It's On! The Teaparty Lashes Back At Boehner Calling Him A Liberal

True, and now that is settled We the People in the sane moderate middle would appreciate it if the children from both extremes went out to play so that the adults can be allowed to get back to the process of governing by consensus and compromise.

"governing by consensus and compromise" is what got us into this mess,
Wanna rethink your "sane moderate" comment?

The current "mess" consists of too little income for the current level of spending. At the turn of the century tax revenues were reducing the deficit and on a path to bring down the national debt. That trend was reversed when "tax cuts" were given to the wealthy elite 1% on the bogus premise that they were "job creators" and would use the additional funds to actually "create jobs". Those additional "jobs" would result in greater tax revenues that would ultimately reduce the deficit and the debt.

However in the real world none of those jobs actually materialized. The wealthy elite 1% continued to enjoy their massive tax cuts while jobs that paid a living wage with benefits were offshored in a wholesale manner. This too resulted in greater tax savings for the wealthy elite 1%. This Ponzi scheme was not a matter of consensus and compromise. Instead it was pushed through congress while the GOP had control of both houses and the Whitehouse.

Genuine fiscal conservatives would hold the wealthy elite 1% accountable for the trillions of debt that has been racked up at taxpayer expense for failing to create the jobs. However the situation we currently see is that all attempts to recover those trillions are being stymied by the GOP.

The sane and moderate consensus solution is to find a way to reduce spending and increase revenues.

Should I assume that you are talking about the tax cuts from the Reagan administration or the Bush administration?
In either case, those tax cuts were given to every level of income, not just the 1% that you pretend. Since you either don't know that fact or refuse to acknowledge it will make it difficult for me to explain my point and difficult for you to understand it. I'll try nevertheless.

You are correct when you say "The current "mess" consists of too little income for the current level of spending." I think the point at which you and I diverge on are agreement to the possible solution. Yours being to tax the wealthy (a nebulous definition) and mine being to cut federal spending (also somewhat nebulous).

As a fiscal conservative, I find the outlandish spending of the federal government to be at fault, not the taxpayer (1%'er or not) that is paying taxes.

Millions of US citizens live within their available budget, thousands of US companies live within their budget, why can't the government?
Genuine fiscal conservatives would hold the wealthy elite 1% accountable for the trillions of debt that has been racked up at taxpayer expense for failing to create the jobs. However the situation we currently see is that all attempts to recover those trillions are being stymied by the GOP.

Pure swill.

The debt has been run up by liberals and gutless moderate jerks who never met a worthless government program, that they couldn't throw billions upon billions of dollars at.

And government doesn't create jobs, people who create things others want to buy create jobs.

For a claimed "moderate", you talk an awful lot like a committed progressive socialist central planner.
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Boehner, like most of the trash on both sides of the aisle, a lawyer. Lawyers love to compromise. They love the art of the deal. They are mostly crooked, non-trustworthy little criminals. Republican leadership like him mistakenly think that most people want a government where everyone gets along. That is bull. If we had two parties that just got along wonderfully what is the use of having either of them? We want and need a real Republican party and democrat party (not Marxist party like now). We want them at odds so we have a clear choice. Boehner lacks conviction and back bone. He is a lawyer. Lawyers are not the kind you see on these TV lawyer shows. Those are fake. Lawyers in politics are cold fish. THey are not overly excited about either side nor outlook. They just exist to push their favorite bills and to curry favor with everyone. THey exist to stay in office. It's a job. The Republicans do not know how to win because they are all consummate lawyers existing to compromise. The democrats are a little more full of vim and vigor about their ideas because they are mainly Marxist whose goal is to destroy America. Republicans should be as keen to save it as democrats are to ruin it,......but they're not. Boehner is NOT the man to lead the Republican party in this hour. He is milk-toast when spicy-hot-chili is needed. Get Boehner out and quit electing lawyers.
Helena, the far right wing in the GOP is the minority wing. We in the mainstream are the big wing. We have the money and the votes. We have tried it your way for five years, and it has flopped.

We will now do it the right way.
You are the mainstream of the Democrat Party.

Even though I'm one of the new kids on the block here, it's plain to recognize that you are a poser and nobody with 1/3 of a brain believes you are who you claim to be.

Give it up.

You are not alone in your assessment.

