It's not the government's job to fuck with the economy


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
If they would stop this Wilson-era bullshit tinkering unemployment would go down and businesses could accurately prepare YEARS IN ADVANCE and hire people. I don't see why this is such a difficult god damn concept.
You're right. Business needs to be able to see years down the road. Obama has put blindfolds on us all.
If they would stop this Wilson-era bullshit tinkering unemployment would go down and businesses could accurately prepare YEARS IN ADVANCE and hire people. I don't see why this is such a difficult god damn concept.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

The govt needs to pack it up and get out of the way and stick to the limits placed on its power by the constitution.
If they would stop this Wilson-era bullshit tinkering unemployment would go down and businesses could accurately prepare YEARS IN ADVANCE and hire people. I don't see why this is such a difficult god damn concept.

Hmmmm.....first all I ever hear from the right is, "Why doesn't Obama take action on the economy"?

Now I'm hearing, "It's not the government's job to fuck with the economy".

If they would stop this Wilson-era bullshit tinkering unemployment would go down and businesses could accurately prepare YEARS IN ADVANCE and hire people. I don't see why this is such a difficult god damn concept.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

The govt needs to pack it up and get out of the way and stick to the limits placed on its power by the constitution.

Sure thing. It could start by getting rid of the standing professional army. Never was mandated by the constitution and costs a bundle.

I will start believing you guys when you really start going after the big ticket items.
If they would stop this Wilson-era bullshit tinkering unemployment would go down and businesses could accurately prepare YEARS IN ADVANCE and hire people. I don't see why this is such a difficult god damn concept.

Hmmmm.....first all I ever hear from the right is, "Why doesn't Obama take action on the economy"?

Now I'm hearing, "It's not the government's job to fuck with the economy".


Nah your not confused at all you are just confusing conservatives americans with republicans on tv
If they would stop this Wilson-era bullshit tinkering unemployment would go down and businesses could accurately prepare YEARS IN ADVANCE and hire people. I don't see why this is such a difficult god damn concept.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

The govt needs to pack it up and get out of the way and stick to the limits placed on its power by the constitution.

Sure thing. It could start by getting rid of the standing professional army. Never was mandated by the constitution and costs a bundle.

I will start believing you guys when you really start going after the big ticket items.

Yup we don't need bases defending europe and asia at all, those countries can do it on their own.

Our troops should be here defending our seaports and northern and southern borders keeping all the wealth spent on the expenses to feed, cloath, and fuel them up within the country.

We just need enough military to ensure we can deter others from attacking us and if they decide to attack us have enough that we can swiftly decimate their entire country.
The belief that the government should have nothing to do with the economy is the single biggest reason why this sort of conservatism represents only a small and dwindling minority of the people.

You're right. Business needs to be able to see years down the road. Obama has put blindfolds on us all.

what nonsense... what has changed substantially since baby bush was president?

nothing you say, other than obama derangement syndrome?

quite right.

now, reality... government ALWAYS affects business. Every decision from whom to tax and for what or what not to tax effectuates economic policy. The REASON our laws exist as they do is because the middle class does not exist in the face of laissez faire capitalism. You end up with wealth disparity approximating what exists in countries like Peru... or Bolivia... or even countries like Saudi Arabia... ignorant, angry, uneducate, populace, and armed guards and the army protecting the wealthy.

that is the end result of "getting out of business' way".

me? i want to know that if some loser company tries to sell my son toys painted with lead paint, that my government is going to stop them. i want to know if some company throws chemicals into my water, that government is going to stop them. i want to know that if some company tries to re-create sweat shops or pay people a wage they can't give on as it used to be in merry ole england, then my government is going to stop them.

this whole "leave the poor corporations alone" so they can pour bazillions into manipulating our political system is bizarre. i've never seen people take positions against their own self-interest like this ever in my life.

frankly, if trickle down worked, it would have worked already. voodoo economics.
The belief that the government should have nothing to do with the economy is the single biggest reason why this sort of conservatism represents only a small and dwindling minority of the people.


Well we haven't operated on that belief for over 80 years is that going for us as a nation? 9% unemployment, 15trillion in debt, 10's of trillions more in unfunded liabilities (unconstitutional liabilities at that).

Ever since the likes of wilson we haven't operated a laissez-faire style economy but instead one where the govt is involved.
If they would stop this Wilson-era bullshit tinkering unemployment would go down and businesses could accurately prepare YEARS IN ADVANCE and hire people. I don't see why this is such a difficult god damn concept.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

The govt needs to pack it up and get out of the way and stick to the limits placed on its power by the constitution.

