It's Not Politically Correct To Say That Blacks Get Treated Differently In America

Political correctness is for losers who need safe spaces, who are unable to deal with life and need protection from the harsh realities it offers. That and it's a politcial tool being used.
Sadly, we're still nowhere near ready to have an honest conversation about race in this country.

The two "sides" only know how to point the finger at the other, no one has a mirror, and there are no leaders with the bravery to lead the way.

May as well just stand back and watch the carnage.
Somebody sure doesn't know the meaning of political correctness, here, because the politically correct assertion is that they ARE treated differently.

Also, any opinion that does not take into account behavior is too ignorant to be worth much of anything. The degree of belligerence plays a direct part in outcome, and an entire subculture based upon the notion that they ARE treated differently only leads to the very behavior that guarantees the unfavorable results.

What is missing in any discussion by politically correct hard leftists is any sense of cause and effect. The underlying assumption is one of racism, and so these leftists ignore all the behavior that actually caused the outcome. Cue up Michael Brown in that regard.
It is a matter of behavior, not race. The crime rate of blacks is three times that of the national average. That is why they are treated differently by the police, including by black officers.

The nation needs to adopt a different attitude toward violent criminals, and remove them from society much earlier in their careers, and permanently.

Bullshit. You have a privatized prison system based upon revenue generation and profit. Beds need to be full, lobbyists push crime bills ecnomically favorable to the corrections corporations who profit from bondage.


Source that

Bureau of Crime Statistics.

and note you're talking about VIOLENT crime

No, I am talking about an attitude that has developed among the police due to behavior, and exacerbated by Democrats who are encouraging such behavior.

It is a for profit system that runs on the bodies of the impoverished who are moreso black and brown

That doesn't change the fact that is filled with of violent people in our misled effort to figuratively hoard our trash.

due to systemic institutionalized racism that has always been the foundation of your society.

So the Democrats were correct in starting a war to support such institutionalized racism?

It is a matter of behavior, not race. The crime rate of blacks is three times that of the national average. That is why they are treated differently by the police, including by black officers.

The nation needs to adopt a different attitude toward violent criminals, and remove them from society much earlier in their careers, and permanently.
Thank you! Thank you for your honesty Billy.

Blacks are not treated fairly, as individuals, they are treated unfairly as a group, by a BIAS that exists by the police, and a large segment of society at large (evident by how [mostly all-white] jurors rule.)

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Accepting that your premise is correct, what do you intend to do about it? IOW, while society has work to do seeing beyond skin color, What can the black community do to make it happen faster?
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I call shenanigans on the OP.

It is TOTALLY PC to say that black are treated differently. And this attitude, promoted by the Left, has been very damaging to black culture.

It's going to get worse. Latinos are now a bigger "minority" than black in many areas, which is resulting in a great deal of minority vs. minority conflict. As the economy continues to fail the working classes, uneducated idle youth will become increasingly violent. Add in the Obama admin's attitude that Muslims are the most important minority...not pretty, folks.
Sadly, we're still nowhere near ready to have an honest conversation about race in this country.

The two "sides" only know how to point the finger at the other, no one has a mirror, and there are no leaders with the bravery to lead the way.

May as well just stand back and watch the carnage.

When you can't even get the left to agree that yes it is true that blacks are more likely to commit crimes than whites and thus more likely to come in contact with police, how the hell do you have a conversation about the subject Mac? Seriously, if you can't even acknowledge the root of a problem, you will never solve that problem. That seems pretty obvious.
It is a matter of behavior, not race. The crime rate of blacks is three times that of the national average. That is why they are treated differently by the police, including by black officers.

The nation needs to adopt a different attitude toward violent criminals, and remove them from society much earlier in their careers, and permanently.
Thank you! Thank you for your honesty Billy.

Blacks are not treated fairly, as individuals, they are treated unfairly as a group, by a BIAS that exists by the police, and a large segment of society at large (evident by how [mostly all-white] jurors rule.)

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Accepting that your premise is correct, what do you intend to do about it?
I believe that question is better answered by the likes of you.

So what'll it be?
Doesn't matter WHAT the answer is. Doesn't mean that society is able to treat black individuals as animals.

Blacks treat blacks like animals. Every group establishes the value of their own lives. The minimal value of black lives is owned by blacks themselves. In fact, black lives had more value when they were slaves because they were property.
No, we don't. We treat each other with love, just as any other group of people do.
Sadly, we're still nowhere near ready to have an honest conversation about race in this country.


Heck -- this very thread was started by a dishonest individual with a dishonest agenda -- namely, to redefine political correctness as its very opposite. This is just a tired, old agitprop technique where meaning of terms are inverted so as to create confusion among those one is trying to manipulate.
Sadly, we're still nowhere near ready to have an honest conversation about race in this country.

The two "sides" only know how to point the finger at the other, no one has a mirror, and there are no leaders with the bravery to lead the way.

May as well just stand back and watch the carnage.

It was all going so well before Obama got in there and played the class card.
It is a matter of behavior, not race. The crime rate of blacks is three times that of the national average. That is why they are treated differently by the police, including by black officers.

The nation needs to adopt a different attitude toward violent criminals, and remove them from society much earlier in their careers, and permanently.
Thank you! Thank you for your honesty Billy.

Blacks are not treated fairly, as individuals, they are treated unfairly as a group, by a BIAS that exists by the police, and a large segment of society at large (evident by how [mostly all-white] jurors rule.)

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Accepting that your premise is correct, what do you intend to do about it?
I believe that question is better answered by the likes of you.

So what'll it be?
What more do you want me to do? I treat everyone based on their character as they reveal it to me.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
Blacks do not get treated differently. They get treated like people who want to blame all their problems on whitey. High crime areas are predominantly black because it's part of black culture of violence. Their problem...not mine. Government cannot fix these problems.
What more do you want me to do? I treat everyone based on their character as they reveal it to me.
Not sure what you mean by that, but hey, if you say so, keep it up.
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Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
It's also not politically correct to say that many of them use that as an excuse to act like completely unhinged lunatics. See Dallas for further updates.
Doesn't matter WHAT the answer is. Doesn't mean that society is able to treat black individuals as animals.

Blacks treat blacks like animals. Every group establishes the value of their own lives. The minimal value of black lives is owned by blacks themselves. In fact, black lives had more value when they were slaves because they were property.
No, we don't. We treat each other with love, just as any other group of people do.
No, nearly half of violent crime and murder in the US is committed by 13.5% if the population, and of that 90% on the same 13.5%.

If that's love, you've got some even more serious problems.

Black lives were worth more as slaves. There's no getting around it.

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