueller isn't even in the federal government anymore and is in no position to say or do anything.
Yep. Not only did Dems lay the grounds to prevent Trump from ever being removed from office now, but they have laid the iron pipe now to go whole hog all out full bore at investigating the DNC and all the things Mueller could not or would not comment on!
"Yes. The proof they blew it is that you’re tweeting on Air Force One! You shouldn’t be on that plane, or in the Oval Office—you should be wearing a jumpsuit that matches your face. The DNC & Mueller may not have known how to stop you, but millions of voters—and I—do. Get ready. " - Marvelous Michael Moore to Trump
Michael Moore even said how bad the day went for Dems today.
Anybody who supports that lying, fat, dumb as batshit, piece of crap in the oval office doesn't have the right to call anybody a jackass. Or even attempt to see themselves as an adult.

I have always disliked Nadler too...... intensely. He reminds me of a huge TOAD. OR...wait! The Hooka smokin' caterpiller!!! You gotta admit.....He looks JUST like that!!!!!!
He used to be super fat. Fatter than Trump even. Then he lost a lot of weight. So your story would have been better if he was still super fat.
Lawmaker: Mr Mueller,,,what year were you born?
Mueller,,,,,,ahh,,,,I cant answer that question at this time
"Yes. The proof they blew it is that you’re tweeting on Air Force One! You shouldn’t be on that plane, or in the Oval Office—you should be wearing a jumpsuit that matches your face. The DNC & Mueller may not have known how to stop you, but millions of voters—and I—do. Get ready. " - Marvelous Michael Moore to Trump
Michael Moore even said how bad the day went for Dems today.
And he's the expert on the universe. So there ya go.
Because it's the truth, and what you are spouting is fake news. The report did not say they found no criminality.

They said there was not enough to prosecute. No conspiracy and no obstruction.
Against, why don't you read the report for yourself. Thats not what it says.

Mueller is a prosecutor he cannot exonerate
In his role as Special Counsel he was not a prosecutor primarily. He took pains to say the report did not exonerate tRump.
its not there job its not a legal standard either they find the evidence a crime was committed or they don't and they didn't

"we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime,”

game over
We did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime" is not the same as "we reached a determination that the president did not commit a crime". There are important differences in those two statements.
It was obvious that he had little to do with the report that bore his name. He kept repeating the line "If it was in the report, it must be true" whenever he didn't know what was in it.

It was also pretty pathetic when he was babbling on about trying to think of a word that was like "collaborate" and stammering until the congressperson helped him out by suggesting "conspiracy".
We have seen Hillary get grilled a few times in her life,,right? And when she's backed into a corner, we all know how she answers her questions.
And on Wednesday, we saw it all over again, only Mueller was acting like Hillary all afternoon.

I didn't watch the Hearing, but due to his background and most certainly legal advice given to him, if what you are saying is true he was basically taking himself out of the situation.

All I am hearing and reading is that his testimony helped Trump significantly.
Think that Mueller believed his "friend" James Comey's version of things?
1. Mueller's team was assembled by Weissman and was all democrat donors and Hillary supporters
2. Did Mueller believe that his team was honest and fair and followed ALL the evidence?
3. Did the Mueller Report get dismantled today by the GOP questions regarding what was NOT investigated?
4. There was talk about cancelling the afternoon hearing since Mueller did so badly, but the afternoon was just like the morning.
Does anyone remember the original Star Trek episode of the little alien who was the real brains of the outfit, but hid behind a scary puppet? See any parallels here?

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