It's Okay to Teach Mohammed But Not Jesus


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
That's California for you.


“Allah is the one true God” is now okay as part of a southern California school district's teaching curriculum. “Mein Kampf reads like a love story compared to the Quran,” said one of the protestors.

This has nothing to do with Islamaphobia as it does with the constant attacks against Christianity and Judaism and the acceptance of Islam. More and more parents are standing up against this PC trend and war against traditional American standards.

Read the story @ Protesters ask school board to reconsider teaching Islam
That's California for you.


“Allah is the one true God” is now okay as part of a southern California school district's teaching curriculum. “Mein Kampf reads like a love story compared to the Quran,” said one of the protestors.

This has nothing to do with Islamaphobia as it does with the constant attacks against Christianity and Judaism and the acceptance of Islam. More and more parents are standing up against this PC trend and war against traditional American standards.

Read the story @ Protesters ask school board to reconsider teaching Islam

In that picture that you posted it's a worksheet/test/quiz where the students learn about Islam....but Islam isn't being promoted. How do you know that they don't do the same with other religions? I'm not defending the curriculum I'm just curious. Schools by me teach religion class (public school). In class students learn about many of the world's religions from a historical and informative reference-NOT from a persuasive pov. I remember taking World Religion and wondering what the teacher's religion was....I couldn't figure it out because they were unbiased in the lessons.
The very article you cite has a student claiming they were also taught about Judaism in the class. This sounds like a world cultures course where they discuss the regions and major religions of the world. I had a similar class in my high school and all the major religions of the world were discussed and we were tested accordingly. Though I am glad parents are taking an interest in their school's curriculum it seems that they are overacting.
The very article you cite has a student claiming they were also taught about Judaism in the class. This sounds like a world cultures course where they discuss the regions and major religions of the world. I had a similar class in my high school and all the major religions of the world were discussed and we were tested accordingly. Though I am glad parents are taking an interest in their school's curriculum it seems that they are overacting.

My "personal opinion" regarding religious discussion is-----
one should never state any religious creed as "FACT" in
'mixed company'--------words are important. There is a huge
difference between saying "mo was a great man" and
'muslims believe that mo was a great man' ------also
'jews believe that moses was a great man'
'hindus depict krishnah----the 'god' as being blue'

children should learn this lesson early on in their lives
If any of you had bothered to READ the story, you would have seen the major complaint being that the students were required to write the following:

“He had to write down ‘Allah is the one true God."

Try giving the same class something like,

":Glory be to God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and The Holy Spirit,"

See what happens then. :9:
If any of you had bothered to READ the story, you would have seen the major complaint being that the students were required to write the following:

“He had to write down ‘Allah is the one true God."

Try giving the same class something like,

":Glory be to God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and The Holy Spirit,"

See what happens then. :9:

It is apart of the Five Pillars of Islam. The article also states they learned about Judaism. It sounds like a world cultures course and I had one in high school as well. We learned about every major faith and their core beliefs. Never once was it presented in a way that held one faith in higher regard to another. It sounds like these parents are being overly dramatic.
If any of you had bothered to READ the story, you would have seen the major complaint being that the students were required to write the following:

“He had to write down ‘Allah is the one true God."

Try giving the same class something like,

":Glory be to God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and The Holy Spirit,"

See what happens then. :9:

It is apart of the Five Pillars of Islam. The article also states they learned about Judaism. It sounds like a world cultures course and I had one in high school as well. We learned about every major faith and their core beliefs. Never once was it presented in a way that held one faith in higher regard to another. It sounds like these parents are being overly dramatic.

I did not get enough out of the article to conclude anything. I was once young-----and attended school in the USA----(born here too) I have a very clear recollection of some events
presented in history books as being ----"FACT"-----some character named "CONSTANTINE" had a divine revelation------yeah----ok sure he did. Some things related to "FAITH" were presented as "FACT" when I was a kid (in ancient times) -----I do believe it is wrong to present matters of FAITH as FACT in USA public schools
Those nutty Californians- teaching world religions.

