It's NOT Butthurt!

One of the side effects of this GOP primary is this sentiment: "Trump won, now you anti-Trumpers suck it up and get on board". I get it, that comes off as obnoxious. It is really all about keeping the Beast out of the White House and that is going to require all hands on deck. That means he's got a lot of work to do to win your vote hopefully he will be able to close those gaps before November.
So, here is the plan: Don't primary Ryan where you can get a republican who is, supposedly, closer to wanting smaller government, to cut taxes, to reduce the presence of government in our lives etc....

You say "wait til November" when his challenger will be a democrat who supposedly will want larger government, tax increases, and to increase the pesence of government in our lives?
The plan? I have no control over what Wisconsin voters do. All I'm saying is if Ryan wants to oppose his own party's nominee, he does so at his own peril. I think it will hurt him. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe not. Personally, I hope the asshole ends up like Cantor because he's not trustworthy and I'd rather see him lose to a Democrat in November than have him continue to make promises to Republicans he has no intention of keeping. Now you can take a few minutes to think up some more clever insults to throw at me so you can feel like you won the pissing contest.
All I can say is, if the majority of Trump's supporters and Trump have your attitude, he will lose the election to Hillary Clinton and it probably won't even be close.

Of course, because there will be #NeverTrump folks like you voting third party or staying home out of a fit of anger. If we have your attitude, a loss is all but assured.

Again, you need to read the OP.... maybe wait a day or two until your hormones are settled down... I clearly explained to you that non-Trump supporters consist of three basic types... the "#nevertrump" people who you are never going to win over no matter what... the sheep who are going to follow Trump because he is the nominee... and people like me who can be persuaded to vote for Trump. If I stay home it is because Trump failed to win me over. It's not about anger or hurt feelings, it's about conservative principles.

If he's not going to be a conservative like he ran as in the primaries, I can't vote for him. Sorry.... not gonna happen. If he continues leaning left on things and his smart ass supporters keep bashing and trashing conservatives, he will lose my vote. The ball is in your court... by all means, if you don't believe me, sit back and watch in horror as it happens buddy... don't know what else I can tell ya... it doesn't have to be that way but if you're hell bent on making it like that, that's how it will turn out. You're just not going to bad mouth, brow beat or intimidate people into voting for Trump. That strategy WILL fail.
One person issuing ultimatums to a candidate doesn't mean shit unless you can convince a few million people to go along with you. And if you have that kind of influence you should be running for office.
One person issuing ultimatums to a candidate doesn't mean shit unless you can convince a few million people to go along with you. And if you have that kind of influence you should be running for office.

I assure you, this isn't an ultimatum and I speak for millions. If you want to take that attitude and continue to be your usual belligerent self, you're going to lose this election to Hillary in a landslide. Honestly and truthfully, I think that's exactly what is about to go down because you can't help yourselves. You're too caught up in your own hot wind and you think you've got this thing in the bag and don't need anyone else.

The only reason I posted and I'm telling you like it is, is because I don't want to see Hillary become president. I honestly hope that Trump can defeat her. Seriously... no butthurt... no hard feelings... the primary is over and Trump won fair and square... but now he has to unify this party and if he cannot do it, he's in trouble. You can either help him or hurt him... that's up to you. Again, I have no faith in you doing the right thing here. I think you are full of yourself and lack the maturity to be anything different than you've been. You will keep on bashing and trashing people who's votes you need and you and your candidate will lose in November.

Sp prove me wrong, big boy! Show me that you can act like a mature adult and do the right thing.
You don't have the numbers to win with 42% of the GOP backing you.

That doesn't mean the other 58 percent won't vote for him. It's hard to read the tendencies of the voters, even despite your efforts.

In the OP, I broke down the 58% and explained it to you... did you not read it?

There are a small percentage who are not going to vote for Trump under any circumstance. There are some who are going to "hold their nose" and vote for Trump because he's not Hillary. Then, there are the principled conservatives like myself.... we are mostly Cruz voters. We can be persuaded to vote for Trump but this recalcitrant and vitriolic hatefulness is not going to do the trick. You people need to shift gears out of primary campaign mode now... it's time to reach out and unify the party. If you keep on bashing and insulting me, I'll stay home or vote 3rd party... I will not vote for your guy.,.. and I am not alone, I assure you.

I mean... honestly... I don't know what you're thinking... that you can somehow insult me into voting for Trump? That you can think up enough nasty names to call me or ways to denigrate me that I will eventually just start supporting Trump to keep from being bullied and harassed? Is that what you're thinking? It's about the most stupid political strategy I've ever heard of, if that's the case.
In the OP, I broke down the 58% and explained it to you... did you not read it?

