It's NOT Butthurt!

Look... assholes... I don't expect Donald Trump to morph into Ted Cruz! But if he can't say anything to assure me he is going to govern as a Conservative... why the hell would I ever vote for him? If we're going to have another Big Government Liberal... why not vote for Hillary Clinton or Bernie? At least they aren't bullshitting about who they are.
You evidently have blinded yourself to the liberal side of Trumphet...
So you have some work to do here in order to get Trump elected. If you decide that you're just not going to make the effort and you'd rather just tee off on non-Trump supporters from now until November in the meanest nastiest ways you can think of... you're going to lose and probably lose in a landslide. The brow beating and intimidation tactics did not work for the establishment GOP and it won't work for Trump.

So once again, your argument is that Trump needs to kiss your ass to get your votes, when in fact, i think he has probably spent enough time trying to win over the Cleetus vote.

Here's why Trump is going to lose. Not because people in your part of the country (you know, the backwards part of the country) won't vote for him.

He's going to lose because Hispanics and Women won't vote for him. No amount of kissing up to you is going to fix that.
You left out the largest demographic of all, the millions upon millions who are FED UP with ALL of the self serving politicians in Washington. Trump wins this group hands down.

They don't exist.

Of 130+ federal politicians that have been up for re-election so far this election year, every last one of them has won their election from their party. 9 out of 10 in the House and 7 to 8 out of 10 in the Senate will be re-elected; comfortably.

The "outrage" doesn't exist.

Paul Ryan, the highest profile republican and highest ranking Republican in the universe has said that he cannot support Donald Trump. He will be on the ballot on 8/9/16 (less than 90 days from now) and the Drumpf supporters will have an opportunity to vote him out.

There is no polling data that I'm aware of at this time but I would bet that he will get 60% of the vote despite such disavowance of the party's nominee for President.
Since Wednesday, many Trump supporters in the media and elsewhere have been criticizing those who didn't support Trump as being "butthurt" their guy didn't win. I guess this is a natural assumption or maybe it sums up what the sentiment would have been from Trump's supporters had the shoe been on the other foot, but nothing could be further from the truth. It has nothing to do with being "butthurt" and everything to do with principles.

I am posting this, not because I am "butthurt" that my guy didn't win, but because I want Trump's supporters to at least be aware of the truth regarding the situation at hand, while you can still do something about it. Let's examine the non-Trump 58% of the GOP... those who did not support Donald Trump in the primaries...

There are basically three factions. The smallest faction are those who absolutely detest Donald Trump and will never vote for that man. They didn't support him in the primary and they will not support him in the general and it doesn't matter what he says or does, or what his supporters say or do... they are lost, you'll never win their votes. As I said, they are a small segment of the group and Trump will probably win enough moderates, independents and outright democrats to offset their number... so forget about that group, you will never get their votes.

The next group is a little larger and they are the republicans who weren't supporting Trump in the primaries but now that he has won, they will support him as the nominee because he's not Hillary. Their primary concern is defeating Hillary Clinton. Trump doesn't need to do much to win their vote other than not turn into Hillary.

The last segment is the largest and Trump simply doesn't have the numbers to win the general election without at least winning over some of their votes. These are free market constitutional conservatives who supported Ted Cruz on principle. (I'm part of this group) They are not part of the "Never Trump" group, they could be persuaded to vote for Trump but they have to be persuaded. These people are not going to abandon their principles or look the other way while Trump abandons their principles. The case has to be made to them for why they should vote for Trump and it has to be more than just him not being Hillary Clinton. We need to see some ankle here... we need to know this man is going to govern as a conservative and not a liberal.

It's not that their feelings are hurt... I am sure they are disappointed Ted Cruz didn't win... but that's not the reason for them rejecting Trump. I think MOST of this last segment genuinely WANT to be able to support Trump in the general election but they're not going to automatically deliver their vote. It is up to Trump to earn their votes. You don't earn people's votes by being nasty and mean. It may have worked in the primary to defeat Ted Cruz, it won't work in the general to bring those republicans over to your side.

So you have some work to do here in order to get Trump elected. If you decide that you're just not going to make the effort and you'd rather just tee off on non-Trump supporters from now until November in the meanest nastiest ways you can think of... you're going to lose and probably lose in a landslide. The brow beating and intimidation tactics did not work for the establishment GOP and it won't work for Trump.

Dude, I sympathize with you and your revulsion of the ridiculous, bizarre Birfer Trump.

But starting threads about not being butthurt pretty much guarantees that yoar butthurt.
But starting threads about not being butthurt pretty much guarantees that yoar butthurt.

