"It's not theirs, Its mine"

That's what it is....or was before the Xiden admin decided to weaponize the DOJ and raise Trump's home to get personal, attorny client priv material, and shift through his wife's underwear.
You are lying again. This has nothing to do with Biden but you insist in sticking it to him to delegitimize him.

Here is the timeline again. LIE all you like:


Jan. 18 Crews from a Miami news station spot at least two moving trucks at Mar-a-Lago that investigators said in court documents contained documents transported from the White House.

Jan. 20 Mr. Trump makes a rushed and chaotic exit from the White House and Joe Biden is sworn in as president.

May 6 The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) begins approaching the former president’s team requesting missing presidential records. In the course of 2021, the archives and the Trump team had an extensive exchange about the disposition of the records from the former president’s White House.

Late December NARA is informed of 12 boxes ready for retrieval at Mar-a-Lago.


Jan. 18 NARA retrieves 15 boxes of documents from Mar-a-Lago that the agency believes contain classified national-security information.

Feb. 9 NARA refers the matter to the Justice Department. The FBI opens a criminal investigation into how classified documents became stored at Mar-a-Lago after Mr. Trump left the White House.

Feb. 18 The chief administrator for NARA reports the matter to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Mr. Trump issues a statement saying: “The National Archives did not ‘find’ anything, they were given, upon request, Presidential Records in an ordinary and routine process to ensure the preservation of my legacy and in accordance with the Presidential Records Act.”

April 29 NARA tells Mr. Trump’s legal team it intends to provide the documents to the FBI, revealing in a letter that officials found over 100 documents with classification markings, comprising more than 700 pages. Mr. Trump’s lawyers cite executive-privilege concerns in requesting an extension, which the agency denies.

May 10 NARA tells Mr. Trump’s lawyer it will provide the FBI with access to the records as early as May 12.

May 11 The Justice Department issues a grand jury subpoena to Mr. Trump’s team seeking all classified documents at Mar-a-Lago and tells Mr. Trump’s lawyers they can comply by relinquishing the material at the premises along with a sworn statement that they had turned over all the requested records.

May 16-18 FBI agents review the 15 boxes and find classified documents in 14 of them, including 184 marked classified, 67 marked confidential, 92 marked secret, and 25 marked top secret. Some of the information was derived from clandestine human intelligence sources, the FBI says.

May 22 Ex-White House aide Kash Patel asserts in a news report that Mr. Trump had declassified the documents found at his home, offering the first glimpse into a possible defense.

May 25 Mr. Trump’s attorney Evan Corcoran writes a letter to a top Justice Department official laying out arguments for why Mr. Trump didn’t violate any criminal laws. The letter said Mr. Trump had absolute authority to declassify classified information during his presidency. “Any attempt to impose criminal liability on a President or a former President that involves his actions with respect to documents marked classified would implicate grave constitutional separation-of-powers issues,” Mr. Corcoran wrote in the letter.

June 2 Mr. Corcoran requests FBI agents meet him the following day at Mar-a-Lago to pick up the documents they sought.

June 3 Three agents and Jay Bratt, chief of the Justice Department’s counterintelligence and export control section, arrive at Mar-a-Lago to collectthe documents. Mr. Corcoran turns over an accordion folder containing 38 more documents marked as classified, including 17 described as top secret, 16 marked as secret, and five more marked as confidential. The former president stopped by, shook hands, and said: “I appreciate the job you’re doing,” adding: “Anything you need, let us know,” according to a person familiar with the exchange. A custodian of Mr. Trump’s records, Christina Bobb, gives agents a letter she signed saying that Mr. Trump’s team had conducted a “diligent search” after receiving the subpoena and that the documents turned over in the folder represented “any and all responsive documents.” According to the Justice Department, Mr. Corcoran said all the records from the White House were in the storage room, that no other records were in any other location and that all available boxes were searched. But the department said he wouldn’t let the agents look in the remaining boxes in the storage room to confirm no more classified documents were in them.

