It's Not Science, It's Not Medicine....It's Politics.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Really??? You still don't recognize it????
Well, then you must be the equal of the rube that Redford tricked and left scammed without knowing it...


They got you to bet on a loser, Biden, and you still don't know you were tricked.

2. I have posited that, as Trump's greatest asset in the campaign has been his miraculous economy, after Hussein 'masterminded' the slowest recovery in history, and the answer to this by the party of evil is to organize a nationwide shutdown of the economy through lock-downs, riots, and closing schools to keep parents from going back to work.

And, it appears to have been successful.

Except, now, everyone in the world sees what a mistake it was.

3. By now, everyone with a brain knows not only what incompetents Democrats are, but that the Wuhan is simply a flu, same symptoms, and practically a zero death rate.

4. But here is more proof it is political, not medical:

New York City Teachers Union Wins Battle Over COVID-19 ...

New York City Teachers Union Wins Battle Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
New York City's largest teachers union has won a battle to keep teachers and other teachers employed if they suffer from certain medical conditions and do not …

New York City Teacher's Union Wins Battle Over COVID-19 ...

New York City Teacher’s Union Wins Battle Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
New York City Teacher's Union Wins Battle Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate. Teachers are seen in Yung Wing School P.S. 124 in New York City, on Sept. 2, 2021.

5. Either it's science....or votes.

Get it, rubes?????
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While I certainly, and obviously, agree that the Democrats used Covid as a political weapon and battle cry (and still do)... that is not to say Covid is "just the flu".
Bonz and I both had Covid last November. I have had the flu, like everyone else, many times in my life. And how sick we were with Covid was multiples of any flu I ever had. And my lungs now have permanent scarred tissue.
It is true to say that the flu virus - itself, on its own - is more deadly than Covid. That is a fact. HOWEVER - what makes Covid worse is it has a unique attack mechanism that dramatically worsens any other condition you may have. Like My friend Alan I have known for many years. ALl his life he has been asthmatic. Every week he has to get shots for it. He has gotten the flu just like anyone else, and there was no worry about it. Covid put him in the hospital for weeks and for several days he was touch and go. A 47 year old man. It very much almost killed him.
The danger of Covid, is not Covid. Like you correctly say - the morbidity rate is very-very-very low. But it's CO-MORBIDITY is many times that of the flu.
Having said all of this - absolutely liberals have used masks as a "gold citizen star" and anyone who doesn't wear one is evil and selfish. That is stupid. Vaccine mandates are also wrong. People who have other health issues, just sayin - it is true - are taking significant risks not getting vaccinated. But healthy, young people have more chance of dying from falling down the stairs than dying from covid. It is not necessary.

So for me it is simple. The Democrats are wrong to use Covid as a battle cry and to divide the population. And the Republicans are wrong to say Covid is nothing serious.
Most recognize that the Democrats aim to replace Americans with those more likely to vote Democrat....illegal aliens.

But get this:

"Biden's vaccination mandate doesn't include illegal immigrants

About 30% of illegal immigrants detained at the border refuse to be vaccinated"​

It bears repeating: this is political, not medical.
While I certainly, and obviously, agree that the Democrats used Covid as a political weapon and battle cry (and still do)... that is not to say Covid is "just the flu".
Bonz and I both had Covid last November. I have had the flu, like everyone else, many times in my life. And how sick we were with Covid was multiples of any flu I ever had. And my lungs now have permanent scarred tissue.
It is true to say that the flu virus - itself, on its own - is more deadly than Covid. That is a fact. HOWEVER - what makes Covid worse is it has a unique attack mechanism that dramatically worsens any other condition you may have. Like My friend Alan I have known for many years. ALl his life he has been asthmatic. Every week he has to get shots for it. He has gotten the flu just like anyone else, and there was no worry about it. Covid put him in the hospital for weeks and for several days he was touch and go. A 47 year old man. It very much almost killed him.
The danger of Covid, is not Covid. Like you correctly say - the morbidity rate is very-very-very low. But it's CO-MORBIDITY is many times that of the flu.
Having said all of this - absolutely liberals have used masks as a "gold citizen star" and anyone who doesn't wear one is evil and selfish. That is stupid. Vaccine mandates are also wrong. People who have other health issues, just sayin - it is true - are taking significant risks not getting vaccinated. But healthy, young people have more chance of dying from falling down the stairs than dying from covid. It is not necessary.

So for me it is simple. The Democrats are wrong to use Covid as a battle cry and to divide the population. And the Republicans are wrong to say Covid is nothing serious.

I agree with most of your post, save for the bit about COVID being a real thing as portrayed by both sides of the political aisle in America and by political leaders the world over. People, tens of millions of them, get severely ill every single year. In the past various well known and established ailments, diseases, etc. were attributed as the cause. Since 2020 only one cause of serious illness and death has been blamed at large: COVID-19. To even admit there is a worldwide pandemic known as COVID-19 and its variants is to side with anti-human forces that wish to rob mankind of both its freedom and very ability to stay alive. Yes, it's true the not-a-pandemic has been politicized here in the US as has been done everywhere else, and mankind is rapidly being divided into two war camps: the COVID believer who wears a mask and rolls up his sleeve for the jab, and the COVID denier who refuses to submit to the popular medical narrative of the day. Each of us must choose a side; there can be no middle of the road fence sitters, not this time around.

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