Oh as a father with a child in California schools- that is what they do- they teach about the religions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.
Those nutty Californians- teaching world religions.

Oh as a father with a child in California schools- that is what they do- they teach about the religions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.

Okay, here is my question - would you think it okay if your child had to write - "There is no god but Allah"?

It is certainly okay to teach children about ALL word religions but in a totally fair manner without even hinting at such a thing as the superiority of Islam from such a statement.
Those nutty Californians- teaching world religions.

Oh as a father with a child in California schools- that is what they do- they teach about the religions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.

Okay, here is my question - would you think it okay if your child had to write - "There is no god but Allah"?

It is certainly okay to teach children about ALL word religions but in a totally fair manner without even hinting at such a thing as the superiority of Islam from such a statement.

It all depends on the context-

If a test asked "what are the 5 pillars of Islam"?- then I think it would acceptable to have that as an answer.

Just as if a child was asked to asked a question that the answer was "Jesus Christ is the son of God, and there is no God but God." or was asked to to write down the first of the 10 commandments.

But in general I agree with you- the point should always be about learning about religions and their impact on the world, and not promoting any specific religion.
If any of you had bothered to READ the story, you would have seen the major complaint being that the students were required to write the following:

“He had to write down ‘Allah is the one true God."

Try giving the same class something like,

":Glory be to God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and The Holy Spirit,"

See what happens then. :9:

Maybe you should have provided that context in your original post.
If any of you had bothered to READ the story, you would have seen the major complaint being that the students were required to write the following:

“He had to write down ‘Allah is the one true God."

Try giving the same class something like,

":Glory be to God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and The Holy Spirit,"

See what happens then. :9:

So I looked at the test- no where does it require anyone to write that down.


Then I read what objections- and they are hardly 'unbiased'

A couple stood outside the building’s entrance with signs that said “Stop teaching Islam,” and “No Islam en la escuela” [sic]. As people entered, they handed out pamphlets that said in all caps, “TEACHING ISLAM WITHOUT WARNING LABELS IS LIKE STORING DRAINO IN A SUGAR BOWL.”

During the meeting, 11 individuals explained how they thought the school board should change or eliminate its teaching of Islam.

“Mein Kampf reads like a love story compared to the Quran,” said Steve Amundson. “I propose Islam be removed from the curriculum. It’s more akin to Nazism than a religion.”

“As a person who went through the curriculum, I didn’t feel like I was being indoctrinated,” she said. “We learned what Muslim people believe, just like Judaism. It was all evenly taught. They always gave the disclaimer that they were not trying to convert you.”

She said that she thought that the fact that so many of the protesters were from outside of the school district showed that it was “not an issue a lot of people in the district see.”

Then there was the picture from the textbook

'Everywhere he went, he told people to destroy statues of false gods and to worship only Allah, the one true God"

So answer the test "Mohammed taught there was only one true god, Allah."

No more offensive than having to answer that Jesus preached that eternal life was only possible through him.
If any of you had bothered to READ the story, you would have seen the major complaint being that the students were required to write the following:

“He had to write down ‘Allah is the one true God."

Try giving the same class something like,

":Glory be to God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and The Holy Spirit,"

See what happens then. :9:

So I looked at the test- no where does it require anyone to write that down.


Then I read what objections- and they are hardly 'unbiased'

A couple stood outside the building’s entrance with signs that said “Stop teaching Islam,” and “No Islam en la escuela” [sic]. As people entered, they handed out pamphlets that said in all caps, “TEACHING ISLAM WITHOUT WARNING LABELS IS LIKE STORING DRAINO IN A SUGAR BOWL.”

During the meeting, 11 individuals explained how they thought the school board should change or eliminate its teaching of Islam.

“Mein Kampf reads like a love story compared to the Quran,” said Steve Amundson. “I propose Islam be removed from the curriculum. It’s more akin to Nazism than a religion.”

“As a person who went through the curriculum, I didn’t feel like I was being indoctrinated,” she said. “We learned what Muslim people believe, just like Judaism. It was all evenly taught. They always gave the disclaimer that they were not trying to convert you.”

