It's official now: #BlackOnCampus! The lefties Frankenstein is walking.....


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
#BlackOnCampus highlights nationwide college racism : News

The left wing idiots created a Frankenstein of phony racial victimhood....and it's about to eat the host- college campuses! An official Twitter tag now. Open forum for fake made up allegations of racism which can't be proven.

Funny....some bitch about being one of a few blacks in a large white lecture hall. Could that be because of the TENS OF THOUSANDS OF blacks attending all black HBCU colleges?????? There are colleges....if you choose....that are almost 100% black run and black enrollment. You didn't want that obviously.
Your obsession is about as exciting as curling your pubes with a Ronco Pocket Fisherman.
My best friend in college ('73-'77) was a black guy by the name of Michael Sharp. I didn't know him until he knocked on my dormitory door.

He asked if I had any rolling papers. I took a step back and said "what makes you think that we smoke".

He replied "dude, we can smell it".

That began our friendship that lasted for the next two years. We had very frank and honest talks about race and race relations. He called me a "corn fed mark" because I was white, and Blacks were gunning for me. I called him my "Oreo" because...

My roommate and I went to a basketball game with Micheal and a couple of his friends. During the National Anthem the two of us stood in reverence while Michael and his friends sat, chanting "NOT 'TILL WE'RE FREE".

And we respected that. And they respected us. And so we left the game and went back to the dorm and got stoned. Together.

I'm so tired of this Race bullshit.
Your obsession is about as exciting as curling your pubes with a Ronco Pocket Fisherman.

It's like a new Star Wars movie. Yes. It's fucking entertainment at its best!!! I'm hoping and praying that campus and others like it fall into full left wing chaos.
Your obsession is about as exciting as curling your pubes with a Ronco Pocket Fisherman.

It's like a new Star Wars movie. Yes. It's fucking entertainment at its best!!! I'm hoping and praying that campus and others like it fall into full left wing chaos.

Yeah! And we can have another Kent State. That'll teach those leftist, commie socialist!
Your obsession is about as exciting as curling your pubes with a Ronco Pocket Fisherman.

It's like a new Star Wars movie. Yes. It's fucking entertainment at its best!!! I'm hoping and praying that campus and others like it fall into full left wing chaos.

Yeah! And we can have another Kent State. That'll teach those leftist, commie socialist!

Nah because this time the cops and guard probably won't show up. Fuck em. Let lefties wallow in the chaos they created.
Bucs seems afraid, scared of black men or specifically, black appears? It's good you are not still working as a cop Bucs, you'd be shaking in your boots before the uniform is even on..
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Your obsession is about as exciting as curling your pubes with a Ronco Pocket Fisherman.

It's like a new Star Wars movie. Yes. It's fucking entertainment at its best!!! I'm hoping and praying that campus and others like it fall into full left wing chaos.
The entertainment is watching you southern hick crackers shitting your pants, cletus
Your obsession is about as exciting as curling your pubes with a Ronco Pocket Fisherman.

It's like a new Star Wars movie. Yes. It's fucking entertainment at its best!!! I'm hoping and praying that campus and others like it fall into full left wing chaos.
The entertainment is watching you southern hick crackers shitting your pants, cletus
DUDE, you look like you live in a pop up camper. Don't give people that "hick" bullshit.
Did a white guy fuck your sister or something?
#BlackOnCampus highlights nationwide college racism : News

The left wing idiots created a Frankenstein of phony racial victimhood....and it's about to eat the host- college campuses! An official Twitter tag now. Open forum for fake made up allegations of racism which can't be proven.

Funny....some bitch about being one of a few blacks in a large white lecture hall. Could that be because of the TENS OF THOUSANDS OF blacks attending all black HBCU colleges?????? There are colleges....if you choose....that are almost 100% black run and black enrollment. You didn't want that obviously.

It is awesome….the left wing professors and their minions in the administration in all these Universities have spent decades making these monsters…and now these monsters have turned on their makers… is f*****g awesome….I hope they bring down the entire university system……

All I have to say about the racist blacks causing these problems for their left wing creators…...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

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