It's NOT Butthurt!

Agree. I still do the think trump will beat Hillary. He still can't do anything but say the same old shit day in and day out. He is also snuggling up close to those Goldman Sachs guys who were supposed to be so bad. That's not very encouraging either. At this point I plan on writing a candidate in in November. I will have to wait and see how he does in a debate with Hillary without the moderators spoon feeding him his answers. Until then, I work and listen.
Why don't you just vote for Hillary?

Typical. The buyers remorse is already setting in among the Trump camp. Already he is becoming "the establishment" by bring yet another failed presidential candidate on his team. It's funny, y'all go on and on about Killing the establishment, but day by day your guy is showing he is the establishment. November is a long way off. Don't know who I'll vote for, but so far it's looking like a write in. Now go watch Fox. Lots of Trump eye candy for ya.

Can't you spot sarcasm when you see it?

Retard? Okay. If you insist, but um, y'all are the ones putting a Democrat in office as a Republican. Will be good to point that out to you when you are crying about trump like a little girl who got tricked out of her virginity by some drunk dude at prom.
If Cruz won in the way Trump won (fair and square), you would not see a bunch of butt hurt Trump supporters carrying on with #nevercruz or tearfully saying "we're going to stay home". Thats just sheer fucking stupidity and whats laughable is these people saying they are conservatives :lol: :lol:

That's because there would be no question as to whether Cruz would govern from the right or left. That's a concern for many who are not supporting Trump.

By the way if Cruz was leading like Trump was and it went to a brokered convention and Trump won. I would not blame anyone for refusing to vote for him. Hell I'd totally understand the #nevertrump movement or conservatives refusing to vote for him. It's total fucking bullshit no matter who it benefits.

Agreed. If Trump ends up with the most votes, and he will, then he should be the nom. The GOP would be foolhardy to pull that out from under him and the people.

Trump will govern from the right, left, middle, upper, lower, diagonal, and perpendicular. We're fools to believe any one party and/or ideology has all the answers.

He won't fuck with the Constitution and that's a huge one for me.

To be honest I'm over the #nevertrumpers and "conservatives" who don't want to vote for him. The GE is coming up and its time to discuss more important things like beating Clinton. This is a really really really important election and a lot is at stake. I think its really time for both the #nevertrumpers and cons that won't vote for him to move on.

Nah we're not moving on we're going to be over here, watching. If Trump gets in and does what he says, we'll applaud that and admit we misjudged him. If he really changes things for the better he'll win our votes for 2020. :)
Who is "we"? Do you think you speak for anybody but yourself?

Conservatives who are not supporting Trump, who would like to support him but do not trust him. You know, the ones whose vote is wide open for winning over.
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Dunno, you have trump meeting with Paul Ryan, right now, he funded Mitch McConnell's campaigned as well as the gang of 8, he is kissing up to Marco Rubio and has had Huckaboo in the tank with him since way before the primary, he snuggled up to Ben Carson to after pretty much calling him a pathological child molester, he has Chris "CrispyCream"Christy on his staff after hitting little Marco. I'm still waiting for John Kasich to come on board in some capacity. Possibly as VP as payment for his help during the primary. How it is the trump supporter are so blind they can't even see that Trump is actually building the Romney dream team is beyond me.
Trump will govern from the right, left, middle, upper, lower, diagonal, and perpendicular. We're fools to believe any one party and/or ideology has all the answers.

He won't fuck with the Constitution and that's a huge one for me.

To be honest I'm over the #nevertrumpers and "conservatives" who don't want to vote for him. The GE is coming up and its time to discuss more important things like beating Clinton. This is a really really really important election and a lot is at stake. I think its really time for both the #nevertrumpers and cons that won't vote for him to move on.

The thing is, CK, you are really reading a lot of things into Trump that he hasn't said.

Trump has made it pretty clear he's an authoritarian. Authoritarians don't respect constitutions.

