It's official Hillary earns 4 Pinocchio's


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
The lying liar thought she would get away with it.
It of course won't matter to her worshippers.

“Director Comey said my answers were truthful, and what I’ve said is consistent with what I have told the American people, that there were decisions discussed and made to classify retroactively certain of the emails.”
—Hillary Clinton, interview on “Fox News Sunday,” July 31, 2016

The Pinocchio Test

As we have seen repeatedly in Clinton’s explanations of the email controversy,she relies on excessively technical and legalistic answers to explain her actions. While Comey did say there was no evidence she lied to the FBI, that is not the same as saying she told the truth to the American public — which was the point of Wallace’s question. Comey has repeatedly not taken a stand on her public statements.

And although Comey did say many emails were retroactively classified, he also said that there were some emails that were already classified that should not have been sent on an unclassified, private server. That’s the uncomfortable truth that Clinton has trouble admitting.

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Four Pinocchios

Clinton’s claim that the FBI director said her email answers were ‘truthful’
This should be the story of today, but the American media has Trump in their cross hairs and Hillary in their care.
I think I'm going to post this somewhere else on the internet, no one here gives a fuck that Hillary was caught in some more lies.

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