June 8 Mr. Bratt sends a letter to Mr. Trump’s lawyers telling them to secure the storage room and all boxes moved from the White House “until further notice.” He notes that Mar-a-Lago doesn’t have a secure location for the storage of classified information and that documents there “have not been handled in an appropriate manner or stored in an appropriate location.”

June 9 Mr. Trump’s team acknowledges receipt of the letter.

June 22 The Trump Organization, Mr. Trump’s family business, receives a subpoena for surveillance footage from cameras at Mar-a-Lago. That footage is turned over, according to an official.

Aug. 5 FBI agents obtain a warrant to search Mar-a-Lago, signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart. The warrant cites an investigation into violations of the Espionage Act, a presidential-records law, and obstruction of justice. Investigators say they developed evidence that shows that “government records were likely concealed and removed from the Storage Room and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation.”

Aug. 8 FBI agents search Mar-a-Lago, seizing 33 boxes, containers, and other evidence containing more than 100 classified records, including information classified at the highest levels.
You are lying again. This has nothing to do with Biden but you insist in sticking it to him to delegitimize him.

Here is the timeline again. LIE all you like:


Jan. 18 Crews from a Miami news station spot at least two moving trucks at Mar-a-Lago that investigators said in court documents contained documents transported from the White House.

Jan. 20 Mr. Trump makes a rushed and chaotic exit from the White House and Joe Biden is sworn in as president.

May 6 The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) begins approaching the former president’s team requesting missing presidential records. In the course of 2021, the archives and the Trump team had an extensive exchange about the disposition of the records from the former president’s White House.

Late December NARA is informed of 12 boxes ready for retrieval at Mar-a-Lago.


Jan. 18 NARA retrieves 15 boxes of documents from Mar-a-Lago that the agency believes contain classified national-security information.

Feb. 9 NARA refers the matter to the Justice Department. The FBI opens a criminal investigation into how classified documents became stored at Mar-a-Lago after Mr. Trump left the White House.

Feb. 18 The chief administrator for NARA reports the matter to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Mr. Trump issues a statement saying: “The National Archives did not ‘find’ anything, they were given, upon request, Presidential Records in an ordinary and routine process to ensure the preservation of my legacy and in accordance with the Presidential Records Act.”

April 29 NARA tells Mr. Trump’s legal team it intends to provide the documents to the FBI, revealing in a letter that officials found over 100 documents with classification markings, comprising more than 700 pages. Mr. Trump’s lawyers cite executive-privilege concerns in requesting an extension, which the agency denies.

May 10 NARA tells Mr. Trump’s lawyer it will provide the FBI with access to the records as early as May 12.

May 11 The Justice Department issues a grand jury subpoena to Mr. Trump’s team seeking all classified documents at Mar-a-Lago and tells Mr. Trump’s lawyers they can comply by relinquishing the material at the premises along with a sworn statement that they had turned over all the requested records.

May 16-18 FBI agents review the 15 boxes and find classified documents in 14 of them, including 184 marked classified, 67 marked confidential, 92 marked secret, and 25 marked top secret. Some of the information was derived from clandestine human intelligence sources, the FBI says.

May 22 Ex-White House aide Kash Patel asserts in a news report that Mr. Trump had declassified the documents found at his home, offering the first glimpse into a possible defense.

May 25 Mr. Trump’s attorney Evan Corcoran writes a letter to a top Justice Department official laying out arguments for why Mr. Trump didn’t violate any criminal laws. The letter said Mr. Trump had absolute authority to declassify classified information during his presidency. “Any attempt to impose criminal liability on a President or a former President that involves his actions with respect to documents marked classified would implicate grave constitutional separation-of-powers issues,” Mr. Corcoran wrote in the letter.

June 2 Mr. Corcoran requests FBI agents meet him the following day at Mar-a-Lago to pick up the documents they sought.