If the country has a collective brain fart and elects him, he'll probably get impeached in a year.
Question, what has he said and/or done that constitutes him as an Authoritarian?
Trump will govern from the right, left, middle, upper, lower, diagonal, and perpendicular. We're fools to believe any one party and/or ideology has all the answers.

He won't fuck with the Constitution and that's a huge one for me.

To be honest I'm over the #nevertrumpers and "conservatives" who don't want to vote for him. The GE is coming up and its time to discuss more important things like beating Clinton. This is a really really really important election and a lot is at stake. I think its really time for both the #nevertrumpers and cons that won't vote for him to move on.

The thing is, CK, you are really reading a lot of things into Trump that he hasn't said.

Trump has made it pretty clear he's an authoritarian. Authoritarians don't respect constitutions.

If the country has a collective brain fart and elects him, he'll probably get impeached in a year.
Question, what has he said and/or done that constitutes him as an Authoritarian?

None really. It's hard to nail the guy down on anything and get more then "I'll make beautiful deals". That and crooked Hillary. Trump is a blank question mark that's looking more establishment every day.
The proverbial Apples and Oranges. Winning fair and square is one thing, winning via some fucked up "rules" that robs the man/woman with the most votes is a whole other.

So Gore should have been President then?

Elections aren't decided by who has the most votes. Elections are decided by the vote within the rules set forth before the vote. That's how American democracy works.

We do not decide the Presidency by which candidate has the most votes. Nor do we decide the representation in Congress by who has the most votes. A party can win the Presidency, the Congress and the Senate all by having less votes nationally than the other party. Those are the rules set forth before the election.

The rules of the Republican Party are the candidates at the convention decide the nominee. The states decide who gets to be the delegates and how they will vote. That's how it works. Always has.

if you candidate doesn't understand the rules, that's a problem with your candidate.

You might want to think about how prepared your candidate would be as President if he isn't prepared enough to know the basic rules of the nomination.
Toro, what part of the "fucked up rules" comment don't you understand?
Screen Shot 2016-05-12 at 10.30.59 AM.png

Add to that signed the Omnibus, funded by open border advocates....gotta love the real conservatives. Pussies with no backbone and afraid of Democrats
The proverbial Apples and Oranges. Winning fair and square is one thing, winning via some fucked up "rules" that robs the man/woman with the most votes is a whole other.

So Gore should have been President then?

Elections aren't decided by who has the most votes. Elections are decided by the vote within the rules set forth before the vote. That's how American democracy works.

We do not decide the Presidency by which candidate has the most votes. Nor do we decide the representation in Congress by who has the most votes. A party can win the Presidency, the Congress and the Senate all by having less votes nationally than the other party. Those are the rules set forth before the election.

The rules of the Republican Party are the candidates at the convention decide the nominee. The states decide who gets to be the delegates and how they will vote. That's how it works. Always has.

if you candidate doesn't understand the rules, that's a problem with your candidate.

You might want to think about how prepared your candidate would be as President if he isn't prepared enough to know the basic rules of the nomination.
I think we need an Amendment that says we have to send all DREAM kids to wherever Toro lives. Let him take care of them.

Anything else irrelevant you wish to add ?
The proverbial Apples and Oranges. Winning fair and square is one thing, winning via some fucked up "rules" that robs the man/woman with the most votes is a whole other.

So Gore should have been President then?

Elections aren't decided by who has the most votes. Elections are decided by the vote within the rules set forth before the vote. That's how American democracy works.

We do not decide the Presidency by which candidate has the most votes. Nor do we decide the representation in Congress by who has the most votes. A party can win the Presidency, the Congress and the Senate all by having less votes nationally than the other party. Those are the rules set forth before the election.

The rules of the Republican Party are the candidates at the convention decide the nominee. The states decide who gets to be the delegates and how they will vote. That's how it works. Always has.

if you candidate doesn't understand the rules, that's a problem with your candidate.

You might want to think about how prepared your candidate would be as President if he isn't prepared enough to know the basic rules of the nomination.
Toro, what part of the "fucked up rules" comment don't you understand?

