It's OK To Betray The Kurds Because They Didn't Help Us With Normandy

And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'


The Kurd deal is a shitshow for sure and I'm not too fond of Turkey. But there's one thing of strategic importance that you need to consider: The closest access to nuclear weapons we have in the event of a Russian attack, is based in Turkey. Our airbase there is also necessary if we're going to strike targets in the Middle East, with a any effectiveness.

They were fighting and dying for us just last week. On top of the 13,000 they already lost in the fight against ISIS, that Trump was bragging about he singlehandedly defeated.
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'


The Kurd deal is a shitshow for sure and I'm not too fond of Turkey. But there's one thing of strategic importance that you need to consider: The closest access to nuclear weapons we have in the event of a Russian attack, is based in Turkey. Our airbase there is also necessary if we're going to strike targets in the Middle East, with a any effectiveness.

They were fighting and dying for us just last week. On top of the 13,000 they already lost in the fight against ISIS, that Trump was bragging about he singlehandedly defeated.
The President has the wrong letter next to this name..."R". Otherwise you'd be championing the move.
How many times in the last few decades have we deserted the Kurds?

We did it when we inadvertently helped Saddam come to power

Nixon did it in the 70s

Reagan did in the 80s when Iraq was helping us by fighting with Iran, turning a blind eye to chemical weapons used by Saddam on the Kurds (likely because he got them from us).

Bush I did it after the first Gulf War.

Clinton allowed Turkey to use US given weapons to attack the Kurds

Bush II did it after the 2nd Gulf War

Obama did it 2014

You all know I am no fan of Trump, but to pretend this is something new by the US is just stupid.
How many times in the last few decades have we deserted the Kurds?

We did it when we inadvertently helped Saddam come to power

Nixon did it in the 70s

Reagan did in the 80s when Iraq was helping us by fighting with Iran, turning a blind eye to chemical weapons used by Saddam on the Kurds (likely because he got them from us).

Bush I did it after the first Gulf War.

Clinton allowed Turkey to use US given weapons to attack the Kurds

Bush II did it after the 2nd Gulf War

Obama did it 2014

You all know I am no fan of Trump, but to pretend this is something new by the US is just stupid.

Spot on.
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'


The Kurd deal is a shitshow for sure and I'm not too fond of Turkey. But there's one thing of strategic importance that you need to consider: The closest access to nuclear weapons we have in the event of a Russian attack, is based in Turkey. Our airbase there is also necessary if we're going to strike targets in the Middle East, with a any effectiveness.

They were fighting and dying for us just last week. On top of the 13,000 they already lost in the fight against ISIS, that Trump was bragging about he singlehandedly defeated.
The President has the wrong letter next to this name..."R". Otherwise you'd be championing the move.

Whether you agree with the move to pull out of Syria or not (and I do), that does not change the stupidity of Trump's statement about Normandy.
I agree with the Soy Boys in this thread that the Kurds need their own ethno state like the Jews. After all, how the hell can a racist, nationalist group exist without a home base financed by American taxpayers and extortion like fake reparations? And from there, the Kurds can illegally enter the USA and get jobs in the public schools, MSM, corporations, etc. It is all about diversity folks. That is what makes for a unified country like the USA! :p
America is betraying the Kurds, plain and simple. We have done it the many others in the past. They are Muslims, mostly, and they look a lot like Mexicans. Plus, Trump has a right to abandon and betray them if he wants.
What does the OP want to do?....step in the middle of their conflict?...are you sure you aren't a Bush?....
So if this was the right move all along, why didn’t you dumbasses throw a fit when Trump didn’t do this in year one? Obviously it’s because you suck this orange moron’s dick regardless of what he says or does.
Actually the first time Trump proposed this, General Mattis resigned in disgust
Get real. Under no circumstance are/were we going to engage in a military conflict against Turkey. This whole "faux outrage" is simply asinine and disingenuous.
You can BET that had Turkish planes begun bombing areas where our troops were that we would have taken them out.
Where were the Kurds in Vietnam huh?

They claimed they had bone spurs
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'

It's this simple, we helped the Kurds with the mess in their area. They only helped us help them get their own tits out of a wringer. Get a clue people the Kurds don't pay US taxes, they are not part of any American territory or possession. Why should Americans continue to suffer and die to help them? If you feel that we should be fighting and dying for the Kurds them by all means feel free to get your own ass on an airplane, get over there and help. Otherwise STFU!

I agree. The Turks and Kurds have been fighting amongst themselves for hundreds of years. The Kurds are tough as nails and sure don't need American troops to survive.

Pull our troops out of the entire middle east. Let the dipshits continue to kill themselves. Hopefully they will wipe each other out.
I feel about as much loyalty to the Kurds as the Democrats felt to the South Vietnamese when they passed the Case Church budget amendment stopping all military aid to an ally.
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”...

How stupid are US-Americans on a scale from 1-100 points? 101 points? Do you know for example that Kurds were bretrayed once from the Birts so they don't have an own state. They live snice a minimum of 5000 yaers in the area where they live today too (Turkey, Iran, Syria). And do you know for example that the USA was an ally of the Soviets during world war 2 and you sold a big part of East Europe to the Commies?

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I feel about as much loyalty to the Kurds as the Democrats felt to the South Vietnamese when they passed the Case Church budget amendment stopping all military aid to an ally.
See Nixon and Ford
LMAO The Kurds and Turks have been fighting for hundreds of years. If anyone thinks the Kurds need US troops to be safe they are out of their minds.

The Kurds don't need us at all and never have.

I'd be happy to pull every US troop we have in the ME out. We've lost enough blood and treasure over there. Its also cost we tax payers trillions.

Let the death cult duke it out. With any luck they will all kill themselves.

More than works for me.

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