It's our last election.

I have beens saying this on USMB since I joined, but I think the solution to our problems is just divide the country right in half. Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. Independents would have to make a choice on which side they wish to live.

This way we can have our own governments. We on the right wouldn't have to worry about high taxes, unions chasing our jobs overseas, criminals having more rights than our police, idiotic and expensive environmental laws, a slew of abled bodied government dependents, and indoctrinating schools to brainwash our children.

On the left, they wouldn't have to worry about citizens having firearm rights, everybody can live off of government if they desire, taxes so high it would make your nose bleed, recreational drugs everywhere and anywhere, prisons so comfy nobody would want to leave, and no borders or death penalty. we can be happy. The only problem is building a wall so Democrats can't sneak over our border. Other than that, the perfect plan.
What would happen to the divergents?
Each passing day I'm more and more convinced that this is our last election as 50 United States.

We are truly a house divided against itself. There will be no winner in November, only the President who there when the USA formally ended.

If by some miracle we even make it to election day and Trump wins, Hillarys owners on Wall Street will collapse the US economy-- and Trump gets the blame. This collapse will be greater than 08 and on par with the FDR depression. If Hillary wins, states will secede from the Union.

USA, it's been a good run.

That was more optimistic than my predictions.
Each passing day I'm more and more convinced that this is our last election as 50 United States.

We are truly a house divided against itself. There will be no winner in November, only the President who there when the USA formally ended.

If by some miracle we even make it to election day and Trump wins, Hillarys owners on Wall Street will collapse the US economy-- and Trump gets the blame. This collapse will be greater than 08 and on par with the FDR depression. If Hillary wins, states will secede from the Union.

USA, it's been a good run.

We'll be fine. Calm down. You're hysterical.
Ah let these silly little cocksucks ramble on, it gets the stupidity of their psyches out in the open. All they ever do is threaten, and then go back down in their basements and pet their silly guns. And that is all they will ever do. We heard all of this after President Obama was elected in 2008. And after their wives changed their diapers, they were just fine. LOL
The difference would be like N Korea & S Korea

Amen to that. I can't think of anything that would make me happier than no liberals around. My property value would double overnight.
God Damn you people are so fucking boring.
Things keep on the way they are, you'll get enough excitment to last the rest of your life. However long that may be...
Where I live I have the skills and the ability to disappear into the river swamps for weeks at a time but I am not some fucking pussy that thinks the sky is falling just because the election is not going how I want. I have guns and equipment that would probably make you green with envy but again, I am not a coward.
Yeah hiding in the swamps while the real men fight it out in the cry streets is real heroic... Look out! We got ourselves a genuine John Fucking Rambo here.
Now why would I fight for either side in the incredibly unlikely event all the dumbasses decided to shoot at each other? I am not a dumbass and there is nothing in the right-left political debate worth killing or dying for as it is mostly distraction from the real problems we face. The whole idea of some civil war in America is funny as fuck to me because you have it so good and yet you whine all the time like you live in North Korea or some shit.
Amen to that. I can't think of anything that would make me happier than no liberals around. My property value would double overnight.
God Damn you people are so fucking boring.
Things keep on the way they are, you'll get enough excitment to last the rest of your life. However long that may be...
Where I live I have the skills and the ability to disappear into the river swamps for weeks at a time but I am not some fucking pussy that thinks the sky is falling just because the election is not going how I want. I have guns and equipment that would probably make you green with envy but again, I am not a coward.
Yeah hiding in the swamps while the real men fight it out in the cry streets is real heroic... Look out! We got ourselves a genuine John Fucking Rambo here.
Now why would I fight for either side in the incredibly unlikely event all the dumbasses decided to shoot at each other? I am not a dumbass and there is nothing in the right-left political debate worth killing or dying for as it is mostly distraction from the real problems we face. The whole idea of some civil war in America is funny as fuck to me because you have it so good and yet you whine all the time like you live in North Korea or some shit.
Interesting... By all means; tell us more about this courage you're so proud of...
Says the most pampered, lazy ass generation in human history.
Maybe, but we damned sure have more courage than you. Never saw a more easily frightened bunch of whiners in my life.

And when the shit hits the boy, better step out of the way
Yeah right, who going to start shit? You? Every one of you dummies see yourself as the general and never the cannon fodder.

Nope, that's what you're for.....cannon fodder :lmao:
Stuff it General, if you got out of the Lazy Boy every now and then you would not fear the 21st century so much.

