It’s official. Trump skipping debate

While I agree that I wish in a perfect world he attended. One needs to be strategic. Katie Hobbs won by not debating. Joe Biden hid in his basement and never answered extemperaneous questions from the press and minimized his public exposure because he is senile.

They both won.
Well, they both cheated.
Trump is up by miles from the rest, screw that debate.
Trump’s strategy for beating Desantis is to
Try and run out the clock
I'd pick RFK Jr.--out of that match. I think the dude is a chameleon...but at least he's sane.
I'm not sure RFKjr. really knows who he really is half the time, like most of America. We all seem to just be losing it.

I remember him back tracking on his position on abortion. He isn't really a partisan demagogue, his positions really do seem a lot more nuanced. . .

I think in a three way debate, at some points, he might be agreeing with Biden, and at other points, he might be agreeing with Trump, and at other points, he might be telling them they are both completely insane. . . .

I'm not sure RFKjr. really knows who he really is half the time, like most of America. We all seem to just be losing it.

I remember him back tracking on his position on abortion. He isn't really a partisan demagogue, his positions really do seem a lot more nuanced. . .

I think in a three way debate, at some points, he might be agreeing with Biden, and at other points, he might be agreeing with Trump, and at other points, he might be telling them they are both completely insane. . . .

I feel like that picture and want to do what he did in that movie!

Skipping the debate is the smart move here. He has nothing to gain and lots to lose.

Let the bottom dwellers slug it
Out. We all know who Trump is. We don’t need him at the debate.
Oddly enough, he will likely have to become a target of anyone who participates in the GOP debate. In the process of speaking, in that manner, the other candidates are very likely to draw the ire of the Trump supporters.

He won’t be there to answer whatever they may say, but he might win the debate by not participating in it.

Skipping the debate is the smart move here. He has nothing to gain and lots to lose.

Let the bottom dwellers slug it
Out. We all know who Trump is. We don’t need him at the debate.

Its a chickenshit move. But then, this is the same guy that promised us irrefutable reports of voter fraud on Monday.....and then chickenshitted out on that too.

So we know who Trump is.
I am unsure he would hurt Biden at all seeing Biden's voting base isn’t going to vote for Kennedy.

I believe he hurts Trump more.
Nothing can hurt Trump with his there's 35%---As a third party candidate RFK Jr. would get some RINO's--not all.. and Some Independents---but not enough to win any real electoral votes--and just enough to turn the swing states to Trump..IMO.

Skipping the debate is the smart move here. He has nothing to gain and lots to lose.

Let the bottom dwellers slug it
Out. We all know who Trump is. We don’t need him at the debate.
Chicken shit! With two impeachments and four indictments he is too embarrassed to show up.
I don’t know why he doesn’t lie throughout these debates just like he has in the past. His supporters will call him brilliant no matter what he does. Independents will think he’s yellow however.
Most of the other candidates are weak, they can't even stand up to Trump.

How are they going to stand up to Putin if they can't even stand up to Trump.

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