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It's Official. No Obama nominee

Never in the history of this country has the Senate REFUSED to entertain the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice. They are flat out refusing to do their job for 100% partisan reasons, and despite Democrats talking obstinate in the past, it has never actually been done. I'm not all that sure that the majority of the Republicans in this country are happy with what the Senate is doing, let alone the Democrats. Not at my diner, anyway.

Any presidential candidate who sticks to this obstructionist policy is showing that he has NO INTENTION of working with Democrats and will therefore, if elected, land us in the same mess we've had for the past 7 years of ultra partisan lack of cooperation. I don't care if the justice is a liberal or conservative, or even if the justice is approved by the senate, but if the Senate gets away with being this divisive, they deserve to pay big time.
I've bookmarked this post, in case you're wrong...LMAO

Bookmark away, the fact that my parties leadership is abrogating their duties under the constitution is irrefutable.

That fact that elections have consequences and that applies to future elections is also irrefutable.

Do you think the Democrats won't vote for our Repulican Senators? Yow that hurts.
There are more GOP senators up for reelection than Democrats....Would be interesting to see what happens when the "GOP is the party of Do-Nothings" ads start hitting.
You don't understand the GOP electorate.
The GOP electorate alone doesn't win elections. Perhaps you've forgotten that.

Done pretty good so far.....even took a senate seat in CO.
Ooooooo! One seat. I'm impressed!

No, they took several.

Did you not get the news that the democrats were in the minority ?

The seat in CO was a surprise to many......not that the GOP can do anything right.

They are just less stupid (at least in this case) than the democrats.

Both parties suck.

And you clearly don't have a clue.
Recess appointments are moot in this case.
The Senate isn't going to go into recess.
The REP controlled Senate has officially notified the FUCKING WORLD!! that they will not even open the envelope sent to them with Obama's nomination in it. EVER!
Obama will already be living above Boystown when Trump and his majority Senate choose the next REP SCJ.

The Libs are melting down because The Messiah isn't getting his way.

They're so desperate that they're using the race card...lol
Who is this "Messiah" the RW keeps toting?

Obama, your Füerher...that's who.
President Obama is not "your Fuerher", nor is he a "Messiah" tho RWrs here seem to want to keep calling him such. He's the elected (twice) President of the United States, the current Head of the Executive Branch, whose job includes nominating replacements when there are vacancies on the Supreme Court. Why does that bother you? What is it that makes you not understand his position and his job?

No, Barrypuppet is just the face of the franchise that is USA.INC. He has his strings pulled by the same people that pulled off the final coup d'etat when Kennedy was killed. There is the "gubermint" that we are allowed to see that on the surface appears to be dysfunctional and always at odds but it's really just theatrics...then there is the hidden powers that are really calling the shots. I ask you, how can there be over 30 levels of security clearances that are higher than the presidency of USA.INC? Who are these people, who put them in charge and where is the oversight? This shit is all designed to keep us divided and warring with each other and believing that we are just one election cycle away from "Hope and change"...wake the fuck up. It's like a race and/or tug of war...will it be the Fabian socialists on the left that want complete control or will it be Nazism from the neocons that get to bring us into a totalitarian NWO "gubermint" where the state controls every aspect of our lives using a technocratic prison with invisible walls that invade our privacy and spy on every fucking thing that we do? Barrypuppet is no better than Bushpuppet when it comes to protecting our God given rights. He has put the Patriot Act on steroids with the NDAA and AMERICANS can be indefinitely detained with no due process.....is this "freedom" to you? Wake the fuck up, kiddo.....
It says "and with the Advise and Consent". That means they give their permission. It is not mandated by the President.
But they aren't offering their Advice and Consent, now are they?

Since they aren't doing their duty, maybe Obama should just skip the part they are refusing to do?

Of course they giving advice and they advise that they aren't going to let Obama have his nominee.

Eternal chin McConnell hurt his party when he announced there would be no consideration.

How so?

McConnell proved that the GOP are bald faced obstructionist.

It's true.

It is what they were elected to do. Have you not figured that out yet ?

But in this case, I don't agree with denying a nominee a fair hearing.

It's what the Constitution calls for and they are essentially joining Obama in wiping their asses with it.
I've bookmarked this post, in case you're wrong...LMAO

Bookmark away, the fact that my parties leadership is abrogating their duties under the constitution is irrefutable.

That fact that elections have consequences and that applies to future elections is also irrefutable.


