It's NOT Butthurt!

In other words these beta males who are holding out on supporting Trump need to be given some sweets and told "everything is going to be ok honey"

Fuck wooing these beta's. Either they get on board or they don't. It won't impact Trump winning or not. There's not enough jerk-offs on the 'right' that want to see the country destroyed by a Clinton candidacy.

If you don't care if Clinton gets in office your vote isn't needed or that important. Period. Nobody is going to kiss your ass.
Rigged , We get it, once again.

We know, coming from "the donalds" boys, "the system is rigged."
We get it.

Agree. I still do the think trump will beat Hillary. He still can't do anything but say the same old shit day in and day out. He is also snuggling up close to those Goldman Sachs guys who were supposed to be so bad. That's not very encouraging either. At this point I plan on writing a candidate in in November. I will have to wait and see how he does in a debate with Hillary without the moderators spoon feeding him his answers. Until then, I work and listen.

I will have to wait and see how he does in a debate with Hillary without the moderators spoon feeding him his answers

I'll watch the debates to see if they feed HIllary


You know that?

I was remembering Candy Crowley when she hosted the presidential debate between Obama and Romney.

Nothing helps more than having the moderator in your pocket at those things.

I agree. it also helps when the moderators give two shit's about anything other then raitings. This is the biggest reason for the kid gloves with Trump. Americans love this stuff. We love the assention of the Donald, and whichever side we are on we love the train wreck. Trump is already taking heat for his flip flops from all same media that carried him through the ptimarey. it's not just his continously evolving opinions and policy that will kill him, it's that he can't convince voters nationally to vote for him. Trum is nothing g but a flash in the pan supported by political washouts and has beens and have never been like Sarah Palin.
In other words these beta males who are holding out on supporting Trump need to be given some sweets and told "everything is going to be ok honey"

Fuck wooing these beta's. Either they get on board or they don't. It won't impact Trump winning or not. There's not enough jerk-offs on the 'right' that want to see the country destroyed by a Clinton candidacy.

If you don't care if Clinton gets in office your vote isn't needed or that important. Period. Nobody is going to kiss your ass.

Sorry dude, no one is more beta then a trump supporter.
I'm not trying to win your vote, Boss. Get that through your think noggin. Like I already said, most people are mature enough to get past the butthurt and vote to keep Hillary out. Trump isn't going to kiss your ass to get your vote, and neither is anyone else. Do whatever you want.

You didn't answer my question.... What IF Cruz had somehow won the nomination? The next day, imagine me here telling you that I don't need to win your vote and Cruz doesn't need to kiss your ass and you can just be butthurt and stay home? Would you be more likely to vote for Cruz or stay at home?

This is important because, you see, what I would be doing if things were the other way around, would be totally different. I would be making an attempt to heal the wounds of the primary campaigns and bring you over to our side. I would be making a case to you as to why Cruz is the guy you should support and it wouldn't simply be because he's not Hillary Clinton. I would be pointing out how Cruz, while he's not Donald Trump, is certainly anti-establishment and will not abide by the party line in Washington. In short, I would respect your views and try to make the case for my candidate and OUR nominee. You're NOT doing that... you're going in the opposite direction. You are actively ALIENATING the Cruz voters with the same hostile and vitriolic rhetoric you ran with during the primaries.... and you're going to get your clock cleaned.

As I said before... several times now... I don't expect Trump to "kiss my ass!" In fact, I think I would actually lose some respect for the man if he were out there pandering for the sake of winning my vote. I'm FINE with him being himself and doing his own thing... but he needs to remember how he got here. He doesn't need to start tracking LEFT and abandoning Conservatives. Remain true to Conservative principles that he started out running with and everything will work out fine... but that's NOT what he appears to be doing. And it's certainly not what YOU are doing... you're trying to throw Conservatives under the bus and act like you don't need them.

The really ironic thing is this... Hillary Clinton isn't a dummy.... she is a smart and shrewd politician. She could potentially go after the Conservative vote! I know that sounds bizarre but her husband did it and did it well. He called it "Triangulation" and it was largely the secret to his success. His legacy... besides Monica and impeachment... is balancing the budget and welfare reform... both Conservative issues!

So you idiots can keep on bashing Conservatives and telling us that we don't matter anymore... and you're going to LOSE this election... Big Time!
If Trump loses it's because not enough people voted for him
Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying. It also means "if Hillary wins it's because not enough people voted against her". That would be you.