I don't
God Damn you people are so fucking boring.
Things keep on the way they are, you'll get enough excitment to last the rest of your life. However long that may be...
Where I live I have the skills and the ability to disappear into the river swamps for weeks at a time but I am not some fucking pussy that thinks the sky is falling just because the election is not going how I want. I have guns and equipment that would probably make you green with envy but again, I am not a coward.
Yeah hiding in the swamps while the real men fight it out in the cry streets is real heroic... Look out! We got ourselves a genuine John Fucking Rambo here.
Now why would I fight for either side in the incredibly unlikely event all the dumbasses decided to shoot at each other? I am not a dumbass and there is nothing in the right-left political debate worth killing or dying for as it is mostly distraction from the real problems we face. The whole idea of some civil war in America is funny as fuck to me because you have it so good and yet you whine all the time like you live in North Korea or some shit.
Interesting... By all means; tell us more about this courage you're so proud of...
I got nothing to prove to you whiner, conservatives are the ones who think courage comes from the barrel of a gun and the loudness of their boasting.
God Damn you people are so fucking boring.
Things keep on the way they are, you'll get enough excitment to last the rest of your life. However long that may be...
Where I live I have the skills and the ability to disappear into the river swamps for weeks at a time but I am not some fucking pussy that thinks the sky is falling just because the election is not going how I want. I have guns and equipment that would probably make you green with envy but again, I am not a coward.
Yeah hiding in the swamps while the real men fight it out in the cry streets is real heroic... Look out! We got ourselves a genuine John Fucking Rambo here.
Now why would I fight for either side in the incredibly unlikely event all the dumbasses decided to shoot at each other? I am not a dumbass and there is nothing in the right-left political debate worth killing or dying for as it is mostly distraction from the real problems we face. The whole idea of some civil war in America is funny as fuck to me because you have it so good and yet you whine all the time like you live in North Korea or some shit.
Interesting... By all means; tell us more about this courage you're so proud of...
LOL Already need your diaper changed? LOL
You know what?? Your 2 parties are responsible for making fear and loathing the most important things on the American ballot. Time is drawing near when the number of politically homeless who don't want anything to do with unethical and criminal politicians will number MORE than both your parties. (now at 43% of the electorate, soon to be a majority).

And THEN, some adults with humility and a sense of public service will appear on a ballot and make your seriously flawed meglomaniacs look ridiculous. Which is the case to SANE, REASONABLE people who haven't been PLAYED by the media and cross-blaming...
Mod Note:

WhereEVER -- this is going -- It cannot get personal in politics. If you love your country and are cowarded into fear of the other party -- take a nip of scotch and calm the hell down and resolve NOT to reward that behavior by threatening to KILL EACH other.

Because KILLING each is against USMB rules in Zone 2. :cool:
Note to neo-cons, tea baggers, birthers, and all other doomsday barkers. Your shared apocalypse isn't going to happen, the country is fine, everything will continue on as it has. The world isn't ending.

But, you better keep your bugout bag ready and your secret underground bunker in the mountains stocked up so you can survive the terrifying calamity that exists in your heads. Actually that might be good for you, go spend a couple weeks camped out in the mountains without any computers, or tvs, or radios and decompress from the self-inflicted mindf#$k you inflict on yourselves every day.

Listen to the birds, feed the squirrels, and listen to the wind. Cook some bacon and eggs, drink some spring water, and chill the f$%k out.
Where I live I have the skills and the ability to disappear into the river swamps for weeks at a time but I am not some fucking pussy that thinks the sky is falling just because the election is not going how I want. I have guns and equipment that would probably make you green with envy but again, I am not a coward.
Yeah hiding in the swamps while the real men fight it out in the cry streets is real heroic... Look out! We got ourselves a genuine John Fucking Rambo here.
Now why would I fight for either side in the incredibly unlikely event all the dumbasses decided to shoot at each other? I am not a dumbass and there is nothing in the right-left political debate worth killing or dying for as it is mostly distraction from the real problems we face. The whole idea of some civil war in America is funny as fuck to me because you have it so good and yet you whine all the time like you live in North Korea or some shit.
Interesting... By all means; tell us more about this courage you're so proud of...
I got nothing to prove to you whiner, conservatives are the ones who think courage comes from the barrel of a gun and the loudness of their boasting.
That's rich. Coming from John Fucking Rambo, who only a few short posts ago was trying to convince the board of his courage; while bragging about his gun collection, and super Spetznas survival skills. You're fucking joke. Go back to playing Call of Duty Rambo. Mommy will bring your Totinos pizza rolls down to the basement so you don't get booted for inactivity...
I do not fit your stereotype at all but keep trying, maybe you might get something right.
Each passing day I'm more and more convinced that this is our last election as 50 United States.

We are truly a house divided against itself. There will be no winner in November, only the President who there when the USA formally ended.

If by some miracle we even make it to election day and Trump wins, Hillarys owners on Wall Street will collapse the US economy-- and Trump gets the blame. This collapse will be greater than 08 and on par with the FDR depression. If Hillary wins, states will secede from the Union.

USA, it's been a good run.

I personally had hoped to see Germany before the bitch wrecked it. My husbands family. River tour. Now our countries.

Oh divided beyond. There is no hope in hell that anyone can put us back together. And that's ok. Why the hell would I want to eat at any diner with the likes of rdean or bodecea who hate me just for breathing the same air that they do?
Note to neo-cons, tea baggers, birthers, and all other doomsday barkers. Your shared apocalypse isn't going to happen, the country is fine, everything will continue on as it has. The world isn't ending.

But, you better keep your bugout bag ready and your secret underground bunker in the mountains stocked up so you can survive the terrifying calamity that exists in your heads. Actually that might be good for you, go spend a couple weeks camped out in the mountains without any computers, or tvs, or radios and decompress from the self-inflicted mindf#$k you inflict on yourselves every day.

Listen to the birds, feed the squirrels, and listen to the wind. Cook some bacon and eggs, drink some spring water, and chill the f$%k out.
My winter camping trip is coming up in November, Man it is going to be so nice to spend some time away after this silly bullshit.
I've got a hell of a cool life going right now, you are the one who sounds hollow and hopeless. You would probably be happy too if you didn't let politicians and pundits scare you half to death all the time.

Yeah, you're probably right:


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