Like when your party refused to confirm Bork? Or, when your Füerher signed illegal executive orders? Or when Clinton knowingly violated national security laws?
Like when your party refused to confirm Bork? Or, when your Füerher signed illegal executive orders? Or when Clinton knowingly violated national security laws?

1. "Your party"? I'm a Republican.

2. Bork got a floor vote, giving a nominee an up/down vote based on the Senates view of the nominees qualifications? That is what the Constitution is meant to do. The Senate Majority Leaders refusing to do their duty under the Constitution and preventing the Senate from having an up or down vote? That is not what the Constitution was intended to do.

Last time I checked, the Republicans are the ones getting their way.

Elections have consequences...LMAO!!

Remember that in January 2017 and we have a Dem Senate and Dem in the Oval Office because of the childish bullshit the Senate Majority Leadership of my own fucking party is pulling.

Better to at least go through the process now then put Hillary in the Oval Office with a Dem Senate and then she is not only replacing Scalia, Ginsburg will likely retire (that makes 2), and Kennedy himself is entertaining his 80's (that could be three).

Better to go through the process now and keep the Oval Office or the Senate instead of giving them 3 nominations for anyone they want rubber stamped along with the power to do it.

Hillary doesn't even have to be president. All Democrats need is the Senate. Even if a Republican wins the presidency, come the first week in January, Obama nominates a justice more to the left than Bernie Sanders and the Senate will confirm him/her. Doesn't really matter who the President is at that point as long as they confirm before January 20th.
I didn't say he was president in 2008, I said from 2008 -2010 -- When House and Senate were Democrat.

Any dumbfuck knows that was the election year, and Dems had all of Congress those first two years (and the prior two years too!) -- and your stupid statement: "Republicans have owned Congress, ever since Obama got elected" is stoopid.

By the same token, the Democrats didn't have a majority in Congress in 2011.

Anyone who doesn't get that, is equally stoopid...yes?
Didn't you say, "since Obama was elected?" Why yes, yes you did. Have someone explain to you that Obama was not elected in 2010.

Right, since he was elected, because the Democrats lost The House, in the very next election
Which is quite common in an off year. How has that GOP majority done for those of you who elected them? Would you call them successful? Are you getting your vote's worth?

It's been common in every election since Obama got elected...lol
Nope....look back at your election history....the opposing party (from the President) almost always gains seats on off election years.
Recess appointments are moot in this case.
The Senate isn't going to go into recess.
The REP controlled Senate has officially notified the FUCKING WORLD!! that they will not even open the envelope sent to them with Obama's nomination in it. EVER!
Obama will already be living above Boystown when Trump and his majority Senate choose the next REP SCJ.

The Libs are melting down because The Messiah isn't getting his way.

They're so desperate that they're using the race card...lol
Who is this "Messiah" the RW keeps toting?

Obama, your Füerher...that's who.
President Obama is not "your Fuerher", nor is he a "Messiah" tho RWrs here seem to want to keep calling him such. He's the elected (twice) President of the United States, the current Head of the Executive Branch, whose job includes nominating replacements when there are vacancies on the Supreme Court. Why does that bother you? What is it that makes you not understand his position and his job?

I didn't say he's my Füerher. I said he's YOUR Füerher...lol
You are the one naming President Obama "your Fuerher". How about taking ownership of your own labels. President Obama is just that....the President. Not my fuerher at all.....and it fascinates me how RWrs here dwell on such labels.
That's right. The Senate has just officially ruled they will not even consider any Obama SCJ nominee.
This means President Trump and his REP majority Senate will be able to choose, during President Trump's two terms about 5-6 REP SCJ's.
This will fundamentally affect the social direction of America for decades!
To GOD be the praise!
GOP Judiciary: No hearing on Obama court nominee
How did your "phone and pen" work out for you asshole?
If you hadn't acted like the piece of shit you are you may have had more cooperation across the aisle.
Hillary just got news today a judge has questioned her motive for having a secret private server hidden in her bathroom closet.
I give Hillary a couple of weeks before she drops out for 'health reasons'. Leaving Bernie to go against Trump.
Blame Debbie. She was the one who told Biden and Warren to piss off. "Theirs services were not required".

cool. the loons just guaranteed a huge democratic turn out and a democratic senate and president.


You all have guaranteed that the last three cycles. How'd that turn out?...lol

you mean the two out of three where dems turned out in numbers...the races that were presidential races? this president never had coattails. the next one will.

you missing something here?

like i said... keep doing it.

No I mean every election cycle since Obama got elected. You know, where Republicans won elections, every time?

You mean the mid year elections where Dems don't show up?

You are aware that president Obama isn't running this time, right?

