It's Not Our Government


Living in Paradise
Mar 31, 2012
Apparently, most Americans are waking up to the fact that there is something terribly wrong with our government. However, the unfortunate aspect of this situation is that most us have no idea what is really wrong. From my perspective, the root cause of most of our problems is painfully obvious; our government is not our government. Establishing this to be the case is simply a matter of recognizing that there is such a thing as a New World Order and this being true, the government we had, the one given to us by our Founding Fathers, by necessity, can no longer exist. This is obviously true because a government of the people, by the people, and for the people cannot properly function or exist in a world dominated by an oligarchy of rich and powerful bankers.

In conclusion, the New World Order is really the “old world order” under a different name and these people are the super rich and powerful banking families which have dominated the world for centuries. Furthermore, similar to the central banks of many nations throughout the world, the central bank of this nation, the Federal Reserve, is nothing more than a money pump for this bankers and a means by which they dominate and control our government. This being true, then it also follows that passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 constituted an overthrow of our government from within and to believe otherwise means that you are a hopelessly brainwashed individual who lets wishful thinking and government propaganda dominate your thinking.
Whether or not there is a New World Order is up for debate. That obama thinks there is an obama world order isn't. That's what he's doing.
Whether or not there is a New World Order is up for debate. That obama thinks there is an obama world order isn't. That's what he's doing.

Funny how the new world order likes to point its finger at other people as the new world order. Just saying.
While it has become less true, we the people are the government. We employ those we believe will represent us fairly, impartially and with integrity. Today many of our representatives in legislative bodies on the local, state and federal government work for the few who have greater influence on them than does the average American.

With the passage of McCain-Feiingold** the Congress and the POTUS recognized the influence money and other intangibles have on elections and its negative influence on democracy. Sadly, five of the nine members of the Supreme Court feel "Free" Speech is suppressed by limiting the amount of money, some given with anonymity, limits the unalienable rights of rich and powerful interests.

**McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform
No, this is not our government. We vote for one of two corporate muppets and are fed the illusion of free choice. It has not been our government since the end of World War II. The government of the United States of America is supposed to exist of, for and by the People. At the end of World War II, a fundamental change occurred which made it a matter of policy to ignore the will of the People, set a form of government apart from public scrutiny and establish what most misinformed American voters would call a "shadow government".

It is not a shadow government, however. Since 9/11, the "shadow government" has been out in broad daylight, torturing POWs and killing civilians with flying death robots. They don't need to hide anymore because the People would rather take up arms to defend racist criminals than to see justice prevail.

Eisenhower's farewell address to the nation explained quite a bit.

Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the Nation

A quote generally attributed to Mussolini:
"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism as it is a merger of state and corporate power."

Now there is a phenomenon known as "too big to prosecute" which means that if any criminal makes a large enough fortune through illegal methods then that criminal cannot go to jail because the system is too dependent on their wealth. HSBC confessed to sponsoring terrorism against the US during war and they paid a fine. When top government officials are indicted for serious crimes, they usually receive a Presidential pardon because the system is designed to protect itself. For the system to function, it must appear to be infallible. This gives birth to the notion of "American Exceptionalism", meaning the law applies to everyone else except for the wealthy elite.

There is one America for the People in which We the People are still being arrested for the same plant that stopped the Holocaust, and there is another America of, for and by the wealthy elite in which the People are constantly fed bullshit through corporate media while the wealthy corporate elite commit serious crimes that deserve execution.

The power of production has been limited to the wealthy elite for quite some time now.

"The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not it's mineral rights." - J Paul Getty

For the wealth of the world to flow back to the People, the People must wrest control of the power of production from the international wealthy elite. It is very difficult to do because all people cannot drill for oil or frack a mountain for energy or farm timber for paper and construction. However, all People, regardless of most mental or physical handicaps, can produce Marihuana like We did during World War II. The marihuana plant, Cannabis Sativa Linn, otherwise known as industrial hemp (the stalks of marijuana and hemp plants are the same), can produce the majority of society's needs without corporate control or the resulting consolidation of wealth to as few hands as possible.


[ame=]Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube[/ame]
Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America
Apparently, most Americans are waking up to the fact that there is something terribly wrong with our government. However, the unfortunate aspect of this situation is that most us have no idea what is really wrong. From my perspective, the root cause of most of our problems is painfully obvious; our government is not our government. Establishing this to be the case is simply a matter of recognizing that there is such a thing as a New World Order and this being true, the government we had, the one given to us by our Founding Fathers, by necessity, can no longer exist. This is obviously true because a government of the people, by the people, and for the people cannot properly function or exist in a world dominated by an oligarchy of rich and powerful bankers.

In conclusion, the New World Order is really the “old world order” under a different name and these people are the super rich and powerful banking families which have dominated the world for centuries. Furthermore, similar to the central banks of many nations throughout the world, the central bank of this nation, the Federal Reserve, is nothing more than a money pump for this bankers and a means by which they dominate and control our government. This being true, then it also follows that passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 constituted an overthrow of our government from within and to believe otherwise means that you are a hopelessly brainwashed individual who lets wishful thinking and government propaganda dominate your thinking.
The government was never created For The People. A lot of its design was to keep the uneducated masses as far away from the levers of power as possible, which is why they weren't even allowed to vote. Now you know.
If, six years into Obama's Presidency, we are under the control of a rich and powerful oligarchy of bankers, then a logical conclusion is that the oligarchy has bought and paid for Barack Obama. Otherwise, it seems there would be some indictments coming out of Eric Holder's office...of the New York bankers who supposedly caused the recent economic issues.

