It's official, the Supreme Court just ruled we are a Christian nation

I know alot of Christian voters who vote Democrat. Don't paint with a broad brush.
I'm sorry. Christians can make mistakes. No one is perfect. If we were we wouldn't need Our Lord Jesus the Messiah. However the Democratic Party has shown itself to be partial to both abortionists and sexual deviants. They allowed the mention of GOD to be removed from public education and now they are worming their way through society under the disguise of "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS." People shouldn't be voted into office by what they provide and give but if they are honest, honorable, and strive to uplift truth.
I know alot of Christian voters who vote Democrat. Don't paint with a broad brush.
I'm sorry. Christians can make mistakes. No one is perfect. If we were we wouldn't need Our Lord Jesus the Messiah. However the Democratic Party has shown itself to be partial to both abortionists and sexual deviants. They allowed the mention of GOD to be removed from public education and now they are worming their way through society under the disguise of "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS." People shouldn't be voted into office by what they provide and give but if they are honest, honorable, and strive to uplift truth.

"People shouldn't be voted into office by what they provide and give but if they are honest, honorable, and strive to uplift truth. "

Like trump?

ha ha ha fkn ha ha

People who believe what YOU believe should NOT be voted into office as you are obviously a deranged christian who would deny rights to gays, atheists, liberals, feminist......

And I have no doubt you would exterminate them if you could.
The Democratic Party has expelled its Christian voters

Who can blame us? After all, now that the head of the GOP party is cool with grabbing strange pussy, some are going to where the grass is greener!
but intelligent people understand that he was joking

REALLY intelligent people understand that even if he was joking (which he wasn't) it was a disgusting and crude thing to say.

Would YOU say that to someone?
Would you think it was funny if your kids said it?
REALLY intelligent people understand that even if he was joking (which he wasn't) it was a disgusting and crude thing to say.

Would YOU say that to someone?
Would you think it was funny if your kids said it?
You'd have to try hard to be stupid enough to believe both men and women don't make jokes much more crude.

Comedians routinely get paid huge sums of money to say things much more crude because millions of people want to hear it.
It's official, the Supreme Court just ruled we are a Christian nation


No they didn't, but it certainly won't stop you fundamentalist tards from spinning it that way.
If it said In Jesus name we Trust it would be a endorsement of Christianity. Since it only said In God we trust. it implies any god will due. Though technically capitalize it implies the one true god. Whichever one that is.

I think it no longer belongs on our currency. But that's ok. Our currency is about to become obsolete anyhow. I don't carry cash any longer. I rely on CC for everything.
I know alot of Christian voters who vote Democrat. Don't paint with a broad brush.
I'm sorry. Christians can make mistakes. No one is perfect. If we were we wouldn't need Our Lord Jesus the Messiah. However the Democratic Party has shown itself to be partial to both abortionists and sexual deviants. They allowed the mention of GOD to be removed from public education and now they are worming their way through society under the disguise of "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS." People shouldn't be voted into office by what they provide and give but if they are honest, honorable, and strive to uplift truth.
People shouldn't be voted into office who advocate for biblical law over the constitution
REALLY intelligent people understand that even if he was joking (which he wasn't) it was a disgusting and crude thing to say.

Would YOU say that to someone?
Would you think it was funny if your kids said it?
You'd have to try hard to be stupid enough to believe both men and women don't make jokes much more crude.

Comedians routinely get paid huge sums of money to say things much more crude because millions of people want to hear it.

Trump has such a well developed sense of humor! I am sure that he laughed like hell when the evangelicals bought it that he had never paid off Stormy Daniels, and later changed his story that his paying her off was not illegal. He is the role model of all GOP "family values" parents!
REALLY intelligent people understand that even if he was joking (which he wasn't) it was a disgusting and crude thing to say.

Would YOU say that to someone?
Would you think it was funny if your kids said it?
You'd have to try hard to be stupid enough to believe both men and women don't make jokes much more crude.

Comedians routinely get paid huge sums of money to say things much more crude because millions of people want to hear it.

Trump has such a well developed sense of humor! I am sure that he laughed like hell when the evangelicals bought it that he had never paid off Stormy Daniels, and later changed his story that his paying her off was not illegal. He is the role model of all GOP "family values" parents!

