It's 'Official' - BLM is a Terrorist Group

It's so much easier to blame a large group of people rather than actually work to blame those individuals responsible for bad behavior, isn't it? (Now we know how the OP got his nic)
Usually a group is exactly who their MEMBERS are. For example, I have a hard time believing there are many who disagree with what the Black Panthers are all about yet are members.
Guilty by association.

Using your silly rubric, Trump is smeared by associated with bad actors like Flynn, Bannon, Miller, Spice, Conway, etc.
"when you repeatedly have members calling for the murder of whites...and BLM not loudly declaring 'These people don't speak for us'....."

The silly statement above makes believe a very small minority represents the whole group.

OK, the nazis and the kkk who supported Donald makes him a nazi klucker.
Black Lives Matter Leader Calls White People “Subhuman” | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |

Seattle teacher calls for murder during BLM protest

Seattle teacher calls for murder during BLM protest

Video: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protest Leader Calls For Shooting, Running Over Cops

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

Black Lives Matter Takes To The Streets To Call For The Murder Of White People Over Trump

Black Lawyer Calls on Black Jurors to Vote 'Innocent' for Any Black Person Accused of Murdering a White Person - Breitbart

BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Lawyer Calls On Blacks To KILL White People- What He Said After Is More SICK

Yes, Black Lives Matter is a 'respected organization' that is 'above reproach' and attracts only the 'best' people....BLM is a VICTIM of unruly people carrying out acts and speaking out without permission in BLM's good name....


If a white organization was doing what they are doing, if a white organization's members were doing these things, or people were doing these things in the name of a white organization, snowflakes would have already branded them a terrorist group and called for them to be outlawed, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would have been whipping the flames of racism up while trying to profit from it all....
Black Lives Matter Leader Calls White People “Subhuman” | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |

Seattle teacher calls for murder during BLM protest

Seattle teacher calls for murder during BLM protest

Video: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protest Leader Calls For Shooting, Running Over Cops

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

Black Lives Matter Takes To The Streets To Call For The Murder Of White People Over Trump

Black Lawyer Calls on Black Jurors to Vote 'Innocent' for Any Black Person Accused of Murdering a White Person - Breitbart

BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Lawyer Calls On Blacks To KILL White People- What He Said After Is More SICK

Yes, Black Lives Matter is a 'respected organization' that is 'above reproach' and attracts only the 'best' people....BLM is a VICTIM of unruly people carrying out acts and speaking out without permission in BLM's good name....

View attachment 113851

If a white organization was doing what they are doing, if a white organization's members were doing these things, or people were doing these things in the name of a white organization, snowflakes would have already branded them a terrorist group and called for them to be outlawed, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would have been whipping the flames of racism up while trying to profit from it all....

Great. A list of links from Alex Jones, Breitbart, and a few white supremacist sites. Your brain has turned to jelly son. Those links are nothing but crap

Black Lives Matter Supporter Charged With Terrorist Threats To Appear In Court

"The suspect, Nheru Gowan Littleton, put anti-white, anti-police messages on his Facebook page, and is now facing charges of making a terroristic threat and using a computer to commit a crime"

Calling for the murders of all whites and cops...calling for 'blood' and 'assassination in DC' 'terrorist' charges.

Time people accept the fact that BLM is a racist terrorist group, not one to be celebrated at the WH like Obama did twice!
In other news, water is wet.
Black Lives Matter Leader Calls White People “Subhuman” | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |

Seattle teacher calls for murder during BLM protest

Seattle teacher calls for murder during BLM protest

Video: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protest Leader Calls For Shooting, Running Over Cops

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

Black Lives Matter Takes To The Streets To Call For The Murder Of White People Over Trump

Black Lawyer Calls on Black Jurors to Vote 'Innocent' for Any Black Person Accused of Murdering a White Person - Breitbart

BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Lawyer Calls On Blacks To KILL White People- What He Said After Is More SICK

Yes, Black Lives Matter is a 'respected organization' that is 'above reproach' and attracts only the 'best' people....BLM is a VICTIM of unruly people carrying out acts and speaking out without permission in BLM's good name....

View attachment 113851

If a white organization was doing what they are doing, if a white organization's members were doing these things, or people were doing these things in the name of a white organization, snowflakes would have already branded them a terrorist group and called for them to be outlawed, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would have been whipping the flames of racism up while trying to profit from it all....

Great. A list of links from Alex Jones, Breitbart, and a few white supremacist sites. Your brain has turned to jelly son. Those links are nothing but crap

s'matter, BD? If it ain't on the Liberally approved 'Fake News' Sites snowflakes don't accept it? :p
I would not like to discuss this with supporters of pedophilia
Then, as I heard, you might not want to talk to Bill Maher...
I don't know about this stuff. I mean, the goal of Big Brother is to silence Citizens. The Government is clearly going after Social Media and the Internet in general. So i'm never too quick to side with the Government.

Labeling folks 'Terrorists' can be a very dangerous slippery slope. I remember Obama consistently trying to label Conservative Republicans 'Terrorists.' So this guy is innocent till proven guilty. We'll see how it plays out.
Black Lives Matter Leader Calls White People “Subhuman” | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |

Seattle teacher calls for murder during BLM protest

Seattle teacher calls for murder during BLM protest

Video: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protest Leader Calls For Shooting, Running Over Cops

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

Black Lives Matter Takes To The Streets To Call For The Murder Of White People Over Trump

Black Lawyer Calls on Black Jurors to Vote 'Innocent' for Any Black Person Accused of Murdering a White Person - Breitbart

BREAKING: Black Lives Matter Lawyer Calls On Blacks To KILL White People- What He Said After Is More SICK

Yes, Black Lives Matter is a 'respected organization' that is 'above reproach' and attracts only the 'best' people....BLM is a VICTIM of unruly people carrying out acts and speaking out without permission in BLM's good name....

View attachment 113851

If a white organization was doing what they are doing, if a white organization's members were doing these things, or people were doing these things in the name of a white organization, snowflakes would have already branded them a terrorist group and called for them to be outlawed, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would have been whipping the flames of racism up while trying to profit from it all....

Great. A list of links from Alex Jones, Breitbart, and a few white supremacist sites. Your brain has turned to jelly son. Those links are nothing but crap

s'matter, BD? If it ain't on the Liberally approved 'Fake News' Sites snowflakes don't accept it? :p

Your list is shit,

Black Lives Matter Supporter Charged With Terrorist Threats To Appear In Court

"The suspect, Nheru Gowan Littleton, put anti-white, anti-police messages on his Facebook page, and is now facing charges of making a terroristic threat and using a computer to commit a crime"

Calling for the murders of all whites and cops...calling for 'blood' and 'assassination in DC' 'terrorist' charges.

Time people accept the fact that BLM is a racist terrorist group, not one to be celebrated at the WH like Obama did twice!, loony toon... it means one person is a terrorist supporter.

now run along like a good little paid shill.
I don't know about this stuff. I mean, the goal of Big Brother is to silence Citizens. The Government is clearly going after Social Media and the Internet in general. So i'm never too quick to side with the Government.

Labeling folks 'Terrorists' can be a very dangerous slippery slope. I remember Obama consistently trying to label Conservative Republicans 'Terrorists.' So this guy is innocent till proven guilty. We'll see how it plays out.

I don't doubt there could be a few that call for any number of dumb things. The court will decide if that guy did. Doesn't matter if he did or didn't. Accusing an entire group that he supports for his actions is just nuts.

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