It’s Not Just Donald Trump: Half Of Republicans Share His Views On Immigrants And Refugees

What is the problem...he wants to secure the border and stop illegal immigration and then let actual legal immigrants know...people who obey our laws.....

and the Syrians.....he wants to set up safe zones in their part of the keep them safe from the other Muslims the democrats support.....

at what point is allowing immigrants into the country legally and taking care of Syrians in safe zones in their part of the world a problem....?

Leftists are stupid...
Remember the olden days when Immigration would even go the houses and check the freakin' bedrooms un-announced to look for clues in setup marriages. They would separate the "husband" "wife" and ask a bunch of questions.

Now..........walk right in....sit right down....daddy let your Welfare flow.
liberal/democrats would sell us out in a heartbeat. they think being prudent in who we let into our country is some kind of sin or something.

we don't have enough jobs AS IT IS with all the illegal immigrants in our country but lets just open the door and let anyone and everyone come in and suck up the resources that was meant for the American Citizen
If he wins the nomination, we're gonna get a pretty clear picture of where America really stands on this stuff. Hillary is toeing the party line and Trump is about as blatant as you can get.

Not only will the final vote totals be fascinating, but also how accurate the pre-election polls will be. I wonder how many agree with Trump on illegal immigration but won't say so out loud.
we don't have enough toilets as it is living in the ObamaNation.
this should be an ad for Republicans: Vote in another Democrat and you could be without a toilet next.

1 Million Americans Do Not Own A Toilet…

Hope and change.

Via The Week:

Did you celebrate World Toilet Day? The recent holiday is a good reminder to rejoice as you read this article on your phone, maybe even while sitting comfortably on a modern, porcelain toilet, which flushes with water so crystalline clean you could, in hard times, drink it without too much fear of dying. (We do not recommend doing that, by the way.)

Keep reading…

all of it here:
1 Million Americans Do Not Own A Toilet...
Can someone tell me why we have to let any Tom Dick and Harry into this country?

We should be selective who we let in

And we can help refugees without flooding our country with them as well

IMO anyone wanting to immigrate here should have to prove how they will be an asset not a liability to the country
The other half of Republicans are starting to call him what he is, "fascist".

Why some conservatives say Donald Trump's talk is fascist -

The resemblance is uncanny!

Last edited:
Half of Dem's don't know what gender they are.

also this:

‘Snapping’: How left is driving Americans mad

“The political and cultural left that gave us the sexual revolution and rampant divorce and the idea that there is no God. … This has metastasized and bloomed,” he said, into a widespread negative and even pathological influence on millions of Americans.

Kupelian shared some statistics from his new book, “The Snapping of the American Mind”:

  • 110 million Americans have a sexually transmitted disease,
  • 1 in 4 middle-aged women are taking antidepressants,
  • And 130 million Americans depend on some sort of mind-altering substance just to get through life.

Read more at ‘Snapping’: How left is driving Americans mad
I was just reading this. this is what you get from putting in Progressives like Obama and Hillary in our government to run our country and lives. Remember how your white house was LIT up with rainbow colors? think about that when you go to vote in 2016


There is an old saying that even a broken clock is right twice a day. Sadly, Barack Obama does not even possess the acumen of a broken clock.
Obama’s Recipe for Disaster
By Chip McLean -- Bio and Archives November 23, 2015

Growing up with an interest in government and politics as I did, I often thought about having conversations with various leaders—especially U.S. presidents. I had visions of lengthy philosophical discussions and asking questions to gain a perspective on the ideas that drove those men. I never dreamed that one day we would have a president - as we do today - that only one question comes to mind ...“Mr. Obama, are you out of your damn mind?”

Barack Obama has spent the last seven years making good on his promise to “fundamentally transform” our nation. The problem is that the nation didn’t need any fundamental transformation—the system of government given to us by our founders, or as Ben Franklin said in 1787, “a republic, if you can keep it”, served us well.

The tough thing has been the “keeping it” part. Through the years, those seeking to exert more government control over our existence have been incrementally chipping away at it. Barack Obama is but the latest miscreant attempting to do so, but in his case—especially in his second term—he has dropped any pretense at “preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States.”

At this point there is very little left of a republic that was based upon limited government and individual liberty. Through the gradual erosion by those who prefer to replace those ideals with a socialistic, globalist vision, the “transformation” (destruction) is all but complete.

Despite this unbridled growth of the federal behemoth, the one most imperative responsibility of the federal government—that of providing for the common defense - has been abrogated. Obama’s desire to flood our nation with 250,000 Syrian refugees isn’t just a misguided policy—it’s a recipe for a disaster of epic proportions. Obama, along with his fellow travelers on both the left and the right who support open borders/amnesty have already caused this “transformation” to change the very makeup and culture of the United States to the point that—as Breitbart news said in a recent headline, the “Majority of Americans Feel Like ‘Stranger in Own Country’”.

The Breitbart article was linked to results from an Ipsos poll where a strong majority of people agree that they do indeed feel like strangers in their own country. Who can blame them? When millions are here illegally who don’t speak English and won’t learn, who care nothing about our culture and history and prefer that which they left behind, who gobble up benefits provided by the American taxpayer, who wind up displacing American workers who need jobs, not to mention that every day the news includes more stories about illegal aliens who have murdered, raped, driven drunk and killed innocent Americans and then fill our streets demanding their “rights”- and do so without any fear of being deported by the Obama administration—is it any wonder that Americans feel like they are indeed strangers in their own land? Is it any wonder that Donald Trump is resonating with so many?

The recent attacks in France have demonstrated just how reckless unchecked immigration truly is. Europe is seeing the inevitable chickens coming home to roost. The Islamic invasion of Europe has been allowed to go unchecked for a number of years, resulting in large enclaves of Islamists that reside in what has come to be known as “no go zones”, or perhaps more accurately as Daniel Pipes said, “semi-autonomous sectors”. Regardless of what you choose to call it, granting any form of autonomy to hostile groups on your own soil is a less than safe proposition.

The groundswell of European natives had already been rising, calling on their governments to put an end to this insanity before the recent Paris attacks. Now the opposition from everyday Europeans has reached fever pitch, resulting in at least some of those nations to rethink their stances on immigration. The fact that at least one of the attackers in France arrived using a Syrian passport demonstrates just how easily Jihadists can embed themselves with the wave of “refugees”.

all of it here:
Obama’s Recipe for Disaster
I bet loads of Dems think Trump's right as well.

2016 should be very interesting.
"It’s Not Just Donald Trump: Half Of Republicans Share His Views On Immigrants And Refugees"

Which is why the problem isn't just Trump, the problem is also half of the GOP.
Why is an aversion to taking-in waves of neighbor-immigrants or warfare-refugees from a region known to be hostile to The West, a "problem"?

Sounds pretty damned sensible, actually.

And, come to think of it, despite a few public declarations to the contrary by executive leadership, the rank-and-file of many labor-unions are utterly opposed to allowing more waves of new arrivals into the country at a point in our history where the internal job market is so shaky.

In truth, it's not just Republicans.

It's also a lot of Blue Collar working-man types who have a lot to lose, with each new tsunami of Illegal Aliens and Refugees we let in.

Regardless of how the Libs-Dems try to paint this.

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