It's NOT Butthurt!

A little humility in victory can go a long way. By the way, Trump barely wo n!! That suggests he need to talk to his rivals in order to shape the policies he will run on.

Looks like Cruz and Rubio still have some influence here.

I don't need to refute bogus numbers that don't mean anything.

There's no butthurt... I keep telling you people that but you insist there is. I can't make you believe me. Nobody wanted Kasich, he never even got as many delegates as Rubio. This has nothing to do with pouting or hurt feelings over Cruz not winning. It has everything to do with conservative philosophy and if Trump doesn't run as a conservative the conservatives will stay home. You and others are welcome to think they stayed home due to butthurt but that's why I am telling you it's not so.

People can believe whatever... I don't really care. I want Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton as much as anyone who supports Trump.... I'm not abandoning my principles for that. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

You see, here's the problem. ONly about 20 million people will participate in the GOP Primaries. Trump only won 42% of them before Cruz went off crying. Trump has to worry about how he wins the middle now, not the far right.

Now, you might not like the numbers, but here's the thing about math. It remains true whether you believe it or not.
Trump needs to not worry about uniting anyone, it's not going to happen until after November.

After November is going to be a little late if he loses, don't you think? :dunno:

As I pointed out in the OP... three separate groups of non-Trumpers... There is no point in trying to unite people who hate you and will never vote for you under any circumstance.... You don't need to unite people who are going to automatically vote for you because you're the Republican... that leaves the third group of mostly Cruz supporters who are Constitutional Conservative and very principled in their views.

You can unite them by simply respecting a conservative philosophy the way Trump did early on. You're going to absolutely lose them by repeatedly kicking them in the nuts and screaming "Butthurt" at them.

Now you better believe, the Democrats plan to unite the illegal alien vote, the ISIS vote, the dead people vote, and every special interest under the sun vote. They will have trunks of ballots mysteriously appear at the last minute... their cronies will swarm the polling precincts... they'll bus in the homeless to vote... no stone unturned. So do you still think Trump can afford to leave 20-30 million voters outside the Big Tent?

I know it's a lot to ask of Trump supporters... But THINK!
Boss thinks he speaks for all conservatives and that all of them are gonna stay home on election day if Trump doesn't kiss their ass. Neither will happen, most conservatives are mature enough to stop sulking and will support the Republican nominee because they don't want to see another 4 or 8 years of Obama on steroids.
The ones who are likely to stay home are the ones who still believe in the establishment Republicans who would rather see Hillary win than lose their power.
Boss thinks he speaks for all conservatives and that all of them are gonna stay home on election day if Trump doesn't kiss their ass. Neither will happen, most conservatives are mature enough to stop sulking and will support the Republican nominee because they don't want to see another 4 or 8 years of Obama on steroids.
The ones who are likely to stay home are the ones who still believe in the establishment Republicans who would rather see Hillary win than lose their power.

You've already proven you're not a Conservative. You are a neo-populist nationalist agrarian. It's good to see you're already setting the table for when Hillary kicks that ass in November. People interested in seeing some butthurt need to stick around until then and we'll really get to see what it looks like when you lose.
We know, coming from "the donalds" boys, "the system is rigged."
We get it.

Agree. I still do the think trump will beat Hillary. He still can't do anything but say the same old shit day in and day out. He is also snuggling up close to those Goldman Sachs guys who were supposed to be so bad. That's not very encouraging either. At this point I plan on writing a candidate in in November. I will have to wait and see how he does in a debate with Hillary without the moderators spoon feeding him his answers. Until then, I work and listen.

I will have to wait and see how he does in a debate with Hillary without the moderators spoon feeding him his answers

I'll watch the debates to see if they feed HIllary
Boss thinks he speaks for all conservatives and that all of them are gonna stay home on election day if Trump doesn't kiss their ass. Neither will happen, most conservatives are mature enough to stop sulking and will support the Republican nominee because they don't want to see another 4 or 8 years of Obama on steroids.
The ones who are likely to stay home are the ones who still believe in the establishment Republicans who would rather see Hillary win than lose their power.

Ah, no. I love that Trump is upsetting the GOPe apple cart. I don't trust him to not govern from the left though. His actions and his words do not match. At this point, the sofa is the candidate who I will be with on election night.

ftr, only the truly insane want hillary to win.
We know, coming from "the donalds" boys, "the system is rigged."
We get it.

Agree. I still do the think trump will beat Hillary. He still can't do anything but say the same old shit day in and day out. He is also snuggling up close to those Goldman Sachs guys who were supposed to be so bad. That's not very encouraging either. At this point I plan on writing a candidate in in November. I will have to wait and see how he does in a debate with Hillary without the moderators spoon feeding him his answers. Until then, I work and listen.

I will have to wait and see how he does in a debate with Hillary without the moderators spoon feeding him his answers

I'll watch the debates to see if they feed HIllary


You know that?

I was remembering Candy Crowley when she hosted the presidential debate between Obama and Romney.

Nothing helps more than having the moderator in your pocket at those things.
Trump is irrelevant.