Nope. You Trumpanzees own this. You want more people to vote for him? Stop telling us that we're at fault, we're to blame, and start selling us on Trump. You can start by addressing how his sudden shift to being a 'conservative' isn't just a way to get votes and that he won't govern from the left.

Isn't he the great negotiator? Not seeing any of that going on with him to get votes and he will need to do something because he will not win without a ton more support. But, it's early yet.
Well the MATH is, the last Conservative who ran for president won twice in landslides.

Guy, if you are talking about Reagan, let's roll that beautiful Bean footage...

To quickly recap- The Real Ronald Reagan:

Tripled the National Debt.
Engaged in huge public spending programs.
Negotiated with Terrorists and traded arms for hostages.
Armed Saddam and Bin Laden.
Raised Taxes after cutting them.
Increased the size of government.
Gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
Compromised with the Democratic Majority to expand social security.
Reached agreements with America's adversaries.
Appointed moderates to the Supreme Court
Rarely went to church and believed in Astrology

This by you is a "real conservative"?

Now, I can understand your need to make Reagan a conservative. After all, he's the only Republican President in the last 56 years who wasn't impeached, voted out of office, or left the country in economic shambles.

But here's the thing. Back in 1984, you could be a little right of center. Minorities were only 15% of the electorate, and playing the Southern Strategy of white fear talking ab out Welfare Queens still paid off.

Today... not so much. We let the darkies vote now.
You didn't answer my question.... What IF Cruz had somehow won the nomination? The next day, imagine me here telling you that I don't need to win your vote and Cruz doesn't need to kiss your ass and you can just be butthurt and stay home? Would you be more likely to vote for Cruz or stay at home?
Well I sure wouldn't be stupid enough to stay home because you said something I didn't like. BTW, I wouldn't have said anything negative to you in the first place if you hadn't started in with the personal attacks against ME before Cruz dropped out. You asked for it.
This is important because, you see, what I would be doing if things were the other way around, would be totally different. I would be making an attempt to heal the wounds of the primary campaigns and bring you over to our side. I would be making a case to you as to why Cruz is the guy you should support and it wouldn't simply be because he's not Hillary Clinton.
If it had been the other way around, you wouldn't HAVE to heal any wounds. That's childish of you. I would have supported Cruz if he had won and I sure as shit wouldn't let YOU make me stay home because you pissed me off. That's also childish. I have never voted or not voted for somebody based on what one of his supporters may have said. You got your feelings hurt and now you're whining and having a fucking tantrum. That's YOUR problem, not mine. If you want to stay home on election day to teach me a lesson, go ahead. It only shows how fucking stupid you are.
He, "the donald." has continually been proven as a liar in his statements, much more than the other 2 candidates in the race for the presidency.
But the teabaggers still love him and don't see his lying ways. With his discrediting others with calling them a liar, the teabaggers think he tells the truth.

Rigged , We get it, once again.

We know, coming from "the donalds" boys, "the system is rigged."
We get it.

Agree. I still do the think trump will beat Hillary. He still can't do anything but say the same old shit day in and day out. He is also snuggling up close to those Goldman Sachs guys who were supposed to be so bad. That's not very encouraging either. At this point I plan on writing a candidate in in November. I will have to wait and see how he does in a debate with Hillary without the moderators spoon feeding him his answers. Until then, I work and listen.

I will have to wait and see how he does in a debate with Hillary without the moderators spoon feeding him his answers

I'll watch the debates to see if they feed HIllary


You know that?

I was remembering Candy Crowley when she hosted the presidential debate between Obama and Romney.

Nothing helps more than having the moderator in your pocket at those things.

I agree. it also helps when the moderators give two shit's about anything other then raitings. This is the biggest reason for the kid gloves with Trump. Americans love this stuff. We love the assention of the Donald, and whichever side we are on we love the train wreck. Trump is already taking heat for his flip flops from all same media that carried him through the ptimarey. it's not just his continously evolving opinions and policy that will kill him, it's that he can't convince voters nationally to vote for him. Trum is nothing g but a flash in the pan supported by political washouts and has beens and have never been like Sarah Palin.
Well the MATH is, the last Conservative who ran for president won twice in landslides.

Guy, if you are talking about Reagan, let's roll that beautiful Bean footage...

To quickly recap- The Real Ronald Reagan:

Tripled the National Debt.
Engaged in huge public spending programs.
Negotiated with Terrorists and traded arms for hostages.
Armed Saddam and Bin Laden.
Raised Taxes after cutting them.
Increased the size of government.
Gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
Compromised with the Democratic Majority to expand social security.
Reached agreements with America's adversaries.
Appointed moderates to the Supreme Court
Rarely went to church and believed in Astrology

This by you is a "real conservative"?

