It's OK To Betray The Kurds Because They Didn't Help Us With Normandy

Am I missing something, I read TRUMP is withdrawing 50 troops...can't a country from Europe send 50 troops, or maybe Canada or Germany could step up and send some troops, Trudeau likes to make like Canada's military is comparable to the US, and liberals have told us Merkel is the most powerful leader or something...

Turkey is a NATO-member - no one will attack a NATO-member, specially not any other NATO member, because this activates the duty of all NATO members to defend Turkey.

And Germany should call back home all soldiers worldwide.
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Iraqi Kurdistan contains one third of Iraq's reserves. Add in the oil from Syrian, Turkish and Iranian Kurdistan and it easily comes to 6th place.
Kurds don't control it
Irrelevant. By arguing that Kurdistan wasn't in 6th place you de facto accepted my paradigm. If you wanted to make that argument, you should have done that in your first post.
Proven they aren't...….too bad so sad....make up some more bs
No, you're just a sore loser. How Trumpian!

You were wrong. like a typical libtard.

Kurdistan is NOT a country.
How many times in the last few decades have we deserted the Kurds?

We did it when we inadvertently helped Saddam come to power

Nixon did it in the 70s

Reagan did in the 80s when Iraq was helping us by fighting with Iran, turning a blind eye to chemical weapons used by Saddam on the Kurds (likely because he got them from us).

Bush I did it after the first Gulf War.

Clinton allowed Turkey to use US given weapons to attack the Kurds

Bush II did it after the 2nd Gulf War

Obama did it 2014

You all know I am no fan of Trump, but to pretend this is something new by the US is just stupid.

We fought and won a world war in a fraction of the time. President Trump has been visiting families of service men and women killed in this endless middle east nonsense. He's been visiting service men and women mutilated for life who have had their damn arms and legs blown off. What is the freaking military objective at this point, endless blood?? ENOUGH!! These idiots in the middle east need to fight their own battles.
By that logic, we must do nothing if a country invades Japan.

The "philosophy "of Trump is 'every dead economy on planet Earth is good for the USA'. So why should the USA help Japan? They are criminals. They sell some of their goods in the USA, only because the USA forced them once to have to do so. But is this an excuse for the criminal deed to sell for example fridges?
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How many times in the last few decades have we deserted the Kurds?

We did it when we inadvertently helped Saddam come to power

Nixon did it in the 70s

Reagan did in the 80s when Iraq was helping us by fighting with Iran, turning a blind eye to chemical weapons used by Saddam on the Kurds (likely because he got them from us).

Bush I did it after the first Gulf War.

Clinton allowed Turkey to use US given weapons to attack the Kurds

Bush II did it after the 2nd Gulf War

Obama did it 2014

You all know I am no fan of Trump, but to pretend this is something new by the US is just stupid.

Trump did it, so they have to oppose it.
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'


The Kurd deal is a shitshow for sure and I'm not too fond of Turkey. But there's one thing of strategic importance that you need to consider: The closest access to nuclear weapons we have in the event of a Russian attack, is based in Turkey. Our airbase there is also necessary if we're going to strike targets in the Middle East, with a any effectiveness.

That is why we have aircraft carriers.
The only Muslims we should help are the ones who give us oil for our cars.
Kurdistan has oil. 6th largest reserve in the world. What if ISIS takes over again?

The danger is the Kurds will have to work together with everyone and no one, who is able ot guarantee the Erdoganians are not able to do a genocide on them. Besides ISIS and other asymetric warriors the Russians are perhaps the only other might, which is able to help them in an efficient way.
How many times in the last few decades have we deserted the Kurds?

We did it when we inadvertently helped Saddam come to power

Nixon did it in the 70s

Reagan did in the 80s when Iraq was helping us by fighting with Iran, turning a blind eye to chemical weapons used by Saddam on the Kurds (likely because he got them from us).

Bush I did it after the first Gulf War.

Clinton allowed Turkey to use US given weapons to attack the Kurds

Bush II did it after the 2nd Gulf War

Obama did it 2014

You all know I am no fan of Trump, but to pretend this is something new by the US is just stupid.

Trump did it, so they have to oppose it.
This one is unique

Even Republicans are condemning it
There was NO conflict until we left
As with all conflicts in that part of the world it goes back generations...

Nonsense, which came from the Brits too. During colonialism (25% of the world was British) they made peudo-nations with as many conflicts as possible (for example the Iraq) and weakened every strong nation with the will to be free people (for example the Kurds). "divide et impera".
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'

When should we leave Syria?
If we are going to wait until the Islamofacist stop fighting each other it means never.
Maybe we should let Europe do something for once.
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'


Soo....we should start bombing a NATO member?

Wrong question. A NATO-member starts a war. How is this possible against the will of the NATO? Because Trump destroyed it?
Did Israel help with Normandy? Has Israel ever helped with any wars - other than their own?

Israel didn't EXIST when we stormed Normandy. My GOD will you leftists pick up a history book just once in your lives?

Oh, so you're saying no Jews fought at Normandy. How about other wars since creation in 1948?

A German joke is:
A: "The Nazis lost the war, because of the Jewish generals".
B: "They had no Jewish generals!"
A: "That's why!"

1/3 of all Jews was murdered from the Nazis. Another 1/3 of all Jews - when I count the family members of the soldiers too - fought in the armies of the world against the Nazis.
The question is what did he get for betraying one of our allies against ISIS?

What will it cost us in terms of making future alliances?
And as somebody wrote in a very, very powerful article today, they didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example. They mentioned names of different battles. But they’re there to help us with their land. And that’s a different thing. In addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the Kurds in terms of ammunition, in terms of weapons, in terms of money, in terms of pay.”

Trump: It's okay to betray the Kurds because 'they didn't help us with Normandy'


The Kurd deal is a shitshow for sure and I'm not too fond of Turkey. But there's one thing of strategic importance that you need to consider: The closest access to nuclear weapons we have in the event of a Russian attack, is based in Turkey. Our airbase there is also necessary if we're going to strike targets in the Middle East, with a any effectiveness.

They were fighting and dying for us just last week. On top of the 13,000 they already lost in the fight against ISIS, that Trump was bragging about he singlehandedly defeated.

Also in the Iraq the Kurds were (¿the only?) reliable partners of the USA.
America is betraying the Kurds, plain and simple. We have done it the many others in the past. They are Muslims, mostly, and they look a lot like Mexicans. Plus, Trump has a right to abandon and betray them if he wants.

"Right or wong, my country" is one of the most idiotic morals. Right is right and wrong is wrong. And both words don't need "my country" or "the USA" as an argument, nor the argument "if the emperor wants" or "if the leader (der Führer) wants".

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