He'll never be President.

Get ready for Hillary.

And likely lose the Senate and House.
Boss thinks he speaks for all conservatives and that all of them are gonna stay home on election day if Trump doesn't kiss their ass. Neither will happen, most conservatives are mature enough to stop sulking and will support the Republican nominee because they don't want to see another 4 or 8 years of Obama on steroids.
The ones who are likely to stay home are the ones who still believe in the establishment Republicans who would rather see Hillary win than lose their power.

You've already proven you're not a Conservative. You are a neo-populist nationalist agrarian. It's good to see you're already setting the table for when Hillary kicks that ass in November. People interested in seeing some butthurt need to stick around until then and we'll really get to see what it looks like when you lose.
They're seeing it now, in every one of your posts. You're hoping Hillary beats Trump so you can say "I told you so". You just can't get over the fact that your guy lost. You really are pathetic. You would rather have Hillary picking SC justices than get on board with Trump. You remind me of Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney. What a fucking baby.
Boss thinks he speaks for all conservatives and that all of them are gonna stay home on election day if Trump doesn't kiss their ass. Neither will happen, most conservatives are mature enough to stop sulking and will support the Republican nominee because they don't want to see another 4 or 8 years of Obama on steroids.
The ones who are likely to stay home are the ones who still believe in the establishment Republicans who would rather see Hillary win than lose their power.

Ah, no. I love that Trump is upsetting the GOPe apple cart. I don't trust him to not govern from the left though. His actions and his words do not match. At this point, the sofa is the candidate who I will be with on election night.

ftr, only the truly insane want hillary to win.
So, because you don't have a guarantee he will be conservative enough, you're gonna stay home, knowing that it helps Hillary (the one you KNOW will govern from the extreme left)? I guarantee you the liberal extremists won't be sitting on the sofa on election day.
They're seeing it now, in every one of your posts. You're hoping Hillary beats Trump so you can say "I told you so". You just can't get over the fact that your guy lost. You really are pathetic. You would rather have Hillary picking SC justices than get on board with Trump. You remind me of Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney. What a fucking baby.

Well, no. Boss has repeatedly said that he would vote for Trump if he had confidence that Trump wouldn't lead from the left.

Again, the only people who hope that clinton beats any Republican are the mentally insane.

I will say, however, that there is a very shallow reason that someone who does not support Trump could vote for him .... if for no other reason than to see the look of disgust, defeat, and utter rage on clinton's face when she loses!
Boss thinks he speaks for all conservatives and that all of them are gonna stay home on election day if Trump doesn't kiss their ass. Neither will happen, most conservatives are mature enough to stop sulking and will support the Republican nominee because they don't want to see another 4 or 8 years of Obama on steroids.
The ones who are likely to stay home are the ones who still believe in the establishment Republicans who would rather see Hillary win than lose their power.

Ah, no. I love that Trump is upsetting the GOPe apple cart. I don't trust him to not govern from the left though. His actions and his words do not match. At this point, the sofa is the candidate who I will be with on election night.

ftr, only the truly insane want hillary to win.
So, because you don't have a guarantee he will be conservative enough, you're gonna stay home, knowing that it helps Hillary (the one you KNOW will govern from the extreme left)? I guarantee you the liberal extremists won't be sitting on the sofa on election day.

No, not "conservative enough", conservative AT ALL. I don't trust him not to lead from the left, based on his history of favoring leftist policies. I don't trust that he "evolved" on his positions over the years. I believe he "changed" his positions to more conservative ones when he decided to run for potus, somewhere around 2010/2011, so he would garner more votes. I think he's paying lipservice to get votes.

"He's not hillary" simply isn't good enough. If he wants my vote ... and it is totally out there, up for grabs ... he will have to do more to convince me HE won't govern from the left.
They're seeing it now, in every one of your posts. You're hoping Hillary beats Trump so you can say "I told you so". You just can't get over the fact that your guy lost. You really are pathetic. You would rather have Hillary picking SC justices than get on board with Trump. You remind me of Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney. What a fucking baby.

Calling me a "fucking baby" is never EVER going to win my vote, SJ.... get that through your thick noggin.

No... I will NOT just "jump on board" with Trump. If he can't win my vote he doesn't deserve it. I don't want Hillary (or Bernie) to win.... that's why I am posting this thread and TRYING to appeal to you idiots. I really would like to vote for Trump.... but he's going to have to earn my vote. I'm over the fact that my guy lost... that doesn't mean I blindly march in lockstep behind your guy.

What I think is happening here is, Trump supporters are imagining Cruz supporters being the way THEY would be if Trump had lost in a contested convention. But now... let's imagine if that had happened... how would you feel if I were here calling you a "fucking baby" and denigrating you every way I could think of? Would that be making you more likely to go out and vote for Ted Cruz or less likely to do so? :dunno:
Boss thinks he speaks for all conservatives and that all of them are gonna stay home on election day if Trump doesn't kiss their ass. Neither will happen, most conservatives are mature enough to stop sulking and will support the Republican nominee because they don't want to see another 4 or 8 years of Obama on steroids.
The ones who are likely to stay home are the ones who still believe in the establishment Republicans who would rather see Hillary win than lose their power.