The far right of the board, like Ernie S. and Helena who are so far right that Goldwater looks liberal to them, keep frothing and foaming. :lol:
Boehner is a liberal. Or, he's just been in office too long. John McCain has been in office too long. After awhile they start to think of democrats as friends and colleagues.
Boehner is a liberal. Or, he's just been in office too long. John McCain has been in office too long. After awhile they start to think of democrats as friends and colleagues.

A warped twisted view out of contact with reality is what you have just posted, Katzndogz.

This is why we aren't letting you drive the Republican Party for awhile.

You need to grow up.
Boehner is a liberal. Or, he's just been in office too long. John McCain has been in office too long. After awhile they start to think of democrats as friends and colleagues.

WRONG!!! He's a corporate Republican/pay-to-play, Washington-Insider & he isn't going to give that up w/o a fight.
A new book that argues politicians in Washington manufacture crises and manipulate vote scheduling and other legislative activity as part of a Mafia-like "protection racket" to extort campaign donations is drawing attention from such divergent corners as The New York Times and Sarah Palin.

But the book, Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes and Line Their Own Pockets, is predictably not drawing rave reviews from House Speaker John Boehner, whose office is lashing out at author Peter Schweizer, a fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution and an editor-at-large at Breitbart.
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"governing by consensus and compromise" is what got us into this mess,
Wanna rethink your "sane moderate" comment?

The current "mess" consists of too little income for the current level of spending. At the turn of the century tax revenues were reducing the deficit and on a path to bring down the national debt. That trend was reversed when "tax cuts" were given to the wealthy elite 1% on the bogus premise that they were "job creators" and would use the additional funds to actually "create jobs". Those additional "jobs" would result in greater tax revenues that would ultimately reduce the deficit and the debt.

However in the real world none of those jobs actually materialized. The wealthy elite 1% continued to enjoy their massive tax cuts while jobs that paid a living wage with benefits were offshored in a wholesale manner. This too resulted in greater tax savings for the wealthy elite 1%. This Ponzi scheme was not a matter of consensus and compromise. Instead it was pushed through congress while the GOP had control of both houses and the Whitehouse.

Genuine fiscal conservatives would hold the wealthy elite 1% accountable for the trillions of debt that has been racked up at taxpayer expense for failing to create the jobs. However the situation we currently see is that all attempts to recover those trillions are being stymied by the GOP.

The sane and moderate consensus solution is to find a way to reduce spending and increase revenues.

Should I assume that you are talking about the tax cuts from the Reagan administration or the Bush administration?
In either case, those tax cuts were given to every level of income, not just the 1% that you pretend. Since you either don't know that fact or refuse to acknowledge it will make it difficult for me to explain my point and difficult for you to understand it. I'll try nevertheless.

You are correct when you say "The current "mess" consists of too little income for the current level of spending." I think the point at which you and I diverge on are agreement to the possible solution. Yours being to tax the wealthy (a nebulous definition) and mine being to cut federal spending (also somewhat nebulous).

As a fiscal conservative, I find the outlandish spending of the federal government to be at fault, not the taxpayer (1%'er or not) that is paying taxes.

Millions of US citizens live within their available budget, thousands of US companies live within their budget, why can't the government?

The Reagan taxcuts were overturned by Reagan himself when he discovered that his own spending goals exceeded his revenues. What he failed to do was to raise revenues to meet his increased spending. That was left up to Bush Sr and he increased revenues with what was then the largest tax increase in the history of the nation and he was subsequently punished by the right for doing so. (Although he was correct that spending did need to be increased to cover both GW1 and the larger Defense budget.)

Clinton then passed an even larger Tax increase and with the support of the Republican congress they effectively reduced spending as well. These 2 tax increases did not stop "job creators" from investing heavily and the largest economic boom this nation has ever seen occurred during the WJC administration. Not only was deficit spending eliminated but the national debt was being reduced under those revenue and spending policies. Please note that they included funding for additional teachers and policemen.

The current mess started when the revenues were slashed and spending skyrocketed (largely off the books) under the following administration. The measly $300 pa that the average taxpayer received was a pittance compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars that ended up in the pockets of the top 1%. Those tax cuts threw the whole system out of balance and the unfunded spending spree increase set the path for the current $17 trillion in debt.