Like I said in the OP... you can choose to believe that if you want to... it doesn't really matter to me. If it makes you feel better to think I am not voting for Trump because my feelings are hurt.... I don't care. I'm telling you so that you know... that's NOT the case, at least not with ME personally. I don't have anything against Trump and I can accept he is the GOP candidate. I wish it had been a true conservative like Ted Cruz but I can get over that. It's not butthurt that will keep me from voting for Trump, it is his stance on the issues. If he is not going to stand for conservative principles, I'm not voting for him. I barely made myself vote for Romney and McCain... I choked down GWB... I will not vote for Donald Trump unless he assures me in some way that he will govern as a Conservative. If he can't do that or doesn't want to do that... so be it... I'll not vote for him and millions of others won't either. You can think butthurt has something to do with that if it makes you feel better.... It's not butthurt.
So once again, your argument is that Trump needs to kiss your ass to get your votes...

What's amazing is that you posted this right after I posted that I didn't expect him to morph into Ted Cruz. You apparently don't bother actually READING what I post so why should I bother responding to you? No... he doesn't have to kiss ass... he simply needs to start talking and acting like a Conservative... you know, like he ran his primary race? He has repeatedly said that he considers himself a conservative... so what's the problem?
You left out the largest demographic of all, the millions upon millions who are FED UP with ALL of the self serving politicians in Washington. Trump wins this group hands down.

They don't exist.

Of 130+ federal politicians that have been up for re-election so far this election year, every last one of them has won their election from their party. 9 out of 10 in the House and 7 to 8 out of 10 in the Senate will be re-elected; comfortably.

The "outrage" doesn't exist.

Paul Ryan, the highest profile republican and highest ranking Republican in the universe has said that he cannot support Donald Trump. He will be on the ballot on 8/9/16 (less than 90 days from now) and the Drumpf supporters will have an opportunity to vote him out.

There is no polling data that I'm aware of at this time but I would bet that he will get 60% of the vote despite such disavowance of the party's nominee for President.
We'll see how Ryan does in November if he holds to his refusal to endorse Trump. November is a ways off yet.
Are you saying you are more "comfortable" with a guarantee of Obama 2.0, plus the Clinton corruption as a bonus rather than elect a true political outsider? I'll say it again, a President ultimately governs by who he is and not by what he knows. Apply that to President Hillary and that should scare the living shit out of every American.
Are you saying you are more "comfortable" with a guarantee of Obama 2.0, plus the Clinton corruption as a bonus rather than elect a true political outsider? I'll say it again, a President ultimately governs by who he is and not by what he knows. Apply that to President Hillary and that should scare the living shit out of every American.

I don't have any problems with a political outsider. I don't have a problem with it being Donald Trump. I don't have a problem with his brash and bombastic style... I supported many of his ideas and plans when he was campaigning for the GOP nomination. I would genuinely LIKE to be able to vote for him come November.

But you are 100% NOT going to get my vote by calling me names, telling me to fuck off and that my conservative viewpoint doesn't matter. It's not going to ever be MY fault if Hillary wins... you can certainly blame that on me, no doubt that's what will happen if Trump fails.... but if Trump loses he loses because he didn't go after the conservative base of the GOP. He failed to bring aboard the 58% in the party who didn't vote for him. His arrogant supporters simply ignored the warnings and went head-long into a campaign they could never win.
You left out the largest demographic of all, the millions upon millions who are FED UP with ALL of the self serving politicians in Washington. Trump wins this group hands down.

They don't exist.

Of 130+ federal politicians that have been up for re-election so far this election year, every last one of them has won their election from their party. 9 out of 10 in the House and 7 to 8 out of 10 in the Senate will be re-elected; comfortably.

The "outrage" doesn't exist.

Paul Ryan, the highest profile republican and highest ranking Republican in the universe has said that he cannot support Donald Trump. He will be on the ballot on 8/9/16 (less than 90 days from now) and the Drumpf supporters will have an opportunity to vote him out.

There is no polling data that I'm aware of at this time but I would bet that he will get 60% of the vote despite such disavowance of the party's nominee for President.
We'll see how Ryan does in November if he holds to his refusal to endorse Trump. November is a ways off yet.

HE HE HE....that's really stupid. I mean honestly...dumb as a post.

So, here is the plan: Don't primary Ryan where you can get a republican who is, supposedly, closer to wanting smaller government, to cut taxes, to reduce the presence of government in our lives etc....

You say "wait til November" when his challenger will be a democrat who supposedly will want larger government, tax increases, and to increase the pesence of government in our lives?