June 3 Three agents and Jay Bratt, chief of the Justice Department’s counterintelligence and export control section, arrive at Mar-a-Lago to collectthe documents. Mr. Corcoran turns over an accordion folder containing 38 more documents marked as classified, including 17 described as top secret, 16 marked as secret, and five more marked as confidential. The former president stopped by, shook hands, and said: “I appreciate the job you’re doing,” adding: “Anything you need, let us know,” according to a person familiar with the exchange. A custodian of Mr. Trump’s records, Christina Bobb, gives agents a letter she signed saying that Mr. Trump’s team had conducted a “diligent search” after receiving the subpoena and that the documents turned over in the folder represented “any and all responsive documents.” According to the Justice Department, Mr. Corcoran said all the records from the White House were in the storage room, that no other records were in any other location and that all available boxes were searched. But the department said he wouldn’t let the agents look in the remaining boxes in the storage room to confirm no more classified documents were in them.

June 8 Mr. Bratt sends a letter to Mr. Trump’s lawyers telling them to secure the storage room and all boxes moved from the White House “until further notice.” He notes that Mar-a-Lago doesn’t have a secure location for the storage of classified information and that documents there “have not been handled in an appropriate manner or stored in an appropriate location.”

June 9 Mr. Trump’s team acknowledges receipt of the letter.

June 22 The Trump Organization, Mr. Trump’s family business, receives a subpoena for surveillance footage from cameras at Mar-a-Lago. That footage is turned over, according to an official.

Aug. 5 FBI agents obtain a warrant to search Mar-a-Lago, signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart. The warrant cites an investigation into violations of the Espionage Act, a presidential-records law, and obstruction of justice. Investigators say they developed evidence that shows that “government records were likely concealed and removed from the Storage Room and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation.”

Aug. 8 FBI agents search Mar-a-Lago, seizing 33 boxes, containers, and other evidence containing more than 100 classified records, including information classified at the highest levels.
what am i lying about? it’s xiden’s admin, it’s his doj
Oh, Look, A MAGA person.

Changing the meaning of words is what Trump and his Magets do best. Soon, the whole Webster's dictionary is going to have a re Haul of all the words in it.

Hmmm . . . . no. As I just pointed out, progs change the definition of words

Here's another word they've been trying to change the definition of: gender.

Also, recessesion.
what am i lying about? it’s xiden’s admin, it’s his doj
You are attempting to make people believe that the President has everything to do with the DOJ and the documents Trump would not return.

The DOJ is separate from the Presidency. At least with every other Administration but Trump's, who had Barr doing everything he needed or wanted.

Which is probably where you got the idea that Biden is behind this.

Totally Wrong.
Hmmm . . . . no. As I just pointed out, progs change the definition of words

Here's another word they've been trying to change the definition of: gender.

Also, recessesion.
Can't deal with the topic of the thread, change the subject.
You are attempting to make people believe that the President has everything to do with the DOJ and the documents Trump would not return.

The DOJ is separate from the Presidency. At least with every other Administration but Trump's, who had Barr doing everything he needed or wanted.

Which is probably where you got the idea that Biden is behind this.

Totally Wrong.
Of course the president has everything to do with the DOJ. Biden is Garland's boss, dumbass. The DOJ reports to the president. It's no more separate than the Navy or the Department of Transportation.
You are attempting to make people believe that the President has everything to do with the DOJ and the documents Trump would not return.

The DOJ is separate from the Presidency. At least with every other Administration but Trump's, who had Barr doing everything he needed or wanted.

Which is probably where you got the idea that Biden is behind this.

Totally Wrong.
of course the president has everything to do with the doj…the power of the executive vest solely in the president

the doj is a executive branch…the president is the executive…geez…you expect us to take you seriously when you don’t know basic civics?
of course the president has everything to do with the doj…the power of the executive vest solely in the president

the doj is a executive branch…the president is the executive…geez…you expect us to take you seriously when you don’t know basic civics?
These prog idiots believe the DOJ is a government totally unto itself.
Of course the president has everything to do with the DOJ. Biden is Garland's boss, dumbass. The DOJ reports to the president. It's no more separate than the Navy or the Department of Transportation.
Study the laws of the country.