If you want to "live within a budget" then you must be willing to cut defense spending levels back to below where they were before Reagan took office. Are you willing to reduce Defense spending to that level? Because if you aren't then you are going to have to find the revenues to pay for it. Please note that SS and Medicare are funded through payroll taxes and only a minor tweak is needed to keep them solvent. Defense spending, and that includes all of the corporate welfare and veterans benefits, is the big issue that needs to be addressed. How much are you willing to cut and how do you intend to address the shortfall?
Genuine fiscal conservatives would hold the wealthy elite 1% accountable for the trillions of debt that has been racked up at taxpayer expense for failing to create the jobs. However the situation we currently see is that all attempts to recover those trillions are being stymied by the GOP.

Pure swill.

The debt has been run up by liberals and gutless moderate jerks who never met a worthless government program, that they couldn't throw billions upon billions of dollars at.

And government doesn't create jobs, people who create things others want to buy create jobs.

For a claimed "moderate", you talk an awful lot like a committed progressive socialist central planner.

Here's my view of this so-called war by the GOP "establishment" against the Tea Party.

The establishment wants to keep its power and sees the new Tea Party members as a serious threat.

Here's what I see as going to happen as we near the 2014 mid-terms => The groups labeled as "Tea Party" will either disband or change their names to something far less "harmful" and will begin to gather a lot more people to their ranks to actively support candidates at all levels to replace the GOP "establishment". In addition, they will actively seek to unseat some of the most radically leftist Dems and replace them by moderates.

I see a major shift to the right in both the House and the Senate that will carry over into the 2016 General Elections.

It's the way American politics always seems to work. Especially as more and more political activists seek their information elsewhere than the Lame Street Media.
Genuine fiscal conservatives would hold the wealthy elite 1% accountable for the trillions of debt that has been racked up at taxpayer expense for failing to create the jobs. However the situation we currently see is that all attempts to recover those trillions are being stymied by the GOP.

Pure swill.

The debt has been run up by liberals and gutless moderate jerks who never met a worthless government program, that they couldn't throw billions upon billions of dollars at.

And government doesn't create jobs, people who create things others want to buy create jobs.

For a claimed "moderate", you talk an awful lot like a committed progressive socialist central planner.


Helena, for a supposed mainstream Republican you talk an awful lot like a committed reactionary far right planner committed to the destruction of America in the modern 21st century..
Pure swill.

The debt has been run up by liberals and gutless moderate jerks who never met a worthless government program, that they couldn't throw billions upon billions of dollars at.

And government doesn't create jobs, people who create things others want to buy create jobs.

For a claimed "moderate", you talk an awful lot like a committed progressive socialist central planner.


Helena, for a supposed mainstream Republican you talk an awful lot like a committed reactionary far right planner committed to the destruction of America in the modern 21st century..
Sorry the truth hurts you far left progressive socialists so badly.
The establishment wants to keep its power and sees the new Tea Party members as a serious threat.

You're right about this, but not for the reasons you think. The GOP wants to return to its place of prominence in politics and government. We were once the Presidential party. Then Tea Party said we needed to turn grass roots. But what they really did was turn us into the swamp grass party. It's time for the GOP to become the Presidential party once again and leave the muskrats to wallow in their filth.
I hope this will get the movement going and we can get the rino's out. Then replace them with real conservatives. That's when we can repair whats been done.

Query: WTF is a "real conservative" these days? Is it a loon like Bachman or a big business darling like Boehner? Seems to be the only kinds we have to choose from.

I liked herman cain, palin is also a good choice. I liked ryan until he caved on the budget.

The federal system is out of control. Anyone who gets in there will cave or get trampled.

What we need is for states to rise up and create amendments to the Constitution to restrain the federal beast. First they should impose term limits on them and then a balanced budget amendment.

Polls show that about 75% of Americans favor both.
I hope this will get the movement going and we can get the rino's out. Then replace them with real conservatives. That's when we can repair whats been done.

Query: WTF is a "real conservative" these days? Is it a loon like Bachman or a big business darling like Boehner? Seems to be the only kinds we have to choose from.

I liked herman cain, palin is also a good choice. I liked ryan until he caved on the budget.
Ryan gave up the ghost when he hitched himself to Romney.

He's a pure Washington establishment party man, through and through.
The establishment wants to keep its power and sees the new Tea Party members as a serious threat.

You're right about this, but not for the reasons you think. The GOP wants to return to its place of prominence in politics and government. We were once the Presidential party. Then Tea Party said we needed to turn grass roots. But what they really did was turn us into the swamp grass party. It's time for the GOP to become the Presidential party once again and leave the muskrats to wallow in their filth.

