It's NOT Butthurt!

Actually, it's not... has nothing to do with that. Mark Levin is one of the most die-hard Conservatives in America and he is pushing for Article V conventions of the states.... you think those are about keeping the status quot?

You're using the Webster's definition and therein lies your problem. You fundamentally don't understand what Conservatism is.

I understand you are misusing a word because if you honestly labeled yourselves what you are -reactionaries - people would reject you.

Uhm, no... Conservatives are not populist or reactionary, they are principled. This homophobic white christian crap is rhetoric and delusional. Conservatives can be gay black atheists. But then... you're ignorant of what a Conservative is.... as you've shown us.

Guys, the fact is, you aren't principled at all, which is why so many of you are supporting a thrice married, Democratic Rainmaker because he says a few bad things about Mexicans and you think he can win.

The reason why America was/is great is because of free market capitalist principles in a constitutional republic which encourages free enterprise and protects personal liberty. You are a Socialist Kool-aid soaked fool who has been brainwashed by propaganda.

We had that for most of our history, and for most of our history, we were the backwards retard of the western world, until the Progressive Movement came along.

Presidents aren't what makes us great and the greatest presidents were those who put NO American above another but protected the liberty of ALL Americans from enemies foreign and domestic.

Whenever a Conservatard talks about "liberty", he usually means those with money to abuse those of us without money.
I understand you are misusing a word because if you honestly labeled yourselves what you are -reactionaries - people would reject you.

Again... we're not reactionaries... never have been... never will be. LIBERALS are reactionaries. Tranny complains he/she can't use the bathroom, we gotta change all our laws, it's civil rights all over again! Some nut shoots up a school, we gotta ban guns and repeal the 2nd Amendment! Warmer than normal summer... we gotta stop capitalists from destroying the planet with global warming.... on and on and on... REACTIONARIES!

Guys, the fact is, you aren't principled at all, which is why so many of you are supporting a thrice married, Democratic Rainmaker because he says a few bad things about Mexicans and you think he can win.

NONE of us are supporting Trump best I can tell. What fucking rock have you been hiding under the past week? Trump is not a Conservative, doesn't speak for Conservatives and if keeps on running his mouth, will not get the Conservative vote in November. It's pretty fucking bad when you are so NOT a Conservative that the prospects of Hillary Clinton as president are BETTER!

We had that for most of our history, and for most of our history, we were the backwards retard of the western world, until the Progressive Movement came along.

No... Again... for most of our history, we led the world in virtually every area. Progressives have done nothing but work to destroy what we once were and run around apologizing for it.

Whenever a Conservatard talks about "liberty", he usually means those with money to abuse those of us without money.

First, you don't know what Conservatives are, now you don't know what Liberty means...

You're not real clever when it comes to what people are or what words mean... so you should learn to shut your yapper and listen more.
Since Wednesday, many Trump supporters in the media and elsewhere have been criticizing those who didn't support Trump as being "butthurt" their guy didn't win. I guess this is a natural assumption or maybe it sums up what the sentiment would have been from Trump's supporters had the shoe been on the other foot, but nothing could be further from the truth. It has nothing to do with being "butthurt" and everything to do with principles.

I am posting this, not because I am "butthurt" that my guy didn't win, but because I want Trump's supporters to at least be aware of the truth regarding the situation at hand, while you can still do something about it. Let's examine the non-Trump 58% of the GOP... those who did not support Donald Trump in the primaries...

There are basically three factions. The smallest faction are those who absolutely detest Donald Trump and will never vote for that man. They didn't support him in the primary and they will not support him in the general and it doesn't matter what he says or does, or what his supporters say or do... they are lost, you'll never win their votes. As I said, they are a small segment of the group and Trump will probably win enough moderates, independents and outright democrats to offset their number... so forget about that group, you will never get their votes.

The next group is a little larger and they are the republicans who weren't supporting Trump in the primaries but now that he has won, they will support him as the nominee because he's not Hillary. Their primary concern is defeating Hillary Clinton. Trump doesn't need to do much to win their vote other than not turn into Hillary.