He's a real card, I tell ya. The "prankster" president.
The Democratic Party has expelled its Christian voters

Who can blame us? After all, now that the head of the GOP party is cool with grabbing strange pussy, some are going to where the grass is greener!
but intelligent people understand that he was joking

REALLY intelligent people understand that even if he was joking (which he wasn't) it was a disgusting and crude thing to say.

Would YOU say that to someone?
Would you think it was funny if your kids said it?
It was a private joke, people make jokes all of the time, are going to ban humor?
If that pisses you off then Bill Clinton must make you apoplectic.

The Democratic Party has expelled its Christian voters

Who can blame us? After all, now that the head of the GOP party is cool with grabbing strange pussy, some are going to where the grass is greener!
but intelligent people understand that he was joking

REALLY intelligent people understand that even if he was joking (which he wasn't) it was a disgusting and crude thing to say.

Would YOU say that to someone?
Would you think it was funny if your kids said it?
It was a private joke, people make jokes all of the time, are going to ban humor?
If that pisses you off then Bill Clinton must make you apoplectic.

You guys just never seem to run out of rationalizations for Trumps bad behavior, do you? If my 6 year old daughter behaved like Trump, she would have been in "Time Out" for the rest of her life.
I know alot of Christian voters who vote Democrat. Don't paint with a broad brush.
I'm sorry. Christians can make mistakes. No one is perfect. If we were we wouldn't need Our Lord Jesus the Messiah. However the Democratic Party has shown itself to be partial to both abortionists and sexual deviants. They allowed the mention of GOD to be removed from public education and now they are worming their way through society under the disguise of "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS." People shouldn't be voted into office by what they provide and give but if they are honest, honorable, and strive to uplift truth.

"People shouldn't be voted into office by what they provide and give but if they are honest, honorable, and strive to uplift truth. "

Like trump?

ha ha ha fkn ha ha

People who believe what YOU believe should NOT be voted into office as you are obviously a deranged christian who would deny rights to gays, atheists, liberals, feminist......

And I have no doubt you would exterminate them if you could.
Christians in the US did NOT exterminate "gays" in the 1950's when Billy Graham was drawing people in droves to Stadiums throughout the nation, and people watched Ozzie and Harriet, Father Knows Best and Leave It to Beaver. Christians in the US were NOT exterminating "Gays" when the Bible was read every morning for opening exercises in every public school across the nation. You are the one who seems deranged. Christians were not hurting you. You just came to hate the message that one needs salvation for sin. Their MESSAGE annoys you. You would much rather silence the Christians across the nation so that you might do whatever, wherever, and perhaps not feel that you are living a lie and imagine you are indeed "GAY" (meaning happy).
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The Democratic Party has expelled its Christian voters

Who can blame us? After all, now that the head of the GOP party is cool with grabbing strange pussy, some are going to where the grass is greener!
but intelligent people understand that he was joking

REALLY intelligent people understand that even if he was joking (which he wasn't) it was a disgusting and crude thing to say.

Would YOU say that to someone?
Would you think it was funny if your kids said it?
It was a private joke, people make jokes all of the time, are going to ban humor?
If that pisses you off then Bill Clinton must make you apoplectic.

You guys just never seem to run out of rationalizations for Trumps bad behavior, do you? If my 6 year old daughter behaved like Trump, she would have been in "Time Out" for the rest of her life.

The same goes for Hillary! Just because a person puts on a show of "DIGNITY" doesn't make one any less a hypocritical FAKE.
The US trusts in the God of the Bible :rolleyes:.

"Trust is a valued character trait often lacking in today's world. We have to learn to trust God in every circumstance and in every area of our lives." Joshua 1:9
So in which God do we Trust?

The Wiccan God?

The Hindu God?
Nah. Another " Turn and bow down to me and I give you all the kingdoms of the earth"
Like we always said, in God we trust.

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

Supreme Court rejects atheists' attempt to scrub 'In God We Trust' off US currency

The Supreme Court rejected an atheist case Monday to remove "In God We Trust," the national motto, from all coins and currency from the Department of Treasury.

Michael Newdow, the same activist attorney who tried to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance, lost his case, arguing Congress' mandate to inscribe "In God We Trust" on currency was a government endorsement of religion and a violation of the First Amendment

So God= Christian??
Better yet....why belief in only one male god?

Because their is only one God?


You're wrong.

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