It's Official. Sinema Will Win

Don't have the link, but she bashed the people of Arizona, and said she hates the state. Open borders, plus the Taliban statement, and even said she hates the people and the state she won in. Why did the people of Arizona do this?
Which leads me to believe that this election was rigged. How in the heck do people vote for a woman that hates Arizona, Hates America, Hates our Sovereign Borders, and thinks The Taliban is super cool bunch of fun guys like a club you can join?

In Fact, I would not be surprised if The DemNazis did not have plans in place and machinery in place in Arizona, Georgia, and Florida to attempt to manufacture votes and attempt to steal elections in those places. They really are a desperate bunch, and that makes them lawless, and unpredictable and willing to do anything to win.
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?
Well, if saying it's cool to join The Taliban and kill your fellow Americans is a cool thing to do, I guess you could call her a 'progressive'

Are you sure that is an accurate quote, and not taking something a bit out of context like crazy right wingers tend to do
Are you kidding?? She's an OPEN borders, Communist, Marxist, GLOBALIST who has talked about getting rid of ICE!! Even Rush just said that! Rush called her a FAR left hippe who couldn't have won even 10 years ago! She told people to join the Taliban for pete's sake! She is NOT a moderate by any means!!

This is a NIGHTMARE because McSally should've easily won in a state like AZ!!

I'm actually okay with open borders, but we can't have open borders unless we live in a free society. We don't live in a free society. So, we can't.

ICE, I'd kick that to the curb, too.

Rush, I don't listen to, he's probably one of the last people on Earth I'd ever want to listen to anyway.

But, yeah, scratch communism, marxism and globalism. One thing about globalism, though, I would like to see the world on one frequency. Right now it's a big spinning ball full of bad energy.

I can't speak for McSally, I literally heard her say only one sentence. And that was the one about vote for me because wouldn't you rather have a fighter pilot? I had turned my tv on for extra light and that's the first thing I heard when it came on, I think it was on the Fox channel. As soon as I heard that, I looked at the tv and said you're nuts, lady. Then I hit mute.

But, I did also just check out her wiki as well. Just to be fair. I suppose that in hindsight, I likely would rather vote for a fighter pilot. But that would be the only reason.
Don't have the link, but she bashed the people of Arizona, and said she hates the state. Open borders, plus the Taliban statement, and even said she hates the people and the state she won in. Why did the people of Arizona do this?
Which leads me to believe that this election was rigged. How in the heck do people vote for a woman that hates Arizona, Hates America, Hates our Sovereign Borders, and thinks The Taliban is super cool bunch of fun guys like a club you can join?

In Fact, I would not be surprised if The DemNazis did not have plans in place and machinery in place in Arizona, Georgia, and Florida to attempt to manufacture votes and attempt to steal elections in those places. They really are a desperate bunch, and that makes them lawless, and unpredictable and willing to do anything to win.

With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

Personally, I wouldn't vote for a person who spent years trying to take health care from millions of Americans, then turns around and lies to say she didn't do that.

It's insulting. People aren't that stupid to believe that. People are sick and tired of politicians lying for their own personal benefit then turn around and say they didn't lie.

I don't blame Arizona for rejecting her.

The people of Arizona have six years to decide what kind of senator Sinema is and will vote accordingly.

Personally, I won't vote for anyone who will vote to take insurance from millions of Americans while not offering an alternative beyond going to the ER or dying.
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?
Well, if saying it's cool to join The Taliban and kill your fellow Americans is a cool thing to do, I guess you could call her a 'progressive'
She didnt mention the taliban, that was Ernest Hancock, in reference to personal freedom, 15 years ago.
With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

Personally, I wouldn't vote for a person who spent years trying to take health care from millions of Americans, then turns around and lies to say she didn't do that.

It's insulting. People aren't that stupid to believe that. People are sick and tired of politicians lying for their own personal benefit then turn around and say they didn't lie.

I don't blame Arizona for rejecting her.

The people of Arizona have six years to decide what kind of senator Sinema is and will vote accordingly.

Personally, I won't vote for anyone who will vote to take insurance from millions of Americans while not offering an alternative beyond going to the ER or dying.
Once The People of Arizona are dragged from their beds, robbed, raped and beaten by hordes of illegals Sinema will allow in to their state, I am pretty sure she is a one termer. She will be hated more than John McCain. In fact, John McCain is a big reason why people voted for her at all.
Thanks Trump!

For being so ape-crap crazy, and not to mention corrupt, that you've ran the reddest of States to the left!

You have FAR more reason to blame McCain for any loss of Conservatives, he stabbed voters in the back. The guy says before the election that he supports Trumps policies and gets on his good side to ensure he is re-elected and then he become a loyal Never-Trumper.

If he would have ran as a Never Trumper in 2016, he wouldn't have even been re-elected, instead, like a true politician, he smiled and piggy-backed off of him.

Seems that as he saw the end of life approaching, he realized integrity and doing what is right was more important than protecting Trump.
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?
Well, if saying it's cool to join The Taliban and kill your fellow Americans is a cool thing to do, I guess you could call her a 'progressive'

Are you sure that is an accurate quote, and not taking something a bit out of context like crazy right wingers tend to do

No, it is a lie. that is not even close to what she said.

Sinema's Taliban Comment in Context -

That is why the lying bastards refuse to ever give a link.

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