The last segment is the largest and Trump simply doesn't have the numbers to win the general election without at least winning over some of their votes. These are free market constitutional conservatives who supported Ted Cruz on principle. (I'm part of this group) They are not part of the "Never Trump" group, they could be persuaded to vote for Trump but they have to be persuaded. These people are not going to abandon their principles or look the other way while Trump abandons their principles. The case has to be made to them for why they should vote for Trump and it has to be more than just him not being Hillary Clinton. We need to see some ankle here... we need to know this man is going to govern as a conservative and not a liberal.

It's not that their feelings are hurt... I am sure they are disappointed Ted Cruz didn't win... but that's not the reason for them rejecting Trump. I think MOST of this last segment genuinely WANT to be able to support Trump in the general election but they're not going to automatically deliver their vote. It is up to Trump to earn their votes. You don't earn people's votes by being nasty and mean. It may have worked in the primary to defeat Ted Cruz, it won't work in the general to bring those republicans over to your side.

So you have some work to do here in order to get Trump elected. If you decide that you're just not going to make the effort and you'd rather just tee off on non-Trump supporters from now until November in the meanest nastiest ways you can think of... you're going to lose and probably lose in a landslide. The brow beating and intimidation tactics did not work for the establishment GOP and it won't work for Trump.

there is no such thing as a "constitutional conservative".... there are only people who don't like what the high court says and think they should insert their own (largely uneducated) opinion as to what the constitution is.... (which usually is anti-government preventing discrimination...and pro government becoming a white christian theocracy....which is pretty much the opposite of what the constitution requires)
Since Wednesday, many Trump supporters in the media and elsewhere have been criticizing those who didn't support Trump as being "butthurt" their guy didn't win. I guess this is a natural assumption or maybe it sums up what the sentiment would have been from Trump's supporters had the shoe been on the other foot, but nothing could be further from the truth. It has nothing to do with being "butthurt" and everything to do with principles.

I am posting this, not because I am "butthurt" that my guy didn't win, but because I want Trump's supporters to at least be aware of the truth regarding the situation at hand, while you can still do something about it. Let's examine the non-Trump 58% of the GOP... those who did not support Donald Trump in the primaries...

There are basically three factions. The smallest faction are those who absolutely detest Donald Trump and will never vote for that man. They didn't support him in the primary and they will not support him in the general and it doesn't matter what he says or does, or what his supporters say or do... they are lost, you'll never win their votes. As I said, they are a small segment of the group and Trump will probably win enough moderates, independents and outright democrats to offset their number... so forget about that group, you will never get their votes.

The next group is a little larger and they are the republicans who weren't supporting Trump in the primaries but now that he has won, they will support him as the nominee because he's not Hillary. Their primary concern is defeating Hillary Clinton. Trump doesn't need to do much to win their vote other than not turn into Hillary.

The last segment is the largest and Trump simply doesn't have the numbers to win the general election without at least winning over some of their votes. These are free market constitutional conservatives who supported Ted Cruz on principle. (I'm part of this group) They are not part of the "Never Trump" group, they could be persuaded to vote for Trump but they have to be persuaded. These people are not going to abandon their principles or look the other way while Trump abandons their principles. The case has to be made to them for why they should vote for Trump and it has to be more than just him not being Hillary Clinton. We need to see some ankle here... we need to know this man is going to govern as a conservative and not a liberal.

It's not that their feelings are hurt... I am sure they are disappointed Ted Cruz didn't win... but that's not the reason for them rejecting Trump. I think MOST of this last segment genuinely WANT to be able to support Trump in the general election but they're not going to automatically deliver their vote. It is up to Trump to earn their votes. You don't earn people's votes by being nasty and mean. It may have worked in the primary to defeat Ted Cruz, it won't work in the general to bring those republicans over to your side.

So you have some work to do here in order to get Trump elected. If you decide that you're just not going to make the effort and you'd rather just tee off on non-Trump supporters from now until November in the meanest nastiest ways you can think of... you're going to lose and probably lose in a landslide. The brow beating and intimidation tactics did not work for the establishment GOP and it won't work for Trump.

there is no such thing as a "constitutional conservative".... there are only people who don't like what the high court says and think they should insert their own (largely uneducated) opinion as to what the constitution is.... (which usually is anti-government preventing discrimination...and pro government becoming a white christian theocracy....which is pretty much the opposite of what the constitution requires)

Shillian is an idiot...what she thinks she knows about "constitutional law", the real system we have been under since the organic constitution was kicked to the dustbin of history in 1871 could be put on the left hand side of a sesame seed and you would still have room left over for her charming personality.

