It's 'Official' - BLM is a Terrorist Group

I don't know about this stuff. I mean, the goal of Big Brother is to silence Citizens. The Government is clearly going after Social Media and the Internet in general. So i'm never too quick to side with the Government.

Labeling folks 'Terrorists' can be a very dangerous slippery slope. I remember Obama consistently trying to label Conservative Republicans 'Terrorists.' So this guy is innocent till proven guilty. We'll see how it plays out.

I don't doubt there could be a few that call for any number of dumb things. The court will decide if that guy did. Doesn't matter if he did or didn't. Accusing an entire group that he supports for his actions is just nuts.

I try to avoid playing the 'Terrorist' accusation game. Obama and his henchmen engaged in a whole lot of that throughout his tenure. The implication was, if you disagreed with Obama and Democrats, you must be a 'Terrorist.' That's very dangerous.

So i'm not gonna convict this man. I distrust Government in general, on these kinds of issues. It's clear Government is attempting to seize absolute control of the Internet. It fears the freedom of thought and speech it represents. So i'll stick with 'innocent till proven guilty.'
No. Not just me. We had a meeting, and we all agreed it was shit. We also agreed you were a dumb ass.
So all the snowflakes, 'Fake News' sources, and 'All-In' media had a little get-together and decided it, huh?

Kinda? You're an idiot. Don't ever complain about "fake news" unless you want to be an open hypocrite
I put 'kinda' on there just for you snowflakes, knowing you would insist that despite so many parroting 'death to whites' BLM is not a terrorist organization because it's members are.
Be honest. You put it there because you're a troll.

Black Lives Matter Supporter Charged With Terrorist Threats To Appear In Court

"The suspect, Nheru Gowan Littleton, put anti-white, anti-police messages on his Facebook page, and is now facing charges of making a terroristic threat and using a computer to commit a crime"

Calling for the murders of all whites and cops...calling for 'blood' and 'assassination in DC' 'terrorist' charges.

Time people accept the fact that BLM is a racist terrorist group, not one to be celebrated at the WH like Obama did twice!

Got it. One person who supports BLM is accused of making terrorist threats, so the entire organization is a terrorist organization. The KKK supports Trump. Does that make all trump supporters KKK members?
When the KKK goes around chanting racist shit about black people, we all condemn them. When BLM goes around chanting racist shit about white people, only republicans condemn them.
Why isn't there the outrage against this group from the left as there would be if a white group called for the deaths of all blacks and cops?
One person doesn't a group make, troll.
No, but when you repeatedly have members calling for the murder of whites...and BLM not loudly declaring 'These people don't speak for us'.....

Snowflakes just recently condemned Trump for not speaking out against violence and anti-Semitism ENOUGH....when is the last time you heard BLM declaring these terrorists 'members' don't speak for their group? If they have, they obviously haven't been doing so 'ENOUGH'.
This sure is "easy", isn't it? This not having to deal with people as individuals.

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