If that is the path, there would be nothing to push the old guard out of the way.
Query: WTF is a "real conservative" these days? Is it a loon like Bachman or a big business darling like Boehner? Seems to be the only kinds we have to choose from.

I liked herman cain, palin is also a good choice. I liked ryan until he caved on the budget.
Ryan gave up the ghost when he hitched himself to Romney.

He's a pure Washington establishment party man, through and through.

Yes. Ryan is the politician's politician.
Once an elected official heads down that road, it's over.
Conservative Republicans Believe that the United States were founded on the fundamental principle that individuals have certain rights and freedoms which cannot be infringed upon and may be restricted only to the degree necessary to preserve the rights of others.

Liberal Democrats and too many liberal republicans Believe that our Founding Fathers did not really mean what they said when they guaranteed certain constitutional rights such as the right to freedom of religious expression, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to retain the use of private property.

Conservative Republicans Believe the money you earn is yours and that government in a free society has the right to take only as much as is needed to perform those limited functions, which are appropriate to it.

Liberal Democrats and too many pc republicans Believe government has a right to use your money as it sees fit to redistribute wealth, establish new spending programs in times of budget surpluses, and to return to you only that portion of your money which is politically expedient.

Conservatives Republicans Believe the traditional family and the values it fosters are the foundation of American society and their preservation is essential to our Nation's continued success.

Liberal Democrats and too many liberal/moderate politically correct Republicans Believe American society must redefine its values and the role of the family to fit new lifestyle concepts, which have resulted from the 60's counter-culture movement and an attitude that promotes an abrogation of individual responsibility.

Conservative Republicans Believe parents have the right to determine the values with which their children will be raised and to have the widest possible choice among public, private and religious schools and that competition will improve public education.

Liberal Democrats and many politically correct republicans Believe the federal government has the right to determine the values which will be taught in public schools and parents' choice of schools must be limited to avoid exposing public schools to competitive forces which would encourage reform and increase accountability.

Conservative Republicans Believe that the free enterprise system is the most effective engine of economic progress.

Liberal Democrats Believe that government regulation and federal control of economic activity can better distribute wealth and services to the American people.

Conservtive Republicans Believe high taxes, runaway government spending, and over-regulation of business and farming punish initiative and stifle economic growth.
Democrats Believe penalizing achievement with higher taxes and increased government bureaucracy and spending will not stifle economic growth but instead guarantee prosperity for everyone.

Conservative Republicans Believe that with freedom comes responsibility and that individuals must take personal responsibility for their own actions and our criminal justice system must be based on this idea.

Liberal Democrats Believe individual behavior, including criminal behavior, can be blamed on "society" and that spending on social welfare programs and improvements in prison living conditions can combat crime.

Conservatiave Republicans Believe that your property is yours and you have the basic right to make use of it without unreasonable government restrictions.
Democrats Believe the government has the right to regulate the use of private property in accordance with narrow special interests without giving just compensation to owners.

Conservative Republicans Believe the preservation of our rights and freedoms must be entrusted to a strong national defense and of the ability of the United States to negotiate with other nations from a position of strength.

Liberal Democrats Believe we can afford to drastically weaken our military despite the threats present in an unstable, post-Cold War international environment and the United States must subjugate its interests to those of the United Nations.

Conservative Republicans Believe it is imperative today to re-affirm the traditional freedoms and values of America to preserve our great Republic.

Liberal Democrats and outrageously the mainstream republican party Believes that America must adopt a politically correct, multi-cultural set of values which denies common American heritage and will further divide American society.

Conservative Republicans Believe there can be differences of opinion and that such differences such result in opponents, not enemies.

Liberal Democrats Believe that all whom oppose them are to be treated as enemies, taxed excessively, and generally persecuted in any manner the federal government can accomplish.

Conservative Republicans Believe that all of America's citizens can enjoy the rights and freedoms of our country without diminishing the rights of others.

Liberal Democrats Believe that some must give up a portion of their rights and freedoms that others may enjoy those same rights and freedoms.

Conservative Republicans Believe that public servants, particularly those whom we elect to office, must be held accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct. "If a man cannot be trusted with the government of himself, can he be trusted with the government of others?" [Thomas Jefferson]

Liberal Democrats Believe that loyalty to a discredited leader is a virtue and if other office holders have committed indiscretions, a sitting office holder should not be criticized for failing to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct.
I did not read your entire post. I made it about half way before I got the gist of your point of view.
Of the top half of the post, there is little that can be disputed.
On issues of race, I oppose extremism.

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