It's Official. Sinema Will Win

I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?
Well, if saying it's cool to join The Taliban and kill your fellow Americans is a cool thing to do, I guess you could call her a 'progressive'

Link please

Unfuckingbelievable. Your news sources have kept you so in the dark that you need a link?

Rolling my eyes here.
With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

Guess she does give good head. Decent anyway.
Go hang with ding and leave the decent people on this board alone.
Laura Loomer on Twitter



Laura Loomer on Twitter
With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

Guess she does give good head. Decent anyway.
Go hang with ding and leave the decent people on this board alone.

Lol, decent people.
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.
All I ever heard about them is they had vaginas. That along with brown skin are the only qualifications you need in politics now apparently
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?
Well, if saying it's cool to join The Taliban and kill your fellow Americans is a cool thing to do, I guess you could call her a 'progressive'

Link please

Unfuckingbelievable. Your news sources have kept you so in the dark that you need a link?

Rolling my eyes here.

It is a simple thing, when a person makes a claim, they should back it up.

Why is so hard for the Trump sheep?

I know nothing about either of these candidate as I do not give a fuck as I do not live in Az anymore
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?
Well, if saying it's cool to join The Taliban and kill your fellow Americans is a cool thing to do, I guess you could call her a 'progressive'
So Republicans can claim you killed an American citizen without due process
She doesn't sound quite as bloodthirsty as you guys are making her sound.

Sinema, meanwhile, has fundamentally upended Democrats' playbook for winning a high-profile, statewide race. She barely identified herself as a Democrat, instead cast herself as an "independent" voice who would protect Arizonans' access to affordable healthcare and prescription drugs while working with "literally anyone" on red-meat issues like border security and illegal immigration.
5 takeaways from Arizona's epic Senate race between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.
All I ever heard about them is they had vaginas. That along with brown skin are the only qualifications you need in politics now apparently

put on makeup and use hairspray too ...

like MR Trump does.

I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.

Are you kidding?? She's an OPEN borders, Communist, Marxist, GLOBALIST who has talked about getting rid of ICE!! Even Rush just said that! Rush called her a FAR left hippe who couldn't have won even 10 years ago! She told people to join the Taliban for pete's sake! She is NOT a moderate by any means!!

This is a NIGHTMARE because McSally should've easily won in a state like AZ!!

Did Trump campaign for McSally?
Yes. And she emphasized her relationship with him.
With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

McSally a Republican who touted Trump's immigration stance is too far "left"!!! & that's why she lost to a moderate blue dog Democrat--a seat that Republicans have held for the last 29 years!!

Sweet Baby Jesus, you Trump tards have really got to climb out of your alternate reality world.

As John McCain stated before he died. "They want nothing good for this country."

Who was McCain referring to? This article explains who "they" are.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

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Don't have the link, but she bashed the people of Arizona, and said she hates the state. Open borders, plus the Taliban statement, and even said she hates the people and the state she won in. Why did the people of Arizona do this?
She doesn't sound quite as bloodthirsty as you guys are making her sound.

Sinema, meanwhile, has fundamentally upended Democrats' playbook for winning a high-profile, statewide race. She barely identified herself as a Democrat, instead cast herself as an "independent" voice who would protect Arizonans' access to affordable healthcare and prescription drugs while working with "literally anyone" on red-meat issues like border security and illegal immigration.
5 takeaways from Arizona's epic Senate race between Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema
Neither does The Taliban. It has a nice ring to it. Sounds like a rock band, only these guys instead of getting stoned, will STONE YOU TO DEATH!
Arizona finally came out of the political closet. At least we can see them for what they have been for a long time.
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?
Well, if saying it's cool to join The Taliban and kill your fellow Americans is a cool thing to do, I guess you could call her a 'progressive'

Link please

Unfuckingbelievable. Your news sources have kept you so in the dark that you need a link?

Rolling my eyes here.

Just as I thought, much ado about nothing.

Sinema's Taliban Comment in Context -

At one point, Hancock posed a hypothetical in which he made a “personal decision” to “go fight in the Taliban army.” Sinema responded, “Fine. I don’t care if you want to do that, go ahead.” Moments later, Sinema tried to steer the conversation back to her purpose for the interview, to talk about the following day’s protest of U.S. military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Asked about her Taliban comment during an interview with the Arizona Republic editorial board on Oct. 17, Sinema said, “That was an offhand comment to direct the conversation back to what I wanted to talk about, which was my concerns around this war. I was against the war — 15 years later, I think there are good reasons for that.”
With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

Guess she does give good head. Decent anyway.

And people wonder why the GOP lost the house and 7 state houses.
And why so many women are running on the Democrat ticket now.
I believe 63,000 additional votes magically appeared after the election there, too, which tipped it in her favor. Haven’t followed it enough to know what to think. Here in my own state is enough.

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