It's our last election.

wingnut revolutionary.

Each passing day I'm more and more convinced that this is our last election as 50 United States.

We are truly a house divided against itself. There will be no winner in November, only the President who there when the USA formally ended.

If by some miracle we even make it to election day and Trump wins, Hillarys owners on Wall Street will collapse the US economy-- and Trump gets the blame. This collapse will be greater than 08 and on part with the FDR depression. If Hillary wins, states will secede from the Union.

USA, it's been a good run.

I have beens saying this on USMB since I joined, but I think the solution to our problems is just divide the country right in half. Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. Independents would have to make a choice on which side they wish to live.

This way we can have our own governments. We on the right wouldn't have to worry about high taxes, unions chasing our jobs overseas, criminals having more rights than our police, idiotic and expensive environmental laws, a slew of abled bodied government dependents, and indoctrinating schools to brainwash our children.

On the left, they wouldn't have to worry about citizens having firearm rights, everybody can live off of government if they desire, taxes so high it would make your nose bleed, recreational drugs everywhere and anywhere, prisons so comfy nobody would want to leave, and no borders or death penalty. we can be happy. The only problem is building a wall so Democrats can't sneak over our border. Other than that, the perfect plan.
Where do anticipate this border will be? I'm not moving because the majority in my county are knuckle dragging Trump supporters! I can't help their dismal outlook, lack of political sophistication and general low brow culture.
Shortly after the New Year, I'm going to rally all the dogs in the US and we are going to take over the country. I will be known as "King Big Black Dog" and will be the supreme leader of the country. Dog treats for all. No more elections. I'm only waiting until after the holidays to be nice. The only tax write off there will be is for dog owners. Then you can say the country has truly gone to the dogs.
Shortly after the New Year, I'm going to rally all the dogs in the US and we are going to take over the country. I will be known as "King Big Black Dog" and will be the supreme leader of the country. Dog treats for all. No more elections. I'm only waiting until after the holidays to be nice. The only tax write off there will be is for dog owners. Then you can say the country has truly gone to the dogs.

What's going to happen to cats and cat owners? I'm sure saveliberty would like to know. :lol:
Shortly after the New Year, I'm going to rally all the dogs in the US and we are going to take over the country. I will be known as "King Big Black Dog" and will be the supreme leader of the country. Dog treats for all. No more elections. I'm only waiting until after the holidays to be nice. The only tax write off there will be is for dog owners. Then you can say the country has truly gone to the dogs.

What's going to happen to cats and cat owners? I'm sure saveliberty would like to know. :lol:

I will build a wall around the States of North and South Dakota and all cats, and their owners will have to go there to live. They will not be able to travel outside of these two States unless there is an explosion in the mice population in the rest of the States.
Where do anticipate this border will be? I'm not moving because the majority in my county are knuckle dragging Trump supporters! I can't help their dismal outlook, lack of political sophistication and general low brow culture.

If your state ended up on the Democrat side, you would probably move to the Republican side anyway.

Besides, if you really think that we are people that lack sophistication and low brow culture, you should be happy living with a bunch of other Socialist Commies. High taxes, big business moving out of your side like it was on fire, only criminals and police having the guns, no property rights, government sitting at your dinner table every night, just one giant welfare state. Doesn't that sound like heaven to you? You'd never have to put up with us again!
Note to neo-cons, tea baggers, birthers, and all other doomsday barkers. Your shared apocalypse isn't going to happen, the country is fine, everything will continue on as it has. The world isn't ending.

But, you better keep your bugout bag ready and your secret underground bunker in the mountains stocked up so you can survive the terrifying calamity that exists in your heads. Actually that might be good for you, go spend a couple weeks camped out in the mountains without any computers, or tvs, or radios and decompress from the self-inflicted mindf#$k you inflict on yourselves every day.

