It's Official. Sinema Will Win

Thank you for this thread, it has given me a real chuckle.
You right wing cry babies really need to read up on political definitions before you start throwing big words around.
If Sinema wins, you can thank John McCain for that. A lot of people I talked to because I have relatives in AZ, voted for Sinema as a protest vote. I think protests votes are stupid.....but it is what it is.

She also lied a lot about her political leanings on the campaign trail, so she is a one term Senator even if she does get in. The People of Arizona are going to really regret voting for her.
With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

Guess she does give good head. Decent anyway.

And people wonder why the GOP lost the house and 7 state houses.

Are you suggesting the gop lost because of their inability to preform orally?
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With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

Guess she does give good head. Decent anyway.

And people wonder why the GOP lost the house and 7 state houses.

Are you suggesting the gop lost because of their inability to preform all orally?

If Sinema wins it's great for Tucson and Phoenix.
For the rest of the State forget about it ,we're on our own.

Isn't that what conservatives want?

They don't want anything from the government. They want to pull themselves up by their boot straps. Not rely on the anyone else for help.

If what you say is true, then she is only giving those conservatives what they have been demanding for decades and she should be their perfect politician.

That is IF what those conservatives have been saying all this time was the truth.
With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

Personally, I wouldn't vote for a person who spent years trying to take health care from millions of Americans, then turns around and lies to say she didn't do that.

It's insulting. People aren't that stupid to believe that. People are sick and tired of politicians lying for their own personal benefit then turn around and say they didn't lie.

I don't blame Arizona for rejecting her.

The people of Arizona have six years to decide what kind of senator Sinema is and will vote accordingly.

Personally, I won't vote for anyone who will vote to take insurance from millions of Americans while not offering an alternative beyond going to the ER or dying.

So you opposed obama when he ran for re-election after screwing people on health care while claiming he fixed it?
If Sinema wins it's great for Tucson and Phoenix.
For the rest of the State forget about it ,we're on our own.

Isn't that what conservatives want?

They don't want anything from the government. They want to pull themselves up by their boot straps. Not rely on the anyone else for help.

If what you say is true, then she is only giving those conservatives what they have been demanding for decades and she should be their perfect politician.

That is IF what those conservatives have been saying all this time was the truth.

Our Constitution guarantees us a secure border.
That won't happen with her.
You have FAR more reason to blame McCain for any loss of Conservatives, he stabbed voters in the back. The guy says before the election that he supports Trumps policies and gets on his good side to ensure he is re-elected and then he become a loyal Never-Trumper.

If he would have ran as a Never Trumper in 2016, he wouldn't have even been re-elected, instead, like a true politician, he smiled and piggy-backed off of him.
C'mere you big fool, I got somethin' for ya....!!!


You might want to check the deed and prepare a law suit against the con man who sold you that one
With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

Great news! Lyin' McSally bites the dust - as well she should.

You realie attaching the description lying onto somebody doesn’t make them dishonest. It only makes you dishonest
If Sinema wins it's great for Tucson and Phoenix.
For the rest of the State forget about it ,we're on our own.

Isn't that what conservatives want?

They don't want anything from the government. They want to pull themselves up by their boot straps. Not rely on the anyone else for help.

If what you say is true, then she is only giving those conservatives what they have been demanding for decades and she should be their perfect politician.

That is IF what those conservatives have been saying all this time was the truth.

Our Constitution guarantees us a secure border.
That won't happen with her.

That hasn’t happened with Trump either
With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis

Guess she does give good head. Decent anyway.

And people wonder why the GOP lost the house and 7 state houses.

Are you suggesting the gop lost because of their inability to preform orally?

As much time you sheep on here spending blowing Trump, that could not be the case
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.
“…it was always McCain territory.”

And Republican territory.

Now a Democrat has been elected in a once very red state, replacing a Republican senator.

That’s a significant national indicator that Democrats might turn other red states blue – or at least purple.

We’ll see if that holds true in 2020.
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I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.

Are you kidding?? She's an OPEN borders, Communist, Marxist, GLOBALIST who has talked about getting rid of ICE!! Even Rush just said that! Rush called her a FAR left hippe who couldn't have won even 10 years ago in AZ! She told people to join the Taliban for pete's sake! She is NOT a moderate by any means!!

This is a NIGHTMARE because McSally should've easily won in a state like AZ!!
Democrats brought truly monumental voter fraud to the election.

I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.
“…it was always McCain territory.”

And Republican territory.

Now a Democrat has been elected in a once very red state, replacing a Republican senator.

That’s a significant national indicator that Democrats might turn other red states blue – or at least purple.

We’ll see if that holds true in 2020.

The only 'indicator' is that Democrats magically 'found' ballots that did not exist on election day and none of those ballots had a Republican vote in (as you said) a 'red state.' How can anyone be sanguine with that?
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.

Are you kidding?? She's an OPEN borders, Communist, Marxist, GLOBALIST who has talked about getting rid of ICE!! Even Rush just said that! Rush called her a FAR left hippe who couldn't have won even 10 years ago in AZ! She told people to join the Taliban for pete's sake! She is NOT a moderate by any means!!

This is a NIGHTMARE because McSally should've easily won in a state like AZ!!
Rush also said flake and McCain have turned Arizona into never trump land. McSally was a great candidate with sterling credentials, especially for a republican. If a candidate can be torpedoed by her own party, nothing that Dems would ever do, Republicans can’t combat democratic money and unity.
“…it was always McCain territory.”

And Republican territory.

Now a Democrat has been elected in a once very red state, replacing a Republican senator.

That’s a significant national indicator that Democrats might turn other red states blue – or at least purple.

We’ll see if that holds true in 2020.

Yes, I know it was always Republican territory. And I know a Democrat won, that's the whole purpose of the thread, duh.

As far as red states and blue states, I don't really care, C_Clayton.

If we have enough people in the Senate and Congress to screw up the votes, I'm a happy man. How do you like them apples, Jones? Hm? :)
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.

Are you kidding?? She's an OPEN borders, Communist, Marxist, GLOBALIST who has talked about getting rid of ICE!! Even Rush just said that! Rush called her a FAR left hippe who couldn't have won even 10 years ago in AZ! She told people to join the Taliban for pete's sake! She is NOT a moderate by any means!!

This is a NIGHTMARE because McSally should've easily won in a state like AZ!!

Rush Limbaugh is a cheap sellout. He has thrown his values away in exchange for power. He is more interested in winning than conservative values. Arizona has moved more towards the center as the growth in population has occurred in the suburbs and more educated voters move in. There are also more Hispanics which the GOP has thoroughly alienated. Not as big for Democrats as blacks but solid Democrat. She does have a moderate voting record.

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