It's Official Tea Party is now a Caucus in Congress


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
It’s official. There is now a Tea Party Caucus in the Congress of the United States of America.

Representative Michelle Bachmann filed the paperwork late last week, and the approval was granted almost immediately:

The Tea Party Goes To Washington - Big Government

Oh this is going to JUST DRIVE LIBERALS NUTS!!!!! The Tea Party???????????:eek: On equal standing with other caucuses in Washington!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Not only did they just LOSE big time on smearing the Tea Party, it is NOW a caucus!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Oh, cue the sack clothe and ashes from the liberals on this board.

Good for the House, I'd like to see one in the Senate too.

It's important that members vote to uphold the US Constitution and vote for fiscal responsibility. The more we can get on-board with those principles, the better we will all be for it. Now, let's see how many sign up to be part of it and how many candidate pledge to become members of it, if elected.
[ame=]YouTube - I Am America[/ame]
The Republican Statists now begin the process of subverting and controlling the Tea Party.
Oh this is going to JUST DRIVE LIBERALS NUTS!!!!! The Tea Party???????????:eek: On equal standing with other caucuses in Washington!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

You realize there are dozens and dozens of House caucuses, right? I'd put this one up there with the Congressional Horse Caucus. Or maybe the Congressional Bourbon Caucus.
Ignore them at your own peril. The left wing wouldn't be going so bat-shit crazy trying to discredit them if they thought they were as inconsequential as the horse or bourbon lobby.
Any caucus whose intellectual leader is Michele Bachmann has already discredited itself, no outside effort required.

If they're instrumental in passing any significant piece of legislation in the next year I'll eat my hat.
Passing any more legislation that can't be paid for isn't part of their platform.
It’s official. There is now a Tea Party Caucus in the Congress of the United States of America.

Representative Michelle Bachmann filed the paperwork late last week, and the approval was granted almost immediately:

The Tea Party Goes To Washington - Big Government

Oh this is going to JUST DRIVE LIBERALS NUTS!!!!! The Tea Party???????????:eek: On equal standing with other caucuses in Washington!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Not only did they just LOSE big time on smearing the Tea Party, it is NOW a caucus!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Oh, cue the sack clothe and ashes from the liberals on this board.


About time.

Now as we see which players join that caucus?

The TEA PARTY cat will be out of the bag.

What will we see?

I predict that we will see ONLY Republicans in that caucus.

I seriously doubt we're see any Dems.

Anybody want to lay some money on this?

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They've been invited. And they will most likely decine, alienating many of their constituents. Dems hate lower taxes and smaller government. The tea party is the antithesis of all they hold dear.
Isn't the tea party 99 percent republican? It's not just neotools who liked bush they really liked bush.
It’s official. There is now a Tea Party Caucus in the Congress of the United States of America.

Representative Michelle Bachmann filed the paperwork late last week, and the approval was granted almost immediately:

The Tea Party Goes To Washington - Big Government

Oh this is going to JUST DRIVE LIBERALS NUTS!!!!! The Tea Party???????????:eek: On equal standing with other caucuses in Washington!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Not only did they just LOSE big time on smearing the Tea Party, it is NOW a caucus!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Oh, cue the sack clothe and ashes from the liberals on this board.


About time.

Now as we see which players join that caucus?

The TEA PARTY cat will be out of the bag.

What will we see?

I predict that we will see ONLY Republicans in that caucus.

I seriously doubt we're see any Dems.

Anybody want to lay some money on this?


That's about as much of a "conspiracy theory" as saying the NAACP is all Democrats.


We are talking about a caucus in Congress, not the voters who come out to Tea Party demonstrations.

You liberals are so desperate to smear the Tea Party.

It’s official. There is now a Tea Party Caucus in the Congress of the United States of America.

Representative Michelle Bachmann filed the paperwork late last week, and the approval was granted almost immediately:

The Tea Party Goes To Washington - Big Government

Oh this is going to JUST DRIVE LIBERALS NUTS!!!!! The Tea Party???????????:eek: On equal standing with other caucuses in Washington!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Not only did they just LOSE big time on smearing the Tea Party, it is NOW a caucus!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Oh, cue the sack clothe and ashes from the liberals on this board.


So now the "Tea Party" is an actual political party? Aww thats a shame but now, if they get a lot of support, we will have a viable 3 party system instead of 2 party system.

More the merrier as it will tend to lock up congress :).
It’s official. There is now a Tea Party Caucus in the Congress of the United States of America.

Representative Michelle Bachmann filed the paperwork late last week, and the approval was granted almost immediately:

The Tea Party Goes To Washington - Big Government

Oh this is going to JUST DRIVE LIBERALS NUTS!!!!! The Tea Party???????????:eek: On equal standing with other caucuses in Washington!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Not only did they just LOSE big time on smearing the Tea Party, it is NOW a caucus!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Oh, cue the sack clothe and ashes from the liberals on this board.


So now the "Tea Party" is an actual political party? Aww thats a shame but now, if they get a lot of support, we will have a viable 3 party system instead of 2 party system.

More the merrier as it will tend to lock up congress :).

The Tea Party if it becomes a third party will split up the GOP votes.
Does this mean I can now stop worrying an armed insurrection?

Sure just dont look in my gun cabinets

I dont think you have to worry about that manifold, the governmnet hasn't taken enough liberty away to get regular folks ginned up enough to get their guns out and go crazy.
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The Tea Party Goes To Washington - Big Government

Oh this is going to JUST DRIVE LIBERALS NUTS!!!!! The Tea Party???????????:eek: On equal standing with other caucuses in Washington!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Not only did they just LOSE big time on smearing the Tea Party, it is NOW a caucus!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Oh, cue the sack clothe and ashes from the liberals on this board.


So now the "Tea Party" is an actual political party? Aww thats a shame but now, if they get a lot of support, we will have a viable 3 party system instead of 2 party system.

More the merrier as it will tend to lock up congress :).

The Tea Party if it becomes a third party will split up the GOP votes.

Most likely. I would like it if we could get a 3rd party with 25% of voters leaving 2 other parties with 37.5% of the voters...then they would all have to work together to get anything done and I think that would be better than the system we have now.

I mean geeze up until 2006 the republican congress basically could do whatever it wanted as long as a few dems joined the boat and then from 2006-2008 the dems had it the same way where they could do whatever they wanted with just a few repub votes. Now, since 08, the dems dont need any republicans to do anything they want in the house and only need to get 1 on board to pass anything they want in the senate.

That is a system with no checks on the balance of power and I dont like it either way...i dont want R's in total control or D's, they both screw everything up in their own special way.

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