Now, I can understand your need to make Reagan a conservative. After all, he's the only Republican President in the last 56 years who wasn't impeached, voted out of office, or left the country in economic shambles.

But here's the thing. Back in 1984, you could be a little right of center. Minorities were only 15% of the electorate, and playing the Southern Strategy of white fear talking ab out Welfare Queens still paid off.

Today... not so much. We let the darkies vote now.

And yet, people believe he should go on Mt. Rushmore.

Yes, Reagan was the last true Conservative president we had.

Reagan WAS a Conservative....

Reagan Conservatism. Reagan Economics. Reagan Foreign Policy...

Only an abject idiot with borderline retardation on a message board would argue that Reagan wasn't Conservative. Was Reagan PERFECT? Of course not... no one is perfect.

This country is STILL right of center... you and your radical activist 24% are very politically vocal and actually have far more representation than you deserve... that makes you THINK you are a majority.... you're NOT. The fact that you priss around arrogantly proclaiming authority over us all is what gave rise to the Tea Party. And in many ways, Donald Trump.
the teaparty died. to old. but there ideas, wichnwere old were good and simple. govrenment deals with govrenment shit. not freaks in bathrooms, gay people getting married not social issues in general. Not God in anyway shape or form. leave the social issues to the states, counties, and so on.
You didn't answer my question.... What IF Cruz had somehow won the nomination? The next day, imagine me here telling you that I don't need to win your vote and Cruz doesn't need to kiss your ass and you can just be butthurt and stay home? Would you be more likely to vote for Cruz or stay at home?
Well I sure wouldn't be stupid enough to stay home because you said something I didn't like. BTW, I wouldn't have said anything negative to you in the first place if you hadn't started in with the personal attacks against ME before Cruz dropped out. You asked for it.
This is important because, you see, what I would be doing if things were the other way around, would be totally different. I would be making an attempt to heal the wounds of the primary campaigns and bring you over to our side. I would be making a case to you as to why Cruz is the guy you should support and it wouldn't simply be because he's not Hillary Clinton.
If it had been the other way around, you wouldn't HAVE to heal any wounds. That's childish of you. I would have supported Cruz if he had won and I sure as shit wouldn't let YOU make me stay home because you pissed me off. That's also childish. I have never voted or not voted for somebody based on what one of his supporters may have said. You got your feelings hurt and now you're whining and having a fucking tantrum. That's YOUR problem, not mine. If you want to stay home on election day to teach me a lesson, go ahead. It only shows how fucking stupid you are.

I don't believe a word you're saying, I think you're lying through your teeth. You would not have supported Cruz had he won a brokered convention, You would be whining incessantly about how Trump got cheated. IF I came here and said you were "butthurt" and needed to get over it and stop being childish... you wouldn't like that. I know you, SJ.... I know how you are. IF I kept on insisting you were whining and having a tantrum, you would have stayed home and not voted for Ted Cruz and you know it. Especially if Ted Cruz said "fuck off Trumpsters... I don't need you!"

Now you can pretend... live in some fantasy world where you wouldn't have reacted that way... I can't prove you're wrong on a message board. But I think anyone here who knows you, realizes you are flat out lying.

You're not gonna win this election... you and Trump aren't smart enough to win the damn election. You can't even secure the support of 58% of your own party because of your ego. Simple as that... nothing more complicated... if you and Trump could put down the nasty vitriolic rhetoric against Conservatives, you could bury Hillary and the Dems.... but you're not that smart. You're dumb people with big egos.
You didn't answer my question.... What IF Cruz had somehow won the nomination? The next day, imagine me here telling you that I don't need to win your vote and Cruz doesn't need to kiss your ass and you can just be butthurt and stay home? Would you be more likely to vote for Cruz or stay at home?
Well I sure wouldn't be stupid enough to stay home because you said something I didn't like. BTW, I wouldn't have said anything negative to you in the first place if you hadn't started in with the personal attacks against ME before Cruz dropped out. You asked for it.
This is important because, you see, what I would be doing if things were the other way around, would be totally different. I would be making an attempt to heal the wounds of the primary campaigns and bring you over to our side. I would be making a case to you as to why Cruz is the guy you should support and it wouldn't simply be because he's not Hillary Clinton.
If it had been the other way around, you wouldn't HAVE to heal any wounds. That's childish of you. I would have supported Cruz if he had won and I sure as shit wouldn't let YOU make me stay home because you pissed me off. That's also childish. I have never voted or not voted for somebody based on what one of his supporters may have said. You got your feelings hurt and now you're whining and having a fucking tantrum. That's YOUR problem, not mine. If you want to stay home on election day to teach me a lesson, go ahead. It only shows how fucking stupid you are.