Shillian is one of the biggest "know-nothing" leftard shills on this site. Anyone that finds her opinions as being "credible" are as stupid and ignorant as she is. She has no debating skills and she proposes NOTHING of worth and that is a fact.
there is no such thing as a "constitutional conservative".... there are only people who don't like what the high court says and think they should insert their own (largely uneducated) opinion as to what the constitution is.... (which usually is anti-government preventing discrimination...and pro government becoming a white christian theocracy....which is pretty much the opposite of what the constitution requires)

You don't understand conservatism, founding intent, the constitution or the role of the court. First of all, if you knew anything about the constitution, you'd know that it's impossible for us to ever have a theocracy. If you knew anything about human beings, you'd know that people can't get through a typical day without discriminating. It's not the government's job to prevent all discrimination and they couldn't if they tried... but mostly, they are the biggest discriminators of all. Usually when applying progressive policies.

And SCOTUS is not sitting there like a bunch of mystical oracles deciphering a rosetta stone. They have a profound history of making some really boneheaded decisions on what the constitution means. Every word in the Constitution is explained in detail by the framers in the Federalist Papers. If the argument is not there, it's not what the Constitution means.

But congratulations on being yet another mindless idiot parroting progressive liberal cynical understandings of the society you live in.
there is no such thing as a "constitutional conservative".... there are only people who don't like what the high court says and think they should insert their own (largely uneducated) opinion as to what the constitution is.... (which usually is anti-government preventing discrimination...and pro government becoming a white christian theocracy....which is pretty much the opposite of what the constitution requires)

You don't understand conservatism, founding intent, the constitution or the role of the court. First of all, if you knew anything about the constitution, you'd know that it's impossible for us to ever have a theocracy. If you knew anything about human beings, you'd know that people can't get through a typical day without discriminating. It's not the government's job to prevent all discrimination and they couldn't if they tried... but mostly, they are the biggest discriminators of all. Usually when applying progressive policies.

And SCOTUS is not sitting there like a bunch of mystical oracles deciphering a rosetta stone. They have a profound history of making some really boneheaded decisions on what the constitution means. Every word in the Constitution is explained in detail by the framers in the Federalist Papers. If the argument is not there, it's not what the Constitution means.

But congratulations on being yet another mindless idiot parroting progressive liberal cynical understandings of the society you live in.

I understand the extreme rightwing ideology that passes for "conservatism" today. It is inconsistent with the constitution. So the term"constitutional conservative" is an oxymoron.
Again... we're not reactionaries... never have been... never will be. LIBERALS are reactionaries. Tranny complains he/she can't use the bathroom, we gotta change all our laws, it's civil rights all over again! Some nut shoots up a school, we gotta ban guns and repeal the 2nd Amendment! Warmer than normal summer... we gotta stop capitalists from destroying the planet with global warming.... on and on and on... REACTIONARIES!

You mean, "We need to change the laws where they make sense", um, yeah.

But here's the thing. You Reactionaries have been jumping on these things when NOT A ONE OF THEM really effects your life. Seriously, why does it bother you that some tranny is using the ladies' room?

NONE of us are supporting Trump best I can tell. What fucking rock have you been hiding under the past week? Trump is not a Conservative, doesn't speak for Conservatives and if keeps on running his mouth, will not get the Conservative vote in November. It's pretty fucking bad when you are so NOT a Conservative that the prospects of Hillary Clinton as president are BETTER!

actually, Trump will lose because Hispanics and women won't vote for him. 'Conservatives" will probably support him at about an 82% rate, like they did with Romney, McCain and Bush.

No... Again... for most of our history, we led the world in virtually every area. Progressives have done nothing but work to destroy what we once were and run around apologizing for it.