I read it, and I think you sound certain of yourself. Your post is full of assumptions. If you make a convincing enough argument, you can persuade anyone. Ultimately I predict, not assume or believe to be fact, that the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency will start to hit them before too long. It's hard to see all those folks bashing Hillary and preaching the horrors of her presidency sitting home or voting third party.
One person issuing ultimatums to a candidate doesn't mean shit unless you can convince a few million people to go along with you. And if you have that kind of influence you should be running for office.

I assure you, this isn't an ultimatum and I speak for millions. If you want to take that attitude and continue to be your usual belligerent self, you're going to lose this election to Hillary in a landslide. Honestly and truthfully, I think that's exactly what is about to go down because you can't help yourselves. You're too caught up in your own hot wind and you think you've got this thing in the bag and don't need anyone else.

The only reason I posted and I'm telling you like it is, is because I don't want to see Hillary become president. I honestly hope that Trump can defeat her. Seriously... no butthurt... no hard feelings... the primary is over and Trump won fair and square... but now he has to unify this party and if he cannot do it, he's in trouble. You can either help him or hurt him... that's up to you. Again, I have no faith in you doing the right thing here. I think you are full of yourself and lack the maturity to be anything different than you've been. You will keep on bashing and trashing people who's votes you need and you and your candidate will lose in November.

Sp prove me wrong, big boy! Show me that you can act like a mature adult and do the right thing.
And now we see the REAL reason for this thread. BUTTHURT!
A little humility in victory can go a long way. By the way, Trump barely wo n!! That suggests he need to talk to his rivals in order to shape the policies he will run on.

Looks like Cruz and Rubio still have some influence here.
Of course, because there will be #NeverTrump folks like you voting third party or staying home out of a fit of anger. If we have your attitude, a loss is all but assured.

the Republican Party is not one of his golf courses for which he can determine who has what tee times. A political party is an alliance of people who share enough principles to unite to win elections and run the government. They can’t be ordered around by Don Corleone-style threats. They have to be persuaded and mobilized. Are Mr. Trump and his campaign going to require loyalty oaths of every Republican officeholder who wants to attend the convention?

All of this is more perilous for Mr. Trump’s candidacy than he and his allies seem to appreciate. Like Mr. Ryan, hundreds of GOP officeholders and candidates are deciding whether to endorse Mr. Trump or keep their distance. Thousands of potential donors are deciding whether to support Mr. Trump or devote their efforts to staving off losses in the House and Senate.

More immediately dangerous to his chances in November, some conservatives are trying to recruit a major GOP figure to run as a third-party candidate. ...

In his own self-interest, Mr. Trump should be working overtime to prevent a third-party challenge that would attract Republicans and make his defeat likely. The more Mr. Trump declares war on party dissenters, the more Republicans he will convince that the Presidency is probably lost in any case and even a long-shot third-party campaign may be worth the political risk. ...

If Mr. Trump really wants to be President, as opposed to losing as a populist martyr, he has to build a broader coalition. He needs to persuade doubters not by lashing out but by sounding like a potential President.​

Could Donald Trump Implode?
Look... assholes... I don't expect Donald Trump to morph into Ted Cruz! But if he can't say anything to assure me he is going to govern as a Conservative... why the hell would I ever vote for him? If we're going to have another Big Government Liberal... why not vote for Hillary Clinton or Bernie? At least they aren't bullshitting about who they are.

Um, guy, here's the problem.

Conservatism has never been about "Small Government". Reagan and both Bushes made Government BIGGER!

Nope, what "Conservatism' has been about since Nixon and the Southern Strategy is convincing stupid white people like you that their declining standard of living is not due to the rich being too greedy, but those women, minorities and gays being too uppity and demanding the same stuff you have.

So all Donald did was chuck aside all that nonsense about "Supply Side' and "Constitutional Originalism" and just told Whitey that those Darkies want half his cookie (after he wolfed down the other 9)

THAT'S why he won the primary.

Now, I doubt you do any kind of soul searching to figure out how you got here, and I suspect for all your whining and caterwauling now, come November, you are going to be fully on the Trump bandwagon because Hillary's hoo-ha scares the hell out of you.

So knowing that, what compelling reason does "The Donald" have to kiss your ass now?
What's amazing is that you posted this right after I posted that I didn't expect him to morph into Ted Cruz. You apparently don't bother actually READING what I post so why should I bother responding to you? No... he doesn't have to kiss ass... he simply needs to start talking and acting like a Conservative... you know, like he ran his primary race? He has repeatedly said that he considers himself a conservative... so what's the problem?

In short, he needs to kiss your ass on issues that the electorate didn't care about.

Here's the thing. Ted Cruz went around talking smack about bathrooms and how many wives Trump had and how Trump wasn't sincere about loving Jesus and Ayn Rand.

And the electorate of the GOP didn't give a fuck. Trump promised them to punish the brown people, and he won. Sad commentary as to where your party is right now, but that's kind of your problem.

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