It's Official. Sinema Will Win

I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.

Are you kidding?? She's an OPEN borders, Communist, Marxist, GLOBALIST who has talked about getting rid of ICE!! Even Rush just said that! Rush called her a FAR left hippe who couldn't have won even 10 years ago in AZ! She told people to join the Taliban for pete's sake! She is NOT a moderate by any means!!

This is a NIGHTMARE because McSally should've easily won in a state like AZ!!

You can thank your fearful Orange leader for this!
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?
Well, if saying it's cool to join The Taliban and kill your fellow Americans is a cool thing to do, I guess you could call her a 'progressive'
Sinema's Taliban Comment in Context -
You have FAR more reason to blame McCain for any loss of Conservatives, he stabbed voters in the back. The guy says before the election that he supports Trumps policies and gets on his good side to ensure he is re-elected and then he become a loyal Never-Trumper.

If he would have ran as a Never Trumper in 2016, he wouldn't have even been re-elected, instead, like a true politician, he smiled and piggy-backed off of him.
C'mere you big fool, I got somethin' for ya....!!!

Thanks Trump!

For being so ape-crap crazy, and not to mention corrupt, that you've ran the reddest of States to the left!

You have FAR more reason to blame McCain for any loss of Conservatives, he stabbed voters in the back. The guy says before the election that he supports Trumps policies and gets on his good side to ensure he is re-elected and then he become a loyal Never-Trumper.

If he would have ran as a Never Trumper in 2016, he wouldn't have even been re-elected, instead, like a true politician, he smiled and piggy-backed off of him.

Considering that Sinema's win now cements Dems as having increased their numbers in both the House and the Senate, not to mention state level offices, What you're saying is complete nonsense.
okee dokie.... so, as of now the repubs may have picked up 2 senators and not 3 with recounts still pending on the other 2

Sinema was a Green party member in her beginnings....

Arizona aint that liberal, they voted for her to rebuke Trump with mcsally tied to his apron strings
If Sinema wins it's great for Tucson and Phoenix.
For the rest of the State forget about it ,we're on our own.
Don't have the link, but she bashed the people of Arizona, and said she hates the state. Open borders, plus the Taliban statement, and even said she hates the people and the state she won in. Why did the people of Arizona do this?

Of course you don't have a credible, verifiable link to that claim, because it doesn't exist--:auiqs.jpg:
This shows the real face of anti American dimshits, it proves beyond ANY doubt that dim voters are ANTIAMERICAN communist sympathizers. They must also like terrorist and the murdering illegals.I say let the people of the places that voted for her become dumping places for the illegals. Let the sanctuary cities and the blue zones have what they want, and let the others be free of them. Cut the Federal funds off for supporting the illegals and use it for U S citizens.
You really have to wonder.

Mesa AZ is considered the most conservative city in the U.S. and it has a significant population. How does this happen.

The same way other things happen like this to the GOP.

They are a mess.

This was a give-me and they dropped it.
If Sinema wins it's great for Tucson and Phoenix.
For the rest of the State forget about it ,we're on our own.

Maricopa county is what is still out. You know, Maricopa county the one that Sheriff Joe Arpaio--one of your last sung hero's was in charge of.

This is what "hate" will buy you. You might remember that in the future.


I presume he is the one on the radio today telling you that Republican McSally was too far left of Trump,(even though she endorsed every single one of Trump's immigration polices) & the reason she is losing, and why a Blue Dog Democrat in Sinema is ahead in this race--and is now expected to win this race.

It's about high damn time you Trump tards realize what you've down. You were warned a 1000 times over about Trump, and you ignored every single warning, and also as predicted a 1000 times over that Trump would destroy the Republican party, and it's now coming true. You're well on track to lose a seat here, that has been held by a Republican for the last 29 YEARS.
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.

Are you kidding?? She's an OPEN borders, Communist, Marxist, GLOBALIST who has talked about getting rid of ICE!! Even Rush just said that! Rush called her a FAR left hippe who couldn't have won even 10 years ago in AZ! She told people to join the Taliban for pete's sake! She is NOT a moderate by any means!!

This is a NIGHTMARE because McSally should've easily won in a state like AZ!!
Democrats brought truly monumental voter fraud to the election.
With only three precincts left to report 100%, McSally simply won't overcome that deficit. That's unfortunate. She is far too left and out of the mainstream for a state like Arizona, but so goes it. I think the voters will come to regret that decision down the road.

Arizona Election Results 2018: Live Midterm Map by County & Analysis
Cheating tends to help those cheating.
Pima County Recorder Still Counting Votes Despite Republican Objections

As county workers across the state continue to process hundreds of thousands of unopened ballots, Republican party officials have sued to stop several counties, including Pima and Maricopa, from calling voters to verify that the ballot they mailed or dropped off on election day is actually theirs.

Pima County Recorder F. Ann Rodriguez says the signature on some ballot envelopes doesn't match the signature on file, especially for voters who used their finger to sign an electronic pad at the DMV.

"Sometimes the signatures do not match, they don't look anywhere near it. So that's why we call to attest and verify that that is in fact the voter," Rodriguez said.

But Republican officials say county recorders only have the authority to do that up through election day, not after. If a judge agrees, that would mean recorders have to stop checking signatures of people whose ballots remain unopened after election day.

Democrats doing what democrats do. CHEAT!
Enjoy the cheated win Arizona! This is on the democrats for cheating and on the GOP for nominating a fucking cuckservative instead of a REAL conservative. McSally has battled with Trump so he didn't go there as much to help rally the base,they hated McSally....That dumb asshole Arpaio cost Ward the race.
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.

Are you kidding?? She's an OPEN borders, Communist, Marxist, GLOBALIST who has talked about getting rid of ICE!! Even Rush just said that! Rush called her a FAR left hippe who couldn't have won even 10 years ago in AZ! She told people to join the Taliban for pete's sake! She is NOT a moderate by any means!!
I've never really followed Arizona, it was always McCain territory. McSally, she's the one who said vote for me because wouldn't you rather vote for a fighter pilot?

I've never heard Sinema speak, is she a progressive or something?

I've no idea what either one of them were running on.

Are you kidding?? She's an OPEN borders, Communist, Marxist, GLOBALIST who has talked about getting rid of ICE!! Even Rush just said that! Rush called her a FAR left hippe who couldn't have won even 10 years ago in AZ! She told people to join the Taliban for pete's sake! She is NOT a moderate by any means!!

This is a NIGHTMARE because McSally should've easily won in a state like AZ!!
Democrats brought truly monumental voter fraud to the election.

This is a NIGHTMARE because McSally should've easily won in a state like AZ!!
Democrats brought truly monumental voter fraud to the election.

Prove it liar Keep lying, but you'll never catch up to trump

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