No, we haven't. The only time we "led" the world was when Progressives made us a great country. (of course, it helped the rest of the world beat the shit out of itself in two World Wars). We've been an empire in decline since 1980 when your boy Reagan took over.

First, you don't know what Conservatives are, now you don't know what Liberty means...

You're not real clever when it comes to what people are or what words mean... so you should learn to shut your yapper and listen more.

Guy, I listened to you "conservatives" (read, dumb ass racists who let the rich fool them) and what I got was an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and no job security. I'm done with you guys. I'm not the least bit interested in listening to you.

I'm about utterly crushing you. I'm about making you pay for abortions. I'm about taking your guns, and making damn sure your kids know there is no fucking God when they leave public education.
Sure its a lie when some "father" makes those comments that if.....his daughter wasn't his daughter.....! Maybe you are like "the donald" I am glad none of young females in my family don't go around you.


Remember when Trump said he 'might be dating' Ivanka if she weren't his daughter? Even his supporters were creeped out
Remember when Trump said he 'might be dating' Ivanka if she weren't his daughter? Even his supporters were creeped out
OH! Dumb-ass.....check the video
Idiot ass.

Making a joke lusting for your daughter! That is creepy and f*cked up. So put the bit loser hat on you stupid teabagger.
Nowhere has he ever said he lusted after his daughter and you know it, you fucking hack. You think you can just keep repeating that ridiculous lie and nobody is gonna call you on it, loser?
I DID check the video and you're lying. :fu:
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I understand the extreme rightwing ideology that passes for "conservatism" today. It is inconsistent with the constitution. So the term"constitutional conservative" is an oxymoron.

But you already demonstrated you don't understand the Constitution because you think a political movement can turn us into a theocracy. You also seem to think the Constitution allows government the authority to prevent any and all discrimination. These two viewpoints totally disqualify you in making determinations of what is consistent with the Constitution. Not that you ever listed out anything... you just rant your progressive nonsense and hope no one will notice.
You mean, "We need to change the laws where they make sense", um, yeah.

But here's the thing. You Reactionaries have been jumping on these things when NOT A ONE OF THEM really effects your life. Seriously, why does it bother you that some tranny is using the ladies' room?

We're not going to divert the thread into a debate about women's restrooms. I don't want perverted men using women's restrooms. I don't need to explain why to your dumb ass. I cited this as a recent example of how YOUR SIDE is the "reactionary" side... not MINE! This is not changing the laws which have been on the books for centuries "to make sense"'s IDIOTS being REACTIONARIES!

actually, Trump will lose because Hispanics and women won't vote for him. 'Conservatives" will probably support him at about an 82% rate, like they did with Romney, McCain and Bush.

Again... I've been listening to your yapper predict the political failure of Trump for a long time now.... you've never been right.

No, we haven't. The only time we "led" the world was when Progressives made us a great country. (of course, it helped the rest of the world beat the shit out of itself in two World Wars). We've been an empire in decline since 1980 when your boy Reagan took over.

Yah, Yah, Yah! Same ol' shit as always.

Guy, I listened to you "conservatives" (read, dumb ass racists who let the rich fool them) and what I got was an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and no job security. I'm done with you guys. I'm not the least bit interested in listening to you.

I'm about utterly crushing you. I'm about making you pay for abortions. I'm about taking your guns, and making damn sure your kids know there is no fucking God when they leave public education.

And HERE we have "Citizen Joe!" His mission in life is to promote a society that forces people to pay for things they morally object to, take their self defense away and indoctrinate their children into atheism ....because he made boneheaded financial decisions, didn't pay attention to his investments and thought someone was obligated to provide him with a job he was undoubtedly under-qualified for.

Now, while Citizen Joe is sitting at home sucking on the government teat, he likes to come here and pretend how he used to be a conservative republican... before he saw the light, you see? He rationalized in his poisoned little mind how this would be a believable story he could sell and he reasoned there might be some people as shallow and superficial as himself they might believe this story and come bolting away from the other side. Problem is, everyone not on the left just laughs... those on the left do the palm face and try to ignore what they read.
Boss you are going to have to get along with the populist (majority) in the GOP now. You're brand of "conservatism" has been outright rejected by the populist in the party and new voters. It's not like the two can't co-exist, but the GOP is forever changed. The party purist are now in the minority and can either learn to accept that fact or start their own party.

