Its official-Trump is the first President ever to have two impeachment attempts fail

Which is what makes it even more startling that some in the GOP would vote for it.

I mean, if they really believed it was Trumps fault and he encouraged violence in some attempted coup, of course they should vote to impeach, but I don't see this evidence. Conservatives are not supposed to be this lenient with such extreme measures.

The value of impeachment has now been watered down, politicized and divisive. Your government is running, at least for the next couple of years (watch China); the most powerful nation on earth. Certainly the one he world has looked to for Rule of Law, liberty, Due Process and vital freedoms which so many died for.

We are seeing people so flippant and angry and they have hurt your reputation. Mark my words, it is NOT Trump who has done more damage to the U.S brand. It is those who did all in their power to destroy a man who put America First. That's the moral of all of this.

Instead of playing politics fairly and letting him run his course after he was elected, they did all in their power to destroy him. How is that perceived by the Average Joe and global citizens?
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The DemonRats have set an awful precedent. Once again showing that they could care less about the Constitution.

Just call them what they are. These aren't even Democrats anymore. They are Communist. Just listening to them speak at the fake impeachment, is literally sickening and they are totally nuts. They sound like demon possessed fire breathing dragons.
The DemonRats have set an awful precedent. Once again showing that they could care less about the Constitution.

Far worse.

They have proven that they are domestic enemies of the republic.
Just call them what they are. These aren't even Democrats anymore. They are Communist. Just listening to them speak at the fake impeachment, is literally sickening and they are totally nuts. They sound like demon possessed fire breathing dragons.

It was a soviet show trial.

The USA is officially a failed state.
TWO failed impeachment hoaxes from Dems including this inane last minute rush to smear him once again. They should build a statue of him and then pull it down. Such vindictive children and an embarassment to the USA
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Just gotta make Trumps existence disappear
Lib 101
Big Fail

The DemonRats have set an awful precedent. Once again showing that they could care less about the Constitution.

Just call them what they are. These aren't even Democrats anymore. They are Communist. Just listening to them speak at the fake impeachment, is literally sickening and they are totally nuts. They sound like demon possessed fire breathing dragons.

The worst of them are the so-called minorities, saying things that are in violation of House rules. But Pelosi et al don't actually care about rules or laws.
The leftist Jews of America are no different than the Germans of 80 years ago
Hitler would be proud !!
Just subtract the guns and the old grey uniforms
Much fail. Trump HAS been Impeached twice.

The TWICE impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs just cannot wrap their rock-hard noggins around the fact that their beloved weasel-in-chief is a traitor.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

The leftist Jews of America are no different than the Germans of 80 years ago
Hitler would be proud !!
Just subtract the guns and the old grey uniforms
And there you see the cloak coming off the MAGA folks

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