"It's not theirs, Its mine"

litigation involving alleged classified information or documentation. And we both hold existing clearances. We can't even get the Government to agree to let a client draft a document on a secure government computer out of an abundance of caution.

The Special Master is going to let Trump's lawyers (and Trump himself) have access to the allegedly classified documents? And to classified Government declarations? They going to do all the work in a secure room? We have begged for these remedies and been all but laughed

out of courtrooms. I seriously would not view this as a viable legal path if not for Judge Cannon's previous ruling, which raises questions in my mind about her understanding of the legal issues before her. But now, I have to agree with others like @nycsouthpaw

who are suggesting Trump's team is playing a tune they're confident is one to which Cannon wants to dance right now. There is the potential for some wild case law coming out of this case, and I don't think national security hawks in the Republican party are going to be happy with it when the dust settles. /end

litigation involving alleged classified information or documentation. And we both hold existing clearances. We can't even get the Government to agree to let a client draft a document on a secure government computer out of an abundance of caution.

The Special Master is going to let Trump's lawyers (and Trump himself) have access to the allegedly classified documents? And to classified Government declarations? They going to do all the work in a secure room? We have begged for these remedies and been all but laughed

out of courtrooms. I seriously would not view this as a viable legal path if not for Judge Cannon's previous ruling, which raises questions in my mind about her understanding of the legal issues before her. But now, I have to agree with others like @nycsouthpaw

who are suggesting Trump's team is playing a tune they're confident is one to which Cannon wants to dance right now. There is the potential for some wild case law coming out of this case, and I don't think national security hawks in the Republican party are going to be happy with it when the dust settles. /end

,Clinton and her lawyers were allowed to.
That's what it is....or was before the Xiden admin decided to weaponize the DOJ and raise Trump's home to get personal, attorny client priv material, and shift through his wife's underwear.
and his sixteen year old's room. wow.

haha that might be the most illogical post ever.....the XIden DOJ raids his home, in the middle of the day.....but no, it's Trump that's making it political by talking about the raid? hahahaha

Victim blaming 101....

This was the same chick that spent two years, spreading lies and propaganda at MSDNC over the Russian hoax.

what's funny about this, is just yesterday you were posting tweets from these clowns you follow, and they were saying Trump landed in Dullas to turn himself in or maybe go to the Grand Jury....and now, we are just suppose to forget that as they make jokes about him playing golf...


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