You can preach all day long what "real conservatism" is, but the audience you're preaching too doesn't care. They want action, they want results. Conservatives blew it, they dropped the ball, they failed. It's time for someone else to take over and get things done for Republican's.

Again, there's a place for purists like yourself in the party but its up to you all to get with the program..not the other way around.
Whatever brand of conservatism one has, it won't do a damn bit of good if Hillary is elected and becomes the liberal witch of Washington. If she doesn't get indicted between now and November, she can win with all the young useful idiots and all the women idiots voting for her. If that happens, you can kiss the national conservative cause goodby and concentrate only on your local community's government. After a short while, that won't make any difference either.

All you fence walkers better make up your minds to at least get Trump elected and Hillary turned out to pasture. After that, you can fight for your brand of conservatism at the ballot boxes. Another round of Obama's 'fundamental transformation' and we'll join other countries that fell to the ignorance of socialism and can't get up. There ain't no magic button to push to get help gettin' back up. This time, you'll be down for the count!
Actually, it's not... has nothing to do with that. Mark Levin is one of the most die-hard Conservatives in America and he is pushing for Article V conventions of the states.... you think those are about keeping the status quot?

You're using the Webster's definition and therein lies your problem. You fundamentally don't understand what Conservatism is.

I understand you are misusing a word because if you honestly labeled yourselves what you are -reactionaries - people would reject you.

Uhm, no... Conservatives are not populist or reactionary, they are principled. This homophobic white christian crap is rhetoric and delusional. Conservatives can be gay black atheists. But then... you're ignorant of what a Conservative is.... as you've shown us.

Guys, the fact is, you aren't principled at all, which is why so many of you are supporting a thrice married, Democratic Rainmaker because he says a few bad things about Mexicans and you think he can win.

The reason why America was/is great is because of free market capitalist principles in a constitutional republic which encourages free enterprise and protects personal liberty. You are a Socialist Kool-aid soaked fool who has been brainwashed by propaganda.

We had that for most of our history, and for most of our history, we were the backwards retard of the western world, until the Progressive Movement came along.

Presidents aren't what makes us great and the greatest presidents were those who put NO American above another but protected the liberty of ALL Americans from enemies foreign and domestic.

Whenever a Conservatard talks about "liberty", he usually means those with money to abuse those of us without money.

And somehow conservatives cram the massive security apparatus and the most intrusive surveillance state in history and the most aggressive, costly Military in history into their definition of "liberty". All in the eye of the beholder it seems. I've told Boss before how America longs for a real conservative like Eisenhower.
We're not going to divert the thread into a debate about women's restrooms. I don't want perverted men using women's restrooms. I don't need to explain why to your dumb ass. I cited this as a recent example of how YOUR SIDE is the "reactionary" side... not MINE! This is not changing the laws which have been on the books for centuries "to make sense"'s IDIOTS being REACTIONARIES!

For centuries the burned witches. THen someone who was PROGRESSIVE said, "Hey, maybe there aren't any witches and you are burning them for no good reason."

Should point out that for most of history, there weren't segregated bathrooms. IN fact, up until the last century, most of the world had outhouses.

Again... I've been listening to your yapper predict the political failure of Trump for a long time now.... you've never been right.

Never said Trump wouldn't win the GOP nomination. But he won't win the general. WHich you can take heart in, you'll get another four years of being able to say, "If only we had nominated a real conservative". It's awesome about calling yourself a conservative. You never take any responsibility and therefore you can never be blamed for anything.

And HERE we have "Citizen Joe!" His mission in life is to promote a society that forces people to pay for things they morally object to, take their self defense away and indoctrinate their children into atheism ....because he made boneheaded financial decisions, didn't pay attention to his investments and thought someone was obligated to provide him with a job he was undoubtedly under-qualified for.

My goal is to crush you fools... Period. But the thing was, I did everything right, and STILL paid a heavy price when you guys got everything you wanted.

I didn't buy a McMansion, I bought a sensible condo. I didn't play the market, I put my 401K into the "safe" stocks. And you guys fucked it up.