New York is obviously a bastion of socialism, as evidenced by the recent election of a nearly pure Marxist mayor.

So, why doesn't New York, and its socialist Democrat mayor, and the corrupt Democratic socialists in the Justice Department and in the White House do something about the New York banker oligarchy...of which you complain?

Dude, Bush was six years ago.
Not "most" Americans. Ignorant racist right wingers think this is somehow "their" country. It isn't. I suspect most are somehow on the government dole.

The existence of the New World Order, is only up for debate by those who don’t want to believe it exists. The amount of documentation and confirmation that it exists is undeniable, unless of course you don’t want to believe in it; but then again, I repeat myself. Henry Kissinger and George Bush sure as hell think it exists and that is good enough for me.


I believe our government was created for the people. True; the founders distrusted the masses for being the ignorant fools they are, but an ignorant fool is far better off living in a constitutional republic as to any other form of government. Therefore, while checks and balances kept the uneducated mass away from the levers of power, it was for their own good and the good of all concerned. Unfortunately, to the detriment of all concerned, our New World Order masters have ensured that Constitutional Republics only exist in the dust bin of history.

Do you really think that the NWO gives a pile of dogdoo about the internal politics of this nation? Well, they do to the point that all this talk about Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals, communists, socialism, New York city, barak Obama, etc., etc., and/or Eric Holder, keeps us pre-occupied and not thinking about where the real cause of all our problems. It serves their purposes just nicely. What a great country we have here. We have freedom of speech till we are blue in the face and can debate just about anything while the nation is flushed down the shitter.

New York City and the socialists do not do anything about the Banksters because they are powerless against them…….and why should they when they Banksters allow them to play their idiotic socialist games to keep us divided and preoccupied with stupidity.

Bush was six years ago? Oh, now I understand completely. The people who ran the world six years ago, in that span of time, died off and are no longer around and nor is the organization they created. Boy, you can’t imagine how good you made me feel. Thanks!
We would be better off with a government composed entirely of the most venal and rapacious bankers there are than what we have. A banker, no matter how greedy, would let the people live without the kind of mischief in their personal lives than the liberals do.
This shit all started in the 19th century....when the GOP was bought and paid for by anti-agrarian wealthy like Getty, Carnegie and Morgan..
When US Economic or Fiscal Policy has to pass the muster of the World Trade Organization it is no longer our government.
But most people who run for office don't even know this factoid until they get into office and try to get something done.
We would be better off with a government composed entirely of the most venal and rapacious bankers there are than what we have. A banker, no matter how greedy, would let the people live without the kind of mischief in their personal lives than the liberals do.

Until it interfered with profits.

Do you really think that the NWO gives a pile of dogdoo about the internal politics of this nation? Well, they do to the point that all this talk about Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals, communists, socialism, New York city, barak Obama, etc., etc., and/or Eric Holder, keeps us pre-occupied and not thinking about where the real cause of all our problems. It serves their purposes just nicely. What a great country we have here. We have freedom of speech till we are blue in the face and can debate just about anything while the nation is flushed down the shitter.

New York City and the socialists do not do anything about the Banksters because they are powerless against them…….and why should they when they Banksters allow them to play their idiotic socialist games to keep us divided and preoccupied with stupidity.

Bush was six years ago? Oh, now I understand completely. The people who ran the world six years ago, in that span of time, died off and are no longer around and nor is the organization they created. Boy, you can’t imagine how good you made me feel. Thanks!

Each must determine what is their sun. Only then one can see who stands between them and their purpose. Without light one can not see.
We would be better off with a government composed entirely of the most venal and rapacious bankers there are than what we have. A banker, no matter how greedy, would let the people live without the kind of mischief in their personal lives than the liberals do.

Until it interfered with profits.

To obamabots it need interfere with nothing. The obamabots are happy punishing people for what they think, whether or not it interferes with anything.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C. S. Lewis
When US Economic or Fiscal Policy has to pass the muster of the World Trade Organization it is no longer our government.
But most people who run for office don't even know this factoid until they get into office and try to get something done.

So you think that fair trading inhibits our govt. from being ours?? How strange..The WTO was first GATT and was negotiated and pushed by people of the US after WWII..
We would be better off with a government composed entirely of the most venal and rapacious bankers there are than what we have. A banker, no matter how greedy, would let the people live without the kind of mischief in their personal lives than the liberals do.

Until it interfered with profits.

To obamabots it need interfere with nothing. The obamabots are happy punishing people for what they think, whether or not it interferes with anything.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. C. S. Lewis

And business would run a tyranny.

Apparently, you still do not get it. Our is run by the most venal and rapacious bankers there are and they allow the liberals to have their way with us to keep us preoccupied, confused, and most important, divided so we can never reach a consensus as to what they are doing to us.

I'll bet you are the kind of guy who really honestly thinks that there is some kind of significant difference in having a Republican or Democrat in public office at any level of government in this nation. My friend, the two poliitical parties are two sides of the same coin and that coin is owned by the Banksters. I don't know how else to say it, but for the sake of this nation and its people; WAKE UP1

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