The one where you say it robs people of their vote. That is false.

The winner of the nomination never has been "the one with the most votes wins."

Nor should it be.
If Cruz won in the way Trump won (fair and square), you would not see a bunch of butt hurt Trump supporters carrying on with #nevercruz or tearfully saying "we're going to stay home". Thats just sheer fucking stupidity and whats laughable is these people saying they are conservatives :lol: :lol:

That's because there would be no question as to whether Cruz would govern from the right or left. That's a concern for many who are not supporting Trump.

By the way if Cruz was leading like Trump was and it went to a brokered convention and Trump won. I would not blame anyone for refusing to vote for him. Hell I'd totally understand the #nevertrump movement or conservatives refusing to vote for him. It's total fucking bullshit no matter who it benefits.

Agreed. If Trump ends up with the most votes, and he will, then he should be the nom. The GOP would be foolhardy to pull that out from under him and the people.

Trump will govern from the right, left, middle, upper, lower, diagonal, and perpendicular. We're fools to believe any one party and/or ideology has all the answers.

He won't fuck with the Constitution and that's a huge one for me.

To be honest I'm over the #nevertrumpers and "conservatives" who don't want to vote for him. The GE is coming up and its time to discuss more important things like beating Clinton. This is a really really really important election and a lot is at stake. I think its really time for both the #nevertrumpers and cons that won't vote for him to move on.

Nah we're not moving on we're going to be over here, watching. If Trump gets in and does what he says, we'll applaud that and admit we misjudged him. If he really changes things for the better he'll win our votes for 2020. :)
Who is "we"? Do you think you speak for anybody but yourself?

Conservatives who are not supporting Trump, who would like to support him but do not trust him. You know, the ones whose vote is wide open for winning over.
And you speak for all of them? I don't think so.
Making a joke lusting for your daughter! That is creepy and f*cked up. So put the bit loser hat on you stupid teabagger.

Hey, you! The one with your head up your ass....try a little research.
Dare you!
You fool.
Donald Trump Won’t Stop Joking About Banging His Daughter

Better to do that than to vote for a man that lusts for his own daughter, "the donald"
But you teabaggers like to hide your lusts and shame others

More advice from fake republicans. What's going to happen if Sanders beats Hillary? I expect the entire democrat establishment will convert to socialism just to show solidarity.
Another lie from a dumb liberal.
He made a joke on The View, you stupid shit. You dumb ass liberals will take anything and run with it.
Making a joke lusting for your daughter! That is creepy and f*cked up. So put the bit loser hat on you stupid teabagger.
Nowhere has he ever said he lusted after his daughter and you know it, you fucking hack. You think you can just keep repeating that ridiculous lie and nobody is gonna call you on it, loser?
We need to see some ankle here... we need to know this man is going to govern as a conservative and not a liberal.

I'm sure you've heard Trump's quote about how his assessment of his "Brand" value might change day to day, depending on how he "feels". That's how he arrives at his ideological positions as well. Maybe he saw a "show" last night, say it was the life story of some poor s.o.b. during the depression, very sad. The next day he's going to wake up a raging liberal, berating himself, "Goddammit, we gotta do more to help those poor downtrodden folks, the nasty bankers stole their homes!" I know a situational liberal when I see one, being a hardcore committed one myself. Shit, he might get elected President and the next day decide, "FDR was the greatest President, I'm going to be just like him!" Nobody can tell you how he's going to govern. Not even The Donald Himself.

These are free market constitutional conservatives who supported Ted Cruz on principle.

Are you one of those "Free Market" conservatives who believe there's an "invisible hand" naturally guiding capitalist's actions towards the best outcome for all? “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages” What do you think Adam Smith would think of Pink Slime?

You don't earn people's votes by being nasty and mean.
I guess that's why "Lucifer in the Flesh" couldn't make it to the finish line?
Proving once again that you're an idiot who doesn't understand Conservatism.