Again, your stated strategy is REALLY stupid. Now issue your terse 1 liner response and run along sonny.
Since Wednesday, many Trump supporters in the media and elsewhere have been criticizing those who didn't support Trump as being "butthurt" their guy didn't win. I guess this is a natural assumption or maybe it sums up what the sentiment would have been from Trump's supporters had the shoe been on the other foot, but nothing could be further from the truth. It has nothing to do with being "butthurt" and everything to do with principles.

I am posting this, not because I am "butthurt" that my guy didn't win, but because I want Trump's supporters to at least be aware of the truth regarding the situation at hand, while you can still do something about it. Let's examine the non-Trump 58% of the GOP... those who did not support Donald Trump in the primaries...

There are basically three factions. The smallest faction are those who absolutely detest Donald Trump and will never vote for that man. They didn't support him in the primary and they will not support him in the general and it doesn't matter what he says or does, or what his supporters say or do... they are lost, you'll never win their votes. As I said, they are a small segment of the group and Trump will probably win enough moderates, independents and outright democrats to offset their number... so forget about that group, you will never get their votes.

The next group is a little larger and they are the republicans who weren't supporting Trump in the primaries but now that he has won, they will support him as the nominee because he's not Hillary. Their primary concern is defeating Hillary Clinton. Trump doesn't need to do much to win their vote other than not turn into Hillary.

The last segment is the largest and Trump simply doesn't have the numbers to win the general election without at least winning over some of their votes. These are free market constitutional conservatives who supported Ted Cruz on principle. (I'm part of this group) They are not part of the "Never Trump" group, they could be persuaded to vote for Trump but they have to be persuaded. These people are not going to abandon their principles or look the other way while Trump abandons their principles. The case has to be made to them for why they should vote for Trump and it has to be more than just him not being Hillary Clinton. We need to see some ankle here... we need to know this man is going to govern as a conservative and not a liberal.

It's not that their feelings are hurt... I am sure they are disappointed Ted Cruz didn't win... but that's not the reason for them rejecting Trump. I think MOST of this last segment genuinely WANT to be able to support Trump in the general election but they're not going to automatically deliver their vote. It is up to Trump to earn their votes. You don't earn people's votes by being nasty and mean. It may have worked in the primary to defeat Ted Cruz, it won't work in the general to bring those republicans over to your side.

So you have some work to do here in order to get Trump elected. If you decide that you're just not going to make the effort and you'd rather just tee off on non-Trump supporters from now until November in the meanest nastiest ways you can think of... you're going to lose and probably lose in a landslide. The brow beating and intimidation tactics did not work for the establishment GOP and it won't work for Trump.

Dude, I sympathize with you and your revulsion of the ridiculous, bizarre Birfer Trump.

But starting threads about not being butthurt pretty much guarantees that yoar butthurt.

Who was it that answered charges that he was a wus by having a news conferece saying he wasn't a wus??? Edmund Muskie? We need more politicians named Edmund...thats for sure.
You left out the largest demographic of all, the millions upon millions who are FED UP with ALL of the self serving politicians in Washington. Trump wins this group hands down.

My breakdown was of the people who didn't support Trump.... 58% of the GOP.

im tired of the lindsey grahams and paul ryans and many others we sent there to get the job done

and they repeatedly told us to fck off once they got there
Since Wednesday, many Trump supporters in the media...

The entire MSM was against The Donald predicting his demise weekly...for months. Care to specify who in the MSM supported The Donald. But yeah, anti-Trump people are butthurt douchebags for the most part. :p

Yet most of the supposedly liberal media ran all his speeches live, wall to wall. Name one other candidate they did that for.
All I can say is, if the majority of Trump's supporters and Trump have your attitude, he will lose the election to Hillary Clinton and it probably won't even be close.

Of course, because there will be #NeverTrump folks like you voting third party or staying home out of a fit of anger. If we have your attitude, a loss is all but assured.
Since Wednesday, many Trump supporters in the media...

The entire MSM was against The Donald predicting his demise weekly...for months. Care to specify who in the MSM supported The Donald. But yeah, anti-Trump people are butthurt douchebags for the most part. :p

Yet most of the supposedly liberal media ran all his speeches live, wall to wall. Name one other candidate they did that for.

They were hoping to drown him in his own mistakes. They failed miserably. They also didn't know when to quit.
You left out the largest demographic of all, the millions upon millions who are FED UP with ALL of the self serving politicians in Washington. Trump wins this group hands down.

Cruz supporters are also fed up with the GOPe. You act like we're not, you're dead wrong.
Is this a good time to mention Hitler?


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