I don't believe a word you're saying, I think you're lying through your teeth. You would not have supported Cruz had he won a brokered convention, You would be whining incessantly about how Trump got cheated. IF I came here and said you were "butthurt" and needed to get over it and stop being childish... you wouldn't like that. I know you, SJ.... I know how you are. IF I kept on insisting you were whining and having a tantrum, you would have stayed home and not voted for Ted Cruz and you know it. Especially if Ted Cruz said "fuck off Trumpsters... I don't need you!"

Now you can pretend... live in some fantasy world where you wouldn't have reacted that way... I can't prove you're wrong on a message board. But I think anyone here who knows you, realizes you are flat out lying.

You're not gonna win this election... you and Trump aren't smart enough to win the damn election. You can't even secure the support of 58% of your own party because of your ego. Simple as that... nothing more complicated... if you and Trump could put down the nasty vitriolic rhetoric against Conservatives, you could bury Hillary and the Dems.... but you're not that smart. You're dumb people with big egos.
You're consumed by your hatred. I would feel sorry for you but you're too much of a fuckwad to feel sorry for.
And yet, people believe he should go on Mt. Rushmore.

Not anyone with a brain. Historians will mark Reagan as the beginning of America's decline.

Yes, Reagan was the last true Conservative president we had.

Reagan WAS a Conservative....

Reagan Conservatism. Reagan Economics. Reagan Foreign Policy...

Only an abject idiot with borderline retardation on a message board would argue that Reagan wasn't Conservative. Was Reagan PERFECT? Of course not... no one is perfect.

I'm saying by the standards you guys set, Reagan would be a RINO and a traitor. Come one, could you imagine if any of the 17 idiots had said, "We should give outright Amnesty to all the illegals!". But Reagan did EXACTLY that, something even a Democrat wouldn't propose today.

Now, admit-ably, when your peer group of Modern Republicans includes Tricky Dick, Fumbling Ford and the Bush Crime Family, Reagan looks good in a Leper with the most fingers kind of way.

This country is STILL right of center... you and your radical activist 24% are very politically vocal and actually have far more representation than you deserve... that makes you THINK you are a majority.... you're NOT. The fact that you priss around arrogantly proclaiming authority over us all is what gave rise to the Tea Party. And in many ways, Donald Trump.

this country is not "Right of Center". it's probably pretty "center".

You guys only barely won the popular vote ONCE nationally since 1990, and that was only because we were in the middle of a war and we never throw out a President during a war.

Guy, it isn't 1980 anymore. The Darkies get to vote now.
And yet, people believe he should go on Mt. Rushmore.

Not anyone with a brain. Historians will mark Reagan as the beginning of America's decline.

Only if they like being regarded as total retards and morons.

Yes, Reagan was the last true Conservative president we had.

Reagan WAS a Conservative....

Reagan Conservatism. Reagan Economics. Reagan Foreign Policy...

Only an abject idiot with borderline retardation on a message board would argue that Reagan wasn't Conservative. Was Reagan PERFECT? Of course not... no one is perfect.

I'm saying by the standards you guys set, Reagan would be a RINO and a traitor. Come one, could you imagine if any of the 17 idiots had said, "We should give outright Amnesty to all the illegals!". But Reagan did EXACTLY that, something even a Democrat wouldn't propose today.

Now, admit-ably, when your peer group of Modern Republicans includes Tricky Dick, Fumbling Ford and the Bush Crime Family, Reagan looks good in a Leper with the most fingers kind of way.

Illegals were a fraction of the number they are today and he did that one time in order to appease the left and get his border security passed. It was passed and never implemented, just more calls for more amnesty. He cited it as his single biggest mistake of his presidency.

I really don't know what "standards" you're looking at or who "you guys" are... Donald Trump is the GOP nominee... is THAT a Republican? Sounds like what you want to do is lump in all things Republican with Conservatism. Conservatives and Republicans are two different things. What the Republican party stands for is often in conflict with what Conservatives stand for.

This country is STILL right of center... you and your radical activist 24% are very politically vocal and actually have far more representation than you deserve... that makes you THINK you are a majority.... you're NOT. The fact that you priss around arrogantly proclaiming authority over us all is what gave rise to the Tea Party. And in many ways, Donald Trump.

this country is not "Right of Center". it's probably pretty "center".

