It's Official: All Women Fail The 1st Phase Of U.SRanger School

This entire thing is a big joke. The navy, airforce and army are already cutting the standards in half for woman. We're going to lose a war because of shit like this one day and it simply is short sighted.

Woman are half the strength of men. Time for them to accept this.
I think women are just as qualified as men in any walk of life except when it comes to taking garbage out. I think that gruesome burden falls on husbands/boyfriends.
While women may not have the simple brute strength of men, in the long run, they are more durable. The women on the Oregon Trail had a higher survival rate than men, in spite of childbirth. And the women in the Russian Army during WW2 did quite well.
While women may not have the simple brute strength of men, in the long run, they are more durable. The women on the Oregon Trail had a higher survival rate than men, in spite of childbirth. And the women in the Russian Army during WW2 did quite well.

Not only that...I am certain that they can take pain more easily than most men. Certain latent nutters not included.
While women may not have the simple brute strength of men, in the long run, they are more durable. The women on the Oregon Trail had a higher survival rate than men, in spite of childbirth. And the women in the Russian Army during WW2 did quite well.
If I truly needed something killed, without heroics or stupidity, and wanted the killer alive in the end, I'd hire a woman.
Women probably could pass ranger training, if they trained hard enough and long enough. There are women powerlifters. While they aren't as strong as male powerlifters, they are as strong as a ranger or seal. They just can't get that strong in six weeks.

It's rather like being a dancer. Dancers are very strong and agile. It just takes a lifetime to get there.

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