She said that she thought that the fact that so many of the protesters were from outside of the school district showed that it was “not an issue a lot of people in the district see.”

Then there was the picture from the textbook

'Everywhere he went, he told people to destroy statues of false gods and to worship only Allah, the one true God"

So answer the test "Mohammed taught there was only one true god, Allah."

No more offensive than having to answer that Jesus preached that eternal life was only possible through him.

Information on the textbook is availible online- here is the lesson review from "Islam and Muhammad"

Belief Systems Muhammad taught that he was a messenger of God and
spread the religion of Islam.
Culture The teachings of Islam provided laws and guidelines for religious
practice and everyday life.
Belief Systems Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share some beliefs, and all
have sacred scriptures believed to be God’s revelation.
The Life and Teachings of Muhammad
ESSENTIAL QUESTION Why did Muhammad spread Islam?
Muhammad the Prophet
• Born into powerful Meccan family circa A.D. 570
• Orphaned as child, worked in caravan trade, became very successful
• At 40, angel Gabriel tells him: “You are the messenger of God.”
• Muhammad began preaching that there is only God (Allah)
- all other gods must be rejected
- Islam—religion spread by the Prophet Muhammad
- Muslim—one who believes in Islam
Muhammad Begins Preaching
• Little success at fi rst; Meccans persecuted Muslims
• In 622, he fl ed north with supporters to Yathrib, renamed it Medina
- Hijrah—Muhammadʼs migration to Medina (“city of the Prophet”)
• Muhammadʼs leadership, simple message soon won many converts to Islam

Muhammad’s Leadership
• He was a religious, political, and military leader
• In 630, Muhammad and 10,000 Muslims returned to conquer Mecca
- Muhammad forgave Meccans, dedicated Kaʼaba to Allah
• Muhammad united followers with other Arabs, Jews, Christians
• Treaties of alliance with nomadic tribes helped spread Islam
• By his death in 632, Muhammad had unifi ed much of Arabia under Islam
What was Muhammad’s role in the development of Islam?
And of course the beginnings of Christianity and Judaism are not in a medieval textbook- but the Reformation is.

Government The spread of Luther’s ideas changed European politics.
Belief Systems Different Protestant movements developed quickly
throughout Europe.
Belief Systems The Catholic Church developed new ways to spread its
message and counter the spread of Protestantism.
Luther’s Ideas Spread
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What were some of the results of Luther’s ideas?
The Printed Word
• Lutherʼs ideas spread by trade routes, priests, worshipers, printing
• Printers began making Bibles in local languages (not just Latin)
- more people read, interpreted Bible; this threatened Church authority
- Catholic Church felt religious teaching must be through clergy
The Peasants’ Revolts
• European peasants sought better pay, living conditions, more rights
• Believed Lutherʼs ideas of freedom meant Godʼs support for revolt
- Luther condemned these revolts, which were mostly unsuccessful
Religious Wars
• Holy Roman Emperor Charles V made Luther an outlaw in 1521
• Many German Lutheran princes waged war on Charles V
• Lutheran, Catholic princes signed Peace of Augsburg treaty in 1555
Why did religious division have such a dramatic political impact?Chapter 14: The Reformation World History: Medieval and Early Modern Times 2
The Reformation Grows
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What were some of the different Protestant
movements that developed throughout Europe?
• Lutherʼs ideas led to many different interpretations of the Bible
• John Calvin—French reformer; belief system known as Calvinism
- believed in predestination—God chose those for salvation before birth
- some people born condemned
• Calvinʼs ideas spread
The Church of England
• Reformation in England began when King Henry VIII wanted a divorce
• Pope refused and Henry left the Roman Catholic Church
• Henry founded the Church of England (Anglican Church)
- maintained Catholic beliefs but rejected power of pope
• William Tyndale wanted complete Anglican break from Catholicism
- Catholic offi cials executed him
- reform battle in England raged on
How did the Reformation affect England?
How can one learn about the war and intolerance, without learning what causes it?

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