You guys only barely won the popular vote ONCE nationally since 1990, and that was only because we were in the middle of a war and we never throw out a President during a war.

Guy, it isn't 1980 anymore. The Darkies get to vote now.

No... we're mostly center right according to Pew Research, Gallup, Rasmussen and everyone who has ever done a survey on the question. Here you are again with this "you guys" crap... who is "you guys" here?

So you think "darkies" didn't get to vote back in the 80s? Wasn't that when you were a proud card-carrying Republican? Maybe that's when you switched to being a flaming liberal? When you found out Republicans were okay with black people voting and actually were the ones who ended slavery and passed Civil Rights. Must've been a real jolt for you.
Illegals were a fraction of the number they are today and he did that one time in order to appease the left and get his border security passed. It was passed and never implemented, just more calls for more amnesty. He cited it as his single biggest mistake of his presidency.

Yes, the usual excuses. He had no idea that if he gave out amnesty, more people would come. That sounds like something a senile person would say.

I really don't know what "standards" you're looking at or who "you guys" are... Donald Trump is the GOP nominee... is THAT a Republican? Sounds like what you want to do is lump in all things Republican with Conservatism. Conservatives and Republicans are two different things. What the Republican party stands for is often in conflict with what Conservatives stand for.

"Conservatism" is a form of battered wife syndrome. Bend over and let the rich sodomize your stupid inbred ass. Trump just took out all the trapping and distilled it down to the racism and misogyny.

No... we're mostly center right according to Pew Research, Gallup, Rasmussen and everyone who has ever done a survey on the question. Here you are again with this "you guys" crap... who is "you guys" here?

Guy, come November, you are still going to vote for Trump. As for Gallup and Ratmuffin, these were the guys who insisted up and down that a Weird Mormon Robot was going to win in a landslide.

So you think "darkies" didn't get to vote back in the 80s?

I think they were less inclined to vote for a number of reason. In 1984, Whites made up 86 of the electorate. Blacks made up 10% and Hispanics 3%.

If we were at that same racial mix in 2012, Mitt Romney would have won. easily. But minorities are now 28% of the electorate.

How Groups Voted in 1984 - Roper Center

Wasn't that when you were a proud card-carrying Republican? Maybe that's when you switched to being a flaming liberal? When you found out Republicans were okay with black people voting and actually were the ones who ended slavery and passed Civil Rights. Must've been a real jolt for you.

I'll be perfectly honest with you. I grew up in a Working Class White neighborhood where people said the N-word with a casual way that would make Mark Fuhrman blush. where people like my parents looked at the hippies and wondered what the world was coming to.

The important thing is what we call "Reagan Democrats" today were really Nixon Democrats.

You see, that's when they decided to abandon any decency between Lincoln and Ike and went full on "Southern Strategy" of appealling to people like you.

But here was the thing. I would like to say that the reason I turned on the GOP was because they were appealling to racism and homophobia, because I really liked to think I was better than that. I'd like to say the reason I turned on them was because Bush lied about Iraq or fucked up Katrina by appointing Cronies. But none of those things affected me.

Then that cocksucker let his rich pals fuck the economy and my asshole boss announced he could fuck me over when I was sick because "he didn't have to deal with a union".

That's when I became someone who had no use for the GOP.

Now here's the thing. I do like what Trump says about Free trade. I like the fact that he isn't big on giving more tax cuts to rich people. But his racism makes him unnacceptable now.
Yes, the usual excuses. He had no idea that if he gave out amnesty, more people would come. That sounds like something a senile person would say.

No, the deal was, amnesty was going to be done one time and we'd secure the border so no one else came in. That's the only reason he agreed to the amnesty. So we signed the bill he wanted and gave out the amnesty, then in the next session of Congress, promptly defunded the border security measures and never looked back. This is precisely why the right is so adamant about getting border security FIRST.... before ANY discussion about amnesty.

"Conservatism" is a form of battered wife syndrome.
Proving once again that you're an idiot who doesn't understand Conservatism.

Guy, come November, you are still going to vote for Trump.

I am so glad that you are sure about how I am going to vote!
More advice from fake republicans. What's going to happen if Sanders beats Hillary? I expect the entire democrat establishment will convert to socialism just to show solidarity.
Better to do that than to vote for a man that lusts for his own daughter, "the donald"
But you teabaggers like to hide your lusts and shame others

More advice from fake republicans. What's going to happen if Sanders beats Hillary? I expect the entire democrat establishment will convert to socialism just to show solidarity.

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