Ah, no. I love that Trump is upsetting the GOPe apple cart. I don't trust him to not govern from the left though. His actions and his words do not match. At this point, the sofa is the candidate who I will be with on election night.

ftr, only the truly insane want hillary to win.
So, because you don't have a guarantee he will be conservative enough, you're gonna stay home, knowing that it helps Hillary (the one you KNOW will govern from the extreme left)? I guarantee you the liberal extremists won't be sitting on the sofa on election day.

No, not "conservative enough", conservative AT ALL. I don't trust him not to lead from the left, based on his history of favoring leftist policies. I don't trust that he "evolved" on his positions over the years. I believe he "changed" his positions to more conservative ones when he decided to run for potus, somewhere around 2010/2011, so he would garner more votes. I think he's paying lipservice to get votes.

"He's not hillary" simply isn't good enough. If he wants my vote ... and it is totally out there, up for grabs ... he will have to do more to convince me HE won't govern from the left.
Not voting at all does not mean that neither candidate will win. If Hillary wins, and you didn't vote, you are part of the reason for it.
Boss thinks he speaks for all conservatives and that all of them are gonna stay home on election day if Trump doesn't kiss their ass. Neither will happen, most conservatives are mature enough to stop sulking and will support the Republican nominee because they don't want to see another 4 or 8 years of Obama on steroids.
The ones who are likely to stay home are the ones who still believe in the establishment Republicans who would rather see Hillary win than lose their power.

Ah, no. I love that Trump is upsetting the GOPe apple cart. I don't trust him to not govern from the left though. His actions and his words do not match. At this point, the sofa is the candidate who I will be with on election night.

ftr, only the truly insane want hillary to win.
So, because you don't have a guarantee he will be conservative enough, you're gonna stay home, knowing that it helps Hillary (the one you KNOW will govern from the extreme left)? I guarantee you the liberal extremists won't be sitting on the sofa on election day.

No, not "conservative enough", conservative AT ALL. I don't trust him not to lead from the left, based on his history of favoring leftist policies. I don't trust that he "evolved" on his positions over the years. I believe he "changed" his positions to more conservative ones when he decided to run for potus, somewhere around 2010/2011, so he would garner more votes. I think he's paying lipservice to get votes.

"He's not hillary" simply isn't good enough. If he wants my vote ... and it is totally out there, up for grabs ... he will have to do more to convince me HE won't govern from the left.
Not voting at all does not mean that neither candidate will win. If Hillary wins, and you didn't vote, you are part of the reason for it.

Nope, you guys do not get to play that game with us. You insist on Trump, you refuse to engage those of us whose vote Trump needs to win, and instead ignore our concerns and play some kind of blame game. If Trump loses it's because not enough people voted for him and that rests squarely on his (and your) shoulders.
Rigged , We get it, once again.

We know, coming from "the donalds" boys, "the system is rigged."
We get it.

Agree. I still do the think trump will beat Hillary. He still can't do anything but say the same old shit day in and day out. He is also snuggling up close to those Goldman Sachs guys who were supposed to be so bad. That's not very encouraging either. At this point I plan on writing a candidate in in November. I will have to wait and see how he does in a debate with Hillary without the moderators spoon feeding him his answers. Until then, I work and listen.

I will have to wait and see how he does in a debate with Hillary without the moderators spoon feeding him his answers

I'll watch the debates to see if they feed HIllary


You know that?

I was remembering Candy Crowley when she hosted the presidential debate between Obama and Romney.

Nothing helps more than having the moderator in your pocket at those things.
They're seeing it now, in every one of your posts. You're hoping Hillary beats Trump so you can say "I told you so". You just can't get over the fact that your guy lost. You really are pathetic. You would rather have Hillary picking SC justices than get on board with Trump. You remind me of Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney. What a fucking baby.

Calling me a "fucking baby" is never EVER going to win my vote, SJ.... get that through your thick noggin.

No... I will NOT just "jump on board" with Trump. If he can't win my vote he doesn't deserve it. I don't want Hillary (or Bernie) to win.... that's why I am posting this thread and TRYING to appeal to you idiots. I really would like to vote for Trump.... but he's going to have to earn my vote. I'm over the fact that my guy lost... that doesn't mean I blindly march in lockstep behind your guy.

What I think is happening here is, Trump supporters are imagining Cruz supporters being the way THEY would be if Trump had lost in a contested convention. But now... let's imagine if that had happened... how would you feel if I were here calling you a "fucking baby" and denigrating you every way I could think of? Would that be making you more likely to go out and vote for Ted Cruz or less likely to do so? :dunno:
I'm not trying to win your vote, Boss. Get that through your think noggin. Like I already said, most people are mature enough to get past the butthurt and vote to keep Hillary out. Trump isn't going to kiss your ass to get your vote, and neither is anyone else. Do whatever you want.

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