Sure thing. It could start by getting rid of the standing professional army. Never was mandated by the constitution and costs a bundle.

I will start believing you guys when you really start going after the big ticket items.

Are you FUCKING SERIOUS? Have you never read Article 1 Section 8? Seriously, swallow get out from under your rock and educate yourself.
Well we haven't operated on that belief for over 80 years is that going for us as a nation? 9% unemployment, 15trillion in debt, 10's of trillions more in unfunded liabilities (unconstitutional liabilities at that).

The 9% unemployment compares favorably to a typical downturn/panic/depression in the pre-New Deal decades. Double-digit unemployment was the norm then. The debt compares favorably (as a percentage of GDP) to what we normally had at the end of a major war. The "unfunded liabilities" are not actually unfunded and should be regarded as government expenditures, not liabilities.

And as for their "unconstitutionality," I suggest you take it up with the Supreme Court, which has authority to decide that question while you do not. Lest you think I'm being arbitrary in saying that, I will point out that "Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes . . . to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States . . . [and] to regulate commerce among the several states . . ." provides full authority to the federal government to do everything you're objecting to, and that any belief to the contrary requires twisting the plain language of the Constitution to mean something non-obvious.
The belief that the government should have nothing to do with the economy is the single biggest reason why this sort of conservatism represents only a small and dwindling minority of the people.


Yet, it is when the greatest innovative period in human history occured, the industrial revolution. It is only when the binds of government are removed from the innovative, creative, and brilliant minds of a society can a nation prosper. Government, while a necessary evil in maintaining order and peace has NO PLACE in economic concerns SHORT of trade policies and providing a sound currency for the people to use in trade and business transactions. That is all.

It is not rocket science, it is economics 101. When taxes change every 2 years...when businesses get punished...when a mom and pop shop making $300,000 gross gets taxed 40% even though their net is $40,000 what incentive is there to develop the business? None. Thank government for hurting the economy...and be like the left does and BEG the government for more regulations so the economy can hurt even more. Fucking uneducated lemmings...
You're right. Business needs to be able to see years down the road. Obama has put blindfolds on us all.

what nonsense... what has changed substantially since baby bush was president?

nothing you say, other than obama derangement syndrome?

quite right.

now, reality... government ALWAYS affects business. Every decision from whom to tax and for what or what not to tax effectuates economic policy. The REASON our laws exist as they do is because the middle class does not exist in the face of laissez faire capitalism. You end up with wealth disparity approximating what exists in countries like Peru... or Bolivia... or even countries like Saudi Arabia... ignorant, angry, uneducate, populace, and armed guards and the army protecting the wealthy.

that is the end result of "getting out of business' way".

me? i want to know that if some loser company tries to sell my son toys painted with lead paint, that my government is going to stop them. i want to know if some company throws chemicals into my water, that government is going to stop them. i want to know that if some company tries to re-create sweat shops or pay people a wage they can't give on as it used to be in merry ole england, then my government is going to stop them.

this whole "leave the poor corporations alone" so they can pour bazillions into manipulating our political system is bizarre. i've never seen people take positions against their own self-interest like this ever in my life.

frankly, if trickle down worked, it would have worked already. voodoo economics.

Yeah, because it is not your responsibility as a parent to protect your's the government's job right? lazy bitch. Also where did I say leave the "poor corporations alone?" I said leave small businesses alone, and let them prepare their balance sheets years in advance so they can hire people within their budget and accurately forecast growth. Do you even know how businesses work at all?
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I agree with you wholeheartedly.

The govt needs to pack it up and get out of the way and stick to the limits placed on its power by the constitution.

Sure thing. It could start by getting rid of the standing professional army. Never was mandated by the constitution and costs a bundle.

I will start believing you guys when you really start going after the big ticket items.

Yup we don't need bases defending europe and asia at all, those countries can do it on their own.

Our troops should be here defending our seaports and northern and southern borders keeping all the wealth spent on the expenses to feed, cloath, and fuel them up within the country.

We just need enough military to ensure we can deter others from attacking us and if they decide to attack us have enough that we can swiftly decimate their entire country.

Well you are halfway there. The Constitution's original intent has our army looking something like Switzerland's army. Everyone's in..and has to carry a gun.

No one gets paid. :lol:
Well we haven't operated on that belief for over 80 years is that going for us as a nation? 9% unemployment, 15trillion in debt, 10's of trillions more in unfunded liabilities (unconstitutional liabilities at that).