Now, while Citizen Joe is sitting at home sucking on the government teat, he likes to come here and pretend how he used to be a conservative republican... before he saw the light, you see? He rationalized in his poisoned little mind how this would be a believable story he could sell and he reasoned there might be some people as shallow and superficial as himself they might believe this story and come bolting away from the other side.

Actually, about half my acquaintences still think I'm a Republican... They still send me a shitload of stuff because I'm on every mailing list to my Underwater Condo I can't sell as much as I want to.

I'm having to work two jobs right now to undo the Damage you boy Bush did to my finances... so, yes, I have absolutely no trouble crushing you people who got screwed just as bad as I did, but STILL support these fools.
And somehow conservatives cram the massive security apparatus and the most intrusive surveillance state in history and the most aggressive, costly Military in history into their definition of "liberty". All in the eye of the beholder it seems. I've told Boss before how America longs for a real conservative like Eisenhower.

Naw, he'll tell you Ike wasn't a conservative. Ike criticized the Military-Industrial Complex and built infrastructure. That Commie!
And somehow conservatives cram the massive security apparatus and the most intrusive surveillance state in history and the most aggressive, costly Military in history into their definition of "liberty". All in the eye of the beholder it seems. I've told Boss before how America longs for a real conservative like Eisenhower.

Naw, he'll tell you Ike wasn't a conservative. Ike criticized the Military-Industrial Complex and built infrastructure. That Commie!

I've heard cons call Ike a commie, I won't bet a hundred on it but I think the Queen of Fabulous Tales herself, polichic has on more than one occasion.
We're not going to divert the thread into a debate about women's restrooms. I don't want perverted men using women's restrooms. I don't need to explain why to your dumb ass. I cited this as a recent example of how YOUR SIDE is the "reactionary" side... not MINE! This is not changing the laws which have been on the books for centuries "to make sense"'s IDIOTS being REACTIONARIES!

For centuries the burned witches. THen someone who was PROGRESSIVE said, "Hey, maybe there aren't any witches and you are burning them for no good reason."

Should point out that for most of history, there weren't segregated bathrooms. IN fact, up until the last century, most of the world had outhouses.

Again... I've been listening to your yapper predict the political failure of Trump for a long time now.... you've never been right.

Never said Trump wouldn't win the GOP nomination. But he won't win the general. WHich you can take heart in, you'll get another four years of being able to say, "If only we had nominated a real conservative". It's awesome about calling yourself a conservative. You never take any responsibility and therefore you can never be blamed for anything.

And HERE we have "Citizen Joe!" His mission in life is to promote a society that forces people to pay for things they morally object to, take their self defense away and indoctrinate their children into atheism ....because he made boneheaded financial decisions, didn't pay attention to his investments and thought someone was obligated to provide him with a job he was undoubtedly under-qualified for.

My goal is to crush you fools... Period. But the thing was, I did everything right, and STILL paid a heavy price when you guys got everything you wanted.

I didn't buy a McMansion, I bought a sensible condo. I didn't play the market, I put my 401K into the "safe" stocks. And you guys fucked it up.

Now, while Citizen Joe is sitting at home sucking on the government teat, he likes to come here and pretend how he used to be a conservative republican... before he saw the light, you see? He rationalized in his poisoned little mind how this would be a believable story he could sell and he reasoned there might be some people as shallow and superficial as himself they might believe this story and come bolting away from the other side.

Actually, about half my acquaintences still think I'm a Republican... They still send me a shitload of stuff because I'm on every mailing list to my Underwater Condo I can't sell as much as I want to.

I'm having to work two jobs right now to undo the Damage you boy Bush did to my finances... so, yes, I have absolutely no trouble crushing you people who got screwed just as bad as I did, but STILL support these fools.
Outhouses were generally designed for use by one person at a time.

Obama did more damage to your financial state than did Bush...and he not finished screwing us until November.
Outhouses were generally designed for use by one person at a time.

Obama did more damage to your financial state than did Bush...and he not finished screwing us until November.

NOt really. Not sure where you are getting that from. All the damage was done between Q-3 2008 and Q-2 2009, most of which was before Obama got there.


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