It's Official: Trump Appeals $355 Million Ruling in New York Civil Fraud Case -- February 26, 2024

What has that got to do with the fine Trump got slapped with?
He will never have to pay that amount and soon he will be back in the White House and I wouldn't want to be living in NY when that day comes.... because you won't get shit form uncle Sam...

The above line is for anyone interested in court documents, I'm here to tell you it's a real barn burner.

102 Pages...
  • 2 Pages of Deliver Notice
  • 1 Blank Page
  • 92 Pages of the original the Judge's original ruling
  • 4 Pages of an Appeal Form
  • 2 Pages of Affirmation of Service
So out of 102 pages, the image below is the important grounds for appeal.

That's some real meat there.


Just depends on what the definition of
Dems don't always go by SCOTUS unless it agrees with their plans.

View attachment 908768
You might put that that Dems RARELY go by/agree with SCOTUS unless rulings go their way. They are very critical of Supreme Court rulings and begin hollering impeachment or illegal or unconstitutional or whatever uncomplimentary adjectives they can think up to call the Justices if things don't go their way. Or they propose packing the high court with progressives to eliminate the vote of those who generally rule on the right.

Roe v Wade was just hunky dory to use as justification for abortion on demand at any time for ANY reason. But put it back to the states to decide which definitely concurred with Constitutional intent and the court was condemned and they've been trying to get Clarence Thomas disqualified ever since. How many times have we heard that George W. Bush was 'selected' after the Court stopped a ridiculous vote recount in three Florida counties trying to FIND enough votes to make Al Gore the winner of the 2000 election?

Admittedly those on the right can be just as angry if the Court rules differently than they want too.

This time, given how weaponized the federal government and the courts have become to suppress, silence, or eliminate political opposition, SCOTUS is our only hope for justice. I hope and pray they will restore sanity in the system and rule these outrageous vindictive rulings as the illegal, unconstitutional, malicious political attacks that they are.
And you think your donations are why he's leading in almost every poll?


He is leading in every poll because the current team has fucked up the country as never before in history and people want someone who will put an end to that.

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