It's our last election.

I could easily foresee this devolving into boodshed. The lines have been drawn, everyone is dug in, and no one is backing down. Whoever wins the election could very well have the shortest serving record as president of the United States

We already have the bloodshed. The daily carnage in inner city ghettos is just preview of coming attractions to when civil society completely collapses. Then, our choices will be to live under the yoke in police state enclaves, or to go feral outside of their boundaries.

Western Civ was nice while it lasted....
Mod Note:

WhereEVER -- this is going -- It cannot get personal in politics. If you love your country and are cowarded into fear of the other party -- take a nip of scotch and calm the hell down and resolve NOT to reward that behavior by threatening to KILL EACH other.

Because KILLING each is against USMB rules in Zone 2. :cool:

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but I am going to heed your advice and take a nip of scotch.
Each passing day I'm more and more convinced that this is our last election as 50 United States.

We are truly a house divided against itself. There will be no winner in November, only the President who there when the USA formally ended.

If by some miracle we even make it to election day and Trump wins, Hillarys owners on Wall Street will collapse the US economy-- and Trump gets the blame. This collapse will be greater than 08 and on part with the FDR depression. If Hillary wins, states will secede from the Union.

USA, it's been a good run.

I have beens saying this on USMB since I joined, but I think the solution to our problems is just divide the country right in half. Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. Independents would have to make a choice on which side they wish to live.

This way we can have our own governments. We on the right wouldn't have to worry about high taxes, unions chasing our jobs overseas, criminals having more rights than our police, idiotic and expensive environmental laws, a slew of abled bodied government dependents, and indoctrinating schools to brainwash our children.

On the left, they wouldn't have to worry about citizens having firearm rights, everybody can live off of government if they desire, taxes so high it would make your nose bleed, recreational drugs everywhere and anywhere, prisons so comfy nobody would want to leave, and no borders or death penalty. we can be happy. The only problem is building a wall so Democrats can't sneak over our border. Other than that, the perfect plan.

No matter who wins this election the divisions in the nation already present have torn it apart. The left thinks that they are so popular that all that has to happen is for the older freedom loving generation die and the left will rule. It doesn't work that way. That's what every despot thinks. It's this insular, egotisical way of thinking that carries the seeds of their own destruction

What's really amusing is that the left comforts itself with imagining that there will be no grand revolution with armies of conservatives running blood in the street. Keep thinking that way. It's not going to happen.

What will happen is much more than what we have. Bigger and more violent protests, an armed opposition to protests, less and less cooperation in the mechanics of all levels of government right down to the PTA. An intensifying of random attacks on the streets.

Just more of what we have and no agreement on how to stop it.
No matter who wins this election the divisions in the nation already present have torn it apart. The left thinks that they are so popular that all that has to happen is for the older freedom loving generation die and the left will rule. It doesn't work that way. That's what every despot thinks. It's this insular, egotisical way of thinking that carries the seeds of their own destruction

What's really amusing is that the left comforts itself with imagining that there will be no grand revolution with armies of conservatives running blood in the street. Keep thinking that way. It's not going to happen.

What will happen is much more than what we have. Bigger and more violent protests, an armed opposition to protests, less and less cooperation in the mechanics of all levels of government right down to the PTA. An intensifying of random attacks on the streets.

Just more of what we have and no agreement on how to stop it.

That's kind of my point, the country is already divided and is dividing more and more every election. That's why it's my suggestion that we simply put a physical component to it.

I also suggest it to make liberals think for a moment; what would a real liberal utopia be like?

Then perhaps ponder on how good our side would be: lower taxes, more people working than on the dole, much lower crime, much less government regulation, more businesses as they would flock to the lower tax part of the country, much more personal responsibility, and of course, more freedom.

I guess it's why no liberal ever said they liked my idea. Deep down inside, they know their political philosophy is a total failure. Their side would be a financial and social collapse in less than two decades.
Therefore I suggest you hitch up your britches and come to terms with your political and psychological status, e.g. bitter, confused losers.

Losers? I would be happy to relocate just to get away from liberals. Like I said, if conservatives kept the east side of the country, my property value would double overnight.

We are the winners, because it's us you need around to keep some civility in this country. Conservatives? We could never see another liberal for the rest of our lives and never miss a one of you.
Therefore I suggest you hitch up your britches and come to terms with your political and psychological status, e.g. bitter, confused losers.

Losers? I would be happy to relocate just to get away from liberals. Like I said, if conservatives kept the east side of the country, my property value would double overnight.

We are the winners, because it's us you need around to keep some civility in this country. Conservatives? We could never see another liberal for the rest of our lives and never miss a one of you.
CIVILITY?!? Ya mean like Donald J. Trump civility?!?
It's not our last election, we will tolerate being losers, if we are losers and fight harder the next election to be represented with a candidate we like...we could even end up with a 4 party system, who knows?

We are not so WEAK of a people to see this or any election of the people, the end. That's ridiculous...

If Trump were elected and he did something that was a High Crime/Misdemeanor, I would expect him to be impeached...same goes for Hillary....

plus, we do NOT have a Dictator as president, that MeMe has no legs....he/she's's simply elected for a four year period....with only 1/3 the power.
It's not our last election, we will tolerate being losers, if we are losers and fight harder the next election to be represented with a candidate we like...we could even end up with a 4 party system, who knows?

We are not so WEAK of a people to see this or any election of the people, the end. That's ridiculous...

If Trump were elected and he did something that was a High Crime/Misdemeanor, I would expect him to be impeached...same goes for Hillary....

plus, we do NOT have a Dictator as president, that MeMe has no legs....he/she's's simply elected for a four year period....with only 1/3 the power.

The only way another party (or person) has a chance at being a contender in the next race is if both parties piss off their constituency at once. Other than that, it becomes an election like this one: make sure the "other" person doesn't get in.
Shortly after the New Year, I'm going to rally all the dogs in the US and we are going to take over the country. I will be known as "King Big Black Dog" and will be the supreme leader of the country. Dog treats for all. No more elections. I'm only waiting until after the holidays to be nice. The only tax write off there will be is for dog owners. Then you can say the country has truly gone to the dogs.

What's going to happen to cats and cat owners? I'm sure saveliberty would like to know. :lol:

I will build a wall around the States of North and South Dakota and all cats, and their owners will have to go there to live. They will not be able to travel outside of these two States unless there is an explosion in the mice population in the rest of the States.

So what happens with those of us that have both dogs AND cats?????? :lol:

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