The 9% unemployment compares favorably to a typical downturn/panic/depression in the pre-New Deal decades. Double-digit unemployment was the norm then. The debt compares favorably (as a percentage of GDP) to what we normally had at the end of a major war. The "unfunded liabilities" are not actually unfunded and should be regarded as government expenditures, not liabilities.

And as for their "unconstitutionality," I suggest you take it up with the Supreme Court, which has authority to decide that question while you do not. Lest you think I'm being arbitrary in saying that, I will point out that "Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes . . . to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States . . . [and] to regulate commerce among the several states . . ." provides full authority to the federal government to do everything you're objecting to, and that any belief to the contrary requires twisting the plain language of the Constitution to mean something non-obvious.

Why do I need the supreme court when the constitution is written in plain english what the job of congress is? and the "general welfare" part is explained in federalist 44 as simply a description of the enumerated powers. If "general welfare" meant they could do whatever they wanted then WHY THE FUCK have enumerated powers in the first place? Where is the common sense?
I agree with you wholeheartedly.

The govt needs to pack it up and get out of the way and stick to the limits placed on its power by the constitution.

Sure thing. It could start by getting rid of the standing professional army. Never was mandated by the constitution and costs a bundle.

I will start believing you guys when you really start going after the big ticket items.

Are you FUCKING SERIOUS? Have you never read Article 1 Section 8? Seriously, swallow get out from under your rock and educate yourself.

You read it LiberFag. Nothing in it mandates a permanent army.
Well we haven't operated on that belief for over 80 years is that going for us as a nation? 9% unemployment, 15trillion in debt, 10's of trillions more in unfunded liabilities (unconstitutional liabilities at that).

Ever since the likes of wilson we haven't operated a laissez-faire style economy but instead one where the govt is involved.

The 9% unemployment compares favorably to a typical downturn/panic/depression in the pre-New Deal decades. Double-digit unemployment was the norm then. The debt compares favorably (as a percentage of GDP) to what we normally had at the end of a major war. The "unfunded liabilities" are not actually unfunded and should be regarded as government expenditures, not liabilities.

And as for their "unconstitutionality," I suggest you take it up with the Supreme Court, which has authority to decide that question while you do not. Lest you think I'm being arbitrary in saying that, I will point out that "Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes . . . to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States . . . [and] to regulate commerce among the several states . . ." provides full authority to the federal government to do everything you're objecting to, and that any belief to the contrary requires twisting the plain language of the Constitution to mean something non-obvious.

The new deal was FDR...we got the double digit stuff AFTER wilson got the govt involved in the economy 20 years prior to the new deal. The wilson comments related to my post, please in the future do not take the context out of my posts. Even if you don't think it matters please provide my full comments without editing what I said.

Where does the constitution allow for the federal govt to run a social security or a medicare program....where does the constitution give the feds the authority to "bail out" banks and businesses....where does it give them the authority to require me to buy health insurance from a private company? All unconstitutional.
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Sure thing. It could start by getting rid of the standing professional army. Never was mandated by the constitution and costs a bundle.

I will start believing you guys when you really start going after the big ticket items.

Are you FUCKING SERIOUS? Have you never read Article 1 Section 8? Seriously, swallow get out from under your rock and educate yourself.

You read it LiberFag. Nothing in it mandates a permanent army.

a lefty using homophobic terms? Nice.

"To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;" congress violated that one a lot...
If they would stop this Wilson-era bullshit tinkering unemployment would go down and businesses could accurately prepare YEARS IN ADVANCE and hire people. I don't see why this is such a difficult god damn concept.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

The govt needs to pack it up and get out of the way and stick to the limits placed on its power by the constitution.

Sure thing. It could start by getting rid of the standing professional army. Never was mandated by the constitution and costs a bundle.

I will start believing you guys when you really start going after the big ticket items.

I agree...we are finally in a world where love and peace are the dominant emotions. Hate and desire to control only exists in small pockets and pose absolutely no threat to the free world.

I not only believe we should eliminate the standing professional military but we should eliminate all nuclear weapons and melt down all munitions. Likewise, we should transform our naval fleet into cruise ships....then spread the wealth of the top 1% to the rest of us and all of us should go on kumbya cruises to the carribean.

Of course, when we return to the mainland from our cruise, if it has not been taken over by Cuba, North Korea, CHina or Iran, we will find that a loaf of bread will cost 40 bucks seeing as we are all now wealthy with money flowing out of our asses...thanks to the 1% who were forced top make the rest of us wealthy.....

Oh yeah....and of course, no one will want to work becuase...well...we are all now there will be a dramatic drop in goods available increasing prices even more dramatically...

Yeah...I like it.....Lets all become liberals.

Wow.....I mean....fucking wow.

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