Also, if you knew anything besides talking smack as they say, you'd know that republicans have more sets to defend this time than Dems. The situation was reversed last time.
Exactly how retarded are you?? Oh wait, aren't you the idiot that fell for that scam news website about Obama filling this vacancy with an executive order?

At any rate, that resolution did not prevent any president from appointing A Supreme Court justice. If anything, it conformed with the Constitution since the President shall appoint Supreme Court justices WITH the advice and consent of the Senant. So that resolution, unlike what the Senate is doing now, was actually constitutional.

Man! Insults are all you people have...lol

Can you possibly imagine how self defeating that is?

I'm not going to use vitriol when I explain, AGAIN, that there's NOTHING in the Constitution that requires the Senate to vote witin a certain time frame.
No, insults are not all we have. They merely accentuate why you can't comprehend what the Senate is doing is so wrong, it's never been done in 227 years since the U.S. Senate began convening.

Insults are all we ever hear from you people, so it has to be all you have. Its impossible for Liberals to make an argument without vitriol.
Maybe insults are all you hear, but there are also arguments being thrown at you. You just can't formulate a lucid response to the arguments so you focus on the insults, which is about all you can do. And maybe you're deaf to the insults from your side.
There are more GOP senators up for reelection than Democrats....Would be interesting to see what happens when the "GOP is the party of Do-Nothings" ads start hitting.
You don't understand the GOP electorate.
The GOP electorate alone doesn't win elections. Perhaps you've forgotten that.

Done pretty good so far.....even took a senate seat in CO.
Ooooooo! One seat. I'm impressed!

No, they took several.

Did you not get the news that the democrats were in the minority ?

The seat in CO was a surprise to many......not that the GOP can do anything right.

They are just less stupid (at least in this case) than the democrats.

Both parties suck.

And you clearly don't have a clue.
I look forward to all those GOP Senate seats being up for grabs this year....particularly with the GOP Senate SIGNED statement of Doing Nothing.
I've bookmarked this post, in case you're wrong...LMAO

Bookmark away, the fact that my parties leadership is abrogating their duties under the constitution is irrefutable.

That fact that elections have consequences and that applies to future elections is also irrefutable.


Like when your party refused to confirm Bork? Or, when your Füerher signed illegal executive orders? Or when Clinton knowingly violated national security laws?
So what that Bork was rejected? At least he was considered; unlike what Republicans are doing now which is to not consider anyone Obama nominates.

But even worse for you idiotically attempting to draw a comparison with Bork is that Reagan still got to appoint a Supreme Court justice. It just wasn't Bork. In an election year, no less.
I've bookmarked this post, in case you're wrong...LMAO

Bookmark away, the fact that my parties leadership is abrogating their duties under the constitution is irrefutable.

That fact that elections have consequences and that applies to future elections is also irrefutable.

It's 'party's' genius. For a Constitutional scholar you missed the part where no where in the Constitution does it mention anything about WHEN the Senate is obliged to consider a President's nomination. Ergo no Constitutional 'duty'.
Here's some nice bedtime reading:
McConnell: Not a 'snowball's chance in hell' I'll relent on SCOTUS
Obama fucked himself with his 'superior "I'm smarter than everyone" bullshit attitude.
Big deal. He's just another LIB creep anyway.
The absolute most wonderful unbelievable part is that such a 'smart' LIB as him is going to go down in history as being personally responsible for having a Trump President. A REP Senate majority and House and in two Trump terms 5-6 REP SCJs on the bench for decades.
All because the stupid DEM negroes 'block-voted' in The First AA President.
Exactly how retarded are you?? Oh wait, aren't you the idiot that fell for that scam news website about Obama filling this vacancy with an executive order?

At any rate, that resolution did not prevent any president from appointing A Supreme Court justice. If anything, it conformed with the Constitution since the President shall appoint Supreme Court justices WITH the advice and consent of the Senant. So that resolution, unlike what the Senate is doing now, was actually constitutional.

Man! Insults are all you people have...lol

Can you possibly imagine how self defeating that is?

I'm not going to use vitriol when I explain, AGAIN, that there's NOTHING in the Constitution that requires the Senate to vote witin a certain time frame.
No, insults are not all we have. They merely accentuate why you can't comprehend what the Senate is doing is so wrong, it's never been done in 227 years since the U.S. Senate began convening.

Insults are all we ever hear from you people, so it has to be all you have. Its impossible for Liberals to make an argument without vitriol.
Maybe insults are all you hear, but there are also arguments being thrown at you. You just can't formulate a lucid response to the arguments so you focus on the insults, which is about all you can do. And maybe you're deaf to the insults from your side.