You, who knows literally nothing beyond how Trump ran his administration, will have a hard time proving that the DOJ has to do everything that the President says.

There is a separation of Powers.

Which is the main thing you do not get about how the US government works.
The DOJ is the DOJ

it’s not a separate government and the President doesn’t give them orders
Yes he does, asshole. Biden did it in public. He said he wanted an AG that acts more like a prosecutor. A few days later Garland gave the order to raid Mar A Lago.
of course the president has everything to do with the doj…the power of the executive vest solely in the president

the doj is a executive branch…the president is the executive…geez…you expect us to take you seriously when you don’t know basic civics?
The President asking for the DOJ to do things which are against the laws, is an abuse of Power.

You are used to Trump abusing the DOJ with the help of William Barr.

It was never that way before, and gratefully it returned to normal after Barr.
Study the laws of the country.

You, who knows literally nothing beyond how Trump ran his administration, will have a hard time proving that the DOJ has to do everything that the President says.

There is a separation of Powers.

Which is the main thing you do not get about how the US government works.
There is no separation of powers between the DOJ and the president, moron. They are both part of the same branch of government.

You are the one who does not get how our government works.
The President asking for the DOJ to do things which are against the laws, is an abuse of Power.

You are used to Trump abusing the DOJ with the help of William Barr.

It was never that way before, and gratefully it returned to normal after Barr.
You are so stupid it's incomprehensible.
The President asking for the DOJ to do things which are against the laws, is an abuse of Power.

You are used to Trump abusing the DOJ with the help of William Barr.

It was never that way before, and gratefully it returned to normal after Barr.
agreed xiden is clearly abusing his power with a raid on a polltical rival. he learned from obama who used it to spy on a campaign…by lying on a warrant application.

trump never abused the power or asked the doj to do anything else
Study the laws of the country.

You, who knows literally nothing beyond how Trump ran his administration, will have a hard time proving that the DOJ has to do everything that the President says.

There is a separation of Powers.

Which is the main thing you do not get about how the US government works.
haha there are three powers, judicial, legislative and executive…the doj is part of the executive branch…the branch the president runs.

wow you are clueless
You are so stupid it's incomprehensible.
Your responses are indeed that of a 2 year old taught to show their middle finger.

But the problem is that the 2 year old has not got he foggiest idea of what it is doing. It only repeats the gesture as taught. No different from a parrot.

Do not worry, I do not expect you to understand and much less agree with what the DOJ is and what it does.
How does the Department of Justice help the president?

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is a United States executive department formed in 1789 to assist the president and Cabinet in matters concerning the law and to prosecute U.S. Supreme Court cases for the federal government.
Is the President in charge of DOJ?


The Attorney General is the head of the DOJ and chief law enforcement officer of the federal government.
The mission of the Department of Justice (DOJ) is to enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.

The DOJ is made up of 40 component organizations, including the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Marshals, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The Attorney General is the head of the DOJ and chief law enforcement officer of the federal government. The Attorney General represents the United States in legal matters, advises the President and the heads of the executive departments of the government, and occasionally appears in person before the Supreme Court.

With a budget of approximately $25 billion, the DOJ is the world’s largest law office and the central agency for the enforcement of federal laws.
There is no separation of powers between the DOJ and the president, moron. They are both part of the same branch of government.

You are the one who does not get how our government works.
these clueless dembots don’t even know what branch of govt the doj is in
agreed xiden is clearly abusing his power with a raid on a polltical rival. he learned from obama who used it to spy on a campaign…by lying on a warrant application.

trump never abused the power or asked the doj to do anything else
Remember when these assholes impeached Trump for trying to have Biden investigated?

Dims simply have no shame. There is no bar so low that they decline to slither under it.

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