I understand it well. The first problem is to stop calling it "conservatism". Conservatism means you want to maintain the status quo.

Actually, it's not... has nothing to do with that. Mark Levin is one of the most die-hard Conservatives in America and he is pushing for Article V conventions of the states.... you think those are about keeping the status quot?

You're using the Webster's definition and therein lies your problem. You fundamentally don't understand what Conservatism is.

What you guys are is a form of populist reactionaries. You pine for a past America where white people were on top, women were in the kitchen, Christians could impose their largely Protestant views on the rest of us and the homos were in the closet.

Uhm, no... Conservatives are not populist or reactionary, they are principled. This homophobic white christian crap is rhetoric and delusional. Conservatives can be gay black atheists. But then... you're ignorant of what a Conservative is.... as you've shown us.

The thing is, the reason why America was great was not because of these things. The reason why it was great was because Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Ike, JFK and LBJ put the interests of working people above those of the rich, and everyone benefited - even the rich.

But that was never good enough for the rich. So they got clever. They convinced you that welfare queen wanted half of your cookie.

The reason why America was/is great is because of free market capitalist principles in a constitutional republic which encourages free enterprise and protects personal liberty. You are a Socialist Kool-aid soaked fool who has been brainwashed by propaganda.

Presidents aren't what makes us great and the greatest presidents were those who put NO American above another but protected the liberty of ALL Americans from enemies foreign and domestic.
OH! Dumb-ass.....check the video
Idiot ass.

Making a joke lusting for your daughter! That is creepy and f*cked up. So put the bit loser hat on you stupid teabagger.
Nowhere has he ever said he lusted after his daughter and you know it, you fucking hack. You think you can just keep repeating that ridiculous lie and nobody is gonna call you on it, loser?
That's because there would be no question as to whether Cruz would govern from the right or left. That's a concern for many who are not supporting Trump.

Agreed. If Trump ends up with the most votes, and he will, then he should be the nom. The GOP would be foolhardy to pull that out from under him and the people.

Trump will govern from the right, left, middle, upper, lower, diagonal, and perpendicular. We're fools to believe any one party and/or ideology has all the answers.

He won't fuck with the Constitution and that's a huge one for me.

To be honest I'm over the #nevertrumpers and "conservatives" who don't want to vote for him. The GE is coming up and its time to discuss more important things like beating Clinton. This is a really really really important election and a lot is at stake. I think its really time for both the #nevertrumpers and cons that won't vote for him to move on.

Nah we're not moving on we're going to be over here, watching. If Trump gets in and does what he says, we'll applaud that and admit we misjudged him. If he really changes things for the better he'll win our votes for 2020. :)
Who is "we"? Do you think you speak for anybody but yourself?

Conservatives who are not supporting Trump, who would like to support him but do not trust him. You know, the ones whose vote is wide open for winning over.
And you speak for all of them? I don't think so.

I'm sure you've heard Trump's quote about how his assessment of his "Brand" value might change day to day, depending on how he "feels". That's how he arrives at his ideological positions as well. Maybe he saw a "show" last night, say it was the life story of some poor s.o.b. during the depression, very sad. The next day he's going to wake up a raging liberal, berating himself, "Goddammit, we gotta do more to help those poor downtrodden folks, the nasty bankers stole their homes!" I know a situational liberal when I see one, being a hardcore committed one myself. Shit, he might get elected President and the next day decide, "FDR was the greatest President, I'm going to be just like him!" Nobody can tell you how he's going to govern. Not even The Donald Himself.

This is one reason why many view him as a liberal.
OH! Dumb-ass.....check the video
Idiot ass.

Making a joke lusting for your daughter! That is creepy and f*cked up. So put the bit loser hat on you stupid teabagger.
Nowhere has he ever said he lusted after his daughter and you know it, you fucking hack. You think you can just keep repeating that ridiculous lie and nobody is gonna call you on it, loser?
I DID check the video and you're lying. :fu:

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