Insults are all that are there. You people can't have a polite conversation. Personally, I'm glad, because it shows everyone what you're about.
I've bookmarked this post, in case you're wrong...LMAO

Bookmark away, the fact that my parties leadership is abrogating their duties under the constitution is irrefutable.

That fact that elections have consequences and that applies to future elections is also irrefutable.


Like when your party refused to confirm Bork? Or, when your Füerher signed illegal executive orders? Or when Clinton knowingly violated national security laws?
So what that Bork was rejected? At least he was considered; unlike what Republicans are doing now which is to not consider anyone Obama nominates.

But even worse for you idiotically attempting to draw a comparison with Bork is that Reagan still got to appoint a Supreme Court justice. It just wasn't Bork. In an election year, no less.

All's the current Senate has to do is vote down anyone that Obama nominates. You'll be crying about that, too.
I've bookmarked this post, in case you're wrong...LMAO

Bookmark away, the fact that my parties leadership is abrogating their duties under the constitution is irrefutable.

That fact that elections have consequences and that applies to future elections is also irrefutable.


Like when your party refused to confirm Bork? Or, when your Füerher signed illegal executive orders? Or when Clinton knowingly violated national security laws?
So what that Bork was rejected? At least he was considered; unlike what Republicans are doing now which is to not consider anyone Obama nominates.

But even worse for you idiotically attempting to draw a comparison with Bork is that Reagan still got to appoint a Supreme Court justice. It just wasn't Bork. In an election year, no less.

Yes...what Wild Bill seems to have trouble seeing is the clear difference between refusing to their job and even signing a statement to that effect.......and doing their job which INCLUDES the right to reject a nominee. The Senate did their job with Bork. They have a vote. The current GOP Senators have petulantly stated for the record that they refuse to even consider anyone that President Obama submits....not even a vote.
Exactly how retarded are you?? Oh wait, aren't you the idiot that fell for that scam news website about Obama filling this vacancy with an executive order?

At any rate, that resolution did not prevent any president from appointing A Supreme Court justice. If anything, it conformed with the Constitution since the President shall appoint Supreme Court justices WITH the advice and consent of the Senant. So that resolution, unlike what the Senate is doing now, was actually constitutional.

Man! Insults are all you people have...lol

Can you possibly imagine how self defeating that is?

I'm not going to use vitriol when I explain, AGAIN, that there's NOTHING in the Constitution that requires the Senate to vote witin a certain time frame.
No, insults are not all we have. They merely accentuate why you can't comprehend what the Senate is doing is so wrong, it's never been done in 227 years since the U.S. Senate began convening.

Insults are all we ever hear from you people, so it has to be all you have. Its impossible for Liberals to make an argument without vitriol.
Maybe insults are all you hear, but there are also arguments being thrown at you. You just can't formulate a lucid response to the arguments so you focus on the insults, which is about all you can do. And maybe you're deaf to the insults from your side.

Insults are all that are there. You people can't have a polite conversation. Personally, I'm glad, because it shows everyone what you're about.
Where have I been insulting to you? Point it out and I will apologize.
That's right. The Senate has just officially ruled they will not even consider any Obama SCJ nominee.
This means President Trump and his REP majority Senate will be able to choose, during President Trump's two terms about 5-6 REP SCJ's.
This will fundamentally affect the social direction of America for decades!
To GOD be the praise!
GOP Judiciary: No hearing on Obama court nominee
How did your "phone and pen" work out for you asshole?
If you hadn't acted like the piece of shit you are you may have had more cooperation across the aisle.
Hillary just got news today a judge has questioned her motive for having a secret private server hidden in her bathroom closet.
I give Hillary a couple of weeks before she drops out for 'health reasons'. Leaving Bernie to go against Trump.
Blame Debbie. She was the one who told Biden and Warren to piss off. "Theirs services were not required".

cool. the loons just guaranteed a huge democratic turn out and a democratic senate and president.


You all have guaranteed that the last three cycles. How'd that turn out?...lol

you mean the two out of three where dems turned out in numbers...the races that were presidential races? this president never had coattails. the next one will.

you missing something here?

like i said... keep doing it.

No I mean every election cycle since Obama got elected. You know, where Republicans won elections, every time?

You mean the mid year elections where Dems don't show up?

You are aware that president Obama isn't running this time, right?

Also, if you knew anything besides talking smack as they say, you'd know that republicans have more sets to defend this time than Dems. The situation was reversed last time.

How many more excuses are you going to drag out of the closet?

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