It's Official: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to Formally Announce 2024 Presidential Run on April 19th in Boston

No I do not moron.

The Magic bullet theory was invented by conspiracy theorists to attack the Warren COmmision report.

Unfortunately it backfired and prove the Warren Commision report correct.

Your so called official narrative has supporting evidence. Your braindead theories DO NOT

Thanks for conceeding and scknowledging that I am correct.

You have no knowledge on this subject and have been owned as usual
Jesus fucking Christ learn to spell you idiot, especially when saying someone else lacks knowledge
I guess he wants to pull some votes from Trump and away from bi-dumb while appealing to independents. Could work. Dems sinister plots usually do. :dunno:

Or......he loses spectacularly in the primary because almost no one gave a fiddler's fuck about him.
When you have bothered to read the Wearren Commssion report ( which clearly you have never bothered to do ) then come back.

Otherwise dont make yourself look like more of a fool by commenting on something you are ABSOLUTELY ignorant about
* Warren

See there you go being a retard again

Let’s see what RFK Junior has to say, might be a breath of fresh air to see a Kennedy back in it!! I hope that he is a pro working class Democrat that could stand up to the filth on the far left
Aside from a slight speech impediment, he did sound refreshing here:

To be fair that's what many said about trump.

Despite being a conspiracy nut this guy could actually win

To be fair, that's what many said about every candidate that dropped out of the primary because they didn't have support.

And they outnumber Trump by orders of magnitude.

Ask Jeb Bush, Beto O'Rourke and Marianne Williamson how it worked out for them.
To be fair, that's what many said about every candidate that dropped out of the primary because they didn't have support.

And they outnumber Trump by orders of magnitude.

Ask Jeb Bush and Marianne Williamson how it worked out for them.
No they didn't actually

They gave thos people a better chance
No they didn't actually

They gave thos people a better chance

Jeb didn't make it past South Carolina. Beto before Iowa. And Marianne....who the fuck knows? She disappeared like a fart in the wind.

There's zero indication that Bobby Jr has any significant support among Democrats.

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