Listen to the birds, feed the squirrels, and listen to the wind. Cook some bacon and eggs, drink some spring water, and chill the f$%k out.
True, life will go on.
It doesn't matter which candidate gets in there, The nations debt will destroy it. No two ways about it… LOL
Shortly after the New Year, I'm going to rally all the dogs in the US and we are going to take over the country. I will be known as "King Big Black Dog" and will be the supreme leader of the country. Dog treats for all. No more elections. I'm only waiting until after the holidays to be nice. The only tax write off there will be is for dog owners. Then you can say the country has truly gone to the dogs.

What's going to happen to cats and cat owners? I'm sure saveliberty would like to know. :lol:

I will build a wall around the States of North and South Dakota and all cats, and their owners will have to go there to live. They will not be able to travel outside of these two States unless there is an explosion in the mice population in the rest of the States.
how the hell would we divide the country?

turn every city into it's own nation and the country side into one large nation of free people?
I think this country is fucked...
And I agree both sides are dug in and no one is gonna back down.

Neither candidate will try to bring the country together....
So we are looking at the next four years as just muddling along and nothing
will be accomplished except yelling at each other....

The USA will be the Jerry Springer show on steroids....
I think this country is fucked...
And I agree both sides are dug in and no one is gonna back down.

Neither candidate will try to bring the country together....
So we are looking at the next four years as just muddling along and nothing
will be accomplished except yelling at each other....

The USA will be the Jerry Springer show on steroids....

How do you bring a country together when both sides are drifting further and further apart?

On the right, the Tea Party was born, and if not for Trump, Cruz would be our candidate right now. Cruz is a constitutionalist and very religious.

On the left, Hillary was endorsed by the US Communist Party, the same people that endorsed DumBama twice. In fact, they say surveys reveal that many college kids today want to see the US adopt Socialism.

The middle ground is shrinking and it won't be long before there is no middle ground at all.
Each passing day I'm more and more convinced that this is our last election as 50 United States.

We are truly a house divided against itself. There will be no winner in November, only the President who there when the USA formally ended.

If by some miracle we even make it to election day and Trump wins, Hillarys owners on Wall Street will collapse the US economy-- and Trump gets the blame. This collapse will be greater than 08 and on par with the FDR depression. If Hillary wins, states will secede from the Union.

USA, it's been a good run.

you little boys aren’t going to do shit.
Where do anticipate this border will be? I'm not moving because the majority in my county are knuckle dragging Trump supporters! I can't help their dismal outlook, lack of political sophistication and general low brow culture.

If your state ended up on the Democrat side, you would probably move to the Republican side anyway.

Besides, if you really think that we are people that lack sophistication and low brow culture, you should be happy living with a bunch of other Socialist Commies. High taxes, big business moving out of your side like it was on fire, only criminals and police having the guns, no property rights, government sitting at your dinner table every night, just one giant welfare state. Doesn't that sound like heaven to you? You'd never have to put up with us again!
I would not like to live with a bunch of delusional paranoid gun nuts, but I'm not moving! I wouldn't want political idiots living next to me, but I'm not moving. I don't want neighbors only slightly brushed by the educational experience, but I'm not moving.
I would not like to live with a bunch of delusional paranoid gun nuts, but I'm not moving! I wouldn't want political idiots living next to me, but I'm not moving. I don't want neighbors only slightly brushed by the educational experience, but I'm not moving.

Yeah, well that would be the problem. None of you would move.
Elections have been rigged for quite some time now, the idea that voters had some choice is a farce. I'm not talking just about presidential elections, but elections at the state level and congressional elections. Gerrymandering guarantees one party or the other will win a district and the two parties have it rigged so unless you are extremely wealthy the party chooses the candidate who will win, that candidate is bought and paid for not a representative of the people.
I would not like to live with a bunch of delusional paranoid gun nuts, but I'm not moving! I wouldn't want political idiots living next to me, but I'm not moving. I don't want neighbors only slightly brushed by the educational experience, but I'm not moving.

Yeah, well that would be the problem. None of you would move.
Therefore I suggest you hitch up your britches and come to terms with your political and